Friday, August 31, 2018
Evansville, Indiana
Here's a video of the line to get in...
I found it on JamieR's Twitter Page:
Environmentalist scare stories – Never mind!
Here's yet another environmental doom and gloom story that fizzled out...
I found this posted by a guest on the WattsUpWithThat blog:
"Environmental activists always claim they merely want better public policies, to save the Earth and its endangered species. Far too often, their real goal is acquiring more money and power – by misdiagnosing and misrepresenting, exaggerating and fabricating, ecological crises. It’s the road to the hell of bad public policy. And it’s not always paved with good intentions.
A perfect example is their use of the (temporary) decline in domesticated honeybee numbers to drive fundraising campaigns – and demands that regulators ban neonicotinoid pesticides, the low-risk crop protection insecticides that are mostly applied as seed treatments that get taken up into plant tissue, so that they only attack pests that feed on crops. Now suddenly, the Sierra Club and Xerces Society have finally admitted that 'honeybees are at no risk of dying off.
While diseases, parasites and other threats are certainly real problems for beekeepers, the total number of managed honeybees worldwide has risen 45% over the last half century. Honeybees are not going to go extinct.'
But now they’re claiming that multiple species of WILD bees face extinction, likely because of neonics."
Citizenship shouldn’t be a birthright
This issue, even though disputed forever, is still unresolved...
Michael Anton recently posted this as part of his opinion in the Washington Post:
"The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity — historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically.
Constitutional scholar Edward Erler has shown that the entire case for birthright citizenship is based on a deliberate misreading of the 14th Amendment. The purpose of that amendment was to resolve the question of citizenship for newly freed slaves. Following the Civil War, some in the South insisted that states had the right to deny citizenship to freedmen. In support, they cited 1857’s disgraceful Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, which held that no black American could ever be a citizen of the United States."
An Image for Today -
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Khan's London: Moped Crime Surging, 97 Percent of Incidents Go Unsolved
Here are a few selected sentences from Llam Deacon's recent post on the Breitbart London website:
"In the 12 months to April, London Police solved just 2.6 percent of moped crimes and attacks, or 643 of the 24,294 reported in that period. This compares with 3.1 percent the previous year, according to data obtained by The Times. And at the beginning of June, it was revealed that 90 percent of knife robberies in the capital are also going unsolved."
Mind Your Own Damn Business
At, Melissa MacKenzie recently wrote about this. She begins:
"We are a nation of meddlesome Americans. It was not always thus. There was a time when Americans did not nark on their neighbors. They didn’t inform on their coworkers. They have not, historically, been the comrades in a communist regime whispering, seeking favor from the authorities, and sending hated enemies to the gulag for minor infractions just for spite. Something in the last generation has changed. Americans have turned into a nation of busybodies, harassing strangers on the web, calling the police or their places of business, and generally feeling entitled to destroy someone with whom they disagree.
Who needs Big Brother when anonymous strangers will seek to silence, defame, shame, and ruin innocent people when their target violates their personal moral code, not the law and not good sense?"
An Image for Today - Google Search Bias
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Science studies say heatwaves were more common in USA during the 1930’s
Anthony Watts recently posted this in an article on his WattsUpWithThat blog:
"These conclusions are consistent with the observation that heat wave events have not been increasing in tandem with the dramatic rise in CO2 emissions over the last century, further rendering the link between human activity and heat waves dubious. In the United States, for example, where the most extensive long-term instrumental temperature data reside, there has been no significant trends in heat wave frequency since the 1880s, and there has been an overall decline in the number of decadal-scale heat waves since the 1930s."
California’s Continuation of Crazy
Scott McKay recently posted about this on the American Spectator website:
"one of this should be much of a surprise to our readers given the seamless decline of governmental sanity in California, which is so pronounced that local governments in that state are busily banning plastic straws as a reaction to a nine-year old’s social activism project (seriously, that’s the genesis of the straw-banning craze), but there’s a full-on war afoot by that state’s politicians against one of its more profitable industries.
Specifically, two Democrat members of Congress from California just sent a letter to Gov. Jerry Brown demanding that he shut down the oil and gas business in that state."
