Thursday, November 30, 2017
Lawyers walk out of New York court after ICE agents arrest client — RT US News
Maybe it's just me; but, the only thing I see wrong here is the lawyers reactions...
I found this article on the, US website:
"Dozens of defense attorneys staged an impromptu protest outside a Brooklyn, New York courthouse after a Legal Aid Society client was arrested by federal authorities on immigration charges. Chanting “Stay out, ICE!” and “Shame on you!” attorneys with the Legal Aid Society and Brooklyn Defender Services protested outside the Brooklyn Criminal Court on Tuesday after Genaro Rojas-Hernandez was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers."
NPR's Cokie Roberts: Press Corps Covered Up Congressional Sexual Misconduct 'For Years'
Apparently, when candidate Trump began criticizing and calling out the media, he was spot on.
There's no question, their enabling makes them a big part of the "swamp"...
There's no question, their enabling makes them a big part of the "swamp"...
At, John Nolte writes about it:
"Yet, according to Roberts, our wonderful, glorious, utterly useless press corps knew for years this was going on in congress and covered it up, said nothing, let it slide, ENABLED IT, and through their silence, encouraged it.
What else are they covering up? What else are they allowing to happen in order to protect scumbags?
Other than the fact that our elites suck, this is my theory…"
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
It's time for Elizabeth Warren to apologize for her Native American deception
At, William A. Jacobson has been investigating the issue for quite a while:
"Elizabeth Warren is not Native American. Yet she claimed to be Native American while climbing the law school professor ladder to Harvard Law School.
The details of what Warren did, and how she tried to conceal it, are set forth at Elizabeth Warren Wiki, a website we created to put in one place the research documenting Warren’s deception. It’s all there, including the rundown of her highly questionable, if not downright debunked, family lore stories."
Finland: Muslim raping a ten-year-old girl case Ruling goes against public sense of justice
This report, by Aleksi Teivainen may just make you agree:
"The Turku Court of Appeal has generated intense debate on social media by acquitting a 23-year-old man Juusuf Muhamed Abbud of the charge of aggravated rape, despite he raped a ten-year-old girl."
"The Democratic Party Is Dead"
That being said, Laura Hollis explains her reasoning at
"The Democratic Party -- at least at the level of national leadership -- is riddled through and through with questionable affiliations, political scandals, sexual deviants and interconnected teams of lawyers and paid spies protecting them. It's time for the Democrats to clean house. New leadership needs to come from the grass roots -- mayors, city council and school board members -- fresh faces and people who step up from every walk of life to cleanse their party of the rot that has corrupted it for the past 40-plus years. No more Clintons, Podestas, Obamas, media shills, communist agitators or community organizers. The Democratic Party is dead. Long live the Democratic Party."
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Thanksgiving Traffic in Los Angeles
Aerial footage shows traffic gridlock in Los Angeles as the Thanksgiving travel rush begins: Click here-->
"Conservatives have a breathtaking plan for Trump to pack the courts"
For the Washington Post, Ronald A. Klain writes about judicial appointments:
"Conservatives have a new court-packing plan, and in the spirit of the holiday, it’s a turducken of a scheme: a regulatory rollback hidden inside a civil rights reversal stuffed into a Trumpification of the courts. If conservatives get their way, President Trump will add twice as many lifetime members to the federal judiciary in the next 12 months (650) as Barack Obama named in eight years (325). American law will never be the same."
Robotic Warehouse
Found this on Tom Hall's Twitter page:
"Alibaba's Smart Warehouse in China Robots do 70% of the work."
Monday, November 27, 2017
MSNBC Caught Faking "Live" Thanksgiving-Morning After Show
So why in the world does MSNBC think they have have to try to fool us?...
At, Timothy Meads also wonders:
"You have to wonder, if MSNBC is willing to be dishonest about something as trivial as a post-Thanksgiving morning show, what else are they hiding?"
