Monday, December 31, 2018
Trump: The Best President I Didn’t Vote For
Just imagine if that opposition was instead for "America First"...
On The American Spectator website, David Catron admits to not voting for President Trump. But now he has a different view:
"After only two years in office, in the face of unprecedented and relentless resistance from the Democrats, the media, and the metastasizing Mueller investigation, President Trump has accomplished more than many presidents accomplish in two terms. He has not, of course, achieved all of his goals. The most obvious disappointments involved Obamacare and the border wall. Yet, even in these areas, his administration has made measurable progress and there is good reason to believe that he will eventually overcome Democratic obstructionism and achieve his ultimate objectives. Meanwhile, Trump’s long list of unalloyed successes keeps growing."
ICYMI: Google Wants to 'Monitor' Every Aspect of Our Personal Lives
Recently, at, Beth Baumann posted about Google's ideas:
"Technology giant Google has recently obtained patents to invent smart-home products that are capable of spying on users. The goal of the products is to learn more about us so they can can solicit us with advertisements that fit our lifestyle, PJ Media reported. The new patents go beyond Google's current 'Alexa' technology. It includes having sensors and cameras installed throughout a home so it's able to track what residents are doing.
'They describe how the cameras can even recognize the image of a movie star’s image on a resident’s t-shirt, connect it to the person’s browsing history, and send the person an ad for a new movie the star is in,' PJ Media reported."
Rules of Engagement
Islamaphobia in Perspective
Sunday, December 30, 2018
2018-12-30 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 29, 2018
A historic moment: North and South Korean officials link railroads across border
Modern Intellectuals' Affinity for Nonsense
And as I write that, I wonder how many even know what I mean?...
At, Anthony J. DeBlasi recently wrote:
"'I don’t like to think,' a young man once told me ( his exact words). This stunning confession from an otherwise fine young person was to me direct evidence that his mind was deformed by a defective system of education that dates back to John Dewey. It marked him as an asset of amoral strategists who care more about an agenda than the welfare of their fellow human beings. It is beyond sick that the young in America who, like this individual, 'don’t like to think' must depend on 'authorities' and 'experts' who despise the collective wisdom of people smarter than they, garnered over many centuries, regarding the most important things in life.
The drift from reality in so many young minds today – thanks to the progressive dismantling of intelligence in the public schools – must halt if living in a civilized society still means anything at all."
Reality vs. the View of CNN
We've been fooled many times
Friday, December 28, 2018
The Der Spiegel journalist who messed with the wrong small town
It should make us wonder how many similar or worse examples there are.
That saying, "Don't believe everything you read" sure does come to mind...
Michele Anderson and Jake Krohn posted about this on
"What happened is beyond what I could have ever imagined: An article titled ‘Where they pray for Trump on Sundays,’ and endless pages of an insulting, if not hilarious, excuse for journalism. Not only did Relotius’s ‘exposé’ on Fergus Falls make unrecognizable movie-like characters out of the people in my town that I interact with on a daily basis, but its very basic lack of truth and its bizarrely bleak portrayal of the place I love left a very sick, unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach. There’s really nothing like this feeling — knowing that people in another country have read about the place I call home and are shaking their heads over their coffee in disgust, sharing the article on Facebook and Twitter, and making comments on the online article like ‘creepy,’ and ‘these are the people who don’t believe electricity exists.’"
Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
Troublemakers like this are within our society...
Andrew Kerr "outs" this guy in his Daily Caller News Foundation report:
"The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined that an influential Antifa leader uses aliases to spread radical and often violent rhetoric while concealing his actual identity.
Joseph 'Jose'” Alcoff works with congressional Democrats as part of his day job as a manager with a DC-based advocacy group. But he spreads socialist and communist propaganda when going by the name 'Jose Martin.'
Identifying as 'Chepe,' Alcoff advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich. He has relished the mainstreaming of Antifa’s militant tactics in the Trump era.
A 2017 book identified Chepe as an organizer behind Smash Racism DC, the Antifa group that mobbed Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home in November and ran Ted Cruz out of a restaurant in September."
Funny Thing about India
One Generation to Another
Thursday, December 27, 2018
DC Decriminalizes Theft
AT, Taylor Lewis has the story about this:
"'Decriminalization is not the same as legalization,' Council member Charles Allen argued in favor of the measure. “A criminal citation stays on your record for life. [Fare evaders] will have a criminal conviction for their rest of their life for a $2 fare.'
Allen’s argument is, unsurprisingly, overwrought. Judges can always expunge criminal records for petty offenses like this. Bypassing a $2 train charge need not be a black mark on one’s permanent record. He knows this is true but tells his lie anyway.
