Saturday, June 30, 2018
The Thirty Year War (Global Warming)
It is discussed by Willis Eschenbach in a guest post on the WattsUpWithThat website
"The most amazing part of this story is that even though these scientific malfeasants fooled Congress, and even though they lied their keisters off, even though they stacked the peer review panels with reviewers blind enough to put Stevie Wonder to shame, and even though the governments and the universities and the scientific organizations and the mainstream media all bought into their deceit and lies, even despite the fact that tragically they poured billions and billions of dollars down the rathole in the process … they still haven’t convinced the core of the US population that CO2 is the double extra secret control knob that can simply be turned up and down to regulate the global temperature to the nearest degree. Thirty years on now, and all that time they tried and they tried, and they lied and they lied, but they just couldn’t pull it off."