"Obama Donor Judge William Orrick: No Sanctuary For American Victims"
It seems to be part of a concerted effort to prevent all things labeled "Trump" from being successful.
And again, as with almost all the previous attempts, President Trump's plan will eventually prevail...
At, Daniel John Sobieski discusses activist judges, highlighting the sanctuary city issue case:
"But is he setting new conditions or enforcing existing conditions and existing law? Federal funds, particularly federal law enforcement grants, are given out on the assumption, if not the expressed intent, that recipients are going to use that money enforcing federal law. They are not provided out of the goodness of taxpayer hearts. As Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has observed,, activist judges deeply involved in politics are likely more loyal to their ideology than to the Constitution, doing great harm to the country and the American people:"
Sunday, November 26, 2017
2017-11-26 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Human Trafficking Arrests
Minor Violations Lead to Massive Prosecution Fees in Two California Desert Towns
Just remember, just like European ideas, California ideas often find their way to all of us...
At, Scott Shackford reports:
"A couple of cities in the California desert have found a novel and remarkably cruel way to make money—force citizens to pay for the privilege of being prosecuted by the attorneys contracting with these cities.
We've seen cities across the country abuse their own citizens—particularly its poorest residents and visitors—with vicious enforcement of petty laws designed to create a revenue stream via a cascade of fines and fees.
But I don't think we've seen an enforcement mechanism as nasty and cruel as the one the Desert Sun has uncovered out in California's Inland Empire."
Friday, November 24, 2017
McCain suffers senior moment!
These pictures posted on sure give the opportunity to think many things. The commenters seem to think something is phony or fishy:
" Wears medical boot on wrong leg (proof inside!!!)"
The Coach's Team: America is a “Free Speech Zone” - Except in Government Meetings
On website, Karen Lees reports on what's happening in Tennessee:
"Our Tennessee community has made national and international headlines in the last few years and not for our beautiful countryside or our bluegrass music. We have become infamous for making bad public policy that has violated some of the most basic of Constitutional rights. Most of us had a gut feeling of 'That’s just wrong' when it happened, but didn’t know why. It is important we learn the constitutions (Federal and State) so we can spot when they are violated a mile away and understand why it’s wrong. Besides, think of it - this kind of negative publicity will never encourage tourism, new industry or new residents.
Our community is home to some of the best, kind-hearted folk anywhere. I do not believe for one minute these erroneous policies come out of ill intent, but out of ignorance. There is no shame in ignorance. There’s only shame in the prideful attitude that keeps one ignorant.
Perhaps this is why Tennessee legislators passed a law to compel schools to teach the Constitution. Our system is deteriorating because the maintenance crew - the people, are not maintaining it."
Thursday, November 23, 2017
2017-11-23 - Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The US Just Flew a Stealth Fighter to Bomb Drug Labs in Afghanistan
At, Oriana Pawlyk reports on this:
"The Air Force has unleashed the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter in Afghanistan for its first operational mission against Taliban drug labs, the Defense Department said Monday.
The F-22s were joined by B-52 Stratofortresses and Afghan A-29 Super Tucanos to conduct an expanded strike mission — called the new offensive campaign — against the Taliban’s revenue stream, said Army Gen. John Nicholson, commander of the NATO-led Resolute Support mission and U.S. Forces Afghanistan.
The Raptor “was used because of its ability to deliver precision munitions — in this case, a 250-pound bomb, small-diameter, that causes the minimal amount of collateral damage,” he said during a teleconference briefing in Kabul.
“This target was also a Taliban narcotics production facility in Musa Qala. So I want to draw your attention — as you look at this strike, you’re going to see that inside this compound are multiple structures, and we destroy only two of them, while leaving the third standing, which we do to avoid collateral damage,” Nicholson said. "
Liberals' Sudden Concern About Bill Clinton's Behavior Is Cynical
And then I'd add "disgusting"...
