Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Media - One-sided?
This writer has been around for a while, so I'm thinking his opinion is definitely worth something...
At RealClearPolitics.com, Tony Blankley expresses his opinion:
"The mainstream media have gone over the line and are now straight-out propagandists for the Obama campaign.
While they have been liberal and blinkered in their worldview for decades, in 2007-08, for the first time, the major media consciously are covering for one candidate for president and consciously are knifing the other. This is no longer journalism; it is simply propaganda. "
Environment - Rationalize this!
This shouldn't be a surprise to any of us.
The interesting part is that they rationalize that wasting energy in one area is somehow OK if they are "saving" it elsewhere.
Even more interesting is that they rarely get called out on it...
The interesting part is that they rationalize that wasting energy in one area is somehow OK if they are "saving" it elsewhere.
Even more interesting is that they rarely get called out on it...
In the U.K. Guardian, David Adam reports:
"Stewart Barr, of Exeter University, who led the research, said: "Green living is largely something of a myth. There is this middle class environmentalism where being green is part of the desired image. But another part of the desired image is to fly off skiing twice a year. And the carbon savings they make by not driving their kids to school will be obliterated by the pollution from their flights."
Some people even said they deserved such flights as a reward for their green efforts, he added."
The Drumbeat - by William Staneski
I hear it all the time. Do you?...
At AmericanThinker.com, William Staneski describes it. He begins:
"The drumbeat. It's always there. Day and night. Rain or shine. Winter or Summer. Sunday or Monday. It comes at you from every direction. It comes over the TV, the radio, at work, at school, in music, in the newspapers, from the politicians, in conversation with others, even in church. It wears you down. It robs you of the will to resist its message. Even short-lived victories, which stop it briefly, leave you with the knowledge that it will return; each minor victory bound to be lost to the redoubled efforts of this patient and persistent force. You can't escape it. It never stops. It never gives up. It never ends. It rains upon you from every possible angle, from every possible source."
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Where our misery began"
The politicians behind this mess probably can't even balance a checkbook...
Mike Masterson explains on the Northwest Arkansas Times website:
"I believe a former investigative reporter for Atlanta’s daily newspaper likely pitched the snowball that grew into the avalanche and buried our leading mortgage institutions. Bill Dedman in 1989 produced a series called “The Color of Money” that exposed the practice of redlining by banks that routinely declined risky home loans in low-income neighborhoods. Dedman wound up with a Pulitzer Prize and supporters for his cause within the federal bureaucracy. Sadly, most who initially benefited from his story have wound up with foreclosure notices. To understand what transpired following Dedman’s series, everyone should read two important commentaries. One was published on Feb. 5 in the New York Post and the other on Sept. 15 in Investor’s Business Daily. They reached similar conclusions: We are paying today for policies and practices born and pushed early in the Bill Clinton administration that forced lending institutions to make housing loans to otherwise unqualified buyers."
Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco - The Boston Globe
I think it's clear by now that the two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are the root cause of the current mortgage and credit crisis.
Equally complicit are certain politicians who steadfastly blocked any attempts at reform.
Our elected officials have failed us here. Their pompous self-interests and lack of foresight and common sense have put us all at risk.
Once again, I say "throw the bums out!"...
Equally complicit are certain politicians who steadfastly blocked any attempts at reform.
Our elected officials have failed us here. Their pompous self-interests and lack of foresight and common sense have put us all at risk.
Once again, I say "throw the bums out!"...
At Boston.com, Jeff Jacoby highlights U.S. Rep. Barney Frank's role:
"... But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco. Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.
Now that the bubble has burst and the 'systemic risk' is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: 'The private sector got us into this mess.' Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he'll find one suspect in the nearest mirror."
Circa 1999 - the New York Times
Perhaps, this comment may seem off-topic; nevertheless, I wonder if some future historical view will include the current credit meltdown as a subset of an overall permissive and indulgent period in our society.
It seems to me that we are mostly intent on making everyone feel good about themselves. We are reluctant to call attention to shortcomings and tend to modify standards to minimize "failure".
That, in itself, may not be totally wrong; however, there are inappropriate lessons learned when bad behavior gets rewarded. I don't think it's constructive when lesser performances get the same treatment as those that are better...
It seems to me that we are mostly intent on making everyone feel good about themselves. We are reluctant to call attention to shortcomings and tend to modify standards to minimize "failure".
That, in itself, may not be totally wrong; however, there are inappropriate lessons learned when bad behavior gets rewarded. I don't think it's constructive when lesser performances get the same treatment as those that are better...
P.J. Gladnick has it at NewsBusters.com:
"This is probably an article that the New York Times wishes it didn't have in its archives because it reveals the true culprits behind the current Fannie Mae meltdown. You will find 'uncomfortable' truths in this September 30, 1999 article by Steven A. Holmes starting with the title, 'Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending,' that you won't find in current editions of the New York Times (emphasis mine):
In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.
The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets -- including the New York metropolitan region -- will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring.
Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.
Get that? Pressure by the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans by lowering its credit requirements."
Circa 2003 - the New York Times
It would be hard to argue that no one saw this financial crisis coming.
Clearly, our elected officials, for political reasons, didn't do anything at all to prevent it.
Now, of course, they are once again scrambling to "save" us from their disastrous malfeasance, while, at the same time, shifting the blame away from themselves.
"Throw the bums out!" is my sentiment...
Clearly, our elected officials, for political reasons, didn't do anything at all to prevent it.
Now, of course, they are once again scrambling to "save" us from their disastrous malfeasance, while, at the same time, shifting the blame away from themselves.
"Throw the bums out!" is my sentiment...
On the PowerLine Blog, John Hinderaker reminds us of some history:
"2003, that is, when the New York Times ran this article on proposed reforms to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac:
The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.
Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.
'The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken.'"
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?"
This person worked pretty hard on this.
It seems very plausible, and considering our current circumstances, seems very likely to be correct...
It seems very plausible, and considering our current circumstances, seems very likely to be correct...
You can find several videos by TheMouthPeace at YouTube.com.
You can watch this one right here:
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In Our Schools - Election Spending?
Well, I guess it was only a matter of time.
I don't like it...
I don't like it...
At FoxNews.com, Anita Vogel reported this:
"Cutthroat competitors burning through mountains of cash in a fiercely contested election.
But this isn't a race for the White House. It's a costly drive for high office in high schools, where some kids are going all-out to buy elections, and school administrators are trying to stop them."
Friday, September 26, 2008
Government at Work - on air conditioning
#1. Do we really want government involved here?
#2. They are paying for it, aren't they?
#3. On the other hand, WHY are the doors propped open?
I need more info...
#2. They are paying for it, aren't they?
#3. On the other hand, WHY are the doors propped open?
I need more info...
