Monday, June 11, 2018
Erotic Manias and Disappearing Fathers
It doesn't bode well for society...
E. Jeffrey Ludwig recently wrote about this on the American Thinker website:
"In 1960, the proportion of births to unmarried women was just 5%, but since 2009, the percentage has been about 40%. In 2013, 72 percent of all births to black women, 66 percent to American Indian or Alaskan native women, and 53 percent to Hispanic women occurred outside marriage, compared with 29 percent for white women and 17 percent for Asian or Pacific Islander women.
Although articles tell us there has been a leveling off of births outside marriage, the figures should alarm anyone who loves the idea of family and desires a stable society. With 40% of the people of the United States being born outside of marriage, increasingly, the Fourth of the Ten Commandments is being abrogated. It is being replaced with 'Honor Your Mother' or 'Honor Your Role Model and Your Mother."'The fathers are vanishing from the parenting equation as the intact family is disintegrating. Respect and love for the unborn and respect and love for fatherhood continue to erode in our erotic culture."