Saturday, June 30, 2018
The Storm has arrived.
And a landslide is coming.
Note - You may have to unmute the Twitter video...
Note - You may have to unmute the Twitter video...
Found on Henry Davis's Twitter account:
"I'm literally in tears right now, because of President Trump"
The Thirty Year War (Global Warming)
It is discussed by Willis Eschenbach in a guest post on the WattsUpWithThat website
"The most amazing part of this story is that even though these scientific malfeasants fooled Congress, and even though they lied their keisters off, even though they stacked the peer review panels with reviewers blind enough to put Stevie Wonder to shame, and even though the governments and the universities and the scientific organizations and the mainstream media all bought into their deceit and lies, even despite the fact that tragically they poured billions and billions of dollars down the rathole in the process … they still haven’t convinced the core of the US population that CO2 is the double extra secret control knob that can simply be turned up and down to regulate the global temperature to the nearest degree. Thirty years on now, and all that time they tried and they tried, and they lied and they lied, but they just couldn’t pull it off."
Friday, June 29, 2018
Is This the Worst Judge in America?
To answer the question; probably not.
That being said, there do seem to be far too many judges like this one, who inject their personal opinions into the legal process...
That being said, there do seem to be far too many judges like this one, who inject their personal opinions into the legal process...
At, Timothy Meads recently rote about tis one:
"If there is anybody still reading and not understanding why Feeley should be removed, perhaps the host of the talk radio show the Kuhner Report on WRKO can explain it best in a recent article he authored.
'The evidence is overwhelming: Feeley has no right to be sitting on a court bench,' Kuhner said. 'He is not just soft on crime. He poses a serious, mortal threat to the safety of every law-abiding citizen in Massachusetts. He is actively aiding and abetting the worst criminals in our society—drug traffickers, cop killers and child molesters. He needs to be held accountable and removed from office.' "
Lombardo Lied: New Vegas Shooting Documents Reveal Three Women Found In Stephen Paddock’s Room
It sure seems like there's much more to this than we know as of now.
The surprising thing is that the American media shows no interest.
Where in the world are their "investigative" reporters?...
The surprising thing is that the American media shows no interest.
Where in the world are their "investigative" reporters?...
On her website, Laura Loomer included this paragraph in her posted article:
"It has been eight months since the Las Vegas shooting, and the world still doesn’t know what happened in Vegas that night. Why did the Las Vegas shooting happen? Who are the three women who were found in Paddock's room? Was this an ISIS terrorist attack? These are only some of the many unanswered questions surrounding the mystery known as the Las Vegas shooting. However, one thing remains undisputed and continues to present itself to the public. Sheriff Lombardo intentionally misled the public about the details surrounding the Las Vegas shooting, and he continues to do so as he asks the public to grant him a second term as Clark County Sheriff on June 12, 2018."
An Image for Today - Journalism in America
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Wisdom and the Smartest People Ever
I saw this article by David Prentice a while ago at
"Now, it's hard not to notice that the pinnacle of the left being smarter than everyone came to us with one Barack Obama, with his incredibly über-intelligent, superior group of advisers and administration. Nobody was ever smarter.
Ever. Except they really weren't. For smart people, they actually did some of the dumbest things ever in public life. The tragedy of so many believing they were the smartest people ever may haunt us for years. There is a huge disconnect between the true concept of wisdom and the smartest people ever."
Comey, Clinton, Coincidence?
An Image for Today - Trump Army
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Liberal Hollywood Children's Services Adoption Manager Busted in Child Pornography Circuit
This was posted by "Red Pill" on the website:
"There's disturbing news to report surrounding the Los Angeles County, California Department of Children's and Family Services, where Hollywood resident and adoption manager Carlos Castillo was busted as part of a child pornography circuit sting.
54-year-old Carlos Castillo is a 30-year veteran of the Department of Children's and Family Services in Los Angeles County. "
Christians Deceived by the LGBTQ Movement
Recently, Lloyd Marcus offered this in his posted article At
"Deceived decent Americans think they are doing the right thing by not in any way opposing Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ movement. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter is aggressively engaged in punishing Southerners, beating up Trump voters, pulling down historical monuments, assassinating police officers, and teaching white kids to hate themselves for being born white. Folks, teaching innocent kids to hate who God made them to be is pure evil.
Equally aggressively tyrannical is the LGBTQ movement, which is steamrolling across our country, flattening anyone who has ever expressed anything other than enthusiastic approval of redefining marriage."
An Image for Today - Wealth Distribution
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
What did Peter Strzok do?
