Monday, August 13, 2018
Twelve Invisible Eco-Catastrophes and Threats of Doom That are Actually Fake
Maybe this is a "go to" article when communicating environmental issues...
I found this essay by Patrick Moore on the WattsUpWithThat website. He begins:
"Some time ago it struck me that the majority of alleged environmental catastrophes and threats are invisible or very remote, thus making it virtually impossible for the average person to validate them through observation. Observations, along with replications of those observations, are the very foundation of the scientific method. Seeing is believing, and seeing the same result again and again under similar circumstances reinforces the belief. Is it possible that activist groups and the media choose to cite supposed catastrophes and threats that are invisible, very remote or both because the majority of people cannot verify them in person and therefore must rely on the activists, the media, and other third parties to tell them the truth? At the conclusion of this essay, the reader may judge.
Here’s a list of some of the alleged invisible catastrophes and threats of doom, beginning with one of the former."