In the New York Sun, Grace Rauh reports:
"The City Council is poised to approve new legislation on Thursday that would bar stores from keeping their doors open when air-conditioners or central cooling systems are in use. Any store or restaurant in violation of the new rule will first be issued a written warning and charged fines for subsequent violations."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Barack Obama - and his Global Poverty Act
As Mr. McCarthy says, "Where to begin..."
At the National Review Online, Andrew C. McCarthy writes:
"The scam is better known as Obama’s Global Poverty Act. Sen. Joe Biden, his trusty running-mate, recently tried to slam it through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - the better to address the rarely discussed fact that Obama, having achieved nothing noteworthy as an Illinois state senator, is similarly without accomplishment after three years in the Senate.
The GPA is a monstrosity. Thanks to Obama’s praetorian guards in the mainstream media, it is a better kept secret than most covert intelligence programs. But Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid has been digging (see here). If the GPA became law, the United States would be required to fork up for foreign aid 0.7 percent of its gross national product through 2015. That is, Obama would skyrocket U.S. largesse from its current annual level of about $21 billion (the world’s most generous) to - you’ll want to be sitting down for this - $85 billion per year.
This week’s new and improved 'let’s take care of Americans first' Obama is a fraud. The real Obama is post-sovereign, transnational progressivism personified. His 0.7 percent figure comes straight out of a 1970 U.N. General Assembly resolution, and the 2015 deadline was dreamed up by a gaggle of international community organizers at the U.N.’s 'Millennium Summit' in 2000.
Are you worried about the $85 billion AIG bailout? Well just imagine doing it once a year for about a decade … except with no return on your investment and with the U.N. (the people who gave us 'Oil for Food') doing what passes for the oversight - i.e., presiding over the transfer of American dollars to the very freedom-hating despots who have kept the third world poor in the first place."
Hollywood - Sex with children
Isn't there enough other subject matter to make movies about?...
Isn't there enough other subject matter to make movies about?...
Bob Unruh writes this at WorldNetDaily.com:
"The founder of Movieguide, a top film-rating organization in Hollywood, is joining a growing call for a boycott of two new movies that feature pedophilia, warning of the dangers that come with themes involving sex with children.
'These despicable movies promote pedophilia, whether intentionally or unintentionally,' said Ted Baehr, who's well known for his Christian Film & Television Commission work. 'There should be a massive public outcry against them. The inclusion of children in sexually explicit films is inappropriate. There also is no excuse for the authorities to allow such material to be shown publicly.'"
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Media - Do they see it?
Collectively, I have to wonder if the media knows what they are doing to themselves.
Then again, as the saying goes; "It's very difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame"...
Then again, as the saying goes; "It's very difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame"...
At MichNews.com, Christopher G. Adamo tells the story:
"The 2004 contest between President Bush and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry marked the beginning of the end for the old media monopoly. On the one hand, clumsy media attempts to fabricate a story, complete with phony documents hastily fabricated using modern word-processing software, clearly indicated that CBS bigwig Dan Rather and his minions were stumping for Kerry. Meanwhile, the old media failed miserably in their shameless attempts to discredit the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth. That organization’s thoroughly documented evidence completely unraveled Kerry’s baseless claims of heroism in Vietnam. By so doing, the Swift Vets struck the fatal blow to his inept campaign.
Of course the old media, devoted exclusively to liberal ideology, are wholly incapable of admitting their outrageous slant. Nor can they fathom their current inability to successfully function in the absence of their former almost total domination of information. Not surprisingly, the current crop of nasty and small minded leftists throughout the “news” and entertainment media (and to an ever increasing degree, the two institutions are becoming indistinguishable) are at it again. This time, their target is Alaska Governor and vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin."
In Our Schools - Pittsburgh PA Public Schools
Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, but I don't like this idea...
Joe Smydo reports in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
"'The 'E' is to be recorded no lower than a 50 percent, regardless of the actual percent earned. For example, if the student earns a 20 percent on a class assignment, the grade is recorded as a 50 percent,' said the memo from Jerri Lippert, the district's executive director of curriculum, instruction and professional development, and Mary VanHorn, a PFT vice president."
Politcians and the Polls
Hmmmm. This is interesting...
At AmericanSpectator.org, Andrew Cline reports:
"And yet since August the Republicans have closed an 18 point gap with Democrats among independent voters. A new Gallup poll finds that Democrats have only a three-point edge (within the margin of error) when people are asked which party they want to control Congress.
I think the answer is pretty clear: The Democratic leadership in Congress took the golden opportunity it was given in 2006 and pissed it away on petty partisanship -- just like the Republicans who preceded them did.
A Gallup poll out this week is revealing. It found that only 47 percent of Americans say they have trust in the legislative branch of the federal government. That's the first time that number has dipped below 50 percent since Gallup began asking that question in 1972. The same poll found that only 18 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing vs. 31 percent who approve of the job President Bush is doing."
The Media - this is interesting
If true, this doesn't really surprise me.
It certainly wouldn't be the first time, the media "helped" a story along.
However, the racial overtone of this episode, makes it pretty despicable...
It certainly wouldn't be the first time, the media "helped" a story along.
However, the racial overtone of this episode, makes it pretty despicable...
On her blog, Barbara Sowell wonders:
"A quote attributed to Sandra Cichon, a private citizen, is spreading across the internet as a living example of White Racism. Did a reporter put words in this woman’s mouth?"
Brother, can you spare a few $100,000?
This article is quite well-written. The authors say it "serves as a microcosm of (the) nation's mortage meltdown".
After you read it, you may agree with my conclusion that it represents an avalanche of stupidity!...
After you read it, you may agree with my conclusion that it represents an avalanche of stupidity!...
Cary Spivak and Daniel Bice write at JSonline.com:
“Anybody with a heartbeat could walk in and get a loan,” said Richard Bitner, a former national lending executive turned industry critic and author. “You’re talking about a systematic failure in the mortgage industry.”
"Time after time, borrowers — some with spotty financial or even criminal records — received loans to buy property or refinance their mortgages. About 7.5% of the homes in these neighborhoods were headed for sheriff’s sales last year, the final step in the foreclosure process."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sen. Joe Biden - 1972 crash still haunts driver's family
It's hard to post anything derogatory on this issue; however, this stretch of the truth is hurting someone...
Rachel Kipp reports at DelawareOnline.com:
"Since his vice presidential nomination, Joe Biden's 2007 statement that a 'guy who allegedly ... drank his lunch' and drove the truck that struck and killed his first wife and daughter has gained national media traction.
Alcohol didn't play a role in the 1972 crash, investigators found. But as recently as last week, the syndicated TV show Inside Edition aired a clip from 2001 of Biden describing the accident to an audience at the University of Delaware and saying the truck driver 'stopped to drink instead of drive.'
The senator's statements don't jibe with news and law enforcement reports from the time, which cleared driver Curtis C. Dunn, who died in 1999, of wrongdoing."
Circa 1977 - Community Reinvestment Act
It looks like these "good ideas" got out of control and certainly (at the least) contributed to the mortgage meltdown problems we are suffering today...