On website, Sharyl Attkisson provides some answers:
"As former top FBI official Peter Strzok faces congressional requests to testify, it’s worth examining who he is.
Strzok is the subject of what I see as one of the most damaging conclusions in the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general report: As the nation’s top FBI counterespionage official, he indicated 'a willingness to take official action to impact [Donald Trump’s] electoral prospects.'
Specifically, while working on the Hillary Clinton classified email investigation in August 2016, Strzok wrote that he and unnamed others would 'stop' Trump from getting elected. He shared his intentions with at least one other FBI official, attorney Lisa Page."
Netherlands: 1,400 Underage Girls Forced into Sex Slavery
Virgina Hale recently posted about this on the Breitbart website:
"Every year more than one thousand underage Dutch girls are groomed and then blackmailed into sex slavery by young pimps with migrant backgrounds, an investigation has revealed.
With gifts, drink, and drugs, so-called ‘loverboys’ will seduce a girl into agreeing to become his sex partner before taking pictures or video footage of the encounter which will then be used as leverage to force her into prostitution, Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad reports.
“These men are mostly Moroccans, Turks, Caribbeans, and Roma. The lion’s share of them have a migrant background,” said Gideon van Aartsen from Watch Nederland, an initiative which coordinates with the nation’s police on efforts to fight child sexual exploitation (CSE)."
Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
Back in January of 2016, the Obama Administration...
I was recently reminded of this old article by Abbie VanSickle. In the Washington Post no less:
"The Obama administration failed to protect thousands of Central American children who have flooded across the U.S. border since 2011, leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers, a Senate investigation has found.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, failed to do proper background checks of adults who claimed the children, allowed sponsors to take custody of multiple unrelated children, and regularly placed children in homes without visiting the locations, according to a 56-page investigative report released Thursday.
And once the children left federally funded shelters, the report said, the agency permitted their adult sponsors to prevent caseworkers from providing them post-release services."
An Image for Today - Someone Missed History Class
Monday, June 25, 2018
The Biggest U.S. Oil Patch Is Near It's Limit
I came across this article by Javier Blas on the website:
"The Permian is growing at 800,0000 barrels a day annually and production currently stands at 3.3 million barrels a day, said Sheffield, who first drilled wells in the region in 1979 and is considered one of the architects of the shale revolution. Total pipeline capacity is 3.6 million barrels, so the region will reach capacity in the next three to four months and the bottleneck isn’t likely to ease for at least a year, he added."
Scandals Sanitized With Linguistic Trickery
Word games that the "average joe" doesn't have time to decipher...
At, - Victor Davis Hanson tells us about them:
"If the IG report on the Clinton email scandal is any guide to these upcoming investigations, expect widespread abuse of the English language to warp reality.
The media is using the antiseptic "informant" in place of the cruder but more accurate "spy" or "mole."
The off-putting but accurate "wiretapping" has become the more professional "surveillance."
The sanitized "improper" always sounds cleaner than the more accurate "illegal."
In sum, "2016" could make a logical sequel to "1984.""
The FBI DELIBERATELY IGNORED ‘Golden Emails,’ Crucial Abedin Messages And More
The Washington, D.C. "swamp" is deep and murky.
For that reason, Hillary Clinton's emails still remain "somewhere" out of reach...
For that reason, Hillary Clinton's emails still remain "somewhere" out of reach...
At, Sidney Powell has all the dirt on this story:
"According to the recently released inspector general report, on September 28 and 29, 2016 the New York office of the FBI immediately reported to the Washington headquarters its discovery of, first, 141,000 and then 350,000 emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner — also known as 'Carlos Danger,' a now-convicted sex offender. Mr. Weiner is the husband of Hillary Clinton’s inseparable aide Huma Abedin.
Now we know by October 4, the New York office had found 700,000 emails. The New York agents had seen and reported to FBI leadership they had seen email headers, all domain names, Mrs. Clinton’s initials on one sensitive but not classified document, and the missing BlackBerry backups.
The New York agents described it as the 'entire file' of all Hillary Clinton emails from 2006 until 2016, including the BlackBerry messages that Comey himself had referred to as “the golden emails.”"
Sunday, June 24, 2018
2018-06-24 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Saturday Reading - How the FBI, CIA, and NYT Collaborated to Sway the 1996 Election
Now, this is collusion!...
On his own and writing for, Jack Cashill has dedicated a huge amount of time and effort on this issue:
"The gold standard of government conspiracy remains the investigation into the July 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800 off the south coast of Long Island. The ensuing cover-up involved many of the same players as in the Russia conspiracy and for the same immediate goal: to secure a presidential election for a Clinton.
