Sunday, January 31, 2010
"Repeal the 17th Amendment"
This is an interesting proposal.
Of course, amending the Constitution is no easy task...
Of course, amending the Constitution is no easy task...
Tony Blankley discusses it at
"The most efficient method of regaining the original constitutional balance is to return to the original constitutional structure. If senators were again selected by state legislatures, the longevity of Senate careers would be tethered to their vigilant defense of their state's interest -- rather than to the interest of Washington forces of influence."
The Media - the Public trusts Fox News
This is an article about polls that show the public trusting Fox News more than the other guys.
Inside the article I came across these interesting bullet points...
Inside the article I came across these interesting bullet points...
This is from Ramesh Ponnuru at
"64 percent of voters want to cut corporate taxes; 26 percent disapprove."
"83 percent favor cutting taxes on small business; only 11 percent disagree."
"72 percent say that gas-tax revenues should be returned to the states so that they can decide which road projects to fund."
Saturday, January 30, 2010
In Today's World - What's right or wrong?
As with other things, the rule of law must apply.
Everyone knows that; and, that's why there are so many attempts to change the laws...
Everyone knows that; and, that's why there are so many attempts to change the laws...
This article is by Chris Regnier of in Allentown, PA's Morning Call newpaper:
"The recent death of a Missouri Highway Patrol trooper is putting the rights of same sex couples in Missouri under a microscope. The long-time partner of Corporal Dennis Engelhard believes he should receive death benefits.
43 year old Kelly Glossip says he and Engelhard were together for nearly 15 years. Yet, he says he's being ignored when it comes to the agencies who normally reach out to the families of fallen law enforcement officers."
Barack Obama - as told by Sarah Palin
Barack Obama sure does talk a lot.
Of course, the more you talk, the more you will be called out on...
Of course, the more you talk, the more you will be called out on...
On, Sarah Palin calls it the "The Credibility Gap". She begins:
"While I don’t wish to speak too harshly about President Obama’s state of the union address, we live in challenging times that call for candor. I call them as I see them, and I hope my frank assessment will be taken as an honest effort to move this conversation forward.
Last night, the president spoke of the 'credibility gap' between the public’s expectations of their leaders and what those leaders actually deliver. 'Credibility gap' is a good way to describe the chasm between rhetoric and reality in the president’s address. The contradictions seemed endless."
Friday, January 29, 2010
Barack Obama - and his "reality problem"
Here's a description of the State of the Union speech...
Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post (Yes, the Washington Post:
"Promising to change the tone in Washington, he managed to be petty, backward looking, defiant and self-justifying.
Barack Obama has lost his promise. He has lost his momentum. He has lost his touch. He has lost his filibuster-proof Senate majority. He has lost his first year in office.
Tonight, he lost his grip on reality."
Barack Obama - "Water, Its Not a Right its a Privilege"?
Water for irrigation is a major concern in California...
John Loudon writes about the current situation at
"Two thirds of California’s water is in Northern California, but two thirds of the people live in Southern California. Over the last generation, a series of aquaducts and canals was built to divert some of the plentiful water in the North so that instead of raising the sea level (as Al Gore warns us is imminent) the fresh water will irrigate incredibly productive land. The five counties effected provide tens of thousands of jobs and a stunning $20 billion of food output.
So why would politicians in California, a state that is already bankrupt, do anything other that mount a united battle to find a solution? That is hard to say. Instead there are deep and often ugly divisions and battle lines such as radical environmentalist on one side and farmers and migrant workers on the other.
Officials are perplexed to find an explanation for the declining population of the delta smelt, a small bait fish. It is also true that the salmon industry is concerned. So it is understandable that regulators would force action. What is not understandable is why the game of man vs beast is tilted at every turn toward the beast."
"Reich Claims Non-Existent Fox News Led Conservative Charge in 1994"
So, do you think the liberal Democrats have an agenda against Fox News?...
Frank Ross reports at
"Former Obama economic advisor, Clinton Secretary of Labor, and Berkely Prof. Robert Reich claimed yesterday in his column at that Fox News played a role in the conservative resurgence of 1994:
In December 1994, Bill Clinton proposed a so-called middle-class bill of rights including more tax credits for families with children, expanded retirement accounts, and tax-deductible college tuition. Clinton had lost his battle for healthcare reform. Even worse, by that time the Dems had lost the House and Senate. Washington was riding a huge anti-incumbent wave. Right-wing populists were the ascendancy, with Newt Gingrich and Fox News leading the charge. Bill Clinton thought it desperately important to assure Americans he was on their side.
But Prof. Reich overlooked one minor detail: Fox News Channel’s first broadcast wasn’t until October 7, 1996."
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Health News - Fish Oil
Being a skeptic, my first thought is always to wonder who sponsors the study and who makes money from the results.
That being said, this does sound promising...
That being said, this does sound promising...
This is from the U.K. Guardian's website:
"Fish oil may be the true elixir of youth, according to new evidence of its effect on biological ageing. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil preserve the genetic 'fuse' that determines the lifespan of cells, say scientists.
The discovery, made in heart disease patients, may explain many of the claimed health benefits of omega-3.
Taking fish oil supplements is said to protect against heart disease, improve survival rates after a heart attack, reduce mental decline in old age and help to prevent age-related changes in the eye that can lead to blindness. Research has also shown that rodents live one-third longer when given a diet enriched with fish-derived omega-3."
India, China won't sign Copenhagen Accord
I doubt that the American media will be reporting this.
We'll have to wait and see...
We'll have to wait and see...
This is reported on
" The Indian and Chinese governments have had a rethink on signing the Copenhagen Accord, officials said on Saturday, and the UN has also indefinitely postponed its Jan 31 deadline for countries to accede to the document.
An Indian official said that though the government had been thinking of signing the accord because it 'did not have any legal teeth and would be good diplomatically'; it felt irked because of repeated messages from both UN officials and developed countries to accede to it."
How the Enquirer Exposed the John Edwards Affair -
It would NOT be prudent to dismiss the National Enquirer stories out of hand.
They got this one right, and by doing so, exposed the "mainstream" media for their bias...
They got this one right, and by doing so, exposed the "mainstream" media for their bias...