AnImage for Today- Montel Williams
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Street housekeeping keeps SF Mayor Breed — and everyone else — hopping
This story by Matier & Ross appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle:
"San Francisco Public Works has a $72.5 million-a-year street cleaning budget — including spending $12 million a year on what essentially have become housekeeping services for homeless encampments. The costs include $2.8 million for a Hot Spots crew to wash down the camps and remove any biohazards, $2.3 million for street steam cleaners, $3.1 million for the Pit Stop portable toilets, plus the new $830,977-a-year Poop Patrol to actively hunt down and clean up human waste. (By the way, the poop patrolers earn $71,760 a year, which swells to $184,678 with mandated benefits.)"
Who’s Fish Is It? Who’s in Charge Here?
Government at work...
At, Greg Walcher recently wrote about fish. Here's his opening paragraph:
"Restaurant owners may know that open-faced sandwiches are regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), part of the Department of Health and Human Services. But if a second piece of bread is added on top, it is regulated by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). That’s because the USDA has a very specific definition of a sandwich: two slices of bread with the meat in the middle. So, is a hot dog a sandwich? The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council says no, but the State of California says yes. How about a burrito? Massachusetts ruled that a burrito is not a sandwich, but New York says it is. A cheese pizza is regulated by the FDA, but add pepperoni and it becomes a USDA matter. When you make an omelet, FDA regulates the eggs you crack, but if you pour liquid eggs from a carton, it’s USDA."
Monday, August 27, 2018
San Francisco's Nightmare: 'The Streets Are Filthy, There's Trash Everywhere, It's Disgusting,' Says City Tourism President
It appears that San Francisco's progressive ideas will eventually lead to even worse conditions than now.
This is sad to watch...
This is sad to watch...
At, Kyle Becker recently wrote about it:
"'San Francisco is quickly turning into a dump,' noted Natural News, a health publication, 'with people injecting themselves with drugs in broad daylight, tent camps and garbage lining the sidewalks, petty theft running rampant and even human feces scattered across the city.'
Even the president of San Francisco Travel, the city’s visitors bureau tasked with bringing tourists to the city, is at a loss to explain the current state of affairs — and is begging officials to do more. 'The streets are filthy. There’s trash everywhere. It’s disgusting,' Joe D’Alessandro told the San Francisco Chronicle, adding that he’s traveled the globe and can say with certainty that San Francisco now distinguishes itself for all the wrong reasons.
'I’ve never seen any other city like this — the homelessness, dirty streets, drug use on the streets, smash-and-grabs.'"
This Is How All Government ‘Works’
Go figure...
Steven Greenhut discusses it and government in general in his post at
"California’s nonpartisan watchdog agency, known as the Little Hoover Commission, released a report ('Fire on the Mountain: Rethinking Forest Management in the Sierra Nevada') earlier in the year that echoed some of these points: 'California’s forests are reaching a breaking point. Poor management policies that interrupted the natural and historical cycle of fire, combined now with a changing climate, have led forests vulnerable to disease, insects, catastrophic fire and drought.'
A Wall Street Journal editorial, which referenced the report, noted that 'Nearly 130 million trees in the state have died from drought, providing fuel for fast-spreading fires, and about half of the state’s 33 million acres of forestland needs restoration.' Instead of better managing the state’s forests, the editorial noted, the Brown administration is moving forward with a bullet train that could cost $100 billion. Our government — every government — has odd priorities."
EPA: Maybe adding ethanol to gasoline wasn't smart after all!
For me, this is another case of government being "helpful" without the due diligence of looking at the big picture.
Another thought is that some elected officials and their "brothers-in-law" likely made some bucks from this...
Leslie Eastman reported on this in a post at
"A hot, new report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicates that requiring ethanol made from corn and soybeans to be added to gasoline in the name of “environmental protection” is doing more harm than good. The report, Biofuels and the Environment: The Second Triennial Report to Congress, is four years overdue and contains many findings that should be troubling to those of us interested in real environmental protection."
