Monday, December 17, 2018
GREAT AGAIN: Schools bring back chocolate milk as Michelle O lunch rules eased
Unfortunately, there are likely federal government subsidies contingent on allowing federal government controls...
On the website, Victor Skinner reported about this:
"When former first lady Michelle Obama’s strict limitations on school lunches went into effect, students across the country dumped the unappetizing offerings in the garbage, a debacle that cost taxpayers billions in wasted food and lunchroom sales. Students, parents, administrators and lunch staff pleaded with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to roll back the restrictions – specific limits on everything from total calories to fat, sugar, sodium, and whole grain content – and the government created various waivers to allow schools to serve students food they will actually eat. Now, the Trump administration is scrapping the unnecessary bureaucracy altogether by making many of the changes permanent, effectively erasing rules that some believe unfairly targeted minorities and ignored cultural diversity."