Monday, December 31, 2012
Meet Former NFL Quarterback Jon Kitna
Here's one that shows up on the plus side...
On the Yahoo Sports website, Les Carpenter writes about him:
"He doesn’t have to be here, of course. Sixteen years as an NFL quarterback brought him more than $20 million. It gave him big homes and nice cars. It allowed his wife Jennifer and three children to never need again. When he walked away from the Cowboys after the 2011 season, he could have gone to the golf course or the broadcast booth or even one of those sprawling high schools with a giant stadium in a suburb of Dallas if he only wanted to coach.
'I don’t think that’s what my purpose was,' Kitna says. 'This is my challenge. This is what I was meant to do.'"
Sunday, December 30, 2012
2012-12-30 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 29, 2012
"Sandy Hook and Obama’s subtle tyranny"
At, Erik Rush calls attention to this:
"On March 13, 1996, 43-year-old Thomas Hamilton walked into an elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, armed with four handguns. He shot and killed 16 children and one adult before committing suicide. The resulting media-driven petition campaigns and anti-gun activism led to laws being passed during the following year that effectively made private ownership of handguns illegal in Britain.
Since then, gun-related crime has increased by 89 percent in the United Kingdom."
Politicians - Southaven, Mississippi Mayor Greg Davis
I found this on the U.K. Daily Mail website:
"Southaven Mayor Greg Davis has been under scrutiny since November 2011, when the Mississippi Auditor's office told him to repay $170,000 for allegedly improper billings, including travel, food, liquor and one bill for $67 at Priape, described on its website as ‘Canada's premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.’"
Friday, December 28, 2012
"Congress Piles the Pork into Hurricane Sandy Relief"
Elected officials using every opportunity to use taxpayer money for their own benefit...
At, David Francis reports this and more:
"According to an analysis by Ellis, the Sandy emergency spending package includes $150 million for fishery disaster areas in Mississippi and Alaska; $20,000 for a new car for the Inspector General of the Justice Department; $10.8 billion for the Federal Transportation Administration; and cancellation of loans related to Hurricane Katrina. It also contains $4 million for repairs at the Kennedy Space Center and $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center."
Thursday, December 27, 2012
"Sauce for the goose or..."
I doubt the newspaper anticipated this...
This is from the For What It's Worth blog:
"White Plains newspaper The Journal- News, a Gannett publication, has published the full name and address of every licensed pistol permit holder in three New York counties. I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:"
"Liberals Panic As They Lose the Gun Narrative"
The conversation about gun control and the 2nd Amendment is again in the news.
Advocates and arguments from both sides are constantly in the media...
Advocates and arguments from both sides are constantly in the media...
Kurt Schlichter shares his thoughts on the subject at
"When you argue for a living, you can tell how an argument is going for you. The evidence and my gut both tell me that the liberals have lost control of the gun control narrative.
Not for lack of trying – it was almost as if they were poised to leap into action across the political, media and cultural spectrum the second the next semi-human creep shot up another “gun free zone.” This was their big opening to shift the debate and now it’s closing. They’ve lost, and they are going nuts.
The evidence is all around that this is not going to be the moment where America begins a slide into disarmed submission through an endless series of ever-harsher “reasonable restrictions” on our fundamental rights. You just have to look past the shrieking media harpies to see what’s really happening."
"Flashback: Clinton Requests $60 Million to Put Cops in Schools"
There's a funny thing about that...
At, John Nolte calls attention to the recent past:
"The media also doesn’t care how wildly hypocritical they look. In their zeal to rampage this left-wing agenda, the media has apparently forgotten that back in 2000, on the one-year anniversary of the Columbine shooting (which occurred with an assault weapons ban in place), President Clinton requested $60 million in federal money to fund a fifth round of funding for a program called 'COPS in School,' a program that does exactly what the NRA is proposing and the media is currently in overdrive mocking:"
Government at Work - the U.S. State Department
Apparently, our State Department is quite disingenuous.
Why am I not surprised?...
In the New York Post, Josh Margolin reported this:
"The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned."
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
"California Teachers Union Video Depicts Rich People Urinating on the Poor"
Read this, and see if you agree with me...
