Monday, August 27, 2018
This Is How All Government ‘Works’
Go figure...
Steven Greenhut discusses it and government in general in his post at
"California’s nonpartisan watchdog agency, known as the Little Hoover Commission, released a report ('Fire on the Mountain: Rethinking Forest Management in the Sierra Nevada') earlier in the year that echoed some of these points: 'California’s forests are reaching a breaking point. Poor management policies that interrupted the natural and historical cycle of fire, combined now with a changing climate, have led forests vulnerable to disease, insects, catastrophic fire and drought.'
A Wall Street Journal editorial, which referenced the report, noted that 'Nearly 130 million trees in the state have died from drought, providing fuel for fast-spreading fires, and about half of the state’s 33 million acres of forestland needs restoration.' Instead of better managing the state’s forests, the editorial noted, the Brown administration is moving forward with a bullet train that could cost $100 billion. Our government — every government — has odd priorities."