David Perel, the editor in chief of the National Enquirer from 2006 to January 2009, writes in the Wall Street Journal:
"At the time, as editor in chief of the Enquirer, I directed a several-month operation with reporters and photographers on stakeout in North Carolina to nail down this scoop. We believed the photograph of Ms. Hunter, the checkable facts about her relationship with Mr. Edwards, and the in-process coverup would cause an instant public uproar as the mainstream press verified the article and demanded answers from Mr. Edwards.
But the photograph of Ms. Hunter pregnant and a slew of well-documented facts in the Enquirer article did nothing to enervate Mr. Edwards's brazen quest for power or budge the mainstream press from its comfortable seat on the campaign bus. A cursory question about the affair was eventually asked, to which a smug Mr. Edwards responded: 'tabloid trash.'
And then there was silence."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sarah Palin delivers the real State of the Union Address
We can only hope. (Is that a pun?)...
Sarah Palin's words psoted by Gary P. at
"On the eve of Barack Obama’s big State of the Union address, Sarah Palin brutally assesses the President and issues him a challenge:"
Barack Obama - "The Audacity of Oops"
Many a true word is said in jest...
Daily Beast columnist Christopher Buckley procured an early draft of President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union speech. He begins:
"My fellow Americans,
Tonight I can report to you that the state of the union, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being excellent, is a 9.8.
Now, you may ask—and I wouldn’t blame you for asking—how I came up with that number."
The Media - and Islamic Jihad
When the media "flavors" their reporting, their credibility declines. Duh!...
Pamela Geller writes about it at She begins:
"In case you’ve ever wondered why you never got the straight story on Islam directly after Sept. 11, and still haven’t, and why the media seems in the tank for jihad, here’s a clue.
The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) issued this directive a couple of weeks after 9/11; for sheer propaganda, their 'Diversity Guidelines' are hard to beat. In fact, the enemy who attacked our country in an attempt to bring it down may just as well have been writing the narrative.
The 'guidelines,' adopted at the Society’s national convention on October 6, 2001, urges journalists to 'take steps against racial profiling in their coverage of the war on terrorism and to reaffirm their commitment to use language that is informative and not inflammatory.'
How? Among other things:"
"Two sentenced in '09 child rape"
We could use more judges like this...
This is from the MyFoxOrlando website:
"'I am making a recommendation to the Department of Corrections that at the conclusion of the service of your portion of the sentence, at such point that you die, that the recommendation is for the Department of Corrections that they transport your body to the immigration and naturalization service for deportation back to your own country,' said Judge Komanski. 'That neither of you are worthy to be buried in this country.'"
"Reject Politically Correct 'Educated Class'"
I couldn't agree more.
We have to elect people who are willing to stand for the things that made America great, rather than those who act ashamed of what we have achieved...
We have to elect people who are willing to stand for the things that made America great, rather than those who act ashamed of what we have achieved...
This is from a post by Tony Blankley at
"But it is worse than imprudent for Americans (or Europeans) to give up freedoms and ways of life that have been defended for centuries by the martial sacrifice of our ancestors (and current warriors) -- and by the intellectual courage of our writers and artists -- just because our morally feeble, self-proclaimed 'educated class' and elites have lost the will to defend our civilization.
As the American people arise to take back our government and our property this November, we should also seek out candidates who are not afraid to oppose such threats to our way of life."
"Benefits Administrator for NYC 'Sandhogs' Laborers Local Charged with $42 Million Ripoff"
This is pretty ugly...
Carl Horowitz reports at
"King, until recently the longtime benefits administrator for Local 147 of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) in New York, was charged on December 1 in Manhattan federal court with arguably the largest embezzlement scheme in the history of American labor. Prosecutors are saying that for about six years she stole a staggering $42 million from three union benefit funds, diverting the money to bank accounts that she controlled. Her lawyers claim she is innocent. Now out on $10 million bail, she's going to have a tough time convincing a jury of that."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Barack Obama - has "done everything wrong"
Neil Cavuto listens to Mort Zuckerman...
Barack Obama - Transparency? NOT!
So, did he just say they CAN'T be honest if the press IS watching?
What's that all about?...
The Media - and Bush Bashing
Clearly, President Bush was not perfect.; however, some part of our perception has been "created" by a biased media through unprecedented and relentless bashing and blaming...
Candace de Russy writes about it at She starts with:
"The mainstream media’s headlong and heady descent into denigrating George W. Bush over the last decade signaled a dark moment in media history that has surely damaged American consciousness. Caught up in 'Bush-bashing,' the MSM reached a critical turning point, and likely one of no return.
At times consciously and even triumphally, the media increasingly abused the traditional journalistic standards of independence and neutrality in favor of functioning as a virtual arm of the liberal Democratic Party. They took on, in effect, a new and disturbing identity.
So consumed by politics, power and status did the MSM become during this period that bashing the former president became standard media fare. This death by a thousand cuts proceeded unabashedly, unabatedly, and largely without challenge by Bush and his staff during his presidencies.
Jim A. Kuypers concluded as much in his study, Bush’s War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age, in which he meticulously documents how the agenda-driven and 'anti-democratic' media not long after the 9/11 terror attacks began pervasively distorting the former president’s statements, failing to report critical parts of his speeches, and even 'framing' (manipulating stories) to portray the president as an enemy.
Among countless examples:"
"Wildlife Photographer of the Year stripped of award"
I'm certainly not qualified to make a judgement on this; however, as I've said in the past, images are no longer always what they appear to be...
This is report in the Daily Telegraph:
"A stunning image capturing a wolf leaping over a gate has been stripped of first place in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition after judges found the animal was likely to be a 'model'."
"Speed Bumps Ahead for Electric-Vehicle Charging"
Eectric powered vehicles sound really good; HOWEVER, there's this problem...
This is part of a post at website:
"EVs need lots of power, especially when charged quickly. Utilities bet that most buyers will want a 240-volt charger that can "fill the tank" of a modest-size EV in 2 to 3 hours, four times as fast as a standard 120-V charger can. Such 'AC Level 2' chargers, as defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers' emerging J1772 standard, draw up to 6.6 kilowatts. Turning one on is like adding up to three homes to a neighborhood, and that's with the air conditioning, lights, and laundry running.
