Friday, November 10, 2017
Very Jake News: CNN Lies About Trump Violating Tradition of Taking Media Questions in China
The liberal media continues to embarrass themselves because they are so anxious to make President Trump look bad.
Even more sad that their errors get seen by so many, and the corrections do not..
Here's another example caught by John Nolte at AND, it's CNN's Jake Tapper again:
"And so, but only after hours and hours of lying, CNN did finally concede it is a fake news factory:
At least Diamond admitted his mistake. Tapper, of course, is not that honest. So a full two hours after his tweet storm (which ended with 6), he added a #7 as though he had meant to tell the truth all along. Yep, after re-tweeting Diamond’s fake news about Trump setting a modern precedent, after re-tweeting Carney’s misinformation, without apologizing or acknowledging his mistake, Tapper arrogantly pretends he did nothing wrong."