Sunday, August 26, 2018
2018-08-26 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Connnecting some dots : greatawakening
This was posted by "LoneStarBeliever" on the Reddit website. Here's the beginning:
"I am passing this on from someone who's connecting some dots with input from sources he cannot reveal.
Here's what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together
It smells like conspiracy and treason. Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important......"
Friday, August 24, 2018
The Ten Most Hateful Americans and Why they Matter
Recently, at, Frank Hawkins shared his opinions:
"At a minimum, those pumping out the hate need to be identified, shamed and shunned. This is what an active media should be doing. So who are we talking about? Here’s my list of the top 10 most vicious and dangerous haters in America today."
Where Do We Get Such Losers?
A longer answer is that the media has always been our general source of information and they choose not to pursue or report this type of thing...
In a recent post at, Colin Flaherty wonders:
"I don’t know where we get creatures with such a dubious acquaintance with reality. But even more importantly, I cannot imagine why we keep them around."
New York City- Get ready for a commuter apocalypse
I don't really know...
This New York Post story by Danielle Furfaro, Alex Taylor and Aaron Feis tell us all about it:
"A perfect storm of subway repairs, highway construction, commuter rail woes and worsening gridlock is creating a commuter doomsday the likes of which the city has never seen before."
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Rajneeshpuram: A Microcosm of Today’s Democrats?
Their leaders create followings from vulnerable people that defy common sense...
At, Lauri B. Regan discusses the characteristics of cults and makes comparisons to the Democrats:
"Many liberals today lack the ability to think on their own. They ingest hours upon hours of CNN and MSNBC hosts spewing out lie after lie, and the brainwashing draws them farther and farther in. It feels good to be a part of the Trump Derangement cult. You belong to a group in which you are accepted, and the initiation fee is only to leave your common sense and morality at the door. While the Rajneeshees were part of a cult of love, the Trump Derangement cult, and the Democrats more broadly, provide a home for resisters (to a duly elected government) and haters."
A decidedly sarcastic Open Letter to @YouTube
Now, how does one know the linked data is correct? Hmmmm...
I found this post on the WattsUpWithThat blog. Here are the beginning paragraphs:
"Dear YouTube, May I first say how pleased I am that climate misinformation videos on your platform will now carry informative links to official data sources correcting the lack of understanding and conspiracist ideation among the less scientifically educated of your viewers. It’s difficult to know exactly where to start re-educating the sort of people that think somehow just because the Jet Stream has moved around a bit that a hot July doesn’t prove the need to adopt global communism to save us all from the sins of our capitalist folly."
An Image for Today- Al Sharpton and Taxes
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Britain: Record Knife Crime Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies
Well, this is what happens when elected officials are so intent on "making their mark" that potential unintended consequences are never considered...
At, Virginia Hale recently reportedon this:
"Earlier this year, Britain’s most senior police chief, the liberal Cressida Dick, asserted that the tactic is a vital tool in preventing knife attacks but admitted that officers are now frightened to stop and search young people for fear of being accused of racism.
English cities bore the brunt of this, with the number of incidents jumping 22 percent in Mayor Sadiq Khan’s London from 2016/17 to 2017/18, with the additional 2,643 offences seen in the capital accounting for more than half the total rise nationally.
At the Royal Society of Medicine’s Spotlight on Knife Crime conference last week, doctors, police officers, and academics heard how youth violence was an “epidemic” which has “increased massively” in urban areas across the UK."
News is Propaganda - Open Your Eyes
Wink... Wink...
An Image for Today- Could this be?
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Recently, on the US Defense Watch website, Ray Starmann posted this and more:
"Your generation of senior leaders sold and is selling out the nation’s defense to the highest bidder and that bidder is social engineering and leftist ideology. You and your generation of leftist senior leaders have allowed our military to be destroyed for the greater glory of pensions, Tricare and political power, national security be damned. Now, that you’ve overseen the decimation of our military, you are determined to overthrow a sitting President because he represents everything anathema to the left – America First and the fact that the USA IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.
You are all nothing more than political hacks; Obama leftists fighting some kind of insurgent anti-Trump campaign like a division of crazed left-wing fanatics holed up in the Beltway National Redoubt, waiting for a last op order from der Fuehrer, Barack Hussein Obama.
