Thursday, December 13, 2018
Islamists Behind 84 Percent of Terror Killings in West
You can bet the media will fail to cover them...
Jack Montgomery reported them on the Breitbart-Europe website:
"Islamists were responsible for a massive 84.27 per cent of terror killings in the West in 2017, with 66.67 per cent of the perpetrators coming to their target country from abroad.
The number of foreign-born radical Islamic terrorists carrying out attacks in Western countries was up substantially from 2016, when 40.54 per cent of attackers struck outside their country of origin, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society.
Islamists achieved their 84 percent share of terror fatalities despite accounting for 48.53 percent of terrorist incidents overall, suggesting they tend to be more lethal than, for example, far-right terrorists — who accounted for 20.59 percent of terrorist incidents but only 12.36 percent of terror fatalities."