Thursday, July 31, 2014
Exclusive: Illegal Alien Crime Victims Invite Boehner, His Family to Border, Plead for Enforcement
Matthew Boyle has posted about that letter at
"Several family members of victims of horrific crimes committed by illegal aliens have invited House Speaker John Boehner to visit the U.S. Border with Mexico with them in a fiery letter provided exclusively to Breitbart News."
"Food labels mislead shoppers into thinking they are eating well, study warns"
Food companies mastered the art of deceptive labeling long ago, and have successfully lobbied elected officials to protect that art...
Emma Hines recently wrote about this in the U.K. Daily Mail Health Section:
"Researchers found health-related buzzwords - such as ‘antioxidant,’ ‘gluten-free’ and ‘wholegrain’ - lull shoppers into thinking products labelled with these words are healthier than they actually are.
The ‘false sense of health’ - coupled with a failure to understand the information presented in nutrition fact panels on packaged food - may be contributing to the obesity epidemic, they say."
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
"No Child Left Outside: Another Mom Arrested for Letting Kid Play in Park - Hit & Run"
See what you think of this...
At, Lenore Skenazy posted this story:
"A Port St. Lucie, Forida, mom has been arrested and charged with child neglect for daring to let her son, 7, play in the park half a mile from home. He was happily walking there when a busybody noticed him and asked where his mommy was. Then the busybody called the cops, since apparently no child should ever be outside without a private security detail.
The police descended upon the scene of the crime and later arresting the mom for the usual charge of child neglect. What if something bad had happened?"
"Washington, D.C., handgun ban is unconstitutional, federal judge rules"
The attempts by elected officials to deny the 2nd Amendment keep failing...
On an L.A. Times blog, James Queally informs us:
"In a 19-page order made public Saturday, U.S. District Judge Frederick Scullin ruled in favor of four plaintiffs and the Second Amendment Foundation, a gun-rights advocacy group, which had sued the District of Columbia and Police Chief Cathy Lanier. The plaintiffs claimed that the city's refusal to issue carry permits restricted their right to self-defense.
'There is no longer any basis on which this court can conclude that the District of Columbia's total ban on the public carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home is constitutional under any level of scrutiny,' Scullin wrote."
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
FDA Activists Ignore Salt Science | The Daily Caller
Is the government wrong about salt?
Considering government's track record in general, would that surprise you?...
Considering government's track record in general, would that surprise you?...
At, Kerri Houston Tolozcko included these paragraphs in her recent article:
"Studies show that people worldwide safely and routinely consume an average of 2,600-4,800 milligrams of sodium per day — well above the US government recommendation of 1,500-2,300. According to an analysis of a British medical journal study authored by World Health Organization researchers, people in countries with the highest salt consumption have the longest life expectancies while those with the lowest salt consumption have the shortest. Sodium intake in the U.S. has not changed in fifty years while our life expectancy has increased from 70 to 80 years during that time period, so it seems that salt is indeed preserving us.
In 2013, the Institute of Medicine concluded that subjective U.S. government sodium intake guidelines of 1,500-2,300 daily milligrams are not supported by peer-reviewed, scientific studies published in medical journals. A 2011 study in the renowned Journal of the American Medical Association noted that low sodium levels were 'associated with higher Cardiovascular Disease mortality.' A newly-released study in the American Journal of Hypertension concluded that diets with sodium lower than what is contained in typical American diets are associated with higher death rates."
"Boss of Princess Diana landmine charity suspended over claims he stole donor's money"
Large amounts of money are a great temptation to human frailty and must be monitored very closely...
Chris Pleasance writes about this one in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"The chief executive of one of Britain's biggest charities has been suspended after claims he used donations to pay his children's private school fee.
Guy Willoughby, 54, was suspended from his post at landmine charity The Halo Trust after an investigation revealed he received more than £70,000 a year to send three of his children to some of the country's most expensive private schools.
The Halo Trust has an annual income of more than £26million, including £4million of taxpayer's money, and rose to prominence after a visit by Princess Diana in 1997."