I believe sir, that you need to examine your conscience and ask yourself one very important question – what in the name of God Almighty would Hillary Clinton have done for anyone in this country?"
Exclusive--Eric Eggers: 'Democrat Political Machine Built' on 'Illegal Votes'
It must pay off bigly for elected officials because they clearly don't want to fix it...
At, John Binder interviewed the author and shared some of the Q&A.:
"In his new book Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, Government Accountability Institute (GAI) research director Eric Eggers details the Democrat Party’s reliance on illegal voting and their efforts to keep those vulnerabilities intact. Here, Breitbart News sits down with Eggers to discuss voter fraud, how it goes ignored by the media and politicians, and the Democrats’ push for giving noncitizens the right to vote."
Survey Finds Black Business Ownership in the U.S. Jumped 400% in One Year
Wow! This looks promising on many fronts...
Selena Hill recently wrote about it at
"African American business owners are on the rise. According to the Minority 2018 Small Business Trends survey, the number of black-owned small businesses in the U.S. increased by a staggering 400% in a year-over-year time period from 2017 to 2018.
The new survey, which was conducted by Guidant Financial and LendingClub, interviewed more than 2,600 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. It found that 45% of all small business in the country were owned by minority ethnic groups in 2018. This is a dramatic uptick from 2015 when the total percentage of minority business owners was 15%. The largest minority group of respondents were African American at 19%, followed by Hispanic at 14%, Asian at 8%, and Native American at 4%."
Monday, August 20, 2018
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through Territory Near Afghan Border. ISIS Stabs Them To Death
An idealistic American couple bought into progressive media propaganda.
Somehow they missed/dismissed reality ..
t, Hank Berrien reported on this story:
"A young American couple who took a year-long bike trip around the world, believing that evil was a make-believe concept, took a fatal route in Tajikistan near the Afghan border, where alleged ISIS terrorists stabbed them to death."
California Bill Aims To Curb Kids’ Soda Drinking At Restaurants
And you say?...
Adrienne Moore recently posted this story on the CBS Sacramento website:
"SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A new state bill would give kids two options with their meals at restaurants—water or milk.
Senate Bill 1192 would make water or milk the default drink for kids meals in a push to reduce obesity and access to sugary drinks for children.
The bill passed the Assembly and is on its way to Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk. If he signs it, California would be the first state in the nation to have such a law."
Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity ...
18 pre-election minutes to remind you that "Many a true word is said in jest"...
An Image for Today- Security Clearances
Sunday, August 19, 2018
2018-08-19 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Ho-Lee-Cats: Freight Haulers Order 450,000 New MAGAnomic Big Rigs in 2018 – Backlog for Delivery Extends into 2019…
Almost every aspect of measuring the American economy is near record levels.
This is not "chicken in every pot" crap; this is dollars in every wallet...
On the Conservative Treehouse website, "sundance" posted this paragraph and more:
"In a stunning Wall Street Journal Report they note Analyst group ACT Research says manufacturers are on track for 450,000 orders for heavy-duty trucks this year, easily breaking a 14-year-old record. In July alone, North American fleets ordered more than 52,000 trucks, the largest order in history. Whoot, Whoot !!"
CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE Transcription of Unaired Documentary on the Franklin Cover-up
Click this orange link for the "Conspiracy of Silence" transcript:
"In 1993, a film crew from Yorkshire Television in the U.K. led by producer Nick Grey and Director Tim Tate went to Omaha, Nebraska in the U.S.A. to make a documentary about an alleged pedophile ring.
Funded by the Discovery Channel in the U.S.A, their proposed film would first be broadcast in the U.K. and Ireland as part of Yorkshire Television’s documentary series: 'First Tuesday.' A U.S. broadcast would follow. In Omaha, the film crew discovered the machinations of a vast operation functioning throughout the country providing children to the wealthy and the political establishment for molestation, drug trafficking, and blackmail.