Matt Lewis posted this on the TownHall.com blog:
"This morning on 'Morning Joe,' Larry Kudlow was asked about some specific reforms that could help the economy.
He noted that the federal government helped create this financial crisis in the mid-nineties by passing the Community Reinvestment Act."
October 1, 1999 - Fannie Mae Moves to Loosen Home Loan Credit Rules
Gee! Do you think this might have been significant...
Back then, Daryl Strickland wrote this in the L.A. Times:
"The nation’s largest provider of mortgage funds, moving to increase homeownership among minorities and low-income citizens, unveiled a program Thursday to loosen lending standards for people with 'slightly impaired' credit.
The Federal National Mortgage Assn. said it will encourage banks and other financial institutions to accept borrowers with blemished credit who may not otherwise qualify for conventional loans.
The program will begin on a pilot basis in 15 states, including California, and the District of Columbia. It is expected to expand nationwide early next year.
It is designed to provide homeownership opportunities for 'many borrowers whose credit is just a notch below' qualifying for a loan, said Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae’s chairman and chief executive."
Politics - "Astroturfing"
Here's a new word for your vernacular.
In the political world, it's implications are NOT nice at all.
This post directs you to a website that appears to have (more than) thoroughly investigated a certain YouTube video that is detrimental to Gov. Sarah Palin. Considering my background and interests, I can see how this can be done, and believe it is correct.
It should reinforce several things for us. We should be skeptical, before blindly believing that any written word, picture, or video, is factual, and, we should understand that politics is the dirtiest, least honorable, business on the planet.
And we should appreciate that many people know the intricacies of the Internet well enough to investigate almost anything or everything that others think are "anonymous"...
In the political world, it's implications are NOT nice at all.
This post directs you to a website that appears to have (more than) thoroughly investigated a certain YouTube video that is detrimental to Gov. Sarah Palin. Considering my background and interests, I can see how this can be done, and believe it is correct.
It should reinforce several things for us. We should be skeptical, before blindly believing that any written word, picture, or video, is factual, and, we should understand that politics is the dirtiest, least honorable, business on the planet.
And we should appreciate that many people know the intricacies of the Internet well enough to investigate almost anything or everything that others think are "anonymous"...
Dr. Rusty Shackleford posts on the Jawa Report website:
"Extensive research was conducted by the Jawa Report to determine the source of smears directed toward Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Those smears included false allegations that she belonged to a secessionist political party and that she has radical anti-American views.
Our research suggests that a subdivision of one of the largest public relations firms in the world most likely started and promulgated rumors about Sarah Palin that were known to be false. These rumors were spread in a surreptitious manner to avoid exposure.
It is also likely that the PR firm was paid by outside sources to run the smear campaign. While not conclusive, evidence suggests a link to the Barack Obama campaign."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Meanwhile - in Dos Palos, California
I can't even imagine this.
The country seems to have truly gone crazy...
The country seems to have truly gone crazy...
Danielle Gaines reports in California's Merced Sun-Star:
"Officials at the Merced County school confirmed Thursday that Jake Shelly was forced to take off a red, white and blue tie-dyed American flag T-shirt on Tuesday. The shirt said nothing offensive, just: 'United States of America, Washington, D.C.'
The school's assistant principal issued Shelly a bright yellow T-shirt that read 'DCV: Dress Code Violator' to wear for the rest of the day. He was given his shirt back after classes ended.
'It was really embarrassing and humiliating to have to wear that all day -- and just for supporting your country,' his sister Kaycee Shelly said."
Iran - complicit in 9/11?
I wonder when, if ever, the world will know the TRUE story of 9/11.
At this point in time, I'm betting on never...
At this point in time, I'm betting on never...
At IsraelNationalNews.com, Benyamin Nakonechny picked out this and more from an Israeli talk show interview with Kenneth Timmerman:
"The commission also concluded that the hijackers 'were accompanied by a senior Hizbullah operative.' Timmerman, in his book 'Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran', identified the operative as Imad Faize Mughniyeh, Hizbullah's second-in-command who was assassinated last February in Damascus.
Although the commission noticed that 'either this was a direct material evidence of Iran's involvement in the hijackings or it was just a remarkable coincidence', says Timmerman, 'they didn't come down either way... they wouldn't say which'. In explanation of this resignation he said: 'I can assure you they (the commission) were under tremendous, tremendous pressure from the US intelligence community not to say anything about this.'"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"How About This Referendum" - by Frank Salvato
Personally, I do not have a high regard for what our news media has become, so it's easy for me to support any sending of a message that might change their ways.
That being said, I support this idea wholeheartedly...
That being said, I support this idea wholeheartedly...
Here are several paragraphs from Frank Salvato's article at TheNewMediaJournal.us:
"Defeat their anointed candidate at the polls on November 4th. Make the election of 2008 a referendum on the mainstream media and their manipulation of the American public. If you believe that the mainstream media in the United States has failed in their public mission, their obligation to adequately and honestly inform the public on important issues, if you believe that the mainstream media has tried to manipulate this election in favor of Barack Obama, then vote against them this November 4th; vote against them by casting a vote against their candidate, Barack Obama.
Never has it been easier of simpler to show your discontent toward the mainstream media elite, toward the ideologically influential, toward the self-anointed keepers of the truth. Defeat their candidate on November 4th, 2008."
After reading the following, I'm disabling the "FactCheck.org" link on the right of this page...
It's part of a post at NewMediaJournal.us:
"Case in point. FactCheck.org entertains the illusion that they are the arbiters of political fact, of truth, where the candidates’ political assertions are concerned. But FactCheck.org’s parent organization is the Annenberg Public Policy Center. Annenberg, for those of you who are not keeping up with the Barack Obama-William Ayers relationship, is the organization that brought former and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, Barack Obama and millions of dollars into the same realm. In light of this reality, wouldn’t it be responsible for FactCheck.org to sit this election out or, at least, recuse itself from opining on the presidential race? Predictably, this is not to be."
Does history tell us the real story
This is from an October 23, 1999 article in the New York Times.
More than a few analysts blame this legislation for enabling the circumstances we are suffering through right now...
More than a few analysts blame this legislation for enabling the circumstances we are suffering through right now...
Here are two paragraphs from that article by Stephen Labaton:
"The breakthrough in Friday's legislation came in a backroom meeting at the Capitol soon after midnight, when a group of moderate Senate Democrats -- led by Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and Charles E. Schumer of New York -- forced a compromise between Gramm and the White House over the legislation's effect on the Community Reinvestment Act, a 1977 anti-discrimination law intended to encourage lending to minorities and others historically denied access to credit.
Dodd, whose state is home to the nation's largest insurance companies, and Schumer, with strong ties to Wall Street, have long sought legislation to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act. Both men said in interviews Friday that they moved to strike a compromise after it became apparent that the legislation might be killed, as it was last year by Gramm, over the debate about the Community Reinvestment Act."