Council member Robert C. White, Jr., was more open about his racialist intention. Citing the fact that 91% of fare evasion perpetrators are African-American, White threw financial considerations aside, admitting, 'I’m sad that’s Metro’s losing money, but I’m more sad about what’s happening to black people.'
To be fair, the Metro is better at losing money than transporting people. The entire system is in continual financial distress. Last year, it faced a $125 million revenue shortfall due to declining ridership. Fare evasion currently costs the Metro system $25 million a year -- about half the cost of the agency’s new headquarters."
The Tragedy of the European Family
Does the family status of one in power influence decisions that have a negative impact on society as a whole?...
On the Intellectual Takeout website, Ted Malloch recently presented some thoughts about it:
"So to put it rather bluntly: a grossly disproportionate number of the people making serious decisions about Europe’s future have no direct personal sibling, child or grandchildren’s interests at stake in that future. They are not part of a family and have come to see all their attention focused on one dominant and all-powerful social unit to which they pay obeisance and give their complete and devoted attention: The State.
The demographics look problematic. Among native Europeans, the birthrate is currently between 0.2 and 1.1. Europe is not replicating itself and will, if trends are extrapolated—cease to exist.
The numbers are disturbing combining an ageing population, very low birth rates and an inability to pay for their rich benefits: what will come of Europe? Why precisely, is the family dead or dying in Europe and the west?"
Steve Chapman: The surprising truth about 'gun deaths'
This writer points out how statistics continue to be misused to support the anti-gun movement...
Here's the beginning of an article by Steve Chapman from the Wisconsin State Journal:
"CHICAGO — If you’re thinking of venturing outside your home today, the news may change your mind.
'Gun deaths in US reach highest level in nearly 40 years, CDC data reveal,' blared Thursday’s headline on A press release from Everytown for Gun Safety noted that '39,773 people were killed by gun violence in 2017 — approximately 1,100 more than were killed by motor vehicle accidents.'
The picture these announcements evoke is of mass shootings and random gun crimes that pose a mortal danger to every American. But that image is not quite accurate. The number of homicides actually declined last year — and is believed to have fallen again this year. Our streets have gotten safer.
So what gives? When gun control advocates cite 'gun deaths,' they are not talking just about slayings of people by other people. Sixty percent of these deaths, it turns out, are not homicides but suicides. Most of the people who inflict fatal gunshot wounds harm only themselves."
Water Vapor vs. CO2
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Fire the Fed
That's sounding political and intentional to me...
Stephen Moore shares his opinion at
"In one of the most remarkable Abbott and Costello routines in modern times, the economic wizards at the Fed again raised interest rates on Tuesday. Their crackerjack logic for doing so is to steer America on a course toward recession so they have the tools in hand to end the recession that they themselves created. Can anyone tell us who's on first?
Worse, this Fed move doubles down on its blunderous interest rate rise in September. President Donald Trump turned out to be exactly right: The central bank pullback on money would slow growth and crush the stock market in order to combat nonexistent inflation."
Trump Bests the Geniuses in Syria
Kenneth R. Timmerman has this to begin his post at
"As one Democrat sputtered on national radio, 'The Secretary of Defense just resigned, we’re pulling out of Syria. WHAT’S GOING ON?'
What’s going on is that Donald Trump, maligned by Democrats and the media as a petulant dummy, and worse, is doing what they could never imagine: he is making good on a campaign promise.
He campaigned on waging a real war to defeat ISIS, rather than tiptoeing around the battle in Syria and Iraq as Obama had done.
He committed U.S. troops, U.S. aircraft, and U.S. intelligence and diplomatic assets to the war, while making good on yet another campaign promise by having local forces who bore the brunt of ISIS brutality form the tip of the spear. That was work the geniuses could never imagine. Only a 'dummy' could have done it. A 'dummy' who campaigned on telling the truth to the American people, and who has spent the past two years making good on his campaign promises.
The campaign to smash the ISIS caliphate in Iraq ended in victory more than a year ago."
NBC- Headline vs. Content
A Liberal View
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
2018-12-25 - Christmas Day
- Merry Christmas to ALL - ...
Monday, December 24, 2018
Medicaid for Illegals
Planned Parenthood's founder said...
Sunday, December 23, 2018
2018-12-23 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Google Knows Where You Sleep
It's time for a revolt against Google...
