Thursday, January 14, 2010
"Liberalism is What is Killing California"
Elected officials spend first and THEN worry about where to get the money.
They're ALWAYS buying some one or some thing that will get them votes and they NEVER plan for a rainy day...
They're ALWAYS buying some one or some thing that will get them votes and they NEVER plan for a rainy day...
Columnist George Will writes about California:
"It took years for liberalism's redistributive itch to create an income tax so steeply progressive that it prompts the flight from the state of wealth-creators: 'Between 1990 and 2007,' Voegeli writes, 'some 3.4 million more Americans moved from California to one of the other 49 states than moved to California from another state.'"
"It took years for liberalism's mania for micromanaging life with entangling regulations to make California's once creative economy resemble Gulliver immobilized by the Lilliputians' many threads. The state, which between 1990 and 2007 lost 26 percent of its factory jobs and 35 percent of its high-tech manufacturing jobs, ranks behind only New York, another of liberalism's laboratories, in the number of outward-bound moving vans."