At, Guy Benson calls attention to what I think is absolute trash:
"What you're about to see is eight minutes of pure propaganda, produced by the people whom taxpayers pay to educate their kids, and narrated by millionaire actor Ed Asner. It's unpleasant to watch, but it's worth it -- if only to see what proud, demagogic ignorance looks like"
"Scandal of the failing foreign doctors who demand right to sit GP exams a staggering SIX times"
Maybe that wouldn't be a concern; however, they CURRENTLY already work in their National Health System...
On the U.K.'s Daily Mail website, Jo MacFarlane calls attention to it:
"Hundreds of foreign doctors working in the NHS are routinely failing key medical exams, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Success rates are so poor that medical associations want doctors to be allowed six attempts at passing the tests rather than the current four. The revelation raises fears the trainee medics, mainly from India, Pakistan and Nigeria, are not suitably qualified to treat patients despite spending three years working for the NHS before taking the exam."
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
2012-12-25 - Christmas Day
Monday, December 24, 2012
Who's on First - YouTube
How about a classic from the past...
Sunday, December 23, 2012
2012-12-23 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Politicians - former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell
Maybe it's a coincidence that taxpayer money flows freely in those things...
On the website, Matthew Boyle writes about this:
"Former Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell may be loading his own pockets up with taxpayer money via a privatization overhaul of the PA state lottery system, Breitbart News has learned."
Politicians - Chicago's Joe Berrios
I'm sure the statement is correct.
It's nice work if you can get it; AND, what elected official is likely to vote on a law that would reallt prevent it?...
It's nice work if you can get it; AND, what elected official is likely to vote on a law that would reallt prevent it?...
On the Sun Times website Dan Mihalopoulos has the details on this:
"Berrios declined an interview request for this story. Instead, he responded to questions about how so many of his family members have landed on government payrolls with a brief written statement: ;Family members working in government isn't new in Chicago or any other large city in the United States...'"
Friday, December 21, 2012
Editorial: "An MP's place is in the House of Commons"
In the U.K., "The Independent" editorializes about the behavior of their elected officials:
"Paid-for foreign travel is not only a distraction, it also raises questions of independence"
Utica shale, below the Marcellus, contains large gas, oil reserves, study shows
Just in case you missed this.
If OUR own government cooperates. energy independence might be very close in time...
If OUR own government cooperates. energy independence might be very close in time... recently posted this Associated Press story:
"Drilling companies beginning to explore the Utica shale got a piece of good news Friday when the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the rock formation in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states holds enormous reserves of natural gas and oil.
Releasing its first estimate of the Utica, the USGS calculated the shale formation holds about 38 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, recoverable natural gas, 940 million barrels of oil and 9 million barrels of natural gas liquids like ethane and propane.
The Utica lies beneath the Marcellus shale, where energy companies have drilled thousands of unconventional gas wells in Pennsylvania in recent years."
Thursday, December 20, 2012
"Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits"
I wonder what the Russian opinion of global warming is about now...
Yakov Andreev reports on the weather in the Russian Times:
"Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius. Dozens of people have already died, and almost 150 have been hospitalized.
The country has not witnessed such a long cold spell since 1938, meteorologists said, with temperatures 10 to 15 degrees lower than the seasonal norm all over Russia."
"High-fructose corn syrup linked to type 2 diabetes"
Substitute sugars, seem to have some pretty negative effects on health.
And, it seems we would all be better off with less of all sugars...
Annie Hauser, Everyday Health Staff Writer, recently reported on it. The Mercury News republished it:
"After studying 42 countries, researchers found that those that use HFCS in their food supply had a 20 percent higher prevalence of diabetes than those that did not use HFCS, suggesting an association with diabetes independent of total sugar intake and obesity levels."
Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown -
I'm willing to bet that elected officials and the legacy media won't be interested in this...
In the Wall Street Journal, David Kopel tells us this and more:
"Since gun controls today are far stricter than at the time when 'active shooters' were rare, what can account for the increase in these shootings? One plausible answer is the media. Cable TV in the 1990s, and the Internet today, greatly magnify the instant celebrity that a mass killer can achieve. We know that many would-be mass killers obsessively study their predecessors."
"A second explanation is the deinstitutionalization of the violently mentally ill. A 2000 New York Times study of 100 rampage murderers found that 47 were mentally ill. In the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry Law (2008), Jason C. Matejkowski and his co-authors reported that 16% of state prisoners who had perpetrated murders were mentally ill."