On the American Spectator website, Mytheos Holt reported about this:
"Multiple outlets have reported on Google’s surreptitious data collection, but perhaps none exposed the sheer scope and shamelessness of how that collection takes place so well as ABC News. In a breathtaking video report, ABC demonstrates that even when two reporters travel around New York with previously unopened and unused Android phones in their pockets, the phones continually track their locations, and activities. Not only that, but the phones can also somehow tell whether the reporters in question are riding bikes, in cars, underground, above ground, on a subway, or on foot. The only thing preventing all that data going straight to Google’s servers was the reporters’ self-imposed decision to disconnect their phones from any internet, thus leaving the data stored on the phone and unable to be transmitted.
In other words, Google programs their phones to stalk their owners and transmit as much data as the phone can pick up about what they’re doing to the company, whether the owners know anything about it or not. In fact, even if you work out how to tell your phone not to collect this data, it listens politely, and then goes right on doing it."
Housing Shortage: 636,000 Stockholm Residents in Housing Queue, Only 85 Vacancies
Meanwhile, in Sweden, mass migration takes a toll.
Sadly, those that didn't ask for it, and don't want it, pay the price...
Sadly, those that didn't ask for it, and don't want it, pay the price...
At, Chris Tomlinson recently reported about this:
"The population growth has been driven almost exclusively by mass migration, as the birthrate among Swedes on average is below replacement rate, with the birth rate for native Swedes being even lower compared to women from migration backgrounds. Statistics released in October showed that the average birthrate as a whole was also decreasing in the country. The housing shortage is just one area that has been impacted by mass migration. The mass influx of new migrants has also placed enormous strains on the various Swedish social systems and could see the retirement age in the country raised in order to pay for the influx of new arrivals."
Life Is Library
On the American Spectator website, Bill Croke posted his observations and thoughts about libraries:
"Public libraries seem to be crowded with people who don’t have a clue as to the function of a library as envisioned by Benjamin Franklin, who founded the first American one in colonial Philadelphia.
In 1731 the twenty-five-year-old precocious American Renaissance Man helped found the 'Library Company of Philadelphia,' with the radical idea of lending books to the public, thus improving upon the classical ideal of one that comes down to us from antiquity, an institution designed to serve a class of elite scholars but closed to the masses. It even bested the idea of subscription literary societies that flourished in England starting in the 17thcentury. Today, libraries function as daytime homeless shelters, video game arcades for young folks, and sites for municipal meetings and civic activities, craft fairs and vocational STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs, all conducted at close quarters with thousands of unread books."
Washigton Post Columnist
Trump is NOT racist!
Friday, December 21, 2018
Democrats Ran Russian Bot "False Flag" Operation in Alabama — AND MEDIA FELL FOR IT
It's always the Democrat Party, isn't it?...
Peter Hasson has this story at
"Democratic operatives created thousands of Twitter accounts posing as Russian bots in order to boost Alabama Democratic Sen. Doug Jones in the October 2017 special election by linking his Republican opponent, Roy Moore, to Russian influence campaigns.
The operatives, who were funded by liberal billionaire Reid Hoffman independently of Jones’s campaign, created more than a thousand Russian-language accounts that followed Moore’s Twitter account overnight, The New York Times reported Wednesday evening.
Hoffman gave the operatives $100,000 for their project, which included creating fake conservative Facebook accounts to dissuade voters from supporting Moore, according to the Times.
We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,' the operatives recounted in an internal report obtained by the Times.
Media outlets — both in Alabama and nationally — fell for the ploy and amplified the false narrative in October 2017. "
The Recession Myth
It makes me wonder why we continue to give them credibility...
Steven Moore reently offered some of his economic opinions in a post at
"There's an old saying that Wall Street economists have predicted eight of the last two recessions. The bears in the economics profession keep getting paid a lot of money misreading the nation's economic weather vanes -- whether it was the power and durability of the Reagan expansion in the 1980s, the ferocious bull market of the late 1990s, the after-effects of the 9/11 attacks, or most recently the phenomenal revival of growth in President Donald Trump's first years in office.
Most of Wall Street's top economic gurus thought Trump would crash the stock market and the world economy, and here we are with near 4 percent growth over the past six months and a prediction for the year of close to 3.5 percent. That's not a crash. A stopped clock is right twice a day, but the Keynesians on Wall Street are hardly any better than that.
All of this is to say the recent frightening claims by Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius and other scribes that the economy is likely to slide into recession or a serious skid next year with growth of 1.6 percent to 1.8 percent -- half our current pace -- should be greeted with a collective yawn."