As with the Russia scandal, not all the collaborators in the TWA 800 case were equally motivated or equally powerful. The White House drove the conspiracy through its Justice Department. The CIA executed it without conscience. The FBI grudgingly yielded to the CIA. And the New York Times dutifully reported what the FBI whispered in its reporters' ears.
As to the National Safety Board, the only agency with statutory authority to investigate a domestic plane crash, the DOJ shoved it aside on day one. The U.S. Navy brass, whose 'combatants' were responsible for the accidental shoot-down of the 747, kept their heads down and their lips impressively sealed. They had nothing to gain by rocking this boat."
Friday, June 22, 2018
As Border Patrol searches its buses, Greyhound is pulled into immigration uproar - San Antonio Express-News
This story by the Washington Post's Rachel Siegel appeared at
"Greyhound said it is required to comply with the law by allowing Border Patrol agents to board buses when they ask to do so. A spokesperson, Lanesha Gipson, said the company doesn't 'support or coordinate these searches, nor are we happy about them.' Gipson acknowledged that searches negatively affect customers. She said Greyhound also worried about the risk it puts drivers in, too.
'We have started conversations with the Border Patrol to determine if there is anything that can be done to balance the enforcement of federal law with the dignity and privacy of our valued customers,' Gipson said.
Gipson cited a series of laws with which she said Greyhound must comply when it comes to immigration checks on buses. They include the statutory provision saying that any immigration officer has the power to board buses and search for undocumented riders without a warrant 'within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States' to prevent unlawful entry. "
An Image for Today - Bias Training?
Over 100 arrested in second large-scale immigration raid
I would think employers of illegals would be getting a hint by now...
I saw this tory by AP's John Seewer on the Fox 5 NY website:
"TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - More than 100 workers were arrested Tuesday at an Ohio meatpacking plant by federal agents following a yearlong immigration investigation, the second large-scale raid within the state in the past two weeks.
The investigation focused on whether the company knowingly hired people who are in the country illegally, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.
The agency said it also was looking into whether many of the workers were using fraudulent identification belonging to U.S. citizens."
Trudeau’s $$$ play structure | Andrew Scheer
I guess he wasn't prepared for this question...
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Trump Rally - Duluth MN
22 People Shot During a Mass Shooting Sunday, But it Doesn't Fit the Narrative, So Media is Ignoring It
NO reporting. NO surprise there...
Rachel Blevins DOES have the report on the Free Project websaite:
"Trenton, New Jersey – Reports of a mass shooting at an arts festival in which at least 22 people were injured may have sounded like the perfect recipe to send anti-gun politicians and mainstream media pundits to their soapboxes to call for increased gun control, but instead, it has quietly disappeared from the headlines, and there are a few notable reasons why.
Around 1,000 people were enjoying the Arts All Night festival when gunfire broke out around 2:45 a.m. on Sunday. While the horrific incident included some of the basic elements of typical mass shootings, with a gunman opening fire on an unarmed crowd, there are a few distinct differences that set it apart."
'Assault Weapon': The Semantic Trojan Horse
This is the opening of an article by Leann Horrocks at
"There is no better example of muddy thinking than the expression 'assault weapon.' This expression is a combination of two inexact lay terms that are together even more unclear. The expression has something of a visceral punch that news reporters and pubescent demonstrators find as useful as aging senators do. The muddiness suits them. Therein lies its danger.
A weapon, after all, can be anything. In the case of London, the weapons of choice these days are knives and acid. At the other end of the spectrum, some people are so assertive that a dirty look can instill fear. Consider 'rapier wit.'
So what is the difference between a knife in a housewife's kitchen for chopping vegetables and a knife wielded against an innocent London tube passenger? The difference is intent. Any weapon becomes an 'assault weapon' when the user attacks another party with it. The 'assault' nature of any weapon lies in the heart of its possessor."
An Image for Today - Point Well Made
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
An Image for Today - Telemundo BUSTED
This kid was used as a prop in a protest, and the picture was appropriated as if he was in a detention camp...
Life with Father, A Dying Breed
Give me a break! ...
Here's part of an article by Lloyd Marcus from
"In Dad's day, manliness was encouraged. Dad liked John Wayne, Hopalong Cassidy, and Roy Rogers. Today, little boys are drugged for behaving like boys. Kindergarten thru college males are being transformed into metrosexual wimps. Public schools are erasing gender lines and encouraging transgenderism as early as pre-k. SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) laws require elementary teachers not to address students as boys and girls.
