Wednesday, September 17, 2008
About that Offshore drilling legislation
Politics at work while the American people get fooled again...
This Associated Press story by H. Joseph Hebert can be found at
"The House measure would allow drilling in waters 50 miles from shore almost everywhere from New England to Washington state as long as a state agrees to go along with energy development off its coast. Beyond 100 miles, no state approval would be required. The drilling ban would remain in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
But Republicans called the drilling measure a ruse to provide political cover to Democrats feeling pressure to support more drilling at a time of high gasoline prices.
"How much new drilling do we get out of this bill? It's zero. Just zero," declared House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. 'It's a hoax on the American people. This is intended for one reason ... so the Democrats can say we voted on energy.'"