Thousands moved out for a new GM factory; now it's closing
At, David Shepardson and Nick Carey reported on this:
"GM’s widely touted factory of the future, forced on a town desperate for jobs and hailed decades later by former President Barack Obama, is set to wind down over the next few years, leaving beleaguered Hamtramck wondering what happened. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said at a news conference Monday that he told GM chief executive Mary Barra Monday that 'we moved thousands of people out of that neighborhood ... to create that assembly plant and I felt that the city of Detroit deserved more consideration.'
In 1981, the Michigan Supreme Court approved a decision to allow Detroit to tear down up to 1,500 homes, more than 140 businesses, a hospital and six churches to build the $500 million plant. The Detroit News reported 4,200 people lost their homes as a result.
GM convinced officials in the cities of Detroit and Hamtramck, the state of Michigan - and ultimately the state’s highest court - to use eminent domain, a controversial process in which government seizes private land."
Eternal Darkness of the Leftist Mind
At, Lloyd Marcus recently wrote about leftist thinking. He closded his article with this:
"The most disturbing example of weird leftist thinking is their desire for America, their homeland, to suffer and fail. When Democrats take over the House in January, they will be obsessed with rolling back every one of Trump's remarkable achievements for America. Our economy is booming. Black, Hispanic, women, and Asian unemployment are at historic lows. Trump has ended the U.S. being exploited by foreign countries. Why is all this good news for Americans deemed bad news in the warped minds of leftists?
Folks, leftists' thinking comes from a strange place alien to the rest of us. They cannot be reasoned with. Leftists must be defeated. I am confident that God is on our side. Fasten your seatbelts -- 2019 is going to be a very bumpy ride."
OPINION: Unpatriotic Young People Are Dividing America
At, Nick Adams expressed his opinions, including this:
"We no longer share even a rudimentary understanding of what makes this country 'America' and what makes us 'American.' In other words, we’ve collectively lost a substantive sense of what differentiates America from all other countries, and perhaps more importantly, what differentiates Americans from all other peoples.
One of the many achievements of our Founding Fathers was devising a system of government that allowed for ideological disagreements to be hashed out peacefully. No longer would we rely upon pistols and guillotines to change regimes. Rather, we would use debate and elections to win others to our side."
Charlie Daniels knows
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Electoral Fraud: the Real Record
Most of us have seen elections changed by just a few votes.
That highlights WHY voter fraud IS an issue that should be a concern...
That highlights WHY voter fraud IS an issue that should be a concern...
At, Apolo Villalobos has compiled quite a list. I'm sure there are even more:
"When Donald Trump was running for office, he raised the issue of fraudulent votes. As with everything else Trump has said, it was instantly attacked and ridiculed by the media. Since then, the idea has been dismissed by MSM journalists who have insisted that there have not been any cases of illegal voting.
Recently, though, the novel possibility of fraudulent votes in favor of a Republican candidate has made the MSM do a 180o while reiterating that such things have never happened favoring Democratic candidates. As with many other topics, MSM journalists have blatantly lied. Here are a few recent instances of illegal voting:"
Stossel TV on "The Myth of U.S. Mass Shooters"
I found this article about mass shooters on the Crime Prevention Research Center website:
"CNN claimed that 'the U.S. has the most mass shootings'. The WSJ reported that 'U.S. leads the world in mass shootings.' Nearly every major media outlet, and Former President Obama, said the same. But the claim is based on just one study, and the author of that study, Adam Lankford, would not release his data to either John Stossel or researchers in the field. Economist John Lott says that Lankford’s study has many flaws (our research and data can be downloaded here and data over more years is here). Lankford claimed to find 'complete data' for all mass shootings in 171 countries from 1966 to 2012. But Lott notes that in Lankford’s paper, he doesn’t specify basic details about how he found shootings in so many countries — most of which don’t speak English — before the internet."
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
Mixing doesn't always work out well
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against 19 Defendants For The Sex Trafficking Of Minor Girls And Young Women In New York State’s Child Welfare System
Sex trafficking is far more prevalent than we know. AND, for some reason, doesn't get the attention of our media...
This is from the Department of Justice website:
"Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of five indictments and three superseding indictments charging a total of 19 with participating in the sex trafficking of minor girls and young women.
As alleged, the defendants trafficked or recruited to engage in prostitution at least 15 minor girls in the child welfare system, including at least nine minors who resided at a particular non-incarceratory residential treatment facility located in Westchester County (“Facility-1”). Facility-1 provided housing for at-risk and troubled children and adolescents on behalf of departments of social welfare for certain counties in New York State.
Eight of the 19 charged defendants were arrested yesterday, two are in state custody on unrelated charges, and eight other defendants were previously charged. One remains at large. These defendants were identified as part of an ongoing criminal investigation into the sex trafficking of minor victims, some of whom were as young as 13 years old, in the social welfare system. As detailed below, the charges are set forth in a total of eight separate indictments."
