Wednesday, August 08, 2018
Exclusive -- Tancredo: Jeff Flake is a Fake
Somewhere along the line, Senate rules were put in place that allow this to happen.
This behavior is "the Swamp" President Trump talks about...
At, Tom Tancredo writes aboutthis:
"In the midst of the Democrats’ grandstanding and obstruction over the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, Flake — who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee — decided to go to Africa for three weeks in order to further stall Kavanaugh’s confirmation process.
Mitch McConnell cancelled the August recess specifically to ensure that Kavanaugh is confirmed as soon as possible despite Democrat obstruction. But Flake’s last-minute sabbatical means he will be absent when the Senate reconvenes this month. The Senate Judiciary Committee is vital to the confirmation process. With Flake absent, the Senate Judiciary Committee can’t function, which means Kavanaugh can’t get confirmed."