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Ethics, The Left & The Associated Press"
"A". If we create a country with a majority of successful citizens, they will likely not object to taking care of those less fortunate.
"B". If we create a country with a majority of citizens dependent on federal handouts and entitlements, there won't be enough others to fund those programs.
It seems to me that one party favors one idea, while the other party favors the other. We all know which is which, and therefore, have the choice to vote for "A" or "B" above...
"B". If we create a country with a majority of citizens dependent on federal handouts and entitlements, there won't be enough others to fund those programs.
It seems to me that one party favors one idea, while the other party favors the other. We all know which is which, and therefore, have the choice to vote for "A" or "B" above...
At TheNewMediaJournal.us, Lance Fairchok, makes a case, and offers a hope:
"The disaster of Democrat control of the house and senate is nowhere as evident as in the financial crisis we now experience. The Democrats have diluted or prevented every reform and fiduciary standard brought to the table, protecting their cash cow in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae despite a long history of warnings. As usual, the citizens bail them out with billions of tax dollars.
...and citizens will realize their policies usually end up badly for the nation. The press will have its comeuppance also; its manipulations have grown so wearisome and so obvious even the inattentive cannot help but notice the slant. Change is coming, and soon, from the heartland, wearing heels and glasses, and ready to take on the fast-talking double-dealing Democrats. Hillary is staying quiet as she sees the meltdown coming. Obama can do nothing but posture and pander, insult and insinuate. His house of cards is coming down."
Meanwhile - off the coast of Costa Rica
We surely live in an interesting world...
John McPhaul reports for Reuters:
"On Saturday, the U.S. Coast Guard sent a team of special agents on small boats to surprise the smugglers after a U.S. Navy airplane spotted the sub. When the traffickers realized the agents were on their deck they shifted the boat violently in an attempt to throw the officers into the sea.
After that failed, they complied with orders not to open hatches designed to sink the craft, said the Coast Guard.
'This was the most dangerous operation of my career,' Todd Bagetis, the lieutenant in charge of the Coast Guard team, said in a statement.
Official photos showed the craft packed full of 37 bales of cocaine with a street value of $187 million."
Friday, September 19, 2008
"The FACTS about More Damn Obama Lies!"
This writer calls attention to Obama's role in this issue; however, you can't help but notice that the federal government is the "enabler" of the bad things that have occurred.
And, running true to form, they're now looking to be credited for "saving" us from the very thing that they created!...
And, running true to form, they're now looking to be credited for "saving" us from the very thing that they created!...
JB Williams at CrossActionNews.com:
"Hot Air Blog does a magnificent job of detailing the hard facts concerning the long road to disaster traveled by Fannie and Freddie, as well as many other mortgage lending institutions. It was the effort to turn mortgage lending into yet another federal welfare program that led to the collapse of the mortgage industry."
The book-banners Hollywood ignores - Michelle Malkin
These comparisons are quite illuminating.
That means they totally expose the hypocrisy of a certain group of people...
That means they totally expose the hypocrisy of a certain group of people...
On her website, Michelle Malkin asks this and then follows with many comparisons:
"Have you ever heard Hollywood liberals talk about suspected Islamic jihadists the way they talk about suspected Republican “book-banners?” The September 11 terrorist attacks didn’t turn celebrity leftists into hawks. But the minute they started reading false rumors about Sarah Palin restricting unfettered access to “Daddy’s Roommate” and “Heather Has Two Mommies” in her hometown library, Tinseltown’s docile doves became militant warmongers."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Media - vs. (Republican) Small Towns
I don'y know if this was premeditated or not; however, it would NOT surprise me if it were.
Actually, I'm inclined to believe this "small town" Mayor...
Actually, I'm inclined to believe this "small town" Mayor...
At the RomeSentinal.com, Steve Jones reports:
"Mayor Brown, who is on vacation with is wife in Florida to celebrate their anniversary, called the Daily Sentinel late Tuesday to blast the segment. Before he even saw the Tuesday show, he said, he was getting calls and e-mails from people expressing total disappointment with what ABC ‘Good Morning America’ did for our area."
Brown said the negative portrayal of Rome was a calculated attack. 'They had an agenda to come up here and do a negative-type story on upstate economics, on gas prices. The top management, I know their viewpoints,' he said. 'Their mission is to get Barack Obama elected. They focused on all the issues he’s focused on.' First-term Illinois Sen. Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee for president. Brown is a Republican and has been mayor for five years.
Brown said producers approached the city about a profile as a stop on the train trip across the northeast. He said it was pitched as a profile of a city with a renovated train station. So his chief of staff, Tammy Burkhart, welcomed show crew to town, showing them what Rome had to offer. Instead, he said, they brought an all together different objective."
Politicians - U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel
If the many allegations are true (this is only the latest), then, he represents the epitome of an ethically challenged politician.
He is clearly not being called out nationally by the national news media.
Could it be his party affiliation?...
He is clearly not being called out nationally by the national news media.
Could it be his party affiliation?...
Daphne Retter reports the latest in the New York Post:
"A House Web site on parking regulations informs anyone with a space that, under IRS regulations, the benefit of the free parking is considered 'imputed income' and must be declared to the government.
The spaces are valued by the House at $290 per month, the site says - about the monthly cost of leasing a space in a private DC-area garage.
If the car has been in that space since its license plates were surrendered four years ago, the imputed income would be nearly $5,000.
In addition to the storage issue, the vehicle - valued at roughly $10,000 to $15,000 - runs afoul of other rules set forth on the House Web site because it does not have license plates and does not display a current House parking permit."
Free Speech
I can't imagine that this behavior is against any man-made law.
It does, however, not seem right that one's free speech right should be used to actually prevent another from being heard.
IMHO, when the "letter" of the law can override the "spirit" of the law, it usually means the law is poorly written...
It does, however, not seem right that one's free speech right should be used to actually prevent another from being heard.
IMHO, when the "letter" of the law can override the "spirit" of the law, it usually means the law is poorly written...
On his HotAir.com blog, Ed Morrissey reports:
"Where is the rest of the media on this? It’s the second time in three weeks that the campaign itself has organized a brute squad to intimidate journalists into silence. This kind of insane, hysterical reaction to criticism is apparently what we can expect from an Obama administration, and the rest of the media seems content to allow it."
The Media - Bob Lonsberry
Oh Boy!
I have found a new friend...
I have found a new friend...
Bob Lonsberry takes the news industry apart.:
"If there's one group of people I trust less and have more contempt for than politicians, it is reporters. We are a nation awash is news products which contain virtually nothing of subsance or worth. We have channels full of 24-hour crap, and hardly a reporter anywhere who can actually tell it to us straight.
The media has called itself to some position of importance and significance in our society, taking upon itself an air or power and superiority that is almost comical. They have almost made themselves a special class of people whose every notion or whim is 'right' and any contrary view is 'wrong.' They are collectively the most arrogant and self-important group of people in our society today.