Hoaxed: Goucher College Black Student Arrested for Racist Graffiti
This type of "hoax" seems to be increasing.
It does not bode well for race relations....
It does not bode well for race relations....
On the LegalInsurrection website Mike LaChance reported on this:
"A minority student at Goucher College in Maryland has been arrested following the revelation that he was behind racist graffiti recently discovered on campus. Just yesterday, we covered a similar incident at Drake University in Iowa."
A Simple Solution
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
POWELL: New Facts Indicate Mueller Destroyed Evidence, Obstructed Justice
It sure looks like General Flynn has been "railroaded".
Let's hope the judge sees it and rules in Flynn's favor...
Let's hope the judge sees it and rules in Flynn's favor...
On the Daily Caller website, Sidney Powell summarizes her posted article with this:
"Any ethical law Department of Justice official would have taken custody of all electronic devices of Strzok and Page immediately upon discovery of their extreme bias and blatant misconduct — or certainly upon their termination — and preserved all the evidence. For Mueller to destroy this evidence is blatant obstruction of justice that warrants his immediate termination. The same is true for Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein who was “overseeing” it at the time.
Mueller has shown abject contempt for the wrong court. Judge Sullivan is a real judge who believes in the rule of law and has the integrity to enforce it equally. The evidence strongly suggests Mueller violated Brady, destroyed or suppressed evidence, and obstructed justice in violation of 18 USC §1512(c). He has disgraced himself and the Department of Justice. Mueller’s time is up."
The Migrant Caravan of Diseases
In this story about Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), these paragraphs ring true...
At, Brian C. Joondeph writes about a mysterious illness for which we currently have no answers:
"When a government agency either does not know the answer, or for political reasons does not want to acknowledge and reveal the answer, they form a task force. By the time the task force settles on a meeting schedule and what types of snacks to serve during meetings, AFM will either disappear naturally or become a mass extinction event.
Perhaps the scientists have some ideas where AFM came from and why it is increasing in prevalence, but if they want to keep their jobs, pensions, and reputations, they feign ignorance. A task force with a few scientists and many more non-scientists, skilled at media and public relations, will eventually announce their findings, scrubbed of anything politically incorrect or offensive to any of the many victim groups in America. But it's worth looking at who's bringing this disease in, because it coincides with recent vast waves of illegal immigration."
Pots Calling the Kettle Black
Monday, December 17, 2018
UN Fury Over Trump Protecting Americans From Thieves
The United Nations is mostly made up of countries who have no other goals than to take advantage of American benevolence, while at the same time arguing against everything America tries to do.
And you say?..
And you say?..
At, Humberto Fontova tells us about this:
"Don’t get me wrong, amigos. The Fake News Media does not refer to the recent UN vote in the same manner as does this column. Instead they reported (gloated) that: 'UN voted overwhelmingly to condemn US embargo of Cuba….In a slap to the United States, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution Thursday condemning the American economic embargo of Cuba and rejected proposed U.S. amendments strongly criticizing the lack of human rights in the island country.'
The occasion was the annual and ritual UN vote against the U.S. 'embargo' of mass-murdering, mass-torturing, terror-sponsoring and kleptocratic Cuba, which sits prominently on the UN Human Rights Council! For genuinely judicious people, this should reveal all they need to know about the UN.
This mild incongruity, shall we say, did not go unnoticed by Ambassador Nikki Haley, who promptly fired back at that assembly of frauds and hypocrites, essentially by quoting the late Tom Petty: 'The United Nations does not have the ability or the authority to end the United States’ embargo of Cuba….Our reason for the embargo is and has always been Cuba’s denial of freedom and the denial of the most basic human rights for the Cuban people. The United States will continue to stand with the Cuban people until their rights and their freedoms are restored. Period…We won’t back down.'"
GREAT AGAIN: Schools bring back chocolate milk as Michelle O lunch rules eased
Unfortunately, there are likely federal government subsidies contingent on allowing federal government controls...
On the website, Victor Skinner reported about this:
"When former first lady Michelle Obama’s strict limitations on school lunches went into effect, students across the country dumped the unappetizing offerings in the garbage, a debacle that cost taxpayers billions in wasted food and lunchroom sales. Students, parents, administrators and lunch staff pleaded with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to roll back the restrictions – specific limits on everything from total calories to fat, sugar, sodium, and whole grain content – and the government created various waivers to allow schools to serve students food they will actually eat. Now, the Trump administration is scrapping the unnecessary bureaucracy altogether by making many of the changes permanent, effectively erasing rules that some believe unfairly targeted minorities and ignored cultural diversity."