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
"Why Did Gun Control Fail the Families of Newtown?"
Of course, the politically incorrect answer is that laws aren't necessarily obeyed by everyone...
At, Thomas Crown wants this question answered:
"So here’s the challenge for gun control advocates: explain why you failed the people of Newtown. You cited Connecticut as a national example. You said its laws 'reduce risks to children.' You gave no state a higher rating for keeping guns out of public places — like schools.
And a criminally insane man stole legally-owned guns (owned under Connecticut’s regime) after being denied their legal purchase, broke in through a window, and killed children and adults — adults who were not armed to shoot back, and so died unable to save the children who also died.
You want this one event to be a national test? Fine. Why are there 20 children dead when the state of Connecticut did what you said they should to keep their people safe?
Once you answer that question, we can get this conversation underway."
"Until U.S. Understands Police Limitations, Some Will Put Faith in Gun Control"
This article seems spot on.
That being said, I wonder how many are emotionally intelligent enough to consider the points made without the immediate need to jump on some "feel good" bandwagon that won't really prevent anything...
That being said, I wonder how many are emotionally intelligent enough to consider the points made without the immediate need to jump on some "feel good" bandwagon that won't really prevent anything...
At, former police officer Mike McDaniel explains some of the realities of trying to protect innocents:
"They think, over and over again, what they might ever do to respond to an active shooter in a school, yet they know there is very little they can do. As in this vile crime, all they’ll be likely to do is to coordinate medical care for the wounded and to deal with the crime scene surrounding the shooter, who in almost every case will have shot himself long before the police could lay gun sights on him.
What can be done to prevent this kind of wanton murder? Security measures such as locks, reinforced doors, security cameras, hardened glass, and a variety of other devices and procedures are useful but ultimately cannot stop a determined attacker armed with tools no more complex and high-tech than a hammer and crowbar.
They can only delay him, and only for a matter of seconds. Run-and-hide policies and drills are useful, but do nothing to deter or stop an active shooter.
There is one thing that can immediately stop an active shooter, and which, if handled properly, may even serve as a deterrent. Unlike most governmental initiatives, it will cost little or nothing, and is undeniably effective. However, until the public understands the reality facing the police — the people they look to for the protection of themselves and their children — that single most effective solution is impossible.
Active duty officers usually cannot tell the whole truth to the public; they’d lose their jobs."
"How Much Taxation Would Fund Current Spending?"
It's likely there just isn't enough income in all of America to counterbalance the government's spending.
If that doesn't clearly identify the problem as too much spending, then nothing will...
If that doesn't clearly identify the problem as too much spending, then nothing will...
At, Justin Hohn shares the results of some math he's done:
"Confiscating 100% of all income from those who made over $1M funds the federal government for 72 days."
"Confiscating 100% of the income from those who made more than $200K funds the federal government for only about six months."
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
"God Help Us"
As we watch the exploitation of this horrible event play out, I will be surprised if facts and reality can override so many agendas.
The truth is; there is, and has always been evil in the world.
It's not a pleasant thought that we are likely to see it again...
At, Ben Stein writes about the world we live in, says a few things that may not be popular, and closes with:
"God help us. Man is made of such crooked stuff that it is impossible to set him straight, said a famous philosopher. God help us. "
"The mainstream media vultures gather"
I suspect this writer is showing a lot of restraint...
At, Hugh Hewitt included this and more in his opinion article:
"But it isn't news. News is the collapse of Egyptian freedom, the slaughter in Syria and the stalemate in Washington. The "coverage" of Newton's sorrow is voyeurism, and so much of it has been just plain wrong. The killer's mother wasn't a teacher. He forced his way in, he wasn't buzzed in to the school. He didn't leave his rifle in the truck.
We have to hope he didn't mail NBC a copycat-inspiring video as did the Virginia Tech killer, a video which NBC quickly and unrepentantly aired. Ratings requires all and forgives all."
"Tom Ammiano's homeless bill is bad idea"
Brant Ward reports on this in the San Francisco Chronicle:
"Ammiano's AB5 goes in the wrong direction. A bill that asserts an individual's right to urinate, sleep and panhandle wherever he wants is neither compassionate nor wise. To pass it would be to surrender our streets and parks to misery, chaos and squalor."
