Wednesday, August 01, 2018
More Fallout from the Janus Decision
This SCOTUS decision will have a lot of downstream impact...
At, Peter Skurkiss writes about what appear to be far reaching implications:
"The recent Supreme Court Janus vs. AFSCME decision (5-4) prohibits the mandatory collect of agency fees by public sector unions. This is the equivalent of a political earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale, and the union movement knows it. They view agency fees as necessary for their survival, and their concern is that without them, public-sector unions could shrivel and take the broader union movement with them.
The Janus decision will cut into public-sector union membership, which can only translate to a significant curtailment of donations to the Democratic Party. It will also cripple many left-wing activist groups who have heretofore relied on union money. Let's look at some of the ramifications flowing from the Janus decision in a little detail."