Republicans vs. Islam
Sunday, December 16, 2018
2018-12-16 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 15, 2018
The Clintons vs. The American Spectator
This is quite a good synopsis of what went down back then.
I'd call this a reminder for those of us who witnessed it; and, a history lesson for those who don't know and/or weren't taught about it...
I'd call this a reminder for those of us who witnessed it; and, a history lesson for those who don't know and/or weren't taught about it...
Paul Kengor begins his American Spectator article with this:
"It was 20 years ago this month that the House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton. The vote took place December 19, 1998, with two of four articles approved by the House, the first on grounds that Clinton had lied to a grand jury (228-206), and the second on grounds that Clinton had obstructed justice (221-212). He became only the second president (the other in 1868) to be impeached."
Just Two Things
Friday, December 14, 2018
You Snooze, You Lose: Insurers Make The Old Adage
Marshall Allen has this and more at
"Last March, Tony Schmidt discovered something unsettling about the machine that helps him breathe at night. Without his knowledge, it was spying on him. From his bedside, the device was tracking when he was using it and sending the information not just to his doctor, but to the maker of the machine, to the medical supply company that provided it and to his health insurer. Schmidt, an information technology specialist from Carrollton, Texas, was shocked. 'I had no idea they were sending my information across the wire.'"
Climate Lunacy Takes Center Stage
At, Paul Driessen recently wrote about what he labeled 'climate lunacy.' Here's part of it:
"People look out their windows and realize the 'unprecedented climate and weather chaos' isn’t actually happening, is little different from what they and previous generations experienced, and cannot possibly be attributed solely to fossil fuel use. They know the sun and other powerful natural forces have driven frequent climate changes throughout history, and play equally important roles today.
They understand that the scary headlines are the product of 'scenarios' conjured up by computer models that blame climate change on greenhouse gases. They see the boy who cried 'fifty 20-foot-tall wolves' far too often. They don’t buy the notion that today’s incredibly wealthy, high-tech, energy-rich societies are somehow less able to deal with climate change than those that lived through the Little Ice Age, for example. They typically put climate change at the bottom of any list of pressing concerns.
More and more people understand that fossil fuels provide 80% of US and global energy – and are essential to lifting billions more people out of crushing poverty. They see Asian and African countries building thousands of new coal- and gas-fired electrical generating plants, and making and driving millions of new cars. They know even Germany and Japan are burning more coal, as they realize that wind and solar subsidies and facilities raise energy costs, kill jobs and hurt poor families the most. "
Slavery- Thomas Sowell
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Islamists Behind 84 Percent of Terror Killings in West
You can bet the media will fail to cover them...
Jack Montgomery reported them on the Breitbart-Europe website:
"Islamists were responsible for a massive 84.27 per cent of terror killings in the West in 2017, with 66.67 per cent of the perpetrators coming to their target country from abroad.
The number of foreign-born radical Islamic terrorists carrying out attacks in Western countries was up substantially from 2016, when 40.54 per cent of attackers struck outside their country of origin, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society.
Islamists achieved their 84 percent share of terror fatalities despite accounting for 48.53 percent of terrorist incidents overall, suggesting they tend to be more lethal than, for example, far-right terrorists — who accounted for 20.59 percent of terrorist incidents but only 12.36 percent of terror fatalities."
NJ Couple and Homeless Man in GoFundMe Controversy Accused of Making Up Story, Source Says
Philadelphia's NBC10 had this on their website:
"The New Jersey couple who became famous for raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for a homeless man after he helped with their disabled car — as did the homeless man himself — will all face charges for allegedly providing a false story in order to raise money for themselves, a source familiar with the case told NBC10. Mark D'Amico, Kate McClure and Johnny Bobbitt will face charges including conspiracy and theft by deception, according to the source."
Lila thinks Planned Parenthood is Mixed Up
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Trump Has Freed the Republican Party from the Media
I would concur: "No doubt about it"...
John Dempsey offered this as the close to his recent article on
"Trump has beaten the self-proclaimed geniuses at major news networks for over two years. The irony is the left claims he is mentally ill. That must be embarrassing being controlled by someone who has “mental issues.”
Trump uses Twitter as a means to control the media. All the major news networks believe they control the news cycle, but in reality, Trump controls them through social media. They are so obsessed with destroying Trump any tweet gets blown out of proportion. In the end, the leftist news looks like they are the mentally ill ones.