Turning on two or three Level 2 chargers could burn out the street-level transformers that are the distribution grid's weakest link. Most utilities employ undersized transformers, which are designed to cool overnight. Without time to cool, sustained excess current will eventually cook a transformer's copper windings, causing a short and blacking out the local loads it serves"
Monday, January 25, 2010
Did the Obama administration blow an opportunity in the Flight 253 case? -
Of course, their original supportive reaction was knee-jerk also, but, they do deserve credit for this...
The Washington Post has had second thoughts:
"Whether to charge terrorism suspects or hold and interrogate them is a judgment call. We originally supported the administration's decision in the Abdulmutallab case, assuming that it had been made after due consideration. But the decision to try Mr. Abdulmutallab turns out to have resulted not from a deliberative process but as a knee-jerk default to a crime-and-punishment model."
"Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots"
Oh boy. Who to believe?
Then again, one of the choices is the government...
Then again, one of the choices is the government...
Mike Adams writes at
"But here's the part you're NOT being told.
The CDC statistics lie by omission. They do not reveal the single most important piece of information about H1N1 vaccines: How many of the people who died from the swine flu had already been vaccinated?
Many who died had already been vaccinated
The CDC is intentionally not tracking how many of the dead were previously vaccinated. They want you (and mainstream media journalists) to mistakenly believe that ZERO deaths occurred in those who were vaccinated. But this is blatantly false. Being vaccinated against H1N1 swine flu offers absolutely no reduction in mortality from swine flu infections.
And that means roughly 20% of the 11,160 Americans who died from the swine flu were probably already vaccinated against swine flu. That comes to around 2,200 deaths in people who were vaccinated!"
The Humor of Ronald Reagan
Times HAVE changed. We don't see this king of stuff anymore...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Barack Obama - and Letters to the Editor
Stop and think about this AND it's implications.
"Individual" letters to the editor of various newspapers possibly being from only one person (or organization).
Wide circulation of a single theme (propaganda) at almost no cost...
"Individual" letters to the editor of various newspapers possibly being from only one person (or organization).
Wide circulation of a single theme (propaganda) at almost no cost...
Sabrina Eaton reports in the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
"Ellie Light sure gets around.
In recent weeks, Light has published virtually identical “Letters to the Editor” in support of President Barack Obama in more than a dozen newspapers.Every letter claimed a different residence for Light that happened to be in the newspaper’s circulation area."
Jobs vs. Party in Charge
This sure seems to highlight that Democrats are bad for employment...
There's a tell-tale graph at
"But, unemployment is tied to DEM control of Congress…
(After All, It’s Congress that Makes Law)."
Politicians - Former Lynn Mayor Edward J. “Chip” Clancy
Massachusetts seems to have quite a few politicians like this...
Edward Mason reports at
"Former Lynn Mayor Edward J. “Chip” Clancy and his staff, as they prepared to depart City Hall for good, deleted all e-mails and purged electronic files from city computers, says the new mayor, who is fuming over what she says may be a violation of state law.
'I feel this is a very serious breach of the public trust,' said Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Lynn’s new mayor. 'I can’t think of a valid reason why e-mails were deleted from the mayor’s office.'
Besides the e-mails, the city is missing key documents - payroll records, contracts and press releases - stored on those computers, Kennedy said.
To her horror, she also found that nearly all paper records were gone, and that just six of 28 file drawers had not been cleaned out as Clancy cleared out."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
"Global Uranium Supply and Demand"
100 years ago there was a prevailing thought that horse manure was a future problem.
Enough said...
Enough said...
Toni Johnson Writes about it at
"The world uses 67,000 tons of mined uranium a year. At current usage, this is equal to about seventy years of supply. The World Nuclear Association says demand is projected to grow by 33 percent in the next decade to correspond with a 27 percent projected growth in nuclear reactor capacity. However, more efficient nuclear reactors, such as 'fast-reactor' technology, could extend those supplies by more than two thousand years. Experts say spent fuel can be reprocessed for use in reactors but currently is less economical than new fuel. Currently, there are nearly one thousand commercial, research, and ship reactors worldwide; more than fifty are under construction, and 130 are in planning stages."
"Unethical Greenpeace actions threaten the livelihoods and lives of millions"
This writer makes some excellent points.
Personnally, I find it hard to support those that burn SUV's on auto dealer's lots or drive spikes into trees in order to promote environmental causes.
On the other hand, I can understand that impatience and frustration with the system are huge factors behind their actions...
Personnally, I find it hard to support those that burn SUV's on auto dealer's lots or drive spikes into trees in order to promote environmental causes.
On the other hand, I can understand that impatience and frustration with the system are huge factors behind their actions...
At, Paul Driessen asks us to:
"Consider Greenpeace. This self-proclaimed paragon of virtue constantly harasses companies that it deems insufficiently virtuous in advertising their products, protecting the environment and promoting their public image. But the Rainbow Warriors’ own actions would frequently merit fines or even jail time if committed by profit-making businesses.
Greenpeace publicity stunts, anti-corporate campaigns and fund-raising appeals are often laden with false and misleading claims about companies and their operations."
Friday, January 22, 2010
Israel is helping in Haiti
Pretty impressive...
Yaakov Katz reports on the Jerusalem Post website:
"Wireless Internet, an Israeli phone line and unlimited satellite access are just some of the technological wonders that the IDF has succeeded in setting up in Haiti, where communication lines were destroyed in last week's devastating earthquake.
While the world has already heard about the remarkable work at the IDF field hospital in Port-au-Prince, not much has been written about the communications room set up on the island by reservists from the military's C4I (command, control, communications, computers and intelligence) branch.
'This is an unprecedented operation in its scale and size,' explained Lt.-Col. (res.) Yaakov Magal."
Public Employee Unions Push Tax Hike -
Taxes, taxes, and more taxes.
I believe that taxes should be used to benefit citizens equally; not only certain factions or groups...
I believe that taxes should be used to benefit citizens equally; not only certain factions or groups...
The Wall Street Journal discusses Oregon:
"The battle in Oregon is a case study in the political drama now unfolding in many states. Essentially, it's about whether a state's wealth belongs to its public employee unions or to everyone.
