Sunday, January 17, 2010
"OMB's Fuzzy Math"
The government has changed the way it "counts" jobs "created or saved" by the so-called Recovery Act.
It appears to be even less accountable than before...
It appears to be even less accountable than before...
At, Jillian Bandes reports on what some opinions are:
""The stimulus has been such a grand failure that the administration has stooped to unabashedly cooking the books," said Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA). 'Moving the goal posts and tinkering with math formulas won't put the country back to work. The ridiculous 'saved or created' label needed to go, but the administration's new stimulus metric is even more misleading.'
Phil Kerpen, the director of Americans for Prosperity, said that the bigger issue isn’t the accounting practices – instead, it’s the fact that government thinks it can create jobs in the first place.
'The bottom line is that every dollar government spends first has to be taxed, borrowed, or printed. How can government spending make us richer when all three of those options make us poorer?'"