Conventional political wisdom says that Republicans need to be neutral or even back down from the media, but Trump has destroyed that method and exposed it. He’s shown that a candidate can keep his base and also grow it when the press is challenged and defeated."
The Reality of Industrial Wind Power
At, Jeff Ingber covers the following in his wind power article:
"Environmental impact
Harmful to health and safety
Expensive and dependent on tax subsidies to remain economical
Unreliability and inefficiency
Excessive space needs"
Meanwhile - in Sweden
Same old Double Standard
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
95% of IT “Engineers” in India Incapable, New Report Reveals
So much of what we've been told to believe turns out to be "not so"...
This was posted on The New Observer website back in April:
"A new report by Aspiring Minds, the world’s largest employability assessment company, has revealed that over 95 percent of all IT 'engineers' in India are incapable of basic programming—shattering the myth of Indian 'IT expertise' and destroying the controlled media’s often-repeated claim that engineers from that country are urgently needed to 'boost the skill sets of Europe and America.'"
A college kid running for 13th Ward alderman gets a lesson in the Chicago Way
On the Chicago Tribune website, John Kass reported on this:
"To get on the ballot, Krupa was required to file 473 valid signatures of ward residents with the Chicago Board of Elections. Krupa filed 1,703 signatures.
But before he filed his signatures with the elections board, an amazing thing happened along the Chicago Way.
An organized crew of political workers — or maybe just civic-minded individuals who care about reform — went door to door with official legal papers. They asked residents to sign an affadavit revoking their signature on Krupa’s petition.
Revocations are serious legal documents, signed and notarized. Lying on a legal document is a felony and can lead to a charge of perjury. If you’re convicted of perjury, you may not work for a government agency. And I know that there are many in the 13th Ward on the government payroll.
More than 2,700 revocations were turned over to the elections board to cancel the signatures on Krupa’s petitions. Chicago Board of Elections officials had never seen such a massive pile of revocations."
Rep. Ratcliffe Q&A with James Comey
Monday, December 10, 2018
What Michigan's Radioactive Boy Scout Tells Us about American Education
At, Erwin Hass explains his idea and concludes with:
"The dynamism of our youth is being wasted in factory model schools. I propose that we recognize adolescent hormones as a powerful force for good and let it loose to drive students to seek their own individual happiness. Allowing adolescents to become responsible for their own individual future is understood in other educational models, and it works."
Reality bites: Thick Sea Ice Is Making Arctic Travel And Shipping A Nightmare
When it's decreasing, alarmists are full-throated.
When it's increasing, there's nothing to be heard...
Anthony Watts recently reported on his website:
"From CBC, something that goes against claims of disappearing sea ice:"
U.S. Feds Discover Largest Oil, Natural-Gas Reserve in History
This was reported by Mairead McArdle on the National Review website:
"'Christmas came a few weeks early this year,' Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke said of the new reserve, which is believed to have enough energy to fuel the U.S. for nearly seven years... ...In all, the new reserve is said to contain 281 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, 46.3 billion barrels of oil, and 20 billion barrels of natural-gas liquids, the Interior Department’s U.S. Geological Survey said."
Cell Phones
Sunday, December 09, 2018
2018-12-09 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Newly-Elected DA Vows To Stop Prosecuting Resisting Arrest And 15 Other Crimes
Holly Matkin reported about this on a Blue Lives Matter webpage:
"Boston, MA – When Suffolk County’s district attorney-elect Rachel Rollins takes over the prosecutor’s office in January, criminals will no longer need to worry about being held accountable for many offenses – including resisting arrest."
Why Don't We Forget How to Ride a Bike?
On the Scientific American website, Boris Suchan explains all about this:
"Most of us learn how to ride a bike during childhood. But as we grow older, many of us stop riding and put those once-beloved bikes in storage. Years later, when we discover these relics and hop on, it’s as if we never stopped biking. This is surprising because our memories let us down in so many other instances, such as remembering the name of a place or a person we once knew or where we put our keys. So how is it that we can ride a bicycle when we haven’t done so in years?"
Friday, December 07, 2018
Meanwhile - at the California DMV
If you don't, please try again...
If you don't think you're seeing all of this in your browser, click here: Rosie MemosPublished by @CAgovernment "State law prohibits DMV from sending information for AB 60 applicants (undocumented driver license applicants) to the @CASOSvote" don't worry, the part about being a citizen is highlighted. California voter list is based on honor system #StopTheSteal— Rosie Memos⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@almostjingo) December 4, 2018
Denmark to banish foreign criminals to remote island
James Rothwell reported on this on the U.K Telegraph website:
"Foreign criminals sentenced to deportation are to be banished to a remote island off the coast of Denmark, the country's government has announced. Finance minister Kristian Jensen said the criminals will be detained at a facility on Lindholm, an uninhabited seven-hectare island in the province of Vordingborg. The tough scheme was set up as part of an agreement between Denmark’s conservative coalition government and its anti-immigration ally, the Danish People’s Party (DF)."