The public unions are the primary drivers behind the Oregon tax hike campaign. In recent weeks, national powerhouses AFSCME and the SEIU have poured close to $1 million into the state campaign to secure passage. Oregon's public employees have one of the sweetest deals in America. Their average pay is about one-third higher than that of private Oregon workers, and Oregon public employees don't have to pay anything toward their health-care benefits."
San Francisco in 1905
Pretty neat!
The first track from Airs' Moon Safari album, accompanied by scenes from a video shot from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905. Before the earthquake/fire of 1906...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Media - the Chicago Tribune
More of the obvious bias. Still, it's hard to believe...
This is from Rich Trzupek's post at
"If you live in Chicago and your only source of news is the venerable Chicago Tribune, it would take you a while to figure out that something happened in Massachusetts Tuesday night. One would think that an editor might place a story with the following lead – oh, I don’t know – front page, top of the fold, maybe?
In a stunning blow to Democrats, Republican Scott Brown ended the party’s half-century grip on the Senate seat once held by Edward M. Kennedy, coming from nowhere to give the GOP the crucial 41st vote needed to thwart President Obama and his agenda, possibly starting with healthcare.
It ended up on page fourteen.
Allow me to repeat: page fourteen."
"A Sober Look at Ted Kennedy"
Ted Kennedy is gone. Should we miss him?...
This article, by Michael Kelly was posted in Gentlemens Quarterly in 2007.:
"As we celebrate fifty years of GQ, we take a look at some of the best journalism the magazine has published. In 1990, Michael Kelly—who later became the first American reporter to die in the Iraq war—gave us this memorable and devastatingly candid portrayal of the last Kennedy brother"
Global Warming - "Scientist says feds manipulated data"
At, Bob Unruh reports:
"There also is an effort called the Petition Project which was launched some 10 years ago when the first few thousand signatures were gathered. The effort, assembled by Art Robinson, a research professor of chemistry and cofounder of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in 1973, now lists tens of thousands of qualified scientists who endorse this:
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."
"Arizona speed cameras may be flash in pan as $90m fines are ignored"
I figure that the elected officials saw the $money$ and bought into this without considering ALL of the possibilities...
Chris Ayres reports at
"Although about 700,000 tickets have been issued since Arizona’s 76-camera plan was rolled out last year, a mere $37 million of the $127 million in fines and surcharges has been collected. That is because Arizonans have realised that they can simply ignore tickets sent to them in the post, and the authorities cannot prove that they have received them. Unless the tickets are served in person — something Arizona cannot afford to do — they become void after three months.
Motorists have shown their opposition to the machines in other ways, too — such as placing large cardboard boxes over them, decorating them with sticky notes, attacking them with pickaxes and, in one case, setting off the cameras while standing in front wearing a monkey mask.
The company hired to install Arizona’s cameras, Redflex, is under financial pressure, because it invested $16 million upfront in the equipment. But it says it is persevering. 'Redflex is in this for the long haul,' it said."
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
"Executive Order: International Police Granted Full Immunity in US..."
Here's something to think about.
Why is this suddenly necessary?...
Why is this suddenly necessary?...
At, Larry O'Connor wonders:
"I wonder if during his vacation in Hawaii if one of the intrepid reporters could ask the President:
'Mr. President, is it true that due to your amendment to Executive Order 12425, INTERPOL may break into a home without a warrant, seize private property of a US citizen, hold a citizen for questioning without the right of legal representation and not be subject to any legal or criminal repercussion?'"
"The Putback Amendment"
If you think you know how government works, see how it matches up with this.
The "Putback Amendment" is the attempt to fix it...
The "Putback Amendment" is the attempt to fix it...
Mike Volpe writes about it on the Provocateur Blog:
"Everyone knows that things in Springfield, Illinois are broken. Everyone knows that the government of the State of Illinois is inefficient and corrupt. That's all true, however, to truly understand the problems in Springfield, we must look at the structure of the legislature."
Global Warming - About that SUN!
This writer provides some pretty basic graphics and explanations.
He shows relationships between Earth's temperatures and the Sun.
He also shows NON-relationships between Earth's temperatures and CO2...
He shows relationships between Earth's temperatures and the Sun.
He also shows NON-relationships between Earth's temperatures and CO2...
On the blog, Alec Rawls posts this heading and then supports it quite well:
"NASA Still Hiding Correlation Between Solar Activity & Temperature"
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Politicians - in New Jersey
Politicians are SO bad!...
This is from a post by Liberty Chick at
"A committee seeking approval from the state to petition registered voters on whether to move forward with a special election to recall US Senator Robert Menendez was denied that request, in a letter on January 11th which stated that the US Constitution does not provide for such a proceeding.
But in 1993, the people of New Jersey overwhelmingly voted to reserve for themselves 'the power to recall, after at least one year of service, any elected official in this State or representing this State in the United States Congress' (emphasis added), and in 1995 made this amendment to their state constitution under Article I, 2b.
This has left many New Jersey voters wondering why Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, a member of the Executive Branch, not the Judicial Branch, would take it upon herself and her position to declare the NJ state Constitution unconstitutional."
California Cap-and-Trade Revolt -
This DOES seem to be worth watching.
Governments, just like average citizens, have to put some things on hold when times are tough.
When elected officials don't exercise that common sense, the citizens must take action...
Governments, just like average citizens, have to put some things on hold when times are tough.
When elected officials don't exercise that common sense, the citizens must take action...
The Wall Street Journal gives their opinion:
"The stakes here are huge, and not merely for California. This is the first serious effort to roll back the environmental extremism that has dominated state capitals in recent years and is now ascendant on Capitol Hill. The green lobbies and businesses that have a monetary stake in cap and trade—including big utilities that want subsidies and Silicon Valley political capitalists investing in solar and ethanol—are sure to spend heavily to stop it. They know that an electoral defeat in the greenest of states could end their national and global hopes for cap and trade.
For Californians the issue is simpler: Whether they want to continue to impose burdens that encourage employers to locate anywhere except their once prosperous state."
Immigration - and the U.K.'s David Cameron
Now, I wonder if Americans would consider something similar?...
Rosa Prince repors in the U.K. Telegraph:
"He said: 'In a country like Britain you’re going to have large numbers of people going and living abroad every year and working abroad, and also large numbers of people coming in. It seems to me what matters … is the net figure.
