Monday, November 27, 2017
"Obama Donor Judge William Orrick: No Sanctuary For American Victims"
It seems to be part of a concerted effort to prevent all things labeled "Trump" from being successful.
And again, as with almost all the previous attempts, President Trump's plan will eventually prevail...
At, Daniel John Sobieski discusses activist judges, highlighting the sanctuary city issue case:
"But is he setting new conditions or enforcing existing conditions and existing law? Federal funds, particularly federal law enforcement grants, are given out on the assumption, if not the expressed intent, that recipients are going to use that money enforcing federal law. They are not provided out of the goodness of taxpayer hearts. As Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has observed,, activist judges deeply involved in politics are likely more loyal to their ideology than to the Constitution, doing great harm to the country and the American people:"