Monday, December 17, 2012
Chicago Anti-Gun Pol's Arrest Shows True Gun Control Hypocrisy
Elected officials support causes that help their election chances; but, in their private lives, they behave much differently.
Laws for us, but not for them?...
On the CCRKBA website , this is posted:
"Today’s arrest of Illinois State Sen. Donne Trotter by authorities at O’Hare International Airport for having a gun in his carry-on bag is a revealing look at the hypocrisy of anti-gunners, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said."
The Illegal Eagle and a Baldly Grasping IRS -
Government at Work:
Some things just have to be read to be believed.
I think this qualifies...
Some things just have to be read to be believed.
I think this qualifies...
In the Wall Street Journal, Eric Gibson has an article revolving around this:
"The presence of the stuffed eagle meant it couldn't be sold without violating the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Since the artwork couldn't be sold, logic dictated that it be listed as having zero value, which is what the Sonnabend family's three appraisers, one of them Christie's auction house, did.
But don't look for 'logic' in any government dictionary."
Sunday, December 16, 2012
2012-12-16 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 15, 2012
"Microbiome: Cultural differences"
Virgina Hughes recently posted thia at
"Recent research shows that diet influences the composition of the gut microbiome — the bacterial community in our intestines — in the elderly. In July, a group of researchers, mostly based in Ireland, published1 the largest study so far of the microbiome in an elderly population. The data indicate that the frailest older people tend to harbour similar intestinal microbial communities. More provocatively, the study also suggests that this microbial make-up is driven by a diet high in fat and lacking in fibre, and that a decline in our microbial community underlies ill health as we grow old."
"Hispanics must recall the reason their parents came to America in the first place"
Well, it's nice to know that some Hispanics "get it."
The problem is convincing those who have already improved their status dramatically just by getting to the U.S. and the "handouts" that there can be so much more than those handouts...
The problem is convincing those who have already improved their status dramatically just by getting to the U.S. and the "handouts" that there can be so much more than those handouts...
Silvio Canto, Jr. has a message for them at
"Here is my message to my fellow Hispanos:
Why did you or your parents leave Mexico and come here for jobs? The answer is that Mexico, and many other Latin American countries, have implemented the kind of class warfare that has driven money out of the country.
We don't need a GOP version of The Dream Act or some immigration reform based on pandering to Hispanics.
We need to slap Hispanos and wake them up from this 'Obamamania' plague of 'something for nothing' paid for by the rich.
Frankly, we need to remind them that the American Dream that they, or their parents, aspired to had nothing to do with 'free stuff' or demonizing the rich.
No way. The American Dream that my parents came here for was 'freedom,' 'self reliance' and 'the rule of law'.
We just need to remind them that taxing the rich will do to the US what it has done to their countries of origin."
Friday, December 14, 2012
Coming from Behind in 4 x 100 relay
The Budget Baseline Con -
Elected officials have (deliberately ?) created so many rules, policies, procedures, and twists that very few have the time or resources to figure them all out.
dd in wording, terminology, acronyms, and who knows what else; and, it gets even worse...
dd in wording, terminology, acronyms, and who knows what else; and, it gets even worse...
The Wall Street Journal wants us to know about this. Unfortunately, very few will even see this:
"Since 1974, Capitol Hill's 'baseline' has automatically increased spending every year according to Congressional Budget Office projections, which means before anyone has submitted a budget or cast a single vote. Tax and spending changes are then measured off that inflated baseline, not in absolute terms.
The most absurd current example is Mr. Obama's claim that his '$4 trillion' plan reduces the deficit by about $800 billion over 10 years by ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But those 'savings,' as he calls them, are measured against a White House budget office spending baseline that is fictional."
Thursday, December 13, 2012
"Undocumented immigrants could get jobless benefits"
And now this?...
Jim Sanders reports on the Sacremento Bee website:
"Legislation introduced Tuesday would give about 400,000 undocumented immigrants in California the same rights as citizens to unemployment benefits and various other government services."
"The Mental Recession: Democrats in Voter Fraud Scandal Targeted Recent Stroke Victim Because He Would Have 'A Hard Time Getting to the Polls'"
How many times have you heard that there is NO voter fraud?...