And yet they are terrible at their job."
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
About that Offshore drilling legislation
Politics at work while the American people get fooled again...
This Associated Press story by H. Joseph Hebert can be found at MichiganLive.com:
"The House measure would allow drilling in waters 50 miles from shore almost everywhere from New England to Washington state as long as a state agrees to go along with energy development off its coast. Beyond 100 miles, no state approval would be required. The drilling ban would remain in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
But Republicans called the drilling measure a ruse to provide political cover to Democrats feeling pressure to support more drilling at a time of high gasoline prices.
"How much new drilling do we get out of this bill? It's zero. Just zero," declared House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. 'It's a hoax on the American people. This is intended for one reason ... so the Democrats can say we voted on energy.'"
The Media - Newsweek issues correction
We have to give credit when the media makes a correction; however, that doesn't excuse they're sloppy publication of poorly investigated and derogatory news articles.
In my perfect world, there would be a fine for every erroneous story; or, at least, a rating system of which news organizations have the most mistakes (not typos)...
In my perfect world, there would be a fine for every erroneous story; or, at least, a rating system of which news organizations have the most mistakes (not typos)...
Warren Throckmorton has the story on his blog:
"Katie Paul at Newsweek alerted me that Newsweek printed a correction to their story claiming that Palin cut funding for teen mothers and the state WIC program."
The Media - Anything Goes
If this is true, it seems to indicate that the media will use every tool at their disposal to promote their agenda.
I already knew that; but, I didn't really think about these types of things...
I already knew that; but, I didn't really think about these types of things...
I found this on the HollywoodTrenches Blog:
"I'm a Director in Hollywood. I've also created visual effects for movies and commercials for 23 years. I'm not disclosing my name at this point, because frankly I've already suffered enough job loss because I was "outted" as a conservative. But enough about me. I caught a commercial teaser for the Charlie Gibson interview of Sarah Palin and something caught my attention as a Director immediately: The use of the position and choice of lenses to minimalize Governor Palin."
The Media - and Charlie Rangel
This writer highlights another of the media's "tricks".
Some things (you can guess which ones) make the front page and others which should be on the front page are buried somewhere else...
Some things (you can guess which ones) make the front page and others which should be on the front page are buried somewhere else...
At AmericanThinker.com, Thomas Lifson reports:
"I credit the NYT with reporting this matter. But why is a story about the man who writes our tax law relegated to the 'New York/Region' section of the paper. Rangel is a national politician because his actions affect every single American."
The Media - ABC's Charlie Gibson
Read the questions and then you can decide for yourself...
On his HotAir.com blog, Ed Morrissey posts:
"In the days leading up to Charles Gibson’s interview with Sarah Palin, many demanded that he ask her tough questions on foreign policy and reform. Certainly that is what journalists should do with all of our elected officials and political candidates, but it seems that Gibson doesn’t always meet this standard. Two bloggers have already provided evidence that Gibson treated Democrats much differently."
The Media - Charlie Gibson
Poor Charlie.
It should be a good lesson for the media that when stray too far from fair and balanced in the treatment of a popular person, you are going to incur the ire of those who know about those things.
And even though this is a Canadian article, I think Americans are seeing very clearly what role the media is playing in this presidential election.
And it's NOT "fair and balanced"!...
It should be a good lesson for the media that when stray too far from fair and balanced in the treatment of a popular person, you are going to incur the ire of those who know about those things.
And even though this is a Canadian article, I think Americans are seeing very clearly what role the media is playing in this presidential election.
And it's NOT "fair and balanced"!...
On Canada's Free Press website, Yomin Postelnik criticizes Charlie Gibson:
"It’s well known and well documented that Charlie Gibson is liberal. But he generally seems to be a well meaning, likeable liberal. He has only a cursory view of the economy, of geopolitics, in truth, of any significant issue, and a disinterest in all things military. But he’s a genuinely nice man, albeit one who is tremendously influenced, at least as far as politics is concerned, by the spiteful New York elites.
When the left has a cause celebre, he will regularly join hands with them, but on his terms, in a milder and gentler, and hopefully more fair manner. But his interview with vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was way over the top. In fact, it was downright hypocritical."
The Media - CNN
Blogs and media-watching websites are currently having more than a grand time busting the media.
I'm actually having trouble keeping up, and have resorted to posting only the most glaring items...
I'm actually having trouble keeping up, and have resorted to posting only the most glaring items...
NewsBusters.com has been busier than ever. Here is the beginning of one of P.J. Gladnick more recent posts:
"Did you know that Sarah Palin has never been to Mongolia? Yeah, and despite the fact she never claimed to have visited there, we are making a big deal about it because of the impression she left only in our fervid imaginations that she did indeed visit Mongolia.
Think that was ridiculous? Well, guess what? That is exactly what CNN is doing with a manufactured scandal that Sarah Palin never visited Iraq. The problem for CNN is that Palin never claimed to have visited Iraq."
The Media - and consequences
My take on this is quite simple: there are consequences for one's actions.
If one cannot foresee that their actions affect people in certain ways, they are very likely to be surprised, astonished, and annoyed at any result or backlash.
In my world, hasty, emotional, and even hopeful decisons, always serve us poorly.
It may sound harsh, but I don't feel sorry for those that don't take the time to consider the consequences of their actions...
If one cannot foresee that their actions affect people in certain ways, they are very likely to be surprised, astonished, and annoyed at any result or backlash.
In my world, hasty, emotional, and even hopeful decisons, always serve us poorly.
It may sound harsh, but I don't feel sorry for those that don't take the time to consider the consequences of their actions...
At NewsBusters.com, Warner Todd Huston discusses the whining of a Baltimore Sun columnist:
"Susan Reimer, columnist for the Baltimore Sun, is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that people took exception to her tactless bashing of Governor Sarah Palin in her September 1 column, 'A woman -- but why this woman?' In fact, Reimer is so upset that people where exercised enough to drop her a note, give her a call, or write an email about her baseless smearing of Palin that she says in her September 5 column that she feels 'frightened.' Do you want some cheese and crackers to go with that whine, Reimer?"
The Media - the New York Times
If you like to find examples of a partisan biased media, the New York Times seems to be the gift that keeps on giving...
On his blog, Patterico points out another gem:
"UPDATE: Oops! Looks like the editors have stepped in and decided that the original version was a bit too honest. For example, the current headline reads: 'Obama Camp Turns to Clinton to Counter Palin.' Hmm. The previous headline was far more entertaining: 'Obama to Dispatch Female Surrogates'"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Media - CNN's John Roberts
Oops! A Freudian slip?
It really doesn't matter. CNN's bias is evident in almost everything they do...
It really doesn't matter. CNN's bias is evident in almost everything they do...