Monday, July 28, 2014
Hamas’ evil lurks beneath the surface | New York Post
The New York Post opinion page is usually worth reading.
This one's lead item depicts current problems threatening the Israelis...
This one's lead item depicts current problems threatening the Israelis...
In his column, Michael Goodwin writes:
"These were no simple holes in the ground. Most had entrances hidden in Gaza buildings and were up to 90 feet deep, while some ran for more than a mile under the border. Some had electricity and telephones and storage areas for weapons and supplies. The largest were, effectively, forward terrorist bases inside Israel.
It is not lost on Israelis that the tunnels were reinforced with steel and concrete. The supposed shortage of building materials in Gaza, routinely denounced as cruel by Israel’s critics, did not stop Hamas from diverting tens of thousands of tons into preparation for war.
That material could have been used to build houses, hospitals or schools. The tunnels even could have served as bomb shelters to protect Gaza’s civilians from Israeli bombs.
Instead, a determination to kill Jews took precedence over every aspect of life in Gaza."
Blog: Obamacare's Halbig trap
The entire fiasco is politically driven and smells very, very bad...
At American Thinker's website, Thomas Lifson has some devastating details:
"The Halbig case, in which the DC Circuit Court overturned Obamacare subsidies paid through the federal exchange, is generating an onslaught of evidence that destroys the contentions of the law’s supporters. The Fourth Circuit in Richmond delivered a contrary opinion justifying ignoring the language of the statute based on the overall intent of the bill, as did the dissenting opinion in the DC Circuit. But that position has now become untenable."
Sunday, July 27, 2014
2014-07-27 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Eyes on you: Experts reveal police hacking methods - Yahoo News
This is clearly a sign of the times; however, I doubt anyone suspects how pervasive it is in our daily lives...
The Assiciated Press's Raphael Satter posted this story on the Yahoo! News website:
"Citizen Lab's work, paired with a report published simultaneously by Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab, helps complete the picture of state-sanctioned surveillance sketched by Edward Snowden's sensational revelations about the National Security Agency and its international allies.
While many of Snowden's revelations dealt with the mass monitoring of communication as it flows across the globe, Hacking Team brags about more aggressive forms of monitoring that let authorities turn people's phones and laptops into eavesdropping tools."
"Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet"
And another article on the same subject...
It was posted by Glenn Greenwald on the website:
"The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, 'amplif[y]' sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be 'extremist.' The capabilities, detailed in documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, even include an old standby for pre-adolescent prank callers everywhere: A way to connect two unsuspecting phone users together in a call.
The tools were created by GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), and constitute some of the most startling methods of propaganda and internet deception contained within the Snowden archive. Previously disclosed documents have detailed JTRIG’s use of 'fake victim blog posts,' 'false flag operations,' 'honey traps' and psychological manipulation to target online activists, monitor visitors to WikiLeaks, and spy on YouTube and Facebook users."
Friday, July 25, 2014
"9 Misdemeanors, $1500 in Fines and 30 Days in Jail, All Over Disputed Rainwater Rights"
I found this post by Tim Walker on the website:
"One has to ask you 'who owns the rainwater that falls from the sky?' If you said the property owner then I’m sorry to say you are ‘dead wrong’. Gary Harrington has been in the news as of late and this week he entered a local jail to serve 30 days for collecting rainwater on his property."
Thursday, July 24, 2014
"The Disastrous Tenure of 'Obama’s Enforcer'”
I have nothing nice to say, so I'll let Mr. Feulner tell it...
Ed Feulner discusses the attorney general in a posting at
"Restoring the Justice Department’s reputation in the wake of Eric Holder’s tenure will take a lot of work. You can find out just how big a task it will be in 'Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department,' a new book by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky. Even at a relatively slim 217 pages, it’s quite a bill of indictment.
It’s one thing to read about certain cases as they pop up in the news cycle -- an article about a civil-rights investigation here, a blog post about Operation Fast and Furious there. It’s another to assemble them in one place and get the big picture in one sitting.
Holder is the first attorney general in U.S. history to be held in contempt of Congress. Considering his behavior toward the legislative branch, it’s not surprising."