We are moving towards a fatherless America. Tragically, baby-daddies are becoming the new normal. Today one in four children, about 17. 2 million are being raised without fathers. I heard an idiot psychologist on TV say fathers are not necessary because a boy can learn everything he needs to learn from his mother."
Why The Left Always Lies About Children
At, Kevin McCullough begins his posted article with this:
"The political, theological, and cultural left in America believe in using children as pawns.
They do it on as many different fronts as they can.
They lie about doing it, and then lie about lying about doing it.
It’s stomach churning because their pretend outrage is almost always about why Donald Trump shouldn’t be president, rather than what’s best for actual children.
I’ve had enough!"
An Image for Today - There IS a legal way
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
An Image for Today - Trump NOT Racist !
These Harvard kids got the lesson of their lives in the Heartland
An informative educational experience, for sure...
In her recent New York Post article, Salena Zito begins with this:
"On a blustery afternoon in April, I filed into a van along with 10 students from Harvard. We had just spent the last two days in Chicopee, Mass., where we had chatted with the police chief and his force, the mayor and his staff, small-business owners, waitresses and firemen about their struggles living in small-town America.
The undergrads were buzzing with their impressions. Chicopee is about 90 miles west of their prestigious university in Cambridge, but when it comes to shared experience, it might as well have been 1,000 light years away.
As they settled in, I looked at them.
So,' I said, 'who do you think most of the people you just got to know voted for president?'"
MSNBC Goes to Detention Center Looking for Migrant Kids In ‘Cages’ — Look What They Find Instead
Trump Derangement Syndrome IS very real...
This was posted by Nick Arama on Diamond & Silk's website:
"From NPR:
Though the boys are confined in this 250,000 square foot facility, they don’t look unhappy. They waved, smiled and said 'hola' to a group of visiting journalists. Adults are everywhere. The ratio is one counselor to eight children, to keep them in line and watch for behavioral and emotional problems.
On Wednesday, the boys were shooting baskets, kicking soccer balls, playing video games, sitting in classrooms learning U.S. government, learning Tai Chi, and chowing down on a bland meal of chicken and mixed vegetables. On the walls of the facility are murals of U.S. presidents, patriotic slogans, and lots of Pokemon posters."
DOJ Releases Shocking 2018 Illegal Alien Crime Statistics and Media is Silent
The media continues to fail the American people...
This wasposted by "Red Pill" on webstie:
"The report found that more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were known or suspected aliens, and 93 percent of confirmed aliens in DOJ custody were in the United States unlawfully.
A stunning total of 57,820 known or suspected illegal aliens were in DOJ custody for a range of offenses as of the end of the first quarter of the Fiscal Year 2018, which tells you exactly how many criminal aliens ICE and HSI have captured."
Monday, June 18, 2018
Before and After Welfare Handouts
I think everyone knows this; BUT, it's not politically correct to talk about it.
At, Walter E. Williams had this in his posted article:
"According to the 1938 Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, that year 11 percent of black children and 3 percent of white children were born to unwed mothers. Today it's respectively 75 percent and 30 percent."
Voyeurs Flock to Newly Gender Neutral Swimming Pool to Stare at Naked Women | Breitbart
Chris Tomlinson recently reported on his at
"What organisers soon found, however, was that while very few transgender people were making use of the programme, men and boys used it as an excuse to enter women’s showers, changing rooms, and toilets, Aftonbladet reports.
'They were in the showers, in the restrooms, in the locker rooms, and on the bathing bridges. The place was invaded by men, not by transgenders from what I could see. Everything felt incredibly unpleasant,' said Jeanette Larsson, a lecturer in diversity issues, who recently attended the open-air bath."
An Image for Today - Muslim Refugees
Sunday, June 17, 2018
2018-06-17 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Saturday Reading - Reduce, Freeze or Eliminate CAFE Fuel Standards
Paul Driessen recently wrote about it at
"Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards also play with people’s lives. Enacted in the 1970s amid fears of imminent oil depletion, the rules require that cars and light trucks on average across each manufacturer’s entire smorgasbord of vehicles must get better and better mileage over a period of years.
For the first few years, improving gasoline mileage was relatively easy. But as the standards tightened, car makers had to make vehicles smaller and use less steel and more aluminum and plastic to achieve the arbitrary mileage demands. That poses a serious problem that the Trump Administration wants to fix.
Bigger, heavier vehicles are safer, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has said for decades. Smaller, lighter vehicles are less crashworthy, less safe. Drivers and passengers in cars and light trucks are many times more likely to die in a crash – and far more likely to maimed, disfigured, disabled or paralyzed – beyond what would have occurred if the CAFÉ standards did not exist or had been relaxed."