An Image for Today - Remember This?
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Spaceflight SSO-A: SmallSat Express Mission
A report on one of their recent accomplishments:
"Carrying 64 payloads, this mission represented the largest single rideshare mission from a U.S.-based launch vehicle to date. A series of six deployments occurred approximately 13 to 43 minutes after liftoff, after which Spaceflight began to command its own deployment sequences. Spaceflight’s deployments are expected to occur over a period of six hours."
YAF Wins Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit, UC Berkeley To Pay $70,000 And Rescind Unconstitutional Policies
On the Young America’s Foundation website, Spencer Brown recently reported on the court ruling:
"This landmark victory for free expression means UC Berkeley can no longer wantonly treat conservative students as second-class members of its community while ignoring the guaranteed protections of the First Amendment.
No longer can UC Berkeley place a 3:00 p.m. curfew on conservative speech.
No longer can UC Berkeley ban advertisements for Young America’s Foundation-sponsored campus lectures.
And no longer can UC Berkeley relegate conservative speakers to remote or inconvenient lecture halls on campus while giving leftist speakers access to preferred locations.
Further, the policy that allowed Berkeley administrators to charge conservative students $20,000 for security to host Ben Shapiro—an amount three times greater than the fee charged to leftist students to host liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor—is gone. YAF and UC Berkeley agreed to a fee schedule that treats all students equally. Unless students are handling money or serving alcohol at an event, the security fee will be zero."
Hide, deny, spin, threaten: How the school district tried to mask failures that led to Parkland shooting
Broward County, Florida seems to have more than a fair share of corrupt behaviors...
This is the beginning of an article on the Sun_Sentinel, Florida newsite:
"Immediately after 17 people were murdered inside , the school district launched a persistent effort to keep people from finding out what went wrong. For months, Broward schools delayed or withheld records, refused to publicly assess the role of employees, spread misinformation and even who published the truth.
New information gathered by the South Florida Sun Sentinel proves that the school district knew far more than it’s saying about a disturbed former student obsessed with death and guns who mowed down staff and students with an assault rifle on Valentine’s Day.
After promising an honest assessment of what led to the shooting, the district instead hired a consultant whose primary goal, according to school records, was preparing a legal defense. Then the district kept most of those findings from the public. The district also spent untold amounts on lawyers to fight the release of records and nearly $200,000 to pay public relations consultants who advised administrators to clam up, the Sun Sentinel found."
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
An Image for Today - Can't Criticize?
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
‘It blows my mind’: How B.C. destroys a key natural wildfire defence every year
On the Watts Up With That? website, Charles the Moderator recently posted about this:
"The eradication of trees like aspen and birch on regenerating forest stands is meant to make room for more commercially valuable conifer species like pine and Douglas fir.
But experts say it also removes one of the best natural defences we have against wildfire, at a time when our warming climate is helping make large, destructive fires more and more common. 'It blows my mind that nobody is talking about this,' said James Steidle, a member of the anti-glyphosate group Stop the Spray B.C.
'The experts know this stuff. They’ve known about this stuff for decades, but it’s just not being translated into reality.'
When aspen and other broadleaves are allowed to flourish, they form “natural fuel breaks” if their leaves are out, according to Lori Daniels, a professor of forest ecology at the University of B.C. That’s why aspen stands are often referred to as “asbestos forests” in wildfire science circles."
Harvard-Backed Illegal Alien Becomes First DACA Rhodes Scholar
See anything wrong here?...
At, Sean Moran reported on this:
"Jin Kyu Park became the first Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal alien to win the Rhodes Scholarship. The 22-year-old South Korean illegal immigrant backed by Harvard University received the prestigious award on Saturday. Elliot Gerson, the American secretary of the Rhodes Trust, announced on Saturday that it awarded Park the scholarship to continue his studies at the University of Oxford. The Rhodes Trust provides full financial assistance for scholars to pursue a degree at the University of Oxford for two or three years.
Rhodes Scholar applicants must receive an “endorsement” of his or her application from the student’s university, meaning that Harvard decided to endorse Park’s application over an American citizen or lawful permanent resident. Harvard also backed Park, although he was ineligible for the Rhodes Scholar."