At, David Harsanyi points out the "then and now" differences. He begins:
"A number of notable liberals have recently decided to start taking allegations of sexual assault against former President Bill Clinton seriously. Let's just say that discarding the Clintons when they're no longer politically useful in order to retroactively grab the higher moral ground isn't exactly an act of heroism. But if we're going to relitigate history, let's get it right."
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Term limits. "Drain the Swamp" Whatever.
It's time to do whatever has to be done to stop stuff like this from happening...
It's time to do whatever has to be done to stop stuff like this from happening...
In their post at, John Solomon and Alison Spann lay out this whole story:
"Former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee during the time the FBI probe was being conducted, told The Hill that he had never been told anything about the Russian nuclear corruption case even though many fellow lawmakers had serious concerns about the Obama administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal.
'Not providing information on a corruption scheme before the Russian uranium deal was approved by U.S. regulators and engage appropriate congressional committees has served to undermine U.S. national security interests by the very people charged with protecting them,' he said. 'The Russian efforts to manipulate our American political enterprise is breathtaking.'"
Women's Boobs Are Not Free Speech, Says Federal Court
On the website, Elizabeth Nolan Brown writes about this issue:
"The case (Tagami v. City of Chicago) stems from the 2014 ticketing of Sonoko Tagami, who took to the Chicago streets with only opaque body paint over her bare breasts to celebrate "GoTopless Day" that year. Tagami was issued a $100 citation for violating the city's ban on public indecency, which prohibits the public display of female breasts and of all bare butts and genitals. After losing her challenge to the citation, Tagami filed a lawsuit with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
Tagami's suit argued that banning women from going topless in public while allowing men to do so is a violation of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause as well as her First Amendment rights. Neither the district nor appeals court agreed, dismissing Tagami's claims."
Monday, November 20, 2017
A History Lesson for GQ and its 'US Citizen of the Year' Colin Kaepernick
That goes a long way toward enabling this decision by GQ magazine.
Humberto Fontova has some revealing points in his recent post at
'The only publication that speaks to all sides of the male equation, GQ is simply sharper and smarter.' (From GQ’s masthead.) In fact, the (BLACK U.S.) citizen who U.S.-based GQ hails as 'U.S. Citizen of the Year' idolizes the Racist/Stalinist who jailed and tortured the longest suffering BLACK political prisoners in the modern history of the Western Hemisphere-- and who craved and came closest to NUKING THE U.S."
GOP Leaders Who Threw Fellow Republican Moore to the Wolves Stay Silent on Dem Franken
This article is about that, and the quote in the excerpt below really caught my eye.
The Senate has "ethical and moral requirements?" Well, who knew?...
Ian Mason wrote about that quote and more at
"Sen. Corey Gardner (R-CO) is chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the first central Republican organ to withdraw support from Moore in his general election struggle, just one day after the Post story broke. Gardner himself has been even more emphatic than Romney, telling the press that, even if the voters of Alabama choose Judge Moore to represent them, the Republican controlled Senate should join with Democrats to expel him because he does not meet the ethical and moral requirements of the United States Senate.'"
Sunday, November 19, 2017
2017-11-19 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 18, 2017
When the Cheap and Dirty Loses Its Punch-
At, Suzanne Fields writes about where we are and what enabled it:
"The omnipresent exposure to the slime of adult behavior has been going on for a long time, accelerated only now by the tools of social media. The rap lyrics with 'b*tches' and 'hoes'" describing -- and celebrating -- the imaginative abuse of women have immunized the young against the shock of rough language. The daily news of the behavior of politicians, media stars and showbiz biggies adds a new dimension to the cultural mashup."
Friday, November 17, 2017
France Considering Setting Age of Consent at 13
Christine Rousselle recently reported on this at
"France is considering standardizing an age of consent for the first time, and the proposed age--13--has some people fuming. French law currently has the age of consent set at 15, but having sex with someone under the age of consent is not always considered to be a form of rape, as it is in other countries."
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Student government votes for installation of $20k set of 'napping stations' - The College Fix
They say, "truth is stranger than fiction"...