In the last decade, net immigration in some years has been sort of 200,000, so implying a 2 million increase over a decade, which I think is too much.
We would like to see net immigration in the tens of thousands rather than the hundreds of thousands. I don’t think that’s unrealistic.'"
Monday, January 18, 2010
Football Games Have 11 Minutes of Action -
Those of us who watch football are somewhat aware of this.
Nevertheless, seeing the actual numbers is quite interesting...
Nevertheless, seeing the actual numbers is quite interesting...
David Biderman discusses them in the Wall Street Journal:
"According to a Wall Street Journal study of four recent broadcasts, and similar estimates by researchers, the average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game is about 11 minutes.
In other words, if you tally up everything that happens between the time the ball is snapped and the play is whistled dead by the officials, there's barely enough time to prepare a hard-boiled egg. In fact, the average telecast devotes 56% more time to showing replays"
"...growing polar bear population 'becoming a problem,' locals say"
Who to believe? Your guess is as good as mine.
Now, let's apply that old theory of who has what to gain...
Now, let's apply that old theory of who has what to gain...
Here's part of an article by Kirk Myers at
"According to a U.S. Senate and Public Works Committee report, the 'alarm about the future of polar bear decline is based on speculative computer model predictions many decades in the future. Those predictions are being 'challenged by scientists and forecasting experts,' said the report.
Those challenges, supported by facts on the ground, including observations from Inuit hunters in the region, haven’t stopped climate fear-mongers at the U.S. Geological Survey from proclaiming that future sea ice conditions 'will result in the loss of approximately two-thirds of the world’s current polar bear population by the mid 21st century.'
Such sky-is-falling rhetoric brings smiles to the Inuit population of Canada’s Nunavut Territory. They, too, know how to count, and they claim the bear population is stable or on the rise in their own backyard. Polar bears may be on the decline in some areas, but during their frequent visits to Inuit towns and outposts they rarely decline an easy meal from the local dump or a poorly secured garbage can.
Harry Flaherty, chair of the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board in the capital of Iqaluit, says the polar bear population in the region, along the Davis Strait, has doubled during the past 10 years. He questions the official figures, which are based to a large extent on helicopter surveys.
'Scientists do a quick study one to two weeks in a helicopter, and don’t see all the polar bears. We’re getting totally different stories [about the bear numbers] on a daily basis from hunters and harvesters on the ground,' he says."
"The Judicial Blockade"?
Actually, I think it's much more than judicial.
The fight to know about Barack Obama's birth and background continues on.
The obstacles are formidible and many, as those who follow this well know...
The fight to know about Barack Obama's birth and background continues on.
The obstacles are formidible and many, as those who follow this well know...
Posters at the American Grand Jury website are following the action:
"The US Attorneys representing Obama said Carter could not hear the case BECAUSE of Jurisdiction. They maintained that only a court in Washington DC could hear the case because Obama resided in Washington.
Bottom line, Orly made a brilliant move. By agreeing to what Obama’s Attorneys argued for they cannot now go back on their request. Orly in effect called their bluff. Now the case should rightfully move to Washington DC. If Judge Carter tries to deny the Motion he will lose complete credibility with the court and be subject to appeal — If Carter rules in favor of the Motion it is an important win for our side — Obama is still in the 'hot seat' and Orly deserves a lot of credit for hanging in there — In our humble opinion."
Sunday, January 17, 2010
"OMB's Fuzzy Math"
The government has changed the way it "counts" jobs "created or saved" by the so-called Recovery Act.
It appears to be even less accountable than before...
It appears to be even less accountable than before...
At, Jillian Bandes reports on what some opinions are:
""The stimulus has been such a grand failure that the administration has stooped to unabashedly cooking the books," said Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA). 'Moving the goal posts and tinkering with math formulas won't put the country back to work. The ridiculous 'saved or created' label needed to go, but the administration's new stimulus metric is even more misleading.'
Phil Kerpen, the director of Americans for Prosperity, said that the bigger issue isn’t the accounting practices – instead, it’s the fact that government thinks it can create jobs in the first place.
'The bottom line is that every dollar government spends first has to be taxed, borrowed, or printed. How can government spending make us richer when all three of those options make us poorer?'"
"Satellite Confirms That Global Temps Continue Decline Trend: A Minus 1.51"
The black line is CO2. The green line is the temperature trend.
Notice how they are NOT related...
Notice how they are NOT related...
You can see the chart at
"Despite climate model predictions, despite the IPCC climate experts, despite the Climategate data fraud, and of course, despite Al Gore and Obama, the global temperatures continued their long-term trend downwards. This decline is in the face of steadily rising atmospheric CO2 levels. Per the AGW hypothesis, temperatures should have risen in step with the CO2 increases. The exact opposite occurred as there was a negative (- 0.14) correlation between CO2 and temperatures."
Meanwhile - in Ontario, CN - Heating no longer free for couple
Somehow, at least at face value, this seems wrong.
I wonder what would happen if it were water, oil, or how about a walnut tree or wild berries?
Could government take those away from you?...
I wonder what would happen if it were water, oil, or how about a walnut tree or wild berries?
Could government take those away from you?...
I found this on Canada's website:
"For decades, the Murray family of southern Ontario has lived on a rare luxury -- they've heated their household for free.
But a government order is now demanding that the couple in their 70s shut down a 1931 natural gas well on their property, and the two will have to cough up tens of thousands of dollars to cap the historic well."
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Health Care - Guess the country
There are a lot of things we don't know about...
The Associated Press's Adam Geller writes about this one:
"The two-hour drive is done, but Hannah and Jack Hurst leave the Honda's engine running.
Hannah's prayers have brought them here. Now there's little to do but turn up the car's heat, try to get some sleep and wait for morning -- and a set of glass and metal doors to open.
Still, Hannah doesn't complain. The 26-year-old mother of three has waited 'pretty much as long as I can remember' to escape the pain throbbing through her jaws. Jack lost his road construction job a year ago and health insurance is out of the question. If the answer to Hannah's misery can be found behind those doors, then what's 10 hours more?