I found this posted by Rusty Weiss on the "Mental Recession" website:
"Mind you, we've already heard prior testimony that gives insight into just who the Democrats felt were the most vulnerable members of society, those making easy targets for their voter fraud scheme.
For instance:
They targeted immigrants who struggled with the English language and had little knowledge of the U.S. election process.
They targeted college kids with little money, paying them for their voter registration cards.
They targeted people living in low-income housing because there was a sense that poor people were "less likely to ask any questions".
They tricked mentally disabled individuals into signing over their absentee ballots.
Until yesterday, these stood as the worst examples in the upstate New York voter fraud scandal.
Brown's testimony however revealed that the Democrats were willing to sink to new depths"
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
"Cable subscribers are about to get a sneaky fee"
EVERY television will NEED a rented cable box.
Is it any wonder that people have low opinions of big utilities AND the elected officials that support things like this?...
Is it any wonder that people have low opinions of big utilities AND the elected officials that support things like this?...
Herb Weisbaum reports this at NBCnews:
"Cable companies want to scramble everything coming through their wire, including basic service. They say this will allow them to reduce theft – prevent people from watching programs they didn’t pay for – and improve customer service.
Their plan is to keep every cable household connected to the network and then activate or terminate service remotely, rather than sending out the cable guy. They say this will improve efficiency – technicians can focus on more difficult installations – and reduce the need for customers to stay at home waiting for service.
The Federal Communications Commission had prohibited the encryption of basic cable since 1994. But in October, the commission voted to allow it, starting on Dec. 10."
"Ordinary drivers are disgusted by report on ticket-fixing in Philadelphia"
Big cities have a lot of stuff like this...
Philadelphia Inquirer writers Bob Warner, Dylan Purcell, and Craig McCoy report on Philadelphia's Traffic Court system. Their article was picked up by Allentown's Morning Call:
"Philadelphians were shocked, just shocked, to discover that tickets were being fixed at Traffic Court, while some Supreme Court justices reportedly seemed more upset that the report was released than troubled by its contents.
And in a cynical town, the allegations also hardly stunned ordinary folks who sought justice from Hogeland on that July day. But they said they were still troubled and frustrated that the system did not work the same for all."
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
"School District Owes $1 Billion On $100 Million Loan"
Hopefully, the decision makers here aren't teaching economics to our children?...
Richard Gonzales reports on this at
"The Poway Unified School District in California is facing a whopping $1 billion repayment on a loan of just $105 million. It borrowed the money using bonds that the state treasurer has compared to payday loans -- and more than 200 other California districts are in the same boat."
"Bob Costas is Wrong: Gun Ownership Deters Crime"
There are many opinions (pro and con) about guns.
Every high profile murder involving guns reconstitutes those opinions.
Sadly, the gun, NOT human behavior, becomes the predominant issue almost every time...
Every high profile murder involving guns reconstitutes those opinions.
Sadly, the gun, NOT human behavior, becomes the predominant issue almost every time...
Here, on the blog, Maureen Martin includes this in her opinion post:
"Never mind the fact that their relationship was so troubled that the KC Chiefs team management was providing counseling to them. And never mind the fact that Belcher had a history of violence against women dating back to his college years at the University of Maine, where police were summoned three times due to his behavior. And never mind the fact that, while he earned a degree there, ironically enough, in child development and family relationships, he also joined a group called Male Athletes Against Violence ('MAAV').
USA Today reports: As part of MAAV, Belcher would have signed a pledge card, vowing never to commit violence against women and to stand up against those who did. The pledge, among other things, required him to 'look honestly at my actions in regards to violence and make changes, if necessary.'
And also never mind the fact that Belcher had been drinking heavily the night before the shooting and spent part of that night with another woman."
Monday, December 10, 2012
"Video Claims Proof Assad Using Chemical Weapons"
If this is not faked, it is really bad stuff...
On the Israel National News website, Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu has the video:
"Fears of the worst possible scenario in Syria have been confirmed in a video released by rebels that shows victims of chemical warfare. WARNING: The video should not be shown to children without parental agreement."
"Dem operative suspected in serial rapes"
If the allegations are true, this guy is really evil...