Friday, June 15, 2018
George Takei saga sheds light on the murky world of pay-to-promote news
This was reported by Joanna Walters on the U.K. Guardian website:
"News that several online media companies including Mic, Slate and Refinery29 have severed commercial ties with Star Trek actor George Takei following allegations of sexual assault has shone a light on the little-understood practice of online news sites paying celebrities to post links to their content.
Millennial-focused website Mic reported that it and five other media sites had 'ended paid promotion partnerships that once had their articles and videos shared on Takei’s social media platforms' in the wake of an accusation that Takei sexually assaulted a young actor in 1981. Takei denies the claim.
Slate, Refinery29, viral site Upworthy, media brand Good and Futurism all confirmed to Mic that they had cut Takei out of their 'social media influencer' networks of paid celebrities and other high-profile social media users who often have millions of followers."
Why Democrats Hear a Secret Racist Dog Whistle and Republicans Don't
He regularly takes Democrat and social justice advocates apart...
On his website he helps us understand the differences between Trump supporters and those "others":
"One of the biggest misconceptions about Trump supporters is that they see President Trump the same way his critics see him, and yet they like him anyway. The implication of that belief is that all Trump supporters are racists because they damn-well-know they support a leader who is one. Hardly a day goes by without some stranger on Twitter telling me in ominous tones that I will someday pay dearly for being a racist “apologist.” They assume I see President Trump the same way they see him.
In my book Win Bigly, I describe how the public is watching two movies on one screen. In Movie 1, Trump is a monster with many flaws, racism being at the top of the list. In Movie 2, President Trump ran on a platform of being a Republican who disdains political correctness, and the predictable outcome of that is non-stop accusations of racism. As a public service, I compiled some of the plot differences in the two movies, roughly in the order they happened, so you can compare the two scripts. I won’t try to convince you to switch movies. I’m only making the point that Trump supporters literally don’t see what anti-Trumpers regard as obvious."
How Much Do Canadians Really Pay for Health Care?
Perhaps you can guess which side of the American political spectrum does NOT want us to know this...
David Catron recently posted this as part of his article at
"Let’s start with how much Canadians actually pay. The OECD arrives at its figures by the hopelessly simplistic method of dividing a nation’s total health care expenditure by its population. Thus, Canadians pay about $5,500 a head while we pay a little over $10,000 apiece for our system. But these figures are meaningless to actual Canadian families. What matters to them is how much they pay for coverage, via taxation. The Fraser Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in British Columbia, reports that the average two-adult family pays more than $12K annually. And it gets worse:"
Thursday, June 14, 2018
2018-06-14 - Flag Day
This is from the website:
"The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'.
On June 14, 1889, George Balch, a kindergarten teacher in New York City, planned appropriate ceremonies for the children of his school, and his idea of observing Flag Day was later adopted by the State Board of Education of New York. On June 14, 1891, the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia held a Flag Day celebration, and on June 14 of the following year, the New York Society of the Sons of the Revolution, celebrated Flag Day.
Following the suggestion of Colonel J Granville Leach (at the time historian of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution), the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America on April 25, 1893 adopted a resolution requesting the mayor of Philadelphia and all others in authority and all private citizens to display the Flag on June 14th. Leach went on to recommend that thereafter the day be known as 'Flag Day', and on that day, school children be assembled for appropriate exercises, with each child being given a small Flag.
Two weeks later on May 8th, the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution unanimously endorsed the action of the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames. As a result of the resolution, Dr. Edward Brooks, then Superintendent of Public Schools of Philadelphia, directed that Flag Day exercises be held on June 14, 1893 in Independence Square. School children were assembled, each carrying a small Flag, and patriotic songs were sung and addresses delivered.
In 1894, the governor of New York directed that on June 14 the Flag be displayed on all public buildings. With BJ Cigrand and Leroy Van Horn as the moving spirits, the Illinois organization, known as the American Flag Day Association, was organized for the purpose of promoting the holding of Flag Day exercises. On June 14th, 1894, under the auspices of this association, the first general public school children's celebration of Flag Day in Chicago was held in Douglas, Garfield, Humboldt, Lincoln, and Washington Parks, with more than 300,000 children participating.
Adults, too, participated in patriotic programs. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, delivered a 1914 Flag Day address in which he repeated words he said the flag had spoken to him that morning: 'I am what you make me; nothing more. I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol of yourself.'
Inspired by these three decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day - the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 - was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson's proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day."
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
US video promises 'a new world' for Kim Jong Un and North Korea
What’s Wrong With Common Core Math?
