Tuesday, July 29, 2014
FDA Activists Ignore Salt Science | The Daily Caller
Is the government wrong about salt?
Considering government's track record in general, would that surprise you?...
Considering government's track record in general, would that surprise you?...
At DailyCaller.com, Kerri Houston Tolozcko included these paragraphs in her recent article:
"Studies show that people worldwide safely and routinely consume an average of 2,600-4,800 milligrams of sodium per day — well above the US government recommendation of 1,500-2,300. According to an analysis of a British medical journal study authored by World Health Organization researchers, people in countries with the highest salt consumption have the longest life expectancies while those with the lowest salt consumption have the shortest. Sodium intake in the U.S. has not changed in fifty years while our life expectancy has increased from 70 to 80 years during that time period, so it seems that salt is indeed preserving us.
In 2013, the Institute of Medicine concluded that subjective U.S. government sodium intake guidelines of 1,500-2,300 daily milligrams are not supported by peer-reviewed, scientific studies published in medical journals. A 2011 study in the renowned Journal of the American Medical Association noted that low sodium levels were 'associated with higher Cardiovascular Disease mortality.' A newly-released study in the American Journal of Hypertension concluded that diets with sodium lower than what is contained in typical American diets are associated with higher death rates."