"The Stunning Key That Could Unlock 160 Billion Barrels of Oil Trapped Underneath America"
New ways of extracting oil keep showing up...
On the Motley Fool financial website, Matt DiLallo recently wrote about this one:
"It is estimated that there are 160 billion barrels of oil still trapped underneath this country in what are considered depleted oil fields. That's a tremendous amount of oil given that America uses about seven billion barrels of it each year. In fact, if we could only find the key to unlock this trapped oil we could extend fleeting our reserves by more than 22 years.
That's why it probably comes as a surprise to learn that we've already found the key we need to unlock this oil. That key is none other than discarded carbon dioxide, with the primary source of this practically prized greenhouse gas coming from none other than coal emissions. It's a stunning turn of events to say the least."
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
"Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime"
George Hunter recently posted this story in the Detroit News:
"Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns.
'Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,' said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime. 'I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.'"
These Changing Times
BUT, when Thor gets changed, I rise in opposition...
On the National Review website, Jim Geraghty recently reported on this:
"The surprises came in a trio: First, Marvel Comics announced that the character of Thor, based upon the Norse God of Thunder, would become a woman. The second surprise was the venue in which the switch was announced — ABC’s feminine-minded daytime talk show The View — but perhaps that was predictable, considering that Marvel and ABC Television are both owned by Disney. But the third, and biggest, surprise is that anyone thought this was a good idea.
'This is not She-Thor,' senior writer Jason Aaron said in a Marvel release. 'This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before.'"
"The Education Establishment's Success"
Well, not exactly the success I'd hope to see...
At, Walter E. Williams writes on this subject:
"Americans fall easy prey to charlatans of all stripes because of the education establishment's success in dumbing down the nation. Nowhere has this dumbing down been more successful than it has in creating a historical amnesia. Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. wrote in 'The Disuniting of America': 'History is to the nation ... as memory is to the individual. As an individual deprived of memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where he has been or where he is going, so a nation denied a conception of its past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future.' "
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
"Pentagon Contractors MASSIVELY Overcharge For Parts Audit"
Then again, what would make me think that?...
Tristyn Bloom recently reported on this and more at
"Bloomberg reports that the DoD paid $8,123.50 each for gears that should have cost $445.06 — an 18-fold markup. The Office of the Inspector General, who performed the audit, wants the DoD to recoup the money from the contractor, Bell Helicopter, saying that 'the contracting officer [should] assess and implement available options to voluntarily recover from Bell about $9 million in excessive payments.' The company is not legally required to pay any money back."
Oren:: Hamas strategy relies on deaths of civilians -
War seems to have become a media and public relations game.
Beyond that, the staging of events for sympathy has become quite significant...
Beyond that, the staging of events for sympathy has become quite significant...
On CNN's website, Michael J. Oren writes about this:
"And the reason is simple: More than a military strategy, Hamas has a media strategy. Calculatingly, Hamas employs primitive military tactics to mount a sophisticated media campaign that can threaten Israel's basic security. And in conducting that offensive, Hamas can count on one of the world's most powerful weapons: the international media. Hamas fires hundreds of rockets at Israeli cities and towns and tries to attack Israeli farms via the sea and through tunnels. Thanks to Israeli technology and vigilance, few of these actions have inflicted extensive damage. Still, they disrupt Israeli life, impair the economy, and leave cumulative psychological scars."
Monday, July 21, 2014
Why college graduates are too broke to launch their lives | New York Post
I also keep reading stories like this...
In a recent New York Post article, Gregory Bresiger wrote about it:
"Many young adults, facing a difficult job market, suffer from a failure to launch their lives and leave the safety of the family home. Many must continue to rely in some part on parents for financial support, according to the findings of a new survey."
"This weak and timid President talks big... and does nothing: A devastating attack on Obama by a top Washington insider"
That being said, this president's actions are so different than Americans are accustomed to, that he is drawing negative comments from many places. Personally, I think most are spot on...
