Sunday, January 10, 2010
Obama and Our Post-Modern Race Problem -
This article is built on the "emperor has no clothes" concept.
I'll be surprised if you CANNOT see the connections, and the implications...
I'll be surprised if you CANNOT see the connections, and the implications...
In my opinion, Shelby Steele has it figured out:
"Political correctness is a compendium of sophistications in which we join ourselves to obvious falsehoods ('diversity') and refuse to see obvious realities (the irrelevance of diversity to minority development). I would argue further that Barack Obama's election to the presidency of the United States was essentially an American sophistication, a national exercise in seeing what was not there and a refusal to see what was there—all to escape the stigma not of stupidity but of racism.
Barack Obama, elegant and professorially articulate, was an invitation to sophistication that America simply could not bring itself to turn down. If 'hope and change' was an empty political slogan, it was also beautiful clothing that people could passionately describe without ever having seen."