At, Jack Minor calls attention to Mr. Costello:
"Costello allegedly sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl in 2008, a 22-year-woman in 2010 and a 49-year-old woman in 2011. Authorities subsequently charged him with two counts of second-degree kidnapping, two accounts of sexual assault on a child and three counts of sexual assault. He was also charged with two counts of impersonating a police officer during two of the attacks. Costello’s arrest on Nov. 5 came about as a result of an unlikely related event. On June 30, Everett Stadig, a 69-year-old petition gatherer for Personhood USA, was thrown off his bicycle, allegedly by Costello, while gathering signatures for a personhood amendment outside of a King Soopers grocery story in Denver, resulting in injuries that required surgery to replace part of his hip."
Sunday, December 09, 2012
2012-12-09 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 08, 2012
How Free Speech Died on Campus -
Americans right to free speech is always under fire.
It doesn't only apply to words, is distasteful at times, and there are often repercussions.
That being said, we must be very vigilant to ensure authorities don't manipulate us by applying and withholding consequences as "they" see fit (or to fit their agenda)...
It doesn't only apply to words, is distasteful at times, and there are often repercussions.
That being said, we must be very vigilant to ensure authorities don't manipulate us by applying and withholding consequences as "they" see fit (or to fit their agenda)...
In the Wall Street Journal, Sohrab Ahmari recent wrote about the issues indicated in these survey results:
"A 2010 survey by the American Association of Colleges and Universities found that of 24,000 college students, only 35.6% strongly agreed that 'it is safe to hold unpopular views on campus.' When the question was asked of 9,000 campus professionals—who are more familiar with the enforcement end of the censorship rules—only 18.8% strongly agreed.
Mr. Lukianoff thinks all of this should alarm students, parents and alumni enough to demand change:"
Friday, December 07, 2012
"Baking Soda & Cancer (The Last Laugh)"
So, do you think big pharmaceutical companies are rooting for this?
And on a side note, wouldn't it play better if Mark's last name was different?...
And on a side note, wouldn't it play better if Mark's last name was different?...
Dr. Mark Sircus has this posted on his blog:
"University of Arizona Cancer Center member Dr. Mark Pagel will receive a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effectiveness of personalized baking soda therapy to treat breast cancer. In other words, clinical trials on the use of oral sodium bicarbonate for breast cancer treatments are about to start![1] Obviously there are people in the know who have understood that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), that same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary cancer treatment option of the safest and most effective kind."
Thursday, December 06, 2012
"New York City Hits Sandy Victims With ‘Failure To Maintain Property’ Citation"
I have to think there's more to this story.
Then again, in today's world, maybe not...
Then again, in today's world, maybe not...
CBS - New York has this on their website:
"Residents in one Queens neighborhood are crying foul after they were written up for failing to clean up the city’s own mess. It is yet another new complication in life after Superstorm Sandy. Rosanne and Joe Cavaliere are still trying to clean up from the hurricane. They have branches through their roof, busted front windows, and, to add insult to injury, they recently received a citation notice from the city."
"Iraqi refugee arrested for bombing Arizona Social Security office with IED, media silence ensues"'s Patrick Poole thinks you may have, and figures it's the media's purposeful omission:
"Even though Aldosary’s identity was known to news agencies on Friday after his arrest, national and international media outlets, such as CNN and Reuters which published reports late Friday night, noted his arrest but not his identity. And none but local media have reported Aldosary’s name ever since.
Now imagine if a Tea Partier — or even someone who shared the same name as a Tea Partier – had fire bombed a federal facility less than a month after Barack Obama’s reelection. Anyone think it would be getting more media coverage?"
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
"An open letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock"
Bob Costas has created a fuss about having a gun...
At, AlexTheChic fires (pun intended) back. She begins:
"Gentlemen: I see that you have chosen to use the horrific crime of the murder of Kasandra Perkins to express your belief that guns are the problem, not the men who wield them. I am utterly certain that you believe that you have the moral high ground on this matter. I am equally certain that such a belief is appallingly wrong, not to mention terribly misogynistic. Why do I say this? Because had your desires on gun control been in place, I would not be alive to be writing this now."
"New Photo Of George Zimmerman From The Night Of Trayvon Martin's Death"
That being said, it DOES seem Mr. Zimmerman has received biased treatment from the prosecutor, the opposition lawyers, and the media.