Newsbusters Noel Sheppard discusses this:
"John Roberts didn't want to talk about liberal media bias with NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention last week, for while discussing the state of the presidential campaign with former Clinton administration advisor Paul Begala Friday morning, Roberts referred to Democrats as "we." [audio here]
I kid you not."
Barack Obama - October Surprise?
This item is still hanging around...
And here's the link to Philip J. Berg's civil action document...
I found this on HillaryClintonForum.net:
"Wayne Madsen, a journalist with online journal was a contributing writer and published an article on june 9, 2008 stating the GOP sent out a research team to Mombasa, Kenya and located a certificate registering the birth of Barack Obama Jr. at a maternity hospital, to his father, a Kenyan citizen, and his mother, a U.S. citizen.
October will be nuts as the GOP will be sure to release this and I know we will all be in laughter when seeing it for the first time. If a jounalist is saying the GOP has this, then there is no doubt the GOP will use it.
33 also shows an example of proof that Obama was an Indonesian citizen"
And here's the link to Philip J. Berg's civil action document...
Civil Action No. 08CV4083 - Jury Trial Demanded
Barack Obama - Not Truthful?
Yikes! This is a pretty impressive compilation of Obams's apparently false claims...
At CommonVoice.com, Jim Kouri posts:
"While the mainstream news media attempt to destroy -- yes, destroy -- Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin, they cannot resist the impulse to overlook the lies, half-truths and deceptions of Barack Obama and his comrades on the left.
Terry Anderson, an African-American talk show host in Los Angeles, provides a list of 39 things Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama claims are facts, but further investigation shows they are not exactly correct."
Barack Obama - "hits speed bump"
Here's another column from our Northern neighbor; AND Alaska's Eastern neighbor...
Nancy Morgan writes in Canada's Free Press:
"The Obama gaffes are piling up, and we’re not even counting his VP pick, Biden, who himself is racking up an impressive number of ‘oops’ moments. Poor Obama is definitely having a bad week.
The media anointed Messiah, the man the world would like to elect president, has gone from playing offense to playing defense. And he’s not playing well.
Obama is a charismatic, compelling figure. His appeal is undeniable, as long as he is presented in a multi-million dollar staged setting with teleprompters and a prepared speech. Take him out of this element however, and the contrast is as shocking as seeing Ms. America sans make-up on a bad hair day. Complete with morning breath."
NASA's James Hansen - Crossing the Line
I can't imagine that this is the way to enhance your credibility...
At the NationalReview.com, Henry Payne reports:
"Prominent NASA climatologist James Hansen, a close ally of global-warming activist Al Gore and one of the world’s leading scientific voices warning of a global climate crisis, has endorsed eco-vandalism.
Hansen’s controversial turn stems from testimony he gave this month in a London criminal trial against Greenpeace supporters who were accused of defacing — at a cost of $60,000 in property damage — Kingsnorth, an English coal plant. Hansen testified in support of the defense’s assertion that the Greenpeace members had a “lawful excuse” because they were acting to protect property around the world “in immediate need of protection” from the impacts of global warming — caused in part, they allege, by coal burning."
Where Was Sen. Dodd?
There is a lot of fault associated with mortgage banking; however, it appears to be overwhelmingly heavy on certain Senators...
Al Hubbard and Noam Neusner blame Congress, and name names in their Washington Post article:
"The president's budget proposals reflected the nature of the challenge. Note the following passage from the 2005 budget: Fannie, Freddie and other GSEs 'are highly leveraged, holding much less capital in relation to their assets than similarly sized financial institutions. . . . A misjudgment or unexpected economic event could quickly deplete this capital, potentially making it difficult for a GSE to meet its debt obligations. Given the very large size of each enterprise, even a small mistake by a GSE could have consequences throughout the economy.'
That passage was published in February 2004. Dodd can find it on Page 82 of the budget's Analytical Perspectives.
The administration not only identified the problem, it also recommended a solution. In June 2004, then-Deputy Treasury Secretary Samuel Bodman said: 'We do not have a world-class system of supervision of the housing government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), even though the importance of the housing financial system that the GSEs serve demands the best in supervision.'"
Meanwhile - in Detroit
This kind of activity scares me...
L.L. Brasier reports for the Detroit Free Press:
"Several municipal clerks across the state are reporting fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications, most of them from a nationwide community activist group working to help low- and moderate-income families.
The majority of the problem applications are coming from the group ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which has a large voter registration program among its many social service programs. ACORN's Michigan branch, based in Detroit, has enrolled 200,000 voters statewide in recent months, mostly with the use of paid, part-time employees.
'There appears to be a sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications,' said Kelly Chesney, spokeswoman for the Michigan Secretary of State's Office. 'And it appears to be widespread.'"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Pat Buchanan - What Justifies The Firestorm On Palin Pick?
Firestorm is certainly the right word for what has been going on.
I'm sure Sarah Palin could never have imagined this onslaught, especially on her family...
I'm sure Sarah Palin could never have imagined this onslaught, especially on her family...
At InvestorsBusinessDaily.com, Pat Buchanan writes:
"One wonders: What did Sarah Palin ever do to inspire the rage and bile that exploded on her selection by John McCain? What is there either in this woman's record or resume to elicit such feline ferocity?"
"Ground Zero etiquette: A tale of two roses"
I don't know whether this says anything or not; however, it does show us that everything is scrutinized to the Nth degree...
On her website, Michelle Malkin writes:
"t’s a small gesture, but gestures matter at the hallowed grave site of so many murdered innocent Americans.
Barack Obama flings a memorial rose at Ground Zero like he’s a kid tossing pennies into a fountain at the shopping mall — or a spectator tossing flowers at a bullfight.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
(Clueless NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg copies him.)
By contrast, John McCain and his wife kneel and gently, somberly, place their roses down at the foot of the 9/11 tribute."
Sen. Joe Biden - and his family
As long as we're dragging families into politics, let's have a go at this gem...
Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger report on it in the L.A. Times:
"Business dealings of Biden family could be problematic for him
His brother and sons have close ties to a law firm that has benefited from the senator's congressional votes."
Sen. Joe Biden - Mythical Blue-Collar Roots?
Our media never lets the facts get in their way when they want to promote their own biased agenda...
TownHall.com columnist Steve Chapman exposes Joe Biden:
"'Sen. Joseph R. Biden accepted the vice presidential nomination of the Democratic Party with a speech that harkened back to his working-class roots in Scranton,' said The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal informed readers that 'Sen. Joe Biden showcased his working-class upbringing.' The New York Times said he 'spoke frequently, and earnestly, of his blue-collar background.'
No, he didn't. In fact, he did just the opposite."
Sen. Joe Biden - Gyppy Joe?
If this is true; Joe Biden is less that honorable.
If this is not true, Joe Biden should sue him.
Now, what do you think it will be?...
If this is not true, Joe Biden should sue him.
Now, what do you think it will be?...