Former adviser to Ronald Reagan Clark S. Judge takes a heavy duty shot in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"In all this I have referred to the United States as the primary shaper of world events, which is, in fact, a misleading shorthand. The US is not a superpower so much as the biggest player in a set of super-alliances, the most critical of which is with the UK.
Since the Second World War, when the US and Britain have been of one mind, liberal values have been secure and even advanced. When either has lost its sense of direction, neither has been nearly so effective.
The great danger in being the anchor to the global order is that when we lose our way the general peace itself is threatened.
This is just what we are seeing in theatre after theatre around the world. Perhaps it is time for a key ally like Prime Minister David Cameron to have a friendly talk with the President.
It is not just American interests that a flailing White House threatens. It is that of peoples everywhere."
Sunday, July 20, 2014
2014-07-20 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Governments at Work - Watering the lawn
Oh my.
To water or not water; that is the question...
To water or not water; that is the question...
I saw this story by Jennifer Chaussee on the Yahoo! News site:
"California couple conserving water amid drought could face fine for brown lawn"
"My No-Soap, No-Shampoo, Bacteria-Rich Hygiene Experiment"
Keep an open mind...
In a New York Times Magazine article, Julia Scott writes about what some consider unthinkable. She begins:
"For most of my life, if I’ve thought at all about the bacteria living on my skin, it has been while trying to scrub them away. But recently I spent four weeks rubbing them in. I was Subject 26 in testing a living bacterial skin tonic, developed by AOBiome, a biotech start-up in Cambridge, Mass. The tonic looks, feels and tastes like water, but each spray bottle of AO+ Refreshing Cosmetic Mist contains billions of cultivated Nitrosomonas eutropha, an ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) that is most commonly found in dirt and untreated water. AOBiome scientists hypothesize that it once lived happily on us too — before we started washing it away with soap and shampoo — acting as a built-in cleanser, deodorant, anti-inflammatory and immune booster by feeding on the ammonia in our sweat and converting it into nitrite and nitric oxide."
Friday, July 18, 2014
"Obama-Style Climate and Energy Programs Have Failed Everywhere They’ve Been Tried"
It's unfortunate, but the "feel good" emotions of implementing these programs doesn't carry through to cost effective results that matter.
To continue to embrace what has already failed elsewhere is incompetence...
To continue to embrace what has already failed elsewhere is incompetence...
Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris write about it at
"President Obama’s recently announced energy and environment policies have been tried in many countries, always with the same result: abject failure. Yet when critics point this out, explaining that “the U.S. economy will lose millions of jobs and billions of dollars in growth,” Obama simply waves their objections away: 'Let’s face it,' the president answers. 'That’s what [critics] always say. … Every time… the warnings of the cynics have been wrong.' Other leaders, especially those in Europe who are further down the green path than is America, know better."
"How to drink and NEVER get drunk:..."
Liquor isn't cheap, so to negate it's effect seems counterproductive...
On the DailyMail website, Emma Innes recently reported on what you can do:
"The simple trick that stops alcohol affecting you
American brewery claims to have found way to stop you feeling drunk
Swallow teaspoon of dry yeast for each drink before you start drinking
The yeast processes the alcohol in the same way your liver would It breaks down the alcohol molecules before they reach the brain"
Thursday, July 17, 2014
"NHTSA Lists 1,895 Complaints for GM Brake Lines, GM Denies Problem"
It appears that General Motors may be getting preferential treatment...
Mark Modica has some statistics on the National Legal and Policy Center website:
"Despite the clear evidence that GM vehicles suffer from brake failure from rusted brake lines at a much higher rate than other manufacturers, NHTSA has failed to force a recall and has not even expanded its investigation to include later model years. The facts are right there on NHTSA's website, which hopefully will not crash and cause the evidence to be destroyed."
"WH: We've ‘Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community’"
This is the president's press secretary.
Two words come to mind: "laughable" and "unbelievable".
Can he really believe what he is saying?...
Two words come to mind: "laughable" and "unbelievable".
Can he really believe what he is saying?...
At, Patrick Goodenough reported this:
"White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday the Obama administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s 'tranquility' – a word that raised eyebrows as reporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea.