At, Jane Robbins wrote about how Common Core has affected the learning of mathematics in our education system:
"Even worse, Garelick says, is Common Core’s delay in teaching the standard algorithms until long after students are thoroughly confused by alternative approaches. And although the standards’ authors have publicly claimed that the algorithms may be taught earlier, most teachers will follow the dictates of the standards, especially when the all-important tests will assume that progression.
Garelick ends on a note of optimism. Maybe Common Core is a blessing in disguise, creating a groundswell of opposition to the nonsense of progressivist math. He lays out the traditionalist approach that future standards should embody. And to the objections of the education establishment he simply responds: 'Mistakes should not be clung to just because of the time spent making them.' "
How Americans Got Hoodwinked
That being said, the major failure has been not to stand up for what we know is right...
At, Anthony J. DeBlasi recently wrote about changes in America. He closed with:
"As in 'the invasion of the body-snatchers,' America changed from a relatively free and happy land to a fretful and contentious one.
The atmosphere throughout the land soured, with a slew of legally backed prescriptions for thought, speech, and behavior, facetiously dubbed 'political correctness' – rules that pit oppressor class against victim class (a Marxist trick to divide and control people).
Most damaging was the fact that these 'politically correct' instructions were being fed to schoolchildren and reinforced in the mainstream media by groups and agencies that were not elected by or represented the people.
The left's brainwashing of American minds was accompanied by a progressive deterioration of morality, due in great measure to the failure of religious leaders to publicly condemn those in the public eye who acted amorally or immorally.
'Anything goes' hoaxes against the mind (such as the so-called 'sexual revolution') to detach the mind from the heart weakened the moral sense and the mental acuity of mainstream Americans.
It also weakened the initiative and enterprising spirit that once formed the character of American society."
An Image for Today - No Surpise Here
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Road cameras in Australia: New hi-tech devices will detect drivers on phones
At, Megan Palin recently wrote about goings on in Australia:
"A New South Wales Police spokesman told that officers currently 'use a variety of methods to detect drivers using their phones while driving'.
'Line-of-site, by trained officers is the primary method of detection, hwever, long-ranged cameras have been used with success, and helmet cameras in motorcycle police continue to be used,' the spokesman said.
But that technology could soon be replaced by stationary cameras that automatically issue an infringement notice without the driver even realising they’ve been sprung.
NSW Police Highway Patrol boss, Assistant Commissioner Mick Corboy, told the Nine News there were “emerging technologies coming out”.
'So the way we are going to defeat this is by video evidence, by photographic evidence and we are looking at everything possible around the world at the moment and we think we’ll get something in place fairly quickly,' Mr Corboy said."
Florida Stopped Running Concealed Carry Background Checks for a Year Due to Technical Difficulties
Timothy Meads included this in his recent article at
"A previously unreported Office of Inspector General investigation found that in February 2016 the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stopped using a FBI crime database called the National Instant Criminal Background Check System that ensures applicants who want to carry a gun do not have a disqualifying history in other states.
The employee in charge of the background checks could not log into the system, the investigator learned. The problem went unresolved until discovered by another worker in March 2017 — meaning that for more than a year applications got approved without the required background check.
During that time, which coincided with the June 12, 2016 shooting at Pulse nightclub that left 50 dead, the state saw an unprecedented spike in applications for concealed weapons permits. There were 134,000 requests for permits in the fiscal year ending in June 2015. The next 12 months broke a record, 245,000 applications, which was topped again in 2017 when the department received 275,000 applications."
Monday, June 11, 2018
Rep. Chris Smith Tells ‘Every Press Member’ to See New Abortion Vids
Katie Yoder posted about them on the website:
"Live Action’s new 'Aiding Abusers' campaign, which includes the new report, documents court cases from across the country regarding child abuse.
'Planned Parenthood, required by law to report suspected abuse, has ignored victims’ pleas for help, performed abortions on victims as young as 12 years old, and returned them back to their abusers,' the campaign website warned. 'Planned Parenthood’s negligence is enabling abuse and aiding abusers.'"
Prolonged Wind Drought Crushes British Turbine Output
I got this from and article by Eric Worrall on the Watts Up With That? website:
"Britain’s gone nine days with almost no wind generation, and forecasts show the calm conditions persisting for another two weeks. The wind drought has pushed up day-ahead power prices to the highest level for the time of year for at least a decade. Apart from a surge expected around June 14, wind levels are forecast to stay low for the next fortnight, according to The Weather Company."
Erotic Manias and Disappearing Fathers
It doesn't bode well for society...