At, Daniel Payne recently reported on this:
"A student government at a public university recently voted to endorse a measure that would install two “napping stations” at the school’s library—at a cost of over $20,000."
Human Trafficking Arrests - List and Links
Winning... Bigly...
I found this on the website:
"It's a list of arrests, with numbers, and links to the matching news stories"
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Zurich police will no longer automatically name nationality of crime suspects
I found this report on the website:
"City councillor Richard Wolff, head of the city’s security department, ordered the new measure, which is backed by centre and left-wing parties. In a statement, the department said “the regular mention of nationality in police reports is discriminatory because it suggests that the offence can be explained by the nationality of the perpetrator”. "
16,000 Additional Wind Turbines Required to Power British Electric Car Fleet
Alternative energy continues to sound like an easy thing to buy into.
Unfortunately, the factual logistics as presented here always show otherwise.
And then, there's the poor rare white-throated needletail...
Unfortunately, the factual logistics as presented here always show otherwise.
And then, there's the poor rare white-throated needletail...
On the WattsUpWithThat website, Eric Worral describes the reality of wind turbines (and this just involves electric cars):
"According to Professor Jack Ponton of Edinburgh University, an additional 16,000 wind turbines covering 90,000 square kilometres (35,000 square miles) will be required to charge Britain’s electric cars, if Britain converts to an all electric car fleet.
Wind farms would need to ‘cover whole of Scotland’ to power Britain’s electric vehicles.
SCOTLAND would need to be entirely covered by wind farms in order to power all of Britain’s electric cars, according to a leading academic."
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Teacher suspended for praising pupil using wrong gender | Daily Mail Online
The teacher says "political correctness gone mad".
Can you disagree?...
Can you disagree?...
The U.K. Daily Mail's Jonathan Petre reported on this:
"A teacher has been suspended and could face the sack after he ‘accidentally’ called a transgender pupil a ‘girl’ in class when the student identifies as a boy.
Joshua Sutcliffe, 27, who teaches maths at a state secondary school in Oxfordshire, said ‘Well done girls’ to the teenager and a friend when he spotted them working hard.
He apologised when corrected by the pupil, but six weeks later he was suspended from teaching after the pupil’s mother lodged a complaint."
3-Carrier US/Japan/Korea JOINT Strike Force
The American Navy is definitely out there...
Monday, November 13, 2017
President Trump’s Amazing Asian Trip | The American Spectator
And true to form. the media can't bring themselves to report on it...
This writer, Don Surber think s President Trump did good, REAL good:
"When President Trump made his first overseas trip in May, I wondered how he would top it. After all, he started in Saudi Arabia — home of Mecca — made the first direct flight ever from Riyadh to Israel, and then went to the Vatican, attended a NATO meeting, and finally finished with a G8 Summit.
He walked away with a commitment by NATO allies to spend more on their militaries — and the Saudis to give to a women’s fund $10 million, as well as work to defeat the Islamic State.
How do you top that? Trump just did."
BREAKING! Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigning for Moore’s Opponent
Politics has likely always been the dirtiest business on Earth.
That being said, the election of President Trump seems to have removed the curtain and caused that dirty business to be totally exposed...
That being said, the election of President Trump seems to have removed the curtain and caused that dirty business to be totally exposed...
I found this on the Activist Mommy website:
"The establishment doesn’t want Roy Moore, a man who can’t be bought or bribed, to pull up their political skirts and overturn their tables of corruption and greed! Roy Moore will win big! Buckle up RINOS…time to meet a real man!
Kayla Moore, Roy Moore’s wife, in an exclusive statement to The Activist Mommy yesterday, told us that 'The Washington Post has been calling and harassing our friends and family, trying to find garbage. We’ve had people back home telling us they are getting phone calls and when they would tell them good things, the Washington Post would ask them if they knew anything bad on him.'
Well, her story continues to be corroborated, as witnesses have come forward saying the Washington Post, a paper that has officially endorsed Jones, has actually been bribing people to dig up dirt on Moore!"