A year later in 1994, the documentary 'Conspiracy of Silence; was to air in the U.K. but—during final editing with first broadcast approaching—the Discovery Channel inexplicably reimbursed Yorkshire Television the half million dollars it cost to make. To this day, the documentary remains unaired.'” What follows is an unpolished yet coherent, rough cut of that documentary:"
Friday, August 17, 2018
Largest Homeland Security Raid in History Nets 130 Illegals and Indicts 17 Business Owners
"Red Pill" reported on this at
"A major operation by the Department of Homeland Security in unison with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has brought countless criminal enterprises to an end, leading to the indictments of 17 US business owners and the arrests of over 133 federal criminal illegal aliens.
Those raids took place last week throughout Nebraska and Minnesota and were said to be one of the most coordinated and well-planned operations that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has ever sought to accomplish."
Haiti child sex traffickers busted in undercover sting
Sex trafficking of children is real.
This article presents insight into that reality...
Some time ago, this story by Matt Doran was posted on Australia's website. Here's just a portion:
"With us are a dozen children, who’ve been released by their captors from locked rooms at the back of the property. They are aged between eight and 14 years old.
They are sex slaves.
Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters.
'Every day, every day, every day,’ she says, after being asked if the kids have experience with westerners."
Trump Frees Obamacare Captives, Dems SueThe American Spectator
NO one was given the time to read it before the vote.
It will take years to undo what was clearly designed to accommodate questionable intentions...
At, David Catron rfecently wrote about this:
"So, President Trump has reversed an arbitrary — and probably illegal — Obama administration fiat for the purpose of helping more Americans get affordable health insurance. But the Democrats in general, the corrupt officials of four dysfunctional cities, and a few academic ideologues say he can’t do that. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, which will probably grant the plaintiffs a temporary injunction, meaning more Obamacare victims will have to wait for years to get justice. But for the Democrats it isn’t about justice. This kind of lawfare is standard practice for these creatures. About 140 such suits have been aimed at Trump since he was inaugurated — just an appetizer for what will happen if the Democrats get control of either house of Congress in November."
Thursday, August 16, 2018
31 people charged with sexual abuse of five girls in the Huddersfield area
On another note, you might want to read the listed names...
This was posted by Susie Beever on the Huddersfield Examiner (U.K.) webpage:
"Detectives in Huddersfield have charged 31 people with the sexual abuse of girls in the town.
One woman and 18 men - most of which are from Huddersfield and Dewsbury - have been charged in connection with the abuse of girls aged between 12 and 18. A further 12 men, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have also been charged with various offences including rape."
Turn Them Off! #QAnon and the collapse of #FakeNews media
The "Q" movement seems to be closely related to all things Trump.
His/Her/Their underlying implication is that something unprecedented (the Storm) is soon to happen in America that will shake our beliefs and foundations.
Time will tell...
His/Her/Their underlying implication is that something unprecedented (the Storm) is soon to happen in America that will shake our beliefs and foundations.
Time will tell...
On the website, Martin Geddes recently offered some commentary on what has become known as the "Q" movement:
"You are likely to have seen one of the many articles in the mainstream media in the past week on #QAnon. Each one of them warns you of how this is a “dark”, “right-wing” and 'dangerous' movement. The loaded term 'conspiracy theory' is used over and over, warning you of the shameful and fearful social consequences of being associated with this movement.
My position is well known: Q is instead a military operation by 'white hats' against the corrupt and criminal 'deep state', being led by the NSA and Marines. The mass media has been infiltrated and compromised for decades, being used as a tool of social control. The #QAnon programme is a fifth-generation warfare technique to destroy the credibility and power of the #FakeNews media."
The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades
There are some heavy duty criticisms here...
On the American Thinker website, Frank Hawkins has many supporting points to make:
"America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders.
The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits?
Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years."
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
New UK Police Boss: 'We Are Failing the Public'
At, Oliver JJ Lane recently reported on this:
"The incoming head of the Police Federation has warned Britain’s forces are increasingly unable to investigate some crimes, are 'broken' in some areas, and the public is being failed.
In comments made to former newspaper The Independent, new chief of the association representing rank and file officers up to Chief Inspector, John Apter, said police were increasingly unable to deliver a service the public expected and that some forces were in 'crisis'.
