Thursday, July 24, 2014
"The Stunning Key That Could Unlock 160 Billion Barrels of Oil Trapped Underneath America"
New ways of extracting oil keep showing up...
On the Motley Fool financial website, Matt DiLallo recently wrote about this one:
"It is estimated that there are 160 billion barrels of oil still trapped underneath this country in what are considered depleted oil fields. That's a tremendous amount of oil given that America uses about seven billion barrels of it each year. In fact, if we could only find the key to unlock this trapped oil we could extend fleeting our reserves by more than 22 years.
That's why it probably comes as a surprise to learn that we've already found the key we need to unlock this oil. That key is none other than discarded carbon dioxide, with the primary source of this practically prized greenhouse gas coming from none other than coal emissions. It's a stunning turn of events to say the least."