Monday, November 30, 2015
"Migrant blunder splitting Germany in two: ..."
I'm directing you to Sue Reid's article as posted in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Angela Merkel controversially opened the country to all Syrians in August.
Most Germans were at first buoyant, delighted to be able to help refugees.
But thousands of economic migrants grasped the chance to enter Europe.
Germany is now divided, as many claim it is facing a population time bomb."
Sunday, November 29, 2015
2015-11-29 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 28, 2015
"CNN Reporter Coordinated With Hillary Aide To Hit Rand Paul"
One would think Freedom of Information requests would expose government wrongdoing.
Instead CNN gets caught again, not only showing bias, but actually proactively being helpful to their favorite...
Instead CNN gets caught again, not only showing bias, but actually proactively being helpful to their favorite...
At, Chuck Ross writes about this one:
"The emails, which were released to the website Gawker, show that Elise Labott, a foreign affairs reporter at CNN, took guidance from Clinton aide Philippe Reines by posting a tweet criticizing Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul for asking Clinton tough questions during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Labott also coordinated with Reines to post a favorable quote from Clinton’s testimony, which she gave just a week before she left office."
Friday, November 27, 2015
Switzerland Bans Burqa, Fines Up to $10,000
Mary Chastain reported on this at
"Those who want to integrate are welcome irrespective of their religion,” explained Giorgio Ghiringhelli, who wrote the proposal. “But those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome."
"Swedish village where locals and refugees throw stones and set fire to cars"
Ulf Andersson tells us abou this in the U.K. Daily Mail:
Locals and refugees have been fighting in Tärnsjö, 150km from Stockholm
Tensions so bad young migrant children are given a police escort to school
Two warring communities trade insults and throw rocks, leaving many scared to go out
'We have highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants,' says local councillor
Snapshot of Sweden where 17 migrant centres burned down in two months
Thursday, November 26, 2015
2015-11-26 - Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Report: Emails Show Politico’s Mike Allen Offered Chelsea Clinton ‘No-Risk’ Interview
Unfortunately, they are NOT impartial, and if this is true, biased to a fault...
John Nolte has written about this at
"A smoking gun is always a nice thing to have, but it’s not like we need one to prove once and for all that Politico is dedicated to electing Hillary Clinton president. Nevertheless, through a Freedom of Information request, Gawker claims to have found a smoking gun – a series of emails from Politico honcho Mike Allen promising Chelsea Clinton a 'no risk … no surprises … something she would like' interview where all the questions would be agreed upon in advance."
Will the migrants integrate? Danish research: Syrians least likely to get a job, Muslim refugees 'most criminal'"
This is from an article by Nicolai Sennels as posted on Denmark's 10news website:
"As you can read from below, Muslim refugees (in this case from Lebanon) are the most criminal group of all. Syrians, whom the European elite wants us to believe is highly educated refugees eager to work and contribute, is the group that is most unemployed."
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Analysts Accuse CENTCOM of Covering Up Cooked ISIS Intelligence - The Daily Beast
These days, even the military seems fearful of reporting undesirable truth...
On the Daily Beast website, Shane Harris and Nancy A. Youssef teamed up on this post:
"In July, a group of intelligence analysts at the U.S. military’s Central Command accused their bosses of distorting and selectively editing intelligence reports about the fight against ISIS in order to portray that campaign as more successful than it really was. As a result of those complaints, the Pentagon’s inspector general opened an investigation.
Now, the allegations of misconduct have extended to a possible cover-up, with some analysts accusing the senior intelligence officials at Centcom, Maj. Gen. Steven Grove and his civilian deputy, Gregory Ryckman, of deleting emails and files from computer systems before the inspector general could examine them, three individuals familiar with the investigation told The Daily Beast."
The End of Obamaworld – Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website
I suspect an impartial arbitrator would report most of this as true.
Unfortunately, the media is our main reporter and they are far from impartial in their reporting...
Unfortunately, the media is our main reporter and they are far from impartial in their reporting...
Patrick J. Buchanan lets loose with this and much more:
"He grossly, transparently underestimated the ability of ISIS, the 'JV' team, to strike outside the caliphate into the heart of the West, and has egg all over his face. More critically, the liberal world order he has been preaching and predicting is receding before our eyes.