Apter told the website: 'We are moving into an area where some crimes will not be investigated, whereas two to five years ago they were… We can’t do everything – there are going to be situations where we simply can’t deliver the policing we want to deliver.'"
AP Exclusive: Google tracks your movements, like it or not
Everyone expects "OFF" to mean really "OFF"...
Ryan Nakaashima reported this on the Associated Press News site:
"Storing your minute-by-minute travels carries privacy risks and has been used by police to determine the location of suspects — such as a warrant that police in Raleigh, North Carolina, served on Google last year to find devices near a murder scene. So the company will let you 'pause' a setting called Location History.
Google says that will prevent the company from remembering where you’ve been. Google’s support page on the subject states: 'You can turn off Location History at any time. With Location History off, the places you go are no longer stored.'
That isn’t true. Even with Location History paused, some Google apps automatically store time-stamped location data without asking."
Laughable weather station maintenance causes highest ever temperature record in Spain
The result is many of them can no longer give accurate measurements.
The inaccuracies always seem to report higher temperatures..
On his "WattsUpWithThat" blog, Anthony Watts is once again reporting on the locations of temperature measuring locations:
"My study at AGU looked at how hundreds of such poorly sited stations are increasing the temperature trend of the United States. But what Paco has found in Spain is truly laughable."
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
About those Voting Machines
I found this (and video) on Rachel Tobac's Twitter page:
"At @defcon hacking conference and just learned how easy it is to physically gain admin access on a voting machine that is used in 18 states. Requires no tools and takes under 2 minutes. I’m concerned for our upcoming elections."
Rubio's Bill to Modernize Social Security
Cortney O'Brien recently posted about it on the website:
"Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) are introducing legislation that will allow new parents to use their Social Security benefits for parental leave in exchange for delaying their retirement by three to six months. The Economic Security for New Parents Act, the lawmakers hope, will especially help middle and working class Americans deal with the "income shock" of having a child."
No, LeBron, the Left Uses Sports to Divide the Country
John Dempsey recently wrote about this issue at
"Sports venues are a way to escape the insanity of incoherent leftist ramblings.
Politics has no business in sports."
Monday, August 13, 2018
Seven Data Points That Show President Trump's Economy is Booming
Katie Pavlich recently listed them at
"President Trump has been touting his administration's economic achievements as he campaigns around the country, through the White House press shop and on Twitter. But the talk of roaring success is backed up by hard numbers, not simply President Trump's claims."
Twelve Invisible Eco-Catastrophes and Threats of Doom That are Actually Fake
Maybe this is a "go to" article when communicating environmental issues...
I found this essay by Patrick Moore on the WattsUpWithThat website. He begins:
"Some time ago it struck me that the majority of alleged environmental catastrophes and threats are invisible or very remote, thus making it virtually impossible for the average person to validate them through observation. Observations, along with replications of those observations, are the very foundation of the scientific method. Seeing is believing, and seeing the same result again and again under similar circumstances reinforces the belief. Is it possible that activist groups and the media choose to cite supposed catastrophes and threats that are invisible, very remote or both because the majority of people cannot verify them in person and therefore must rely on the activists, the media, and other third parties to tell them the truth? At the conclusion of this essay, the reader may judge.
Here’s a list of some of the alleged invisible catastrophes and threats of doom, beginning with one of the former."
Speaker of the House Pelosi
Sunday, August 12, 2018
2018-08-12 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 11, 2018
The Speech that Killed Him | John F. Kennedy
Friday, August 10, 2018
Top 10 Secrets The Secret Service Doesn’t Want You To Know
San Francisco: The City of Bans
I doubt I am alone with that thought...
At, Steven Greenhut recently wrote about San Francisco and their bans:
"Across the country in San Francisco, two supervisors last week proposed banning companies from having cafeterias that offer employees free food and drink. That’s a big thing in that city’s tech community. I’ve been to some of those offices, many of which are located in industrial areas south of Market Street that are a long walk to bars and restaurants. It’s common for some of these hipster office buildings — think old warehouses with exposed brick and polished concrete floors — to have big cafeterias with trendy food selections and beer taps. It’s one of the perks of working there, plus it makes it easier to keep working while you eat. Who would have guessed that cafeterias would even be a public-policy issue?"