This post by MacRanger sure sounds valid:
"I have been 'stiffed' three times in my 30 year professional career by someone who I rendered services to, gave a finished product to, but who refused to pay for those services even though they acknowledged the services and products were correct, were what they asked for, and were never challenged for not being correct. I am lucky in having only three, but those three hurt badly.
Joe Biden was one of those people."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A polling question answered
When we hear polling results, we should be aware of the different categories or voters. how pollsters determine them, and what it might mean...
Here, at www.gallup.com they answer the questionT:
"What is the difference between registered voters and likely voters?"
The Media - the New York Times
I think it's reached a point where even King Solomon would acknowledge that our "traditional" media is not happy that the election campaign isn't currently going their way.
Regardless of the election outcome, one thing seems for sure, and that is that the media is FAR from impartial, FAR from reasonable, FAR from being objective, and FAR from being honest in their reporting. Perhaps they themselves need a reformer.
They'll be wearing that "extremely biased" mantle for a long time...
Regardless of the election outcome, one thing seems for sure, and that is that the media is FAR from impartial, FAR from reasonable, FAR from being objective, and FAR from being honest in their reporting. Perhaps they themselves need a reformer.
They'll be wearing that "extremely biased" mantle for a long time...
At NewsBusters.com, Mark Finkelstein calls it:
"The smell of MSM desperation in the morning."
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sarah Palin - vs. the Feminist Army
It seems that Sarah Palin has stirred up quite a "beehive", and I'm not talking about hairstyles.
But maybe, that too, is a part of it...
But maybe, that too, is a part of it...
At RealClearPolitics.com, Jonah Goldberg explains his point and then summarizes:
"What the Palin pick has demonstrated, however, is that the Feminist-Industrial Complex is a fraud. Disagreeing with self-described feminists doesn't mean you're anti-woman. Usually it just means you're sensible.
And for that lesson alone, we should all be grateful."
60% Give Palin an 'A'
Are Independents and Moderates shifting?
If you believe in surveys, this posting might ring your bell...
If you believe in surveys, this posting might ring your bell...
This is from Blake Dvorak's post on the RealClearPolitics blog:
"SurveyUSA is out with a poll on viewer reactions to Palin's performance last night."
"Palin Moves Independents:"
Community Organizing
I'm believe that "community organizers" are an integral part of our American civic structure.
On the other hand, stereotyping that job as always good or always bad doesn't serve us well.
Unfortunately, in our "sound bite" society, stereotyping has become a way of life; and, if one catches on, it is likely to become indelible...
On the other hand, stereotyping that job as always good or always bad doesn't serve us well.
Unfortunately, in our "sound bite" society, stereotyping has become a way of life; and, if one catches on, it is likely to become indelible...
At AmericanThinker.com, Kyle-Anne Shiver describes that vocation:
"No matter how much lipstick, finery and linguistic switcheroo Obama employs, his gig as a community organizer is still just a fancy-dancy way of explaining the role of a paid people's agitator."
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Media - The Washington Post
I guess we have to give them credit for "adjusting" their wording; but, don't you think they should proofread more carefully BEFORE they publish?
After all, this is a PRESIDENTIAL election!
That is, of course, if it wasn't DELIBERATELY misleading...
After all, this is a PRESIDENTIAL election!
That is, of course, if it wasn't DELIBERATELY misleading...
Blake Dvorak posts on the RealClearPolitics blog:
"It appears the Washington Post has tried to (partially) walk back Kornblut's distortion that Palin tied responsibility for 9/11 to Saddam Hussein's regime."
The Media - Charlie Gibson
So the quote was WRONG.
And the source was the Associated Press.
And SeeBS's Charlie Gibson called it "exact" even after Gov. Palin questioned it.
What can I say? For me it's "Goodbye Charlie"...
And the source was the Associated Press.
And SeeBS's Charlie Gibson called it "exact" even after Gov. Palin questioned it.
What can I say? For me it's "Goodbye Charlie"...
At NewsBusters.com, John Stephenson offers up this advice:
"Here is a tip for the future Charlie. Try not to rely on the AP for your 'exact quotes'. It makes you look like a total fool, especially after condescendingly insisting you are correct."
'Why Wasn't Michelle Obama at the 9/11 Ceremony?'
Interesting, isn't it?
It's clear to me that politicians, their advisors, and even their spokespersons, still haven't grasped the fact that in today's world nothing goes unnoticed; and, if your responses aren't correct, you will be exposed in a hearbeat...
It's clear to me that politicians, their advisors, and even their spokespersons, still haven't grasped the fact that in today's world nothing goes unnoticed; and, if your responses aren't correct, you will be exposed in a hearbeat...
Michael M. Bates posted this at NewsBusters.com:
"Where was Michelle?
The Obama campaign responds that Michelle was back in Chicago with her daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, since this is the first week of school."
"PDS. Palin Derangement Syndrome"
This might be right.
There are certainly more than enough examples of supposedly intelligent people saying some pretty unbecoming, possibly just dumb, things...
There are certainly more than enough examples of supposedly intelligent people saying some pretty unbecoming, possibly just dumb, things...
At BostonHerald.com, columnist Howie Carr has fun with this:
"You can watch the victims of PDS on TV every night, frothing at the mouth in front of Obama banners, repeating scurrilous lies lifted from left-wing blogs or just making up new whoppers as they go along. It’s an epidemic - ..."
Lipstick - from Bob Lonsberry
Initially, I thought Obama's comment was intentional.
Then, after reading a transcript, I wasn't so sure.
Now, after "listening" to it, and considering the deliberate pauses, I truly believe it WAS intentional after all...
Then, after reading a transcript, I wasn't so sure.
Now, after "listening" to it, and considering the deliberate pauses, I truly believe it WAS intentional after all...
On his website, Bob Lonsberry discusses this:
"Earlier this week, in a clearly purposeful swipe at the lipstick trademark, Barack Obama said that John McCain's proposed Washington reforms were like putting lipstick on a pig. His pauses as he said it, and the crowd's laughing response, clearly indicated that he was jabbing Sarah Palin."
Archbishop Chaput Corrects Senator Biden
I really don't like religion in politics; however, if politicians choose to bring religion into politics, then they have to tolerate the criticism...
On the Catholic Online website, Archbishop Charles Chaput makes his opinion very clear:
"On September 7, 2008, the nominee of the Democratic party for the Vice Presidency of the United States, Senator Joseph Biden, was interviewed on 'Meet the Press' by Tom Brokaw. Biden is a professed, practicing Catholic. He, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi before him,responded to the questions concerning his position on the Right to Life by making inaccurate and confusing comments concerning Catholic teaching on the Right to Life.
He also demonstrated his lack of understanding of biology, the Natural Law, the separation of Church and State, authentic pluralism and the proper role of Catholic elected officials. Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. and Bishop James D. Conley of Denver issued a response to the Catholics of their Diocese."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Media - at MSNBC
Just one big happy news media family? NOT!...