Out in the dark, the Hursts have plenty of company. Even before 10 p.m. on Friday in late fall, nearly 50 cars ring the ball field parking lot. By 6 a.m. Saturday, more than 400 men and women -- some wrapped in blankets, others leaning on walkers -- stand tightlipped and bleary-eyed under the Big Dipper.
They clutch numbered tickets, ready to claim the prize for perseverance: By day's end, as long as they can keep appetites and tempers in check and the sleep from their eyes, they will win the privilege of care from a dentist or a doctor."
Near Earth Objects Map
Near Earth Objects Map
Need something to worry about? Try this...
Need something to worry about? Try this...
On a map of the Solar System on the Armagh Observatory website, I found this:
"Red and yellow objects are potentially hazardous to the Earth"
Friday, January 15, 2010
Barack Obama - at "Party Central"?
Seems like some major news organization would make something of this...
At, Carter Clews reports:
"In fact, according to the Chicago Tribune, the stylish Ms. Rogers and the party-hearty First Couple hosted no less than 170 parties and social events through December 3 of 2009. And that does not even include the 17 parties and 11 open houses – feting more than 50,000 guests – ABC News reported the Obamas hosted throughout the Holiday Season.
For those not counting, that means by January, 2010, Ms. Rogers had staged one gala White House event every three days throughout the first year of the Obama Administration, making the once austere Executive Mansion look more like party central."
Politicians - N.Y. Comptroller John Liu
Perhaps you see this differently, but I don't like it...
Chuck Bennett reports in the N.Y. Post:
" New York City's new comptroller, John Liu, has ordered his staff to rise whenever he enters the room and to address him as "Mr. Comptroller."
The new presidential-like formalities were laid out during a series of meetings last week that had veteran denizens of the Municipal Building snickering behind his back, sources said."
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Belonging to the Rotary?
You may already have an opinion about Newt Gingrich; but, whatever it is, you still might want to hear this.
It's more than the title indicates...
"Liberalism is What is Killing California"
Elected officials spend first and THEN worry about where to get the money.
They're ALWAYS buying some one or some thing that will get them votes and they NEVER plan for a rainy day...
They're ALWAYS buying some one or some thing that will get them votes and they NEVER plan for a rainy day...
Columnist George Will writes about California:
"It took years for liberalism's redistributive itch to create an income tax so steeply progressive that it prompts the flight from the state of wealth-creators: 'Between 1990 and 2007,' Voegeli writes, 'some 3.4 million more Americans moved from California to one of the other 49 states than moved to California from another state.'"
"It took years for liberalism's mania for micromanaging life with entangling regulations to make California's once creative economy resemble Gulliver immobilized by the Lilliputians' many threads. The state, which between 1990 and 2007 lost 26 percent of its factory jobs and 35 percent of its high-tech manufacturing jobs, ranks behind only New York, another of liberalism's laboratories, in the number of outward-bound moving vans."
"How Corruption Stalks The Stimulus"
Try to imagine the work force, along with it's bureaucracy, expenses, and possible litigation costs, required to do this.
Is it any wonder that government is out of control?
Everything they do extrapolates into even more they need to do.
Is it any wonder that government is out of control?
Everything they do extrapolates into even more they need to do.
This comes from an Investors Business Daily editorial:
"the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board — also known as the RAT Board — and its 13 separate inspectors general had gotten 471 complaints of wrongdoing with stimulus funds. Of those, 86 triggered 'active investigations,' the Web site says, and 14 cases are being prosecuted.
No doubt, that's just a tiny chip from a very large iceberg. 'To a great extent,' the IRS says, '(we rely) on taxpayers' voluntary compliance with tax laws to accurately report income and claim only those tax benefits and credits to which they are entitled.'
We shouldn't be surprised. Anytime you have the kind of money we're talking about here — $787 billion just for stimulus — it's always an inducement to fraud and criminality to take advantage of government ineptitude. The temptations are just too great."
Only in America - Free Lawyers for Terrorists
Try to imagine what the victims of terrorism think when they read about this stuff...
Debbie Schlussel posts about it on her blog:
"You’d think that with an extremely wealthy family and a father who was the Chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria, Northwest Airlines Flight 253 Islamic terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab would have the best defense lawyer money can buy . . . and that he or his family would be paying for it.
But you’d be wrong. In fact, YOU–the American taxpayer–are paying for his defense. And his federal public defender, Miriam Siefer, has a record of sleaze and unethical behavior . . . some of it illegal."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Old Jarhead: I'm Tired
You know what? I'm tired, too.
How about you?...
How about you?...
On his blog, Robert A. Hall expresses what many of us are thinking. Here's a small part. There's much more:
"I’ll be 63 soon. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce, and a six-month period when I was between jobs, but job-hunting every day, I’ve worked, hard, since I was 18. Despite some health challenges, I still put in 50-hour weeks, and haven’t called in sick in seven or eight years. I make a good salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, there’s no retirement in sight, and I’m tired. Very tired.
I’m tired of being told that I have to 'spread the wealth around' to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy or stupid to earn it."
"Obama's Image: What a Difference a Year Makes"
This writer's opinion seems very well formed...
At, Ed Lasky expresses these thoughts and then explains them:
"The light that shines on Barack Obama as president has reflected back an image that bears very little similarity to the iconic visage that floated above us all in 2008. Why has Barack Obama betrayed so many allies, broken so many promises, thrown so many pledges and people under the bus?
One simple aphorism (paraphrasing Winston Churchill) can explain it all. Barack Obama is no longer a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Much about his past remains murky, but faced with the need to govern, he has given the American people plenty of evidence of his nature...if only they will look.
Obama is a cynic wrapped in a hypocrite inside a bully.
This comes as a shock to many, who are dismayed to find that he is 'just a politician,' as Reverend Wright, Jr. (who knows him so well) called him back in 2008. But Wright was being all too kind and generous to his future former parishioner (Wright followed a long and ever-growing line of people trampled by Barack Obama's rise.)"
A Crime Theory Demolished -
Theories are just theories.
Here's one that not working out...
Here's one that not working out...
