Saturday, December 15, 2012
"Hispanics must recall the reason their parents came to America in the first place"
Well, it's nice to know that some Hispanics "get it."
The problem is convincing those who have already improved their status dramatically just by getting to the U.S. and the "handouts" that there can be so much more than those handouts...
The problem is convincing those who have already improved their status dramatically just by getting to the U.S. and the "handouts" that there can be so much more than those handouts...
Silvio Canto, Jr. has a message for them at
"Here is my message to my fellow Hispanos:
Why did you or your parents leave Mexico and come here for jobs? The answer is that Mexico, and many other Latin American countries, have implemented the kind of class warfare that has driven money out of the country.
We don't need a GOP version of The Dream Act or some immigration reform based on pandering to Hispanics.
We need to slap Hispanos and wake them up from this 'Obamamania' plague of 'something for nothing' paid for by the rich.
Frankly, we need to remind them that the American Dream that they, or their parents, aspired to had nothing to do with 'free stuff' or demonizing the rich.
No way. The American Dream that my parents came here for was 'freedom,' 'self reliance' and 'the rule of law'.
We just need to remind them that taxing the rich will do to the US what it has done to their countries of origin."