E. Jeffrey Ludwig recently wrote about this on the American Thinker website:
"In 1960, the proportion of births to unmarried women was just 5%, but since 2009, the percentage has been about 40%. In 2013, 72 percent of all births to black women, 66 percent to American Indian or Alaskan native women, and 53 percent to Hispanic women occurred outside marriage, compared with 29 percent for white women and 17 percent for Asian or Pacific Islander women.
Although articles tell us there has been a leveling off of births outside marriage, the figures should alarm anyone who loves the idea of family and desires a stable society. With 40% of the people of the United States being born outside of marriage, increasingly, the Fourth of the Ten Commandments is being abrogated. It is being replaced with 'Honor Your Mother' or 'Honor Your Role Model and Your Mother."'The fathers are vanishing from the parenting equation as the intact family is disintegrating. Respect and love for the unborn and respect and love for fatherhood continue to erode in our erotic culture."
Sunday, June 10, 2018
2018-06-10 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, June 09, 2018
Saturday Reading - The ‘Sex Cult’ That Preached Empowerment
Question I have: Is it that power; or, are those "others" just weak and vulnerable?..
The New York Times recently had this article by Vanessa Grigoriadis. She writes in-depth about what this is all about:
"Why did female members of Nxivm follow a guru named Keith Raniere, who now stands accused of sex trafficking?"
An Image for Today - Respect the Flag
Friday, June 08, 2018
John Stossel exposes corrupt politicians in Edgewater, New Jersey
And you probably know how corrupt some local governments are.
This post contains a seven minute video for your viewing pleasure...
It was posted by Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog:
"In Edgewater, New Jersey, developer #1 owns land and wants to build apartments. Developer #2 has apparently bribed the local government to deny developer #1 permission to build the apartments. John Stossel asks the mayor and members of city council if they are on the take from developer #2, but their lawyer advises them not to answer."
A question that gives pause: If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
I found this post by Michael Shellenberger, on the Watts Up With That website:
"Between 2009 and 2017, the price of solar panels per watt declined by 75 percent while the price of wind turbines per watt declined by 50 percent. And yet — during the same period — the price of electricity in places that deployed significant quantities of renewables increased dramatically.
Electricity prices increased by:
51 percent in Germany during its expansion of solar and wind energy from 2006 to 2016;
24 percent in California during its solar energy build-out from 2011 to 2017;
over 100 percent in Denmark since 1995 when it began deploying renewables (mostly wind) in earnest.
What gives? If solar panels and wind turbines became so much cheaper, why did the price of electricity rise instead of decline?"
NYC Ignored 440 Detainer Notices in 3 Months
Preston Huennekens on the Center for Immigration Studies website:
"ICE studied the months from January to mid-April of 2018 and found that NYPD and NYCD collectively ignored 440 detainer notices. Within that short period of time, 40 of those individuals released from custody subsequently committed more crimes and were arrested again.
The acting field office director for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations in New York stated that "in just three months, more than three dozen criminal aliens were released from local custody. Simply put, the politics and rhetoric in this city are putting its own communities at an unnecessary risk.""
Thursday, June 07, 2018
California Kids' Math Achievement Took A Nosedive After Common Core
Common Core has never lived up to it's (progressive) hype...
Joy Pullmann has the story at
"Before Common Core came along, California parents, faculty, and officials spent years developing some of the best-ranked K-12 math requirements in the nation. One result of their careful work was more than tripling the number of eighth graders who ranked proficient in math, and quadrupling the number of eighth graders taking algebra.
By 2014, California was the top state in the nation in eighth-grade algebra enrollment. That was the year Common Core went into place. It erased all those gains almost immediately, shows a new Hoover Institution analysis."
An Image for Today - Michelle Obama said
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Fake News: CNN's April Ryan Falsely Reports Trump Booed at WH Event
CNN's reporters have a very severe case of it.
They don't seem to even want to check or verify anything that could be negative to President Trump...
At, Joshua Caplan reported:
"CNN political analyst April Ryan sent social media into a frenzy after posting a false secondhand report that President Donald Trump was booed during the White House’s “Celebration for America” event Tuesday. "
Network Looking to Replace NBC News Boss Andy Lack After These 12 Debacles
At, John Nolte recently wrote:
"Ironically, NBC News brought back the 70-year-old Lack in 2015 (he had run the place from 1993 to 2001) to clean up the news division’s reputation after its figurehead, then-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, was revealed to be a serial liar. Williams was eventually suspended for six months and demoted to a primetime slot at MSNBC.