More than one reporter during Monday’s press briefing referred to a front-page Wall Street Journal article highlighting some of those crises, and citing security strategists as saying 'the breadth of global instability now unfolding hasn’t been seen since the late 1970s.'"
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Obama barely stays awake chatting to student | New York Post
It accompanied David K. Li's story in the New York Post:
"Kinsey Button, a junior at the University of Texas at Austin, huddled with the president in a booth at the Magnolia Cafe, where he ordered hot tea and she sipped coffee while discussing her parents’ plight."
NHS blows millions on boob jobs and facelifts: Taxpayers foot the bill as cosmetic surgery doubles in ten years | Mail Online
They seem to spend money in some questionable ways.
Could we expect anything different from American government run healthcare?...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Daniel Martin recently reported on some of those expenditures:
"Comes at a time when patients are being denied life-saving cancer drugs Number of facelifts and operations to increase breast size have more than doubled over past decade Despite looming financial crisis, NHS in 2012/13 found money to carry out 1,137 facelifts – costing taxpayers up to £8.5m"
"Why ice doesn't help an injury and could even make it worse"
On MacLeans website, Aaron Hutchins writes about a change in treatment:
"Now when clients come to his training facility in Richmond Hill, Ont., with an injury, he tells them to forget about RICE. Instead, he recommends movement, elevation, traction and heat. It has its own memorable acronym too: METH."
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
"Do the Math: Obamacare Won't Change the Number of Uninsured"
Ooops! What was I thinking?...
Munir Moon has the sad statistics on the Huffington Post blog:
"Do the math and you're back to about 47 million uninsured, the same number as before Obamacare became law."
Having a Laugh About Gluten - Bruce Bialosky
BUT, over time, many (most?) food studies (fads?) haven't stood the test of time.
With that in mind, it's difficult to buy into whatever is the "latest"...
At, Bruce Bialosky posted about gluten and more:
"It is true that some people have intolerance to gluten, but it is not an allergy – it is just an intolerance. That is estimated to be one person out of every 133. Here is where the fun starts – there has never (yes, never) been a study that has shown that avoiding gluten for the other 132 people without an intolerance has any beneficial effect. But don’t try to convince the crazed people who have sworn off gluten as if it were a deadly poison. "
Monday, July 14, 2014
"MPs freeze beer prices in Parliament AGAIN despite �7m a year taxpayer subsidy"
I know this is the U.K.; but, I would wager similar behavior in America...
Tom Mctague wrote about it in the U.K.'s Daily Mail:
"Booze prices in the Commons have been frozen again - even though MPs' food and drink is subsidised by millions of pounds a year. Taxpayers are forced to stump up £7million a year to keep restaurant and bar bills down in Parliament."
Whistle-blower Mark Edward exposes how psychics con believers | Mail Online
Interestingly, that aphorism was NOT delivered by P.T. Barnum as most of us have been led to believe.
That being said, it's accuracy is probably quite true...
Recently, on the U.K. Daily Mail website, Scarlett Russell interviewed Mark Edward, who has written a book about phony psychics:
"Anyone who has visited a medium, and been astounded by their psychic abilities, will go away wondering the same question: How on earth did they know that?
Well, it’s bad news for believers, as one man has gone to extreme lengths to lift the lid on ‘psychics,’ revealing the tricks they use to con innocent people out of thousands of pounds and give them false hope.
In his book, Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium, Mark Edward, 62, from Los Angeles, explains how he became a spirit medium and psychic entertainer, then later used these skills to ‘scam the scammers.’"
Sunday, July 13, 2014
2014-07-13 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Saturday Reading - Is this the real Benghazi story?
When real information is not forthcoming, conspiracy theories come about.
You'll have to decide if this is one of them...
You'll have to decide if this is one of them...