Suddenly, his rhetoric is discordantly out of touch with reality. And, for his time on the global stage, the phrase 'failed president' comes to mind."
Monday, November 23, 2015
"Obama Says Syrian Refugees No More Dangerous Than Tourists; 14 of the 19 9/11 Hijackers Had Tourist Visas"
Sadly, the American media chooses not to jump on stuff like this...
On the American Spectator website, Aaron Goldstein reminds us:
"In his latest salvo on Syrian refugees, President Obama declared they pose no more threat to the United States than tourists."
"Then again some tourists can be dangerous. After all, 14 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were in this country on tourist visas."
"Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump's 'Muslim' Comments"
This is really, really bad stuff.
It totally destroys the credibility of CNN.
If you are watching them, you are being deceived big time...
It totally destroys the credibility of CNN.
If you are watching them, you are being deceived big time...
At, John Nolte tells it like it is and calls CNN 'Left-Wing Liars'. That may sound harsh until you read this:
"Left-wing cable news network CNN has been caught red-handed selectively editing Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s comments about a 'Muslim registry,' and doing so in order to make it sound as though he is agreeing to this registry. He is not.
The edited video is yet another lying log on the left-wing garbage fire that is CNN, and yet in just three weeks, this very same garbage fire is hosting the next Republican presidential debate!"
Sunday, November 22, 2015
2015-11-22 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 21, 2015
What I Saw in the Schools by Sol Stern, City Journal Autumn 2015
At, Sol Stern shares his observations:
"I can still recall the shock I experienced one morning in September 1991 after dropping my boys off at P.S. 87’s schoolyard. I lingered for a few minutes, chatting with some other parents, when I noticed a bent man in dirty, tattered clothes, wandering around the yard as if in a stupor. Wondering if a derelict had gotten into the schoolyard, I asked one of the parents if she recognized him. She responded with an ironic grin: 'Don’t you know? That’s Malcolm, one of our new teachers.'
Incredulous, I headed off to Principal Jane Hand’s office. It was all true, Hand confirmed. Malcolm was now a teacher in good standing at our K–5 school. She had to hire this deeply troubled person because of the seniority-transfer clause in the labor agreement between the city and the United Federation of Teachers. The contract required principals to post half of their schools’ teacher vacancies at the end of each year and offer the positions to applicants with the greatest seniority in the system. Hand didn’t even have the right to interview Malcolm (who had transferred from a Bronx elementary school) before he showed up on the first day of school."
Friday, November 20, 2015
"Europe's anti-immigration and hard-right parties are on the warpath"
Mike Bird discusses it on the Business Insider website:
"It seems like everywhere you look in continental Europe, the hard right is gaining ground."
Marine Le Pen: How France Will Conquer Enemies of Liberty
Marine Le Pen shares her ideas at
"Liberty is exercised in the context of national community. It is armed with the principles of common sense, principles without hate. It is synonymous with a nation defined by strong borders, defined by our values, defined by our way of life, which is appreciated around the world.
Too often, we have confused hospitality with blindness. Not all of those we’ve opened our doors to have come to France with a love of our way of life. Today, under pressure from a European Union that renders us weaker and less free, France faces a cruel reality: It only takes a dozen terrorists—some French in nationality, but not spirit, and others capitalizing on the poorly managed migrant crisis—to take the lives of at 129 of our countrymen. It is up to us to affirm, without hesitation, that France’s freedom was built over centuries intentionally and collectively. That’s what defines a nation."
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Judges use Obama's own words to halt deportation amnesty - Washington Times
Stephen Dinan reported on this in the Washington Times:
"A federal appeals court said President Obama’s own words saying he was claiming powers to 'change the law' were part of the reason it struck down his deportation amnesty, in a ruling late Monday that reaffirmed the president must carry out laws and doesn’t have blanket powers to waive them. The 2-1 ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals punctures Mr. Obama’s immigration plans and is the latest in a series of major court rulings putting limits on the president’s claims of expansive executive powers to enact his agenda without having to get congressional buy-in."
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
A Liar to the Corps | The American Spectator
At, Larry Thornberry is rightly skeptical:
"Let me see now. As I understand it, what we’re called on to believe is that a highly employable young Yale Law School graduate, who had led teach-ins against the Vietnam War in college, had worked on the campaigns of Gene McCarthy and George McGovern, and who was engaged to a draft-dodger seeking to become the attorney general of his state, really just wanted to be a lean, green, fighting machine."
