Wednesday, December 19, 2012
"Why Did Gun Control Fail the Families of Newtown?"
Of course, the politically incorrect answer is that laws aren't necessarily obeyed by everyone...
At, Thomas Crown wants this question answered:
"So here’s the challenge for gun control advocates: explain why you failed the people of Newtown. You cited Connecticut as a national example. You said its laws 'reduce risks to children.' You gave no state a higher rating for keeping guns out of public places — like schools.
And a criminally insane man stole legally-owned guns (owned under Connecticut’s regime) after being denied their legal purchase, broke in through a window, and killed children and adults — adults who were not armed to shoot back, and so died unable to save the children who also died.
You want this one event to be a national test? Fine. Why are there 20 children dead when the state of Connecticut did what you said they should to keep their people safe?
Once you answer that question, we can get this conversation underway."