Wolf Blitzer Caught Celebrating at DNC
Sunday, November 12, 2017
2017-11-12 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Mark Alexander: Patriot Veterans, Then and Now — The Patriot Post
On "the Patriot Post" website, Mark Alexander writes about Patriots. Here's just one paragraph:
"It is worth remembering the words of Army Veteran Charles M. Province: 'It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.'"
2017-11-11 - Veterans Day
The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs begins it's description of Veterans Day with this. It has changed somewhat over the years:
"World War I – known at the time as 'The Great War' - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of 'the war to end all wars'.
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: 'To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…'
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m."
Friday, November 10, 2017
These are the 37 major deals US firms signed with Chinese entities during Trump's visit
Lori Ann LaRocco posted the list at
"The Commerce Department has revealed the 37 major deals signed between U.S. and Chinese companies during President Donald Trump's trip through Asia, totaling more than $250 billion.
The deals coincide with President Donald Trump's visit to China, where he was accompanied by a delegation of nearly 30 CEOs from major American companies."
USA Media Ignores Historic Prime Time Broadcast of Official Beijing Welcome For President Trump
It's just plain sad, because we know how the coverage would be for anyone but President Trump...
So, here's the link to the Conservative Treehouse post (many pictures) about the historical event:
Very Jake News: CNN Lies About Trump Violating Tradition of Taking Media Questions in China
The liberal media continues to embarrass themselves because they are so anxious to make President Trump look bad.
Even more sad that their errors get seen by so many, and the corrections do not..
Here's another example caught by John Nolte at AND, it's CNN's Jake Tapper again:
"And so, but only after hours and hours of lying, CNN did finally concede it is a fake news factory:
At least Diamond admitted his mistake. Tapper, of course, is not that honest. So a full two hours after his tweet storm (which ended with 6), he added a #7 as though he had meant to tell the truth all along. Yep, after re-tweeting Diamond’s fake news about Trump setting a modern precedent, after re-tweeting Carney’s misinformation, without apologizing or acknowledging his mistake, Tapper arrogantly pretends he did nothing wrong."
Thursday, November 09, 2017
How Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History
That creates the potential for something really interesting...
On her website, Liz Crokin concludes her posted article with this:
"When Trump was asked if he’d consider firing Mueller, he responded by stating he was confident he’d be absolved of wrongdoing. If Mueller is so corrupt and intent on protecting the Clintons, like so many on both the right and the left believe, why isn’t Trump sweating? He alluded that he’s not even thinking about firing Mueller. Not only is Trump a man of his word, he’s rarely ever wrong and his instincts are killer. It also should be noted that Mueller is a decorated Marine who served in Vietnam and has received many medals including the Purple Heart.
Mueller was hired to investigate Clinton, period. If my theory proves to be correct, this will go down as one of the most brilliant sting operations in history. "
Marion Barry to get his own statue in Washington, DC
At, Monica Showalter seems to think as I do:
"What a glorious reflection of heroism on our fair capital city. Coming at the time when statues and plaques of Robert E. Lee are being taken down, erecting a new statue to the crack-smoking, whore-mongering, tax-cheating mayor certainly is the embodiment of 'progressives' and their values. Presumably, the plaque will memorialize Barry's most famous quotable line: 'B---- set me up!'"
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Public Service Announcement --> Reddit : The_Donald
I have added it to the right hand sidebar as an interesting link.
Be forewarned it is mostly unfiltered; however, it is moderated...
"Above is the link to the "Rising" posts, which I find most useful.
You could also select "Hot", "New", or "Top".
In this limited space, I can't possibly share all the ins and outs of Reddit; but, over time, you'll figure out enough to make it entertaining"
"Possibly the Best Thing You Will Ever Read on Global Warming. Pt 1"
When I see future parts published I'll pass them on...
At, James Delingpole thinks we should know some things about CO2:
"Maybe the biggest of all the lies put out by the global warming scaremongers is that the science is on their side. No it isn’t. And if you’re in any doubt at all you should read this interview with the brilliant scientist István Markó. It tells you all you need to know about the science of global warming."