46,471: Drug Overdoses Killed More Americans Than Car Crashes or Guns
Those who don't participate in an activity are unlikely to be threatened by it.
However, the media would have all of us worry about everything...
I found this article by Susan Jones at
"In 2013, the most recent year for which data is available, 46,471 people in the United States died from drug overdoses, and more than half of those deaths were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin.
That compares with the 35,369 who died in motor vehicle crashes and 33,636 who died from firearms, as tallied by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
"Is Britain just going to wait for its day of reckoning' after Paris attacks"
Katie Hopkins writes in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Don't use this attack to defend multiculturalism. We don't all love multiculturalism. We don't all want equality the way you see it. We don't want to live where we are second-class citizens in our own country.
And I blame you. I blame you and every other zealot who tells me race is not an issue. I blame you who tell me all migrants are welcome. I blame you who tell me I am a racist when all I am is proud of my people."
Monday, November 16, 2015
It’s time for Obama to make a choice: Lead us or resign | New York Post
In last Saturday's New York Post, Michael Goodwin is highly critical of Mr. Obama:
"President Obama has spent the last seven years trying to avoid the world as it is. He has put his intellect and rhetorical skills into the dishonorable service of assigning blame and fudging failure. If nuances were bombs, Islamic State would have been destroyed years ago. He refuses to say 'Islamic terrorism,' as if that would offend the peaceful Muslims who make up the vast bulk of victims. He rejects the word 'war,' even as jihadists carry out bloodthirsty attacks against Americans and innocent peoples around the world."
"After Paris we all must brace ourselves for more blood"
In the U.K. Dailky Mail, Piers Morgan writes:
"And let's cut to the quick here: the only one to defeat them, as with Hitler and his monsters, is to destroy them first.
I'm sick and tired of hearing the world's political leaders talking weasly, meaningless words about ISIS.
For too long they have ignored the severity of the crisis, allowing the enemy to expand fast and furiously."
Sunday, November 15, 2015
2015-11-15 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 14, 2015
"13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'"
Carol Brown states her reasoning very clearly at
"Any one of the reasons noted below should be sufficient to make the case as to why we must close our doors to Muslims pouring out of Islamic countries heading points West. But in case you encounter someone who is truly thick (and there are a lot of them out there), it’s always best to have several facts on hand."
Friday, November 13, 2015
Bill O’Reilly makes a mess of history - The Washington Post
In this Washington Post article, George Will takes issue with Bill O'Reilly's books:
"The prolific O’Reilly has, with his collaborator Martin Dugard, produced five 'history' books in five years: 'Killing Lincoln,' 'Killing Kennedy,' 'Killing Jesus,' 'Killing Patton' and now the best-selling 'Killing Reagan.' Because no one actually killed Reagan, O’Reilly keeps his lucrative series going by postulating that the bullet that struck Reagan in March 1981 kind of, sort of killed him, although he lived 23 more years.
O’Reilly 'reports' that the trauma of the assassination attempt was somehow causally related to the “fact” that Reagan was frequently so mentally incompetent that senior aides contemplated using the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove him from office. But neither O’Reilly nor Dugard spoke with any of those aides — not with Ed Meese, Jim Baker, George Shultz or any of the scores of others who could, and would, have demolished O’Reilly’s theory. O’Reilly now airily dismisses them because they 'have skin in the game.' His is an interesting approach to writing history: Never talk to anyone with firsthand knowledge of your subject."
"Ted Cruz Just Threw Down the Gauntlet on Obama and Support of the Muslim Brotherhood"
Some legislation is for effect and some is serious. We'll have to wait and see...
Matthew K. Burke posted about this at
"On Tuesday, Texas U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz, along with Florida Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, both Republicans, introduced legislation that would force the Obama Regime to declare one of Obama’s favored organizations, the Muslim Brotherhood, as a terrorist organization.
Called the 'Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act,' the bill, if passed, would require the Secretary of State, anti-American John Kerry, to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization, noting that multiple countries have already declared the group to be terrorist organization and have stopped them from operating in their countries due to their support of radical Islamic terrorism around the globe."