Heather MacDonald writes in the Wall Street Journal:
"The recession of 2008-09 has undercut one of the most destructive social theories that came out of the 1960s: the idea that the root cause of crime lies in income inequality and social injustice. As the economy started shedding jobs in 2008, criminologists and pundits predicted that crime would shoot up, since poverty, as the "root causes" theory holds, begets criminals. Instead, the opposite happened. Over seven million lost jobs later, crime has plummeted to its lowest level since the early 1960s."
Californians and Ronald Reagan
I hear many Californians tell how they were glad to "get rid" of Ronald Reagan.
It's interesting to see how Californians voted in the 1980 Presidential Election.
That being said, I wonder if they'd take him back today...
It's interesting to see how Californians voted in the 1980 Presidential Election.
That being said, I wonder if they'd take him back today...
The info is at
"1980 Presidential General Election Results - California"
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Airport Security - in Israel
Would Americans accept this?...
You can 'aspire', but don't you dare achieve - Telegraph
The ideas described in this article are by no means exclusive to the U.K.
Elected officials think they know what's best, and, if we're not careful, they'll use all of our money, to "take care" of us.
History tells us what a "good" job they'll do...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Janet Daley writes about it:
"Whatever you do, don't try to take your fate into your own hands, or to make articulate, forceful representations on behalf of yourself and your loved ones – that would be 'pushy' and selfish. You must put your trust in the Government's all-seeing beneficence, which will provide 'fair' opportunities to everyone equally, even if their talents, attitudes and efforts vary wildly. As an ideology, this is deeply confused and self-contradictory. As practical politics, it is pernicious, and it reaches into the furthest corners of Labour policy. On public services, for example, Mr Brown is eager to tell us that he embraces consumer power: 'not uniform services, but personal services, tailored to your need and your aspirations.' Then he goes on to give a list of Government-dictated objectives which will be enforced across the board: a national care service for the elderly, a guarantee of early cancer diagnosis, compulsory modern language teaching in primary schools. And he tops off this set of nationwide edicts with the promise that 'we will always ensure that you get the individual excellent services you need to make the most of your life'. Does Mr Brown know what the word 'individual' means? Suppose that I don't want compulsory foreign language teaching at primary level? Maybe I would prefer accelerated maths teaching. What if regular coronary scans would be of more personal help to me than a concentration on cancer diagnosis? Do I get any choice in the priorities of these supposedly 'individual excellent services'?"
"Californians have the opportunity to fix state"
They are slow to rile as they always hope for the best.
Based on this article, in California, the citizenry appears to be waking up...
At, John Grubb writes:
"While its government has failed, its people have not.
It is time to believe in California and its people. Its citizens have conquered so many aspects of business, technology, the arts, academia and science - we certainly can gather this special group of humanity together to create a government that works. We can do better.
Luckily, 71 percent of 1,000 state voters in a poll Repair California requested said they would call the convention when it is on the ballot (74 percent of decline-to-state voters, 71 percent of Democrats and 70 percent of Republicans).
This year, Californians will have the opportunity to empower themselves. With a vote for the constitutional convention, citizens can take back their government, restore sanity to Sacramento and renew the fading California Dream. "
Politicians - and their houses
Nice Digs!...
Former Senator and Presidential candidate John Edwards lives HERE:
Monday, January 11, 2010
"Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls"
Surveys say...
Here's the latest from Rasmussen Reports™:
"Saturday, January 09, 2010
The week ended with unemployment still at 10%, and most of our indicators show Americans remain pretty gloomy about the country’s economic future. No wonder they’re sour on Congress and the president and what they’re up to.
And whose house is it, anyway?
When I read these kind of stories, I actually have trouble believing them...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Roya Nikkhah reports:
"Myleene Klass, the broadcaster and model, brandished a knife at youths who broke into her garden – but has been warned by police that she may have acted illegally."
Murders vs. Guns and Ammo
Obviously, the biased, liberal news media will NOT be reporting this...
This comes from the National Rifle Association website:
"FBI Reports Huge Decrease In Murders As Firearm, Ammunition And “Large” Magazine Sales Soar"
10 Year Chart of Cable News Ratings
At, Kevin Allocca shows the:
"10 Year Chart of Cable News Ratings: Primetime"
A Rodney Dangerfield America? -
SO, let's read between the lines.
Are Americans saying that the Ronald Reagan era was the "best"?
If so, it seems to follow that a "Reaganesque" presidential candidate may well prevail...
Are Americans saying that the Ronald Reagan era was the "best"?
If so, it seems to follow that a "Reaganesque" presidential candidate may well prevail...
In the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Henninger makes this observation:
"In Pew's comparison of five decades, one trumps the other four: the 1980s. 'The balance of opinion about the 1980s is overwhelmingly positive across all age groups.' The 1980s' negative rating is just 12%.
How can this be? As the '80s ended, pundits everywhere famously wrote the whole thing off as "The Decade of Greed." Left-wing essayist Barbara Ehrenreich, one of too many to count, called her version of the decade, 'The Worst Years of Our Lives.'
But it looks like people think the '80s were the best years of their lives. We—especially those among us thinking of running for the presidency—had better try to figure out why fast.
Because all conversation in our politics goes straight into rage if one brings any public figure's name into it, I will preposterously not mention Ronald Reagan."
Drag racing, anyone?
So, the obvious question might be. how can this guy do this while the big car companies apparently do not?...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
"Don't clear icy pavements, you could get sued"
Things are different in the U.K.
At least, I think they are. Who really knows?...
At least, I think they are. Who really knows?...
Robert Mendick and Laura Donnelly report in the U.K. Telegraph:
"Under current legislation, householders and companies open themselves up to legal action if they try to clear a public pavement outside their property. If they leave the path in a treacherous condition, they cannot be sued.
Councils, who have a responsibility for public highways, say they have no legal obligation to clear pavements."
Flight 253 - Who to believe?
If anyone thinks they know what is REALLY going on, they are sadly mistaken.
The news dissemination process is permeated with biases, agendas, propaganda, misrepresentations, and deliberately withheld information.
When you add individual interpretationss and the "whisper down the lane" concept, you can see what I mean...
The news dissemination process is permeated with biases, agendas, propaganda, misrepresentations, and deliberately withheld information.
When you add individual interpretationss and the "whisper down the lane" concept, you can see what I mean...
