Monday, December 17, 2018
UN Fury Over Trump Protecting Americans From Thieves
The United Nations is mostly made up of countries who have no other goals than to take advantage of American benevolence, while at the same time arguing against everything America tries to do.
And you say?..
And you say?..
At, Humberto Fontova tells us about this:
"Don’t get me wrong, amigos. The Fake News Media does not refer to the recent UN vote in the same manner as does this column. Instead they reported (gloated) that: 'UN voted overwhelmingly to condemn US embargo of Cuba….In a slap to the United States, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution Thursday condemning the American economic embargo of Cuba and rejected proposed U.S. amendments strongly criticizing the lack of human rights in the island country.'
The occasion was the annual and ritual UN vote against the U.S. 'embargo' of mass-murdering, mass-torturing, terror-sponsoring and kleptocratic Cuba, which sits prominently on the UN Human Rights Council! For genuinely judicious people, this should reveal all they need to know about the UN.
This mild incongruity, shall we say, did not go unnoticed by Ambassador Nikki Haley, who promptly fired back at that assembly of frauds and hypocrites, essentially by quoting the late Tom Petty: 'The United Nations does not have the ability or the authority to end the United States’ embargo of Cuba….Our reason for the embargo is and has always been Cuba’s denial of freedom and the denial of the most basic human rights for the Cuban people. The United States will continue to stand with the Cuban people until their rights and their freedoms are restored. Period…We won’t back down.'"