Thursday, August 09, 2018
Activists collect tales of voting problems in GA primary
Seems like a story here...
Christine Condon posted about this on the McClatchy News website:
"670 ballots in a precinct with 276 voters, and other tales from Georgia’s primary"
An Image for Today - About those wild fires
Wednesday, August 08, 2018
West Hollywood City Council Votes to Remove Trump's Walk of Fame Star
It DOES NOT change anything.
It DOES promote divisiveness.
Note- the "stars" of pedophiles and sexual abusers of women remain..
This is reported by Joshua Caplan at
"The West Hollywood City Council on Monday evening voted unanimously to remove President Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star."
Exclusive -- Tancredo: Jeff Flake is a Fake
Somewhere along the line, Senate rules were put in place that allow this to happen.
This behavior is "the Swamp" President Trump talks about...
At, Tom Tancredo writes aboutthis:
"In the midst of the Democrats’ grandstanding and obstruction over the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, Flake — who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee — decided to go to Africa for three weeks in order to further stall Kavanaugh’s confirmation process.
Mitch McConnell cancelled the August recess specifically to ensure that Kavanaugh is confirmed as soon as possible despite Democrat obstruction. But Flake’s last-minute sabbatical means he will be absent when the Senate reconvenes this month. The Senate Judiciary Committee is vital to the confirmation process. With Flake absent, the Senate Judiciary Committee can’t function, which means Kavanaugh can’t get confirmed."
An Image for Today - CNN is clever
Tuesday, August 07, 2018
Another Example: “Criminal prosecution of the Special Agent was declined” –
This is hard to believe.
In the distant past, one would have surmised, "he's got pictures"...
In the distant past, one would have surmised, "he's got pictures"...
This was posted by "Sundance" on theConservativeTreehouse website:
"So the FBI agent took bribes from a source; protected the 'illegal business' of the source; withheld information from state law enforcement; lied to the local police department; then lied ('lacked candor') to the FBI Inspection Division, and lied to the OIG….. and then we get the taxpayer kicker: 'criminal prosecution of the Special Agent was declined.'"
SHOCKER: National Geographic admits they were wrong about “starving polar bear” video
Is it any wonder we have become skeptical of every environmental claim?...
On his "Watts Up With That?" blog, Anthony Watts recently posted about this:
"Remember that video of an emaciated Baffin Island polar bear that went viral last December? In an unexpected follow-up ('Starving-Polar-Bear Photographer Recalls What Went Wrong'; National Geographic, August 2018 issue), photographer Cristina Mittermeier makes some astonishing admissions that might just make you sick."
K-12: Parallels with Venezuela
Despite ever increasing amounts of money and resources, our schools still seem to have room for improvement...
This is part of Bruce Deitrick Price's recent post at
"So there are two sad obituaries. Venezuela has everything but is a basket case. The American public school system has everything but, for most students, is a basket case. Arguably, these two systems are fraternal twins battered into their present deformities by socialist deception and distraction. Socialism may be all you need to explain why our schools are ineffective and overpriced. Everything hailed as a rescue or salvation takes us ever closer to decline and collapse. Meticulous Machiavellian-Leninist meddling has worn us down."
Monday, August 06, 2018
"You are Criminalizing Diplomacy"
Trump's 5 Rules for Ruling the World
I'm not so sure about "rule" the world; but, this writer seems right with the points he makes...
At, Daniel Greenfield recently offered:
"It’s 2018. And after spilling several small rivers of black ink (digital and virtual) analyzing, smearing, belaboring, insulting and fact checking President Trump, the media still doesn’t understand him. That’s not surprising. The media has been writing about America for much longer than that and has even less of a clue about how people live outside its preciously hip urban and suburban bubbles.
But there are 5 simple rules for understanding President Trump. They define how he’s lived his life until now. And what still drives him at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you understand them, you will get what he’s doing. If you don’t, there’s always a job waiting at the New York Times."