I found this posted by "sundance" on theConservativeTreehouse blog:
"The Benghazi Brief – “Operation Zero Footprint” – What We Know About The Benghazi Mission, And Subsequent Attack… | The Last Refuge" "The primary reason for outlining this brief is to deliver a greater understanding of why things happened the way they did in the post 9/11/12 attack media frenzy. If you understand what took place from March 2011 through the night of the attack itself all of the contradictions reconcile, and most of the questions become answered. "
Friday, July 11, 2014
"Mother told to repay �52k says she was targeted because of her looks"
On the other hand, based on my recent experience, she's not the only one.
I'm betting they don't even teach that anymore...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Chris Pleasance reported on this:
"Michaela Hutchings, 23, had £52,000 transferred into account by accident She then went on shopping spree, spending £9,000 in just 48 hours Court ordered her to repay cash with interest by Christmas or face jail Now she says court made an example of her because she is beautiful Blames council worker who transferred cash for 'ruining a part of my life'"
"VA hospitals fund solar panels while veterans wait for doctors"
Unfortunately, the VA is failing, so this will likely make veterans blood boil...
Bre Payton and Tori Richards report this at
"Veterans Administration hospitals have spent at least $420 million on solar panels and windmills while vets wait months — or even lay dying — to see a doctor."
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Expert court witnesses in bias storm | Mail Online
Sam Marsden reported this in a recent U.K. Daily Mail posting:
"Court expert witnesses will give evidence in defence of paying clients even if they have been told that they are guilty, an investigation found. Undercover reporters filmed specialists who regularly give professional testimony in court apparently flouting strict rules on remaining impartial and independent. Two handwriting experts wrote reports casting doubt on whether a threatening letter was penned by their client – despite being told he was the author."
"Letter urges President Obama to be more transparent"
On the Society of Professional Journalists website, you can read the letter. It begins:
"Mr. President, You recently expressed concern that frustration in the country is breeding cynicism about democratic government. You need look no further than your own administration for a major source of that frustration – politically driven suppression of news and information about federal agencies. We call on you to take a stand to stop the spin and let the sunshine in."
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Debating Plastic Bags
Like so many environmental restrictions Americans put on themselves, it has little impact if the rest of our huge planet doesn't participate...
At, David Williams recently explained it in his article titled:
"Nanny State Shenanigans, Not Logic, Dominate Reusable Bags Debate"
In dry California, water fetching record prices - Yahoo News
So, now you can find out what an acre-foot of water is.
And if you have them, there's money to be made...
And if you have them, there's money to be made...
This Associated Press story by Garance Burke was on the Yahoo! News website:
"Throughout California's desperately dry Central Valley, those with water to spare are cashing in.
As a third parched summer forces farmers to fallow fields and lay off workers, two water districts and a pair of landowners in the heart of the state's farmland are making millions of dollars by auctioning off their private caches.
Nearly 40 others also are seeking to sell their surplus water this year, according to state and federal records."
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
"Stunning: DHS solicited bids for vendor to handle 65,000 unaccompanied minors -- IN JANUARY!"
At, Thoams Lifson asked these questions:
"• Why would DHS and ICE be claiming “surprise” by the current influx of unaccompanied minors on the border in June, when they were taking bids for an exact contract to handle the exact situation in January?
• Secondly, how could they possibly anticipate 65,000 unaccompanied minors would be showing up at the border, when the most ever encountered in a previous year was 5,000 total?"
Obama racking up judicial losses - Washington Times
On the Washington Times website, Ben Wolfgang recently reported this:
"In the more than five years that Mr. Obama has been in office, the court has rejected the government’s argument with a 9-0 decision 20 times. During the eight years each in the administrations of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the government lost on unanimous votes 15 times and 23 times, respectively. That puts the Obama administration on pace to greatly exceed recent predecessors in terms of judicial losses."
Monday, July 07, 2014
"The Insiders: This month’s jobs headlines don’t tell the true story"
I can't imagine how LESS people working for LESSER wages can possibly improve our economy...