Unfortunately for Lack and NBC News, things have only gotten worse. Much worse. While CNN still holds the crown as America’s fake news-laughingstock, NBC is in the running, as it has devolved into a haven for proven liars, accused-sex abusers and enablers, rape-deniers, homophobes, victim-shamers, fake news-bombshells, and a glaringly obvious whitewash presented as an internal investigation. Here are the 12 scandals currently rocking Lack and NBC News:"
An Image for Today - Politifact
Politifact (leans left) presents itself as a fact-checking site...
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
The Parade of Impending Catastrophes
Kinda reminds me of those street corner sign holders "the end is near"...
At, Norman Rogers recently wrote about them:
"Here is a short list of impending catastrophes: soil erosion, running out of minerals, running out of oil, the ozone hole, biological diversity, radon, death of coral, acid rain, global warming, global cooling, sea level rise, extreme weather, species extermination, air pollution, polar bear death, clear cutting forests, plutonium, dioxin, nuclear power, coal power, mountaintop mining, the many supposed causes of cancer, food additives, genetically modified organisms, water pollution, overpopulation, chickens in cages, cows fed grain, plastic bags, mid-ocean floating garbage, super-hurricanes, droughts, floods, environmental refugees, pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers."
Chelmsford Tells Business To Remove ‘Excessive’ American Flags
Liam Martin posted the story on Boston's CBSlocal website:
"He’s talking about small American flags planted in front of that business for Memorial Day. When he went to work Friday, there was a surprise. 'There was a note in the door from the building department stating we had a violation, a flag violation, excessive flags,' he says "
An Image for Today - the Business of Race
Monday, June 04, 2018
Britain to ban Disposable Plastic – Cotton Buds, Drink Stirrers, Drinking Straws
This guest essay by Eric Worrall was posted on the WattsUpWithThat blog:
"Guest essay by Eric Worrall The UK Government has announced a ban on cotton buds, drink stirrers and plastic drinking straws to combat the “scourge” of plastic pollution."
George Osborne’s London Evening Standard sells its editorial independence to Uber, Google and others – for £3 million
If you add in what's discussed below, it becomes almost impossible..
James Cusick recently posted about this at
"London’s Evening Standard newspaper, edited by the former chancellor George Osborne, has agreed a £3 million deal with six leading commercial companies, including Google and Uber, promising them 'money-can’t-buy' positive news and 'favourable' comment coverage, openDemocracy can reveal.
The project, called London 2020, is being directed by Osborne. It effectively sweeps away the conventional ethical divide between news and advertising inside the Standard – and is set to include 'favourable' news coverage of the firms involved, with readers unable to differentiate between 'news' that is paid-for and other commercially-branded content.
Leading companies, most operating global businesses, were given detailed sales presentations by Evening Standard executives at the newspaper’s west London offices in an effort to sign them up to the lucrative deal."
An Image for Today - Divine Guidance ?
Sunday, June 03, 2018
2018-06-03 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, June 02, 2018
Saturday Reading - The Rules for a Long and Happy Life
If you could practice them all, there might be "Saint" before your name...
At, Robert A. Hall recently posted his thoughts, starting with these:
"The most important ingredient of a long, happy, and successful life is self-discipline.
You also need to develop resilience and tenacity. Without these three things, your life will likely be poor, short, and unhappy."
Friday, June 01, 2018
Report: Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sex Abuse of Minors
Why wouldn't they just do the right thing as the law requires?...
At, Reagan McCarthy reports on this:
"Planned Parenthood once again finds itself under fire after a report was released showing that the ‘women’s health’ clinic performed abortions on young girls who had been sexually abused by family members, and then failed to report these crimes. Instead of taking a harsh stance against sexual abuse, Planned Parenthood sent these girls back home to the abusive arms of the family members who perpetrated sex crimes without law enforcement having any knowledge.
This blatant lack of action comes from the organization that not only claims to champion women and sexual assault victims, but also one of the strongest voices in the TimesUPand #MeToo movements. Planned Parenthood repeatedly tells everyone to #TrustWomen who report sexual assault and abuse, but turned a blind eye to girls as young as 12 and 13 years old who confided in Planned Parenthood workers about abuse instances."
Court: The CIA can share secrets with reporters but deny them to you
At, Jazz Shaw recently reported on this:
"This is a disturbing case coming out of a federal court in New York. A freelance journalist named Adam Johnson had been seeking copies of CIA emails sent to certain newspaper reporters and, having been denied them, sued to have the material released. The emails were part of a batch of more than 500 documents which the agency made public, but some were heavily redacted. Johnson wanted to see the redacted ones since they had already been given to other members of the press.
Amazingly, Judge Colleen McMahon (a Clinton appointee) ruled that the CIA was free to pick and choose which reporters they gave sensitive material to."