Sunday, August 05, 2018
2018-08-05 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 04, 2018
How Israel's Mossad pulled off the Iran Nuclear Archives heist
At, William A. Jacobson recently wrote about their most recent (publicized) effort:
"But how did Mossad pull it off? We knew that the archives were taken from a warehouse in Tehran, but the details have just been revealed by Israeli officials to several publications. The details provided to the publications may be accurate, or partially accurate, with false information sprinkled among facts. It’s hard to believe the Israelis would have revealed anything the Iranians didn’t already know."
An Image for Today - Liberals and Racism
Friday, August 03, 2018
New York Times Hires Jaw-Dropping Vulgar Racist as Editor

On "The Last Refuge" website, "Sundance" has most of the story:
"When I first saw this late last night, the severity of the vulgar racism expressed within the details made me pause… it couldn’t possibly be real. Alas, it is real.
Stunningly, it is real. "
The Trump administration wants more than 400,000 people to leave the U.S. Here’s who they are and why
Here's another program that let's "others" into America.
I wonder how many of this group has jobs?T...
I wonder how many of this group has jobs?T...
Melissa Etehad recently reported on this for the Los Angeles Times:
"Such immigrants entered the country under what is known as Temporary Protected Status. Every 18 months, Department of Homeland Security officials review whether conditions in countries under TPS have improved to the extent that people can safely return. Kirstjen Nielsen, the Homeland Security secretary, on Thursday extended TPS for roughly 500 immigrants from Somalia. It was a rare move by the Trump administration. More than 400,000 people from countries such as El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan have had their legal protections stripped under the administration and must leave the U.S. within 2½ years. Ending protection for immigrants under TPS isn’t new. President Obama revoked TPS status for the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone."
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Gov. Cuomo had MTA Use $30 Million on Tile Instead of Subway Repairs
Elected officials have no accountability to the tax payers...
Mary Chastain reported abut it on the Legal Insurrection website:
"The MTA board is not thrilled: The move now has some on the MTA board seeing red. “We could have found much better uses for that money — especially because most people are speeding through the tunnels and not paying attention to what is on the walls,' seethed board member Andrew Albert.
A second member added, “This is exactly the type of distraction, expense and use of the MTA by the governor as a marketing tool that is at the root of many of our problems.' To make matters worse, the order from Cuomo in November 2016, months before New York City’s 'Summer of Hell.' The need for repairs caught up to the city and the MTA had to throw out $800 million to make emergency fixes."
Trump Outfoxed Them Again
Lloyd Marcus included this in his recent article at
"We know the drill, folks. How many times must leftists lay 'gotcha' traps for conservatives and Republicans before our side gets it? When will Republicans and conservatives understand that they cannot play nice, appease, try to reason with, or find common ground with leftist fanatics? These evil, hate-filled people want conservatives, Republicans, and Trump politically dead.
It is not an exaggeration to say many political elites and leftists want our president physically dead."
An Image for Today - Immigrants or Vets?
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Major Bummer: San Francisco Is Absolutely Covered in Fecal Matter
The result of long time progressive Democrat management...
Timothy Mead recently wrote about it in a post on the Townhall website:
"Augh. Egads. Barf. Gross. Recently elected San Francisco Mayor London Breed says that the city she loves is absolutely covered in fecal matter and 'we are not just talking about from dogs — we’re talking about from humans.'"
More Fallout from the Janus Decision
This SCOTUS decision will have a lot of downstream impact...
At, Peter Skurkiss writes about what appear to be far reaching implications:
"The recent Supreme Court Janus vs. AFSCME decision (5-4) prohibits the mandatory collect of agency fees by public sector unions. This is the equivalent of a political earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale, and the union movement knows it. They view agency fees as necessary for their survival, and their concern is that without them, public-sector unions could shrivel and take the broader union movement with them.
The Janus decision will cut into public-sector union membership, which can only translate to a significant curtailment of donations to the Democratic Party. It will also cripple many left-wing activist groups who have heretofore relied on union money. Let's look at some of the ramifications flowing from the Janus decision in a little detail."