On the Washington Post website, Ed Rogers wrote this and followsed up as to why:
"The headline of today’s jobs report, that 288,000 jobs were created in the last month, is positive. At least, it is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. However, as with most economic reports these days, there is a veneer of good news — but when you look closer, the White House is using the positive headlines to hide the growing deterioration of the American workforce. I’m sure by now people are tired of reading about the bad news, and I’ll admit I am weary of having to blow the whistle and expose the truth every time this White House pats itself on the back about this or that piece of economic data. Anyway, here we go again."
"Further Look at Employment: Seasonally Adjusted Decline of 523,000 Over Last Month"
The government's headline employment statistics indicate a different view than the numbers behind and inside the report.
Those inside numbers just cannot be seen optimistically...
Those inside numbers just cannot be seen optimistically...
At, Mike Shedlock has this and more in his story about the government's reported unemployment statistics
"The working-age population rose by over 2 million, but the labor force declined. People dropping out of the work force accounts for nearly all of the declining unemployment rate."
Sunday, July 06, 2014
2014-07-06 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Saturday Reading - 'Guys with Guns Dictate Policy'
Back in April, Jen Kuznicki posted an article about this at
"His main thrust on the Bundy situation was, as all the leftists like to point out, that Mr. Bundy didn't pay the feds, so their actions against him were justified. As with all disputes, the left takes the side of their beloved government over the people. But one thing he said made me want to write about our conversation.
He said of the Bundy standoff that it was, "sad that guys with guns could dictate policy." That statement meant an entirely different thing to him than it did to me, and it's one of those things that defines a person as on one side or the other. Either you believe that only the government should have guns, or you believe that we all should have guns in case the government decides to point them at us."
Friday, July 04, 2014
2014-07-04 - Independence Day
Independence Day is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from England in 1776...
Enjoy your freedoms.
Remember, not everyone has them...
Thursday, July 03, 2014
"Okla. Congressman Denied Access To Child Immigrant Facility"
"Brown Shirts"!?
Bad things are happening here in America...
Bad things are happening here in America...
Chuck Ross has the story about it on the DailyCaller website:
"Bridenstine went to Ft. Sill to observe the conditions under which the 1,200 UACs there are living and to find out to whom they would be released.
But when he showed up at the facility, Bridenstine says he was told by a guard with a security unit which calls itself the 'Brown Shirts' that he could not observe the children or their living conditions.
When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21."
"One lump or two?..."
It seems like it's vulnerable to causing quite a bit of trouble...
James Gordon reported on it in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"How any drink can be given that extra kick now that powdered alcohol or 'palcohol' has been approved
Palcohol can easily be sneaked into sporting events
The powdered alcohol can also be used in drinks or sprinkled on food
Company aims to have the product for sale by the fall"
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
"How Demagogues Win Arguments"
AT, Selwyn Duke begins his post with this:
"How do you know you’re being had by a slick politician? Writing in Mein Kampf about how to manipulate people and win power, Adolf Hitler said that since the average person had a very limited memory and a 'slowness of understanding,' it was necessary to use only short, catchy slogans and repeat them often. Sound familiar? Hope and Change! Forward! Choice! Diversity! Equality!"
Italy to boost GDP figures with drugs and prostitution - Telegraph
Recently, Harry Alsop posted this story in the U.K. Telegraph:
"Istat, Italy's national statistics office, will include estimated dealings from drugs, arms trafficking and prostitution in its GDP figures from now on, acoording to Bloomberg. This move should increase Italy’s economy by at least 1.3 per cent in the first year, helping it to comply with EU rules on indebtedness, which limit member countries to spending no more than 3 per cent of their GDP."
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Gallup Poll: Confidence in Government Nosedives - Katie Pavlich
Elected officials and government in general are very unpopular.
Hopefully, we'll start changing it come next election...
At, Katie Pavlich shows the poll numbers:
"According to new polling published by Gallup Monday morning, confidence in the federal government has taken a nosedive and is at its lowest point since polling was started in 1991. President Obama has taken the biggest hit with confidence in the presidency eroding the most. "
"Yes, There Were Flyers and Robocalls That Accused the Tea Party of Racism"
On his blog, Patterico digs into what likely happened:
"The purpose of this post is to provide corroboration that the race-based smears actually happened. Let’s start with the flyer."