"Family members of three Benghazi victims contradict Hillary campaign claim"
At, Guy Benson offers this and more:
"Questions: Would Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have us believe that all of these people are lying? And for what reason were these remarkably consistent memories deemed less compelling or convincing than a rote denial issued by a notably scandal-plagued candidate for public office?"
Thursday, November 12, 2015
"Muslim migration and our incurious press"
They are just failing their calling the world over...
AT, Greg Richards is on the same page with this posting about Muslim migration coverage:
"Fences are going up all over Eastern Europe. This is ironic, since we in America know that fences don’t work. That is agreed to by both the Democrats and Republicans, with the exception of Donald Trump. As with all rules, there is an exception. For us it is the White House. There, unwanted people are kept out by a fence and those who get over it are ejected. But we are to draw no conclusions from that.
The Europeans are being contrary, and in their ignorance, they are putting up fences to keep unwanted people out. But who are these unwanted people? There are so many of them that nobody seems able to identify exactly who they are. Allegedly, they are refugees from the war in Syria, but non-Syrians have been identified among them.
Where did these hordes come from and how did they get to Europe? Isn’t it amazing that in this interconnected world, where everybody with a smartphone can take not only pictures but videos and upload them instantaneously to the Web, that the provenance of the migrants is an unexplored mystery?"
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
2015-11-11 - Veterans Day
The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs begins it's description of Veterans Day with this. It has changed somewhat over the years:
"World War I – known at the time as 'The Great War' - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of 'the war to end all wars'.
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: 'To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…'
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m."
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Iowa Voters Boot Council Over Cross | The Daily Caller
The best feedback is direct and immediate...
At, Casey Harper shares this story:
"The city council in Knoxville, Iowa, will be full of new members in January after a dispute over a veteran’s memorial bearing a cross led voters to boot out the incumbents.
It all started when Americans United for Separation of Church and State demanded that the city council take down a veteran’s monument in Young’s Park within the city. The monument featured a soldier bowing before a white cross, but the Americans United found this an offensive violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and threatened to sue.
The council voted to remove the memorial Nov. 2. Voters poured in the very next day to vote them out Nov. 3 in regular elections."
"Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines"
"NOAA Attempts To Hide The Pause In Global Warming: ..."
This item was discussed by James Delingpole at
"The US government’s main climate research agency has refused a request by House Republicans to release key documents concerning the controversial issue of whether or not there has been a 'pause' in global warming.
Despite being a public, taxpayer-funded institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) insists that it is under no obligation to provide the research papers, as demanded in a subpoena by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) (R-Texas)."
Monday, November 09, 2015
There’s a feminist civil war brewing over Caitlyn Jenner | New York Post
In the New York Post, Carrie Lucas writes about transgenders and feminists:
"Yet what happens when transgender women start competing against plain old women in other areas of life? Say, in tennis matches and swim meets?
Or how about for slots on corporate boards and in top universities looking to meet targets for gender balance? Feminists may find their cause stalled and themselves forced to acknowledge that biology plays a bigger role than they care to admit."
Ronald Reagan | 1984 reelection | landslide victory
A poster named "Fuzzy Slippers" on the Leagal Insurrection website, reminds us of this:
"On this day in 1984, President Ronald Reagan won 49 of 50 states and 525 of 538 electoral votes, winning reelection in an historic landslide. His Democrat challenger Walter Mondale carried Minnesota, Mondale’s home state, and Washington DC for a total of 13 electoral votes."
Sunday, November 08, 2015
2015-11-08 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, November 07, 2015
The Media’s Potemkin Village Starts to Topple | Unexamined Premises
This article, by Michael Walsh At, includes these paragraphs and more:
"As a result, the journalists at the national level are rarely exposed to any kind of contrarian or oppositional thinking when it counts — in the story conferences. Most civilians have no idea what these are or how, outside of the movies, they actually function, but during my 25-year stint in the mainstream media — including sixteen years at Time magazine at the end of its glory days, they were places to present story ideas, get criticism on the spot from editors and colleagues, and hash out the day’s top news qua news.