Every aspect of the case seems to have been misrepresented in some way.
The picture depicted here is just one instance...
At, Jessica Testa calls attention to this:
"This is a photo of George Zimmerman taken by a police officer on the night of February 26, 2012. A black and white photocopy of this image was provided by the State in the first Discovery. This high-resolution digital file was finally provided to the defense on October 29, 2012. This image was disclosed in the State's 9th Supplemental Discovery."
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
"Could you pass a US citizenship test?"
You won't have any trouble with this. Or will you?...
The Christian Science Monitor has it:
"In order to become a US citizen, immigrants must pass the Naturalization Test. American citizenship bestows the right to vote, improves the likelihood of family members living in other countries to come and live in the US, gives eligibility for federal jobs, and can be a way to demonstrate loyalty to the US. Applicants must get 6 answers out of 10 in an oral exam to pass the test.
According to US Citizenship and Immigration services, 92 percent of applicants pass this test. You must get 58 or more of these test questions correct in order to pass."
"Steady Antarctic ice growth 'limits confidence in climate predictions'"
They rarely, if ever, report stories like this one...
Lewis Page does report it on the U.K. Register website:
"Boffins from NASA and the British Antarctic Survey have teamed up to investigate one of the great mysteries of climate science: why it is that the extent of sea ice around the south pole has actually increased steadily over the years."
I posted about it way back in May of 2008...
That post is here: Global Warming - Artic vs. Antartic
Monday, December 03, 2012
"Questions surround $55 million program to cut violence in Chicago"
It is said that there are no coincidences in politics.
I can't imagine anyone thinking this is what the governor says it is.
Oh yeah. It's in Chicago...
I can't imagine anyone thinking this is what the governor says it is.
Oh yeah. It's in Chicago...
Scott Zamost, Drew Griffin, and Elizabeth Nunez of the CNN Special Investigations Unit have the details on this:
"On a chilly afternoon this fall, teenagers across Chicago's South Side were busy at work, earning $8.75 an hour to hand out fliers with a message of non-violence.
'Our message that we're giving out today is about being healthy,' said 18-year-old Lucia Eloisa. 'One of the key pointers is about taking time to reflect and seek inner peace.'
Eloisa's part-time job was paid for by an ambitious state-funded program to keep at-risk teenagers out of trouble. It pumped nearly $55 million into Chicago's toughest neighborhoods and three of its suburbs to stem unrelenting gang violence.
A four-month CNN investigation found that not only did the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative (NRI) pay teens to hand out fliers promoting inner peace, it also paid these at-risk teens to take field trips to museums, march in a parade with the governor, and even attend a yoga class to learn how to handle stress."
The U.N.'s Internet Sneak Attack -
It should remain as it is...
In the Wall Street Journal, L. Gordon Crovitz tells about what's going on at the United Nations:
"Many of the U.N.'s 193 member states oppose the open, uncontrolled nature of the Internet. Its interconnected global networks ignore national boundaries, making it hard for governments to censor or tax. And so, to send the freewheeling digital world back to the state control of the analog era, China, Russia, Iran and Arab countries are trying to hijack a U.N. agency that has nothing to do with the Internet.
For more than a year, these countries have lobbied an agency called the International Telecommunications Union to take over the rules and workings of the Internet. Created in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union, the ITU last drafted a treaty on communications in 1988, before the commercial Internet, when telecommunications meant voice telephone calls via national telephone monopolies."
Sunday, December 02, 2012
2012-12-02 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 01, 2012
"Two-thirds of millionaires left Britain to avoid 50p tax rate"
Time and again, it's been proven that raising taxes inspires creativity.
Unfortunately, that creativeness leads to decreased tax revenues.
I guess elected officials will never learn...
Unfortunately, that creativeness leads to decreased tax revenues.
I guess elected officials will never learn...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Robert Winnett elaborates on this:
"In the 2009-10 tax year, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million to HM Revenue and Customs.
This number fell to just 6,000 after Gordon Brown introduced the new 50p top rate of income tax shortly before the last general election.
The figures have been seized upon by the Conservatives to claim that increasing the highest rate of tax actually led to a loss in revenues for the Government.
It is believed that rich Britons moved abroad or took steps to avoid paying the new levy by reducing their taxable incomes."