Aaron Foley has this at in Michigan:
"Following up on a visit from FBI officials about an eyewitness account first described to, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell described the visit in comment sections across MLive on Wednesday.
Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. They say another man tried to help Abdulmutallab board the plane in Amsterdam.
Haskell had two detailed posts in two different stories. Here is Part One, originally posted here:"
Questions for Abdulmutallab -
Trying terrorists in Civil courtrooms doesn't seem like the best of ideas...
Victoria Toensing writes about it in the Wall Street Journal:
"On the third day after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, President Barack Obama finally interrupted his Hawaiian vacation to announce that our government 'will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable.' But how are we going to do that now that the terrorist is lawyered up and is even challenging what should be a legal gimme: giving the government a DNA sample?
It was not wise to try enemy combatants such as Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker in the 9/11 attacks, in our regular criminal courts. And it is unwise that Mr. Obama has decided to try some Guantanamo detainees in New York City. Never in our country's history prior to 2001 have we done so, for good reason.
The constitutional protections designed to ensure a person is not wrongfully convicted have no relevance to wartime military needs. The argument that our system is strong enough to try a terrorist is a non sequitur. It equates to the argument that if a person is in excellent health, she can withstand being set ablaze."
Obama and Our Post-Modern Race Problem -
This article is built on the "emperor has no clothes" concept.
I'll be surprised if you CANNOT see the connections, and the implications...
I'll be surprised if you CANNOT see the connections, and the implications...
In my opinion, Shelby Steele has it figured out:
"Political correctness is a compendium of sophistications in which we join ourselves to obvious falsehoods ('diversity') and refuse to see obvious realities (the irrelevance of diversity to minority development). I would argue further that Barack Obama's election to the presidency of the United States was essentially an American sophistication, a national exercise in seeing what was not there and a refusal to see what was there—all to escape the stigma not of stupidity but of racism.
Barack Obama, elegant and professorially articulate, was an invitation to sophistication that America simply could not bring itself to turn down. If 'hope and change' was an empty political slogan, it was also beautiful clothing that people could passionately describe without ever having seen."
News you may have missed
I read that Fox News had ALL top ten viewed cable news shows for 2009.
Could it be that it's because they report ALL the news, while others do not?...
Could it be that it's because they report ALL the news, while others do not?...
On their web site, Fox News gives you a second chance at things you might have missed:
"Nine Big Stories the Mainstream Media Missed in 2009"
Saturday, January 09, 2010
YouTube - Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!
Videos tell stories.
Even so, not everybody wants to see, hear, or believe them.
I think Americans have become deaf, dumb, and blind so they don't have to deal with their possible mistakes...
"UK family gets $59,000 a year in benefits"
A thank you note to the taxpayers would be appropriate...
This is part of a story on Australia's website:
"He and wife Dawn admit their New Year's resolution is never to find work, because no job they'd get in Britain's recession-hit economy will come close to paying the same.
Sean hasn't lifted a finger since 2003 when he took time off to help Dawn handle a problem with the kids. He soon realised he was better off on benefits and has stayed home ever since."
Are Taxes the Root of Unhappiness? -
This is an interesting article, backed by statistics, that politicians and elected officials should think about.
Unfortunately, I doubt that they will...
Unfortunately, I doubt that they will...
In the Wall Street Journal, Allysia Finley shares the data and concludes:
"Many liberal state governments like those in Albany, Trenton and Sacramento are spending more and more on entitlement programs and public employee pensions, racking up more and more debt, and imposing more and more taxes to pay for it all---while ignoring their taxpayers' needs. Taxpayers, however, aren't just getting unhappy. They're getting out. United Van Lines' 2009 annual study shows that New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Illinois are among the states with the highest outbound migration while Alabama and Tennessee are among the states with the highest inbound migration.
This doesn't bode well for high-spending, high-tax states like New York where outbound migrants' income is 13% greater than that of inbound migrants. In 2006, this differential meant a loss of $4.3 billion in taxpayer income for the state. State governments therefore have a vested interest in keeping residents happy by reducing taxes and reigning in irresponsible spending."
"It's Just That Simple"
I couldn't agree more...
That's what C-SPAN's Brian Lamb says:
"The American people pay for all of this that goes on in this town."
"INTERPOL immunity--the story that won't go away"
I hope this isn't another case of the Obama Administration's need to please/appease international entities at the expense of Americans...
At, Anthony G. Martin has background and details. He begins:
"The Obama executive order granting INTERPOL--the International Police Organization--immunity from U.S. law is a story that won't go away.
At first only a tiny group of astute bloggers sounded the alarm about the issue. But now not only has the story gone viral but the state-run media (SRM) has picked up on it."
Friday, January 08, 2010
I Really Don't Care Much About California, But This Stunned Me (The Sequel)
Well, I am NOT sympathetic.
Politicians and elected officials have to wake up and STOP spending.
It's the only answer that will survive the long term...
Politicians and elected officials have to wake up and STOP spending.
It's the only answer that will survive the long term...
This is from Bill Dupray on the Patriot Room blog:
"And now, California wants a federal bailout. Think about that. A state wants a bailout. We have sunk to that.
Note the line that the bailout is needed to head off cuts to state services. In other words, they refuse to cut spending. They want their bailout so they can keep doing the things that got them into this mess in the first place.
The liberals have run the state into the ground. But instead of making the tough political decision, which is actually in their job description, to STOP SPENDING MONEY, they now plan to ask the American people in the other 49 states to give them even more money so they can take the rest of us down with them."
To Spank or Not to Spank?
Here's a study that sure to create controversy...
Murray Wardrop reports in the U.K. Telegraph:
"A study found that youngsters smacked up to the age of six did better at school and were more optimistic about their lives than those never hit by their parents.
They were also more likely to undertake voluntary work and keener to attend university, experts discovered."
"ObamaCare Still has a Long Way to Go to Become Reality - Step by Step"
It's may be likely to happen; but, it's not without obstacles...
Brian posts the scenario at
"Democrats succeeded tonight in winning the first cloture vote on the Senate Health Care Bill which allows it to move forward to a debate / amendment phase. But Martin Gold and Tom Curry spell out just how far 'ObamaCare' has to go before it becomes a reality. It's a longer road than I understood, and than you may think:"