Wednesday, June 13, 2018
What’s Wrong With Common Core Math?
At, Jane Robbins wrote about how Common Core has affected the learning of mathematics in our education system:
"Even worse, Garelick says, is Common Core’s delay in teaching the standard algorithms until long after students are thoroughly confused by alternative approaches. And although the standards’ authors have publicly claimed that the algorithms may be taught earlier, most teachers will follow the dictates of the standards, especially when the all-important tests will assume that progression.
Garelick ends on a note of optimism. Maybe Common Core is a blessing in disguise, creating a groundswell of opposition to the nonsense of progressivist math. He lays out the traditionalist approach that future standards should embody. And to the objections of the education establishment he simply responds: 'Mistakes should not be clung to just because of the time spent making them.' "