At Observer.com, Felix Gillette writes:
"On Tuesday afternoon, Phil Griffin, the president of cable-news network MSNBC, had had enough of the interviews and was getting angry.
Roughly 48 hours earlier, Mr. Griffin had announced his decision to remove Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchoring big political nights for his network. Henceforth, according to Mr. Griffin’s dictum, NBC News’ chief White House correspondent, David Gregory, would handle the news duties for MSNBC. Mr. Matthews and Mr. Olbermann would shift into purely revved-up pundit mode.
This morning, Mr. Griffin was batting back a report from the New York Post that Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of NBC’s parent company General Electric, had facilitated the change after 'a lot, maybe thousands' of shareholders had called up to complain about Mr. Olbermann’s performance in the anchor chair during the Democratic and Republican national conventions."
Politicians - Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer
What in the world was this guy thinking?
I'm thinking we should have mandatory sanity testing for politicians...
What in the world was this guy thinking?
I'm thinking we should have mandatory sanity testing for politicians...
Charles S. Johnson reports in the Billings Gazette:
"In the speech, Schweitzer said he took steps on Election Day to help Democrat Jon Tester unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns.
Hall said Schweitzer boasted in the speech that 'he designed a plan to threaten poll watchers on Indian reservations, personally applied pressure to the elections officer in Butte/Silver Bow while the votes were being tabulated and manipulated the media for purposes of diminishing a call for a recount.'
Schweitzer apologized Wednesday for these remarks in his speech to the American Association for Justice and denied interfering in the election.
'I was just joking around and making it colorful,' Schweitzer said. 'I can now see it was offensive to some people, and I’m deeply sorry if I offended anyone.'"
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Media - female newsreaders
A double standard for sure; and that's saying it very nicely...
On her website, sydicated columnist Michelle Malkin says:
"Let’s talk Mommy Wars, double standards, and the media elite."
All About - the Fairness Doctrine
If we allow the government to go down this road, our future of freedom is truly at stake.
Only our free enterprise system should decide what programs succeed and which do not.
Our "free speech" rights should insure that we all have the right to say what we want, and also have the right to dispute what is said.
We should NEVER be able to suppress what we don't like being said.
That's why we call ourselves "the land of the free"...
Only our free enterprise system should decide what programs succeed and which do not.
Our "free speech" rights should insure that we all have the right to say what we want, and also have the right to dispute what is said.
We should NEVER be able to suppress what we don't like being said.
That's why we call ourselves "the land of the free"...
Brian C. Anderson and Adam D. Thierer combine to write "Killing Talk Radio" at NewCriterion.com:
"Over the last few years, Democratic politicians and activists have started talking about restoring the Fairness Doctrine again. Fairness mandates would force liberal radio to accommodate “the other side,” of course, but getting a lot of right-leaning broadcasts off the air would be more than worth it. They would also curb the sales of conservative books, which, often snubbed by mainstream media outlets, depend heavily on the talk-radio circuit to find readers."
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Media - NYT's Warner exposes herself
So much for women celebrating the success of their own.
This seems over the top to me.
Oh, I forgot, it's the New York Times...
This seems over the top to me.
Oh, I forgot, it's the New York Times...
Mark Finkelstein reports on it at NewsBusters.com:
"But think again. Politics trumps female solidarity. Warner's column on Palin is perhaps the most vitriolic and condescending I've read."
From YouTube
This world we live in, with it's instant videos, creates some pretty amazing stuff.
Here's one for the patriots among us.
PS - Don't miss the video part at about one minute and 20 seconds...
Here's one for the patriots among us.
PS - Don't miss the video part at about one minute and 20 seconds...
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sarah Palin - More from the U.K.
"Valley Trash" are "wholesome, peaceful, and kid-friendly".
So, what's not to like?...
So, what's not to like?...
Kaylene Johnson writes for TimesOnLine.com:
"Four years ago, one of Alaska’s most prominent Republican politicians called the local people 'Valley trash'. In response, many wore 'Valley trash' T-shirts with pride. They didn’t much care what big-city folks thought. This is where Sarah Palin grew up and where she started her political career, becoming mayor of Wasilla at the age of 32. No matter what people said about the Valley, she maintained a fierce pride in her community. "
Meanwhile - in New Jersey
If my information is correct, New Jersey has been a Democrat state for quite some time now.
Even with high taxes, they are also broke.
You can decide for yourself if that tells us something...
Even with high taxes, they are also broke.
You can decide for yourself if that tells us something...
I found this at NJ.com:
"The state initiated the study, and new rules on retirement packages, after it was reported that retired Keansburg Superintendent Barbara Trzeszkowski was due $740,876 in unused sick time and other buybacks. That led to lawmakers to place caps on new contracts."
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Joe Biden - his military career
Would you want to bet that the media will NEVER bring up this subject?
I think you can bet the house on it...
I think you can bet the house on it...
At AmericanThinker.com, Lee Cary writes:
"The Democrats, supported by their allies in the old big media, never tired of highlighting Vice President Dick Cheney’s absence of military service based on student draft deferments. But how much have we heard about Senator Joseph Biden’s military service -- or lack thereof?
Biden turns out to have received the same number of student draft deferments during the Vietnam War as did Cheney -- five."
My Brain Tumor by Robert D. Novak
Our lives as we know them, can change very quickly...
At Creators.com, columnist Robert D. Novak writes about his recent experiences:
"The main reason I am writing this column is that many people have asked me how I first realized I was suffering from a brain tumor and what I have done about it.
But I also want to relate the reaction to my disease, mostly compassionate, that belies Washington's reputation."
Politics - in the gutter
I'd like to think that politics would always take the "high-road".
Oops!. I'm sorry, I lost my mind for a moment.
The fact is: politics is a dirty, ugly business...
Oops!. I'm sorry, I lost my mind for a moment.
The fact is: politics is a dirty, ugly business...
At CommentaryMagazine.com, Jennifer Rubin has this opinion:
"The Obama camp must be in melt down. Perhaps fearing that the MSM has now slowed in its efforts to villify Sarah Palin and drive her out of the race, they have taken up the slurs and slams directly. Howard Guttman, an original member of the Obama national finance committee, went on Laura Ingraham Friday to again and again infer that Palin’s parenting skills and the choice to run for VP were suspect. It is stunning actually. A sample:
Gutman said the issue wasn’t one of gender, but one of parenting -– regardless of the gender of the parent."
Saturday, September 06, 2008
CNN - Remembering Carol Cafferty
My condolences to Jack Cafferty.
I am totally opposed to his political opinions; however, my offering of condolences is truly sincere...
I am totally opposed to his political opinions; however, my offering of condolences is truly sincere...
From CNN's political blog:
"His wife of 35 years, Carol, passed away unexpectedly this morning. Carol was everything to Jack. The dedication of his book reads, “for Carol, my wife, my life.”"