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
"CNN Busted Using Misleading Video to Fabricate Trump Fish Food Blunder"
I can't say this enough times.
If you're getting your news from CNN, you don't always get correct news...
If you're getting your news from CNN, you don't always get correct news...
At, John Nolte reports on another biased (and inaccurate) report intended to make President Trump look bad:
"Left-wing CNN was caught using fake video Monday morning to mock President Trump for following the lead of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with the emptying of a box of fish food into a koi pond. The only thing is that, in order to make Trump look like a rube, the Trump-hating network left out the part about following the Japanese prime minister’s lead. As you will see below, the video in this CNN tweet is a banana, is presented in a way to make Trump look foolish by deceiving news consumers:"Update: I guess I'm not the only one who noticed this...
At, It's almost as if Fake News has an agenda
"Child sex offenders to be named as such in US passports"
According to Matthew Lee of the Associated Press:
"WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s registered child sex offenders will now have to use passports identifying them for their past crimes when traveling overseas.
The State Department said Wednesday it would begin revoking passports of registered child sex offenders and will require them to apply for a new one that carries a “unique identifier” of their status. Those applying for a passport for the first time will not be issued one without the identifier, which will be a notice printed inside the back cover of the passport book that reads: 'The bearer was convicted of a sex offense against a minor, and is a covered sex offender pursuant to (U.S. law).'"
Delingpole: Trump Vindicated; Now Even the UN Confirms That the Paris Climate Accord Was a Complete Waste of Space
Winning on the world stage has been long overdue!...
James Delingpole includes this in his article posted at
"As Darwall notes: The United States is now the world’s hydrocarbon superpower. Thanks to fracking it has surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia to become the world’s top energy producer. This abundance of hydrocarbon energy made the United States the biggest loser from the Paris Agreement. Quitting Paris turns the United States into the biggest winner from Paris. Access to cheap energy gives American businesses and workers a colossal competitive advantage in world markets as other nations increasingly burden themselves with high-cost, unreliable wind and solar energy."
Monday, November 06, 2017
So, what exactly is President Trump up to?
Their workaround is to post what they know anonymously (if that's possible), or use the comment sections of other posts to publish what they know.
That's a big part of why in today's world, it's virtually impossible to keep a secret...
So, with that being said, I found this scenario posted by "Imperator_Rex" using "Twitter Thread Reader". KSA=Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is the conclusion:
32. If you want to see what's about to come down in the USA, observe the technique the Saudis used - mass arrests.
33. It's the only way to ensure that everyone implicated can't abscond, run to media friendlies and/or (hate to say this) suicide.
34. The only difference is that there may be more arrests than in KSA & the people involved will be extremely high profile.
35. I'm assuming that the US authorities would have been aware that KDS was about to do this. In fact, it's /...
36. /..entirely possible that the KSA action was agreed by both administrations to happen before the American takedown.
37. My advice - take a deep breath, stay inside and buckle up. #TheStorm is almost upon us."
"The White Hats Are About To Indict The Black Hats"
This is the beginning of a post on the Millennium Report website:
"The following list of 64 tweets taken from a page at 4chan was posted at Rumor Mill News. It reveals information which could only be known by a very deep insider.
The fact that President Trump confidently began his East Asian tour yesterday indicates that everything is well under control in D.C. After all, coup d’états are often executed when the president or prime minster has left the country.
The November 4th AntiFa threat of revolution seems to have fizzled out. There’s Only One Reason Why AntiFa’s NOV 4 Revolution Fizzled Out However, it must be the extremely radioactive truth associated with the Uranium One deal (see list below) that has Trump feeling so self-assured.
There is no question that URANIUMGATE will prove to be the 'Watergate' for the Obama Administration, as well as the 'Waterloo' for the Clinton Crime Family."
