Monday, September 22, 2008
Meanwhile - in Dos Palos, California
I can't even imagine this.
The country seems to have truly gone crazy...
The country seems to have truly gone crazy...
Danielle Gaines reports in California's Merced Sun-Star:
"Officials at the Merced County school confirmed Thursday that Jake Shelly was forced to take off a red, white and blue tie-dyed American flag T-shirt on Tuesday. The shirt said nothing offensive, just: 'United States of America, Washington, D.C.'
The school's assistant principal issued Shelly a bright yellow T-shirt that read 'DCV: Dress Code Violator' to wear for the rest of the day. He was given his shirt back after classes ended.
'It was really embarrassing and humiliating to have to wear that all day -- and just for supporting your country,' his sister Kaycee Shelly said."