Saints Criticize Navy Veteran Who Supports Anthem
If not, Jeff Crouere has a post about it at
"This week, the controversy was brought to the forefront once again when Retired U.S. Navy Commander John Wells, Executive Director of the Military Veterans Advocacy organization, decided to reject a People’s Health Champion award that was supposed to be presented to him at this Sunday’s home game. The award is given during each game in the Louisiana Superdome to a senior citizen who demonstrates 'exceptional achievements.'
Although Wells said he was 'honored' to be selected for the award, 'since this award is tainted with the dishonorable actions of the NFL and its players, I cannot accept it. To do so would be hypocritical.'"
Sunday, November 05, 2017
2017-11-05 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Did LBJ kill JFK?
Conspiracy theory, truth, or somewhere in between?
You can form your own opinion...
You can form your own opinion...
At, Ellis Washington has a post all about it. He begins:
"This question has endured ever since that fateful day of 50 years ago – Nov. 22, 1963. Former Nixon White House adviser and self-proclaimed 'GOP hit man' Roger Stone makes this central argument in his new book, 'The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.” Stone’s very interesting narrative isn’t another 'conspiracy theory' book to add to the already voluminous number of fantastical JFK assassination claims. Roger tells Reason Magazine Editor, Nick Gillespie, 'The whole term ‘conspiracy theorists’ is a pejorative that the mainstream media uses to denigrate anyone who questions the government’s version on virtually anything. … I’m not talking conspiracy, I’m talking facts.'
In an interview with Abby Martin, who asks Stone, “What’s the strongest piece of evidence that implicates LBJ in Kennedy’s murder?,” Stone replies, 'Probably the fingerprint of LBJ’s personal hit man named, Malcom ‘Mac’ Wallace that is found on a cardboard box on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. It’s the only print other than the prints of Lee Harvey Oswald that I believe were planted there, so that is probably your strongest piece of evidence.'
Secondarily, Johnson’s mistress of 21 years, Madeleine Duncan Brown, who bore him an illegitimate child, said Lyndon Johnson told her on the eve of the assassination, 'After tomorrow those godd-mn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That’s not a threat. That’s a promise.'"
Sweden is becoming a war zone with twelve bombings in twenty-four days
I wonder if that's because of their reluctance to report terrorism; or, maybe reporting about migrant criminal gangs is politically incorrect...
I found this article on the Voice of Europe website:
"In the last twenty-four days Sweden has seen twelve bombing attacks. We are talking about a country with a population of just one million more inhabitants than New York City."
Friday, November 03, 2017
More than 40 arrested in Arizona roundup targeting sex offenders
It's a good thing...
On the website, BrieAnna J Frank posted this report:
"The operation led to the arrest of 41 people. Of those, 13 were charged with child molestation, 11 were charged with failing to register as a sex offender, eight were charged with sexual offenses/sexual assaults, five were charged with child neglect/abuse, three were charged with robbery/burglary and one was charged for a weapons offense, the agency said in a press release."
Calling the Cops in Europe? Don't Bother
Bruce Bawer writes about this issue at
"Even as these establishment functionaries continue to insist that no-go zones are a myth, however, news reports are indicating that in several European countries, the policing problem has advanced beyond the mere fact of no-go zones. Earlier this month, for instance, the Dutch newspaper Het Parool reported that throughout the Netherlands, police departments are now so overburdened by 'radicalization, terrorism, and the influx of asylum seekers' that they simply don't have the time to investigate a large percentage of crimes. In Rotterdam, 54% of crime reports are tossed at once, without even a cursory effort to track down a perpetrator; in The Hague, the figure is 48.5%; in Amsterdam, it's a whopping 64.8%. The overall national figure is 56%."
Thursday, November 02, 2017
Exclusive – Kobach: Losing the Lottery
The elected Secretary of State of Kansas, Kris W. Kobach posted about the NYC terrorist attack on
"But perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this particular terrorist attack is that there was no national interest whatsoever in admitting this alien to the United States. Saipov came into the United States through the Diversity Visa Lottery.
The Diversity Visa Lottery legislation was originally sponsored by the late U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy. That’s your first clue that it was a bad idea. Created in 1986, the Diversity Visa Lottery provides for the admission into the United States of up to 50,000 randomly-selected aliens every year, under the rationale of increasing the diversity of immigrants in the United States. Each year, over 14 million aliens enter the lottery hoping to win.
But unlike other immigrants who come to the United States, Diversity Visa Lottery winners do not serve the national interests of either providing a useful skill that is needed in our economy or reuniting U.S. citizens with their family members. Indeed, the admission of Diversity Visa Lottery aliens does not serve any national interest at all. So the United States gains nothing when it gives away 50,000 of the most valued immigration documents on the planet — green cards allowing permanent residence in the United States."
How Congress plays by different rules on sexual harassment and misconduct
In the Washington Post, Michelle Ye Hee Lee and Elise Viebeck tell us all about how the "Swamp" deals with sexual harassment:
" Congress makes its own rules about the handling of sexual complaints against members and staff, passing laws exempting it from practices that apply to other employers. The result is a culture in which some lawmakers suspect harassment is rampant. Yet victims are unlikely to come forward, according to attorneys who represent them.
Under a law in place since 1995, accusers may file lawsuits only if they first agree to go through months of counseling and mediation. A special congressional office is charged with trying to resolve the cases out of court.
When settlements do occur, members do not pay them from their own office funds, a requirement in other federal agencies. Instead, the confidential payments come out of a special U.S. Treasury fund."
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Assaults, robberies turn Great America into real-life haunt
This is really ugly. \
It would seem the national media would report on it as a public service announcement for people's safety.
It would seem the national media would report on it as a public service announcement for people's safety.
Sharon Noguchi reported on this at
"SANTA CLARA — Thieves reportedly armed with Tasers assaulted and robbed patrons at California’s Great America, turning the amusement park’s 10th annual Halloween fest into a real-life fright for thousands of visitors and employees, park security and visitors said. Santa Clara police estimated that about 100 youth were perpetrating the mayhem, which broke out about 10:30 p.m."
LONDON IS FALLING: UK Capital Now More Dangerous than NYC... More Rape, More Robbery, More Violence
The progressive embrace of immigration just does NOT work out well...
Oliver JJ Lane recently reported on it at
"Released Thursday, the new crime statistics showed plainly the astonishing rise of offences, with an overall rise of 19 per cent of violence against the person, and a 19 per cent rise of sexual offences.
Yet these numbers hide the even steeper ascent of particularly serious crimes, including a 22 per cent rise in rape, a 26 per cent rise in knife crime, and perhaps most amazingly of all — considering the United Kingdom’s draconian gun laws — a 27 per cent rise in gun crime. These increases compound another significant rise from the year before.
While these figures cover the whole of England and Wales, much of the"
Brexit Boom: Manufacturing Jobs Rise 24 Per Cent, Growth Accelerates
There is a lesson here for all of us.
When the powers that be are against something, they use every resource and scare tactic they can find to attempt to influence the outcome.
Those against the U.K. "Brexit" predicted dire consequences, and the outcome is just the opposite...
When the powers that be are against something, they use every resource and scare tactic they can find to attempt to influence the outcome.
Those against the U.K. "Brexit" predicted dire consequences, and the outcome is just the opposite...
Jack Montgomery recently posted about it at
"The news is just the latest in a series of blows to EU loyalists hoping the uncertainty around Britain’s economic relationship with the European Union after Brexit Day in 2019 would damage the economy and make their pre-referendum ‘Project Fear’ predictions appear more credible.
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer “Scaremonger-General” had the Treasury produce a report warning that a Leave vote would deliver an “immediate and profound shock” to the British economy, pushing it into recession and precipitating half a million job losses.
In fact, unemployment has fallen to a record low and, according to the latest preliminary figures from the Office for National Statistics, growth strengthened to 0.4 per cent over the last quarter. "