But for lack of any pushback, the 'progressive' mindset (cultivated at the university level and reinforced by the old-school ties that operate to a degree among top journalists that would amaze you), the Big Seven — the three nets, Time and Newsweek, plus the New York Times and the Washington Post — that set the agenda for the rest of the country was pretty much the epicenter of the famous 'bubble' we hear so much about. It’s also worth noting that, even today, most of the senior figures and marquee writers in the media establishment not only know each other, they socialize, live in many of the same neighborhoods, work within blocks of each other, have summer houses in the same place, sleep together, and occasionally even marry each other. It’s an incestuous as you feared."
Friday, November 06, 2015
"Poland's Election Could Wreck The EU's Global Warming Plans"
It's not a revolution; however, voters ARE definitely rebelling...
At, Andrew Follett reports on the Polish election:
"Poland’s election just threw a huge wrench into the European Union’s global warming plans. The conservative and anti-EU Law & Justice party won 37.7 percent of the vote and will thus receive a projected 232 seats in the 460-member lower chamber. For the first time since democracy was restored in Poland, a political party has won enough seats in parliament to govern alone. It will also be the first time since 1989 that there will be no left-wing party in parliament."
"The Truth About Dan Rather's Deceptive Reporting on George W. Bush"
After you read this, you can decide...
At, William Campenni begins his posted article with this:
"So you’re an art connoisseur who likes the works of Gilbert Stuart, the early American artist famous for his portraits of George Washington. Someone wants to sell you an original Stuart portrait of Washington he claims he found in someone’s attic. It looks good enough—old canvas, faded oils, facial resemblance—but there is one little problem. Washington is wearing a digital wristwatch.
Do you buy it? If you’re Mary Mapes or Dan Rather, late of CBS News, you probably do, because you’ve done it before. Sure, you have someone check it, such as your brother-in-law and your drinking buddy, Ralph. They say it looks good to them, so you buy it."
Thursday, November 05, 2015
"Pew: Firearm-Related Homicides Down Nearly 50% from 20 Years Ago"
The statistics presented here are exactly opposite of what some would have us believe...
AWR Hawkins includes these paragraphs in his posting at
"On October 21, Pew Research Center released findings that show the annual rate of firearm-related homicides in America declined by nearly 50 percent between 1993 and 2013. That’s the same time period in which The Washington Post (WaPo) reported that firearm ownership doubled in the United States.
The WaPo did not put a figure on the number of privately owned guns in America. Rather, they estimated that that average gun owner went from owning 4.1 guns in 1994 to owning 8.1 in 2013. Breitbart News used Congressional Research Numbers to show that this means the 192 million guns owned privately in 1994 grew to 310 million or more in 2009 and to an estimated 350 million in 2013.
And PEW Research shows that this surge in privately owned guns did not correlate with an increase in firearm-related homicides but with a plunge in the annual firearm-related homicide rate, which fell from 7 per 1oo,ooo Americans in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2013. Complimenting this 20-year doubling of the number of guns owned by Americans is the fact that concealed carry permit holders nearly tripled between 2007 and now."
ICYMI: Fired Muslim Truck Drivers Who Refused to Deliver Beer Over Religious Beliefs Win Lawsuit - Leah Barkoukis
Try to wrap your equality brain around this...
At, Leah Barkoukis reported on this:
"Christian photographers have had to close up shop, Christian bakers have been slapped with hefty fines, a county clerk was thrown in jail, and the list goes on and on and on when it comes to how Christians have been treated when they refused to involve their businesses in any way with what could be considered support of same-sex marriage, a violation of their religious beliefs.
It’s interesting, then, to see how an Illinois jury ruled when it came to a case involving two Muslim truck drivers who were fired from their jobs in 2009 for refusing to make beer deliveries because of their religious beliefs."
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
"High School Girls Forced to Undress Next to Naked Boys"
Ben Shapiro writes about it in a post at
"On Wednesday, the federal government declared itself fit for the madhouse by mandating that a Chicago high school allow a full biological male into the girls’ locker room for all purposes, including nudity. This biological male, the feds determined, was different because he thinks he is a female."
I Feel Sorry For Real Men In The Millennial Generation - John Hawkins
At, John Hawkins recently posted about what has been happening to "real men" in today's society:
"Men have it rougher in America than most people realize. In part, that’s because they’re one of the few groups (along with white people, conservatives and Christians) it’s cool to crap on at every opportunity. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a non-stop assault on masculinity in America. Just to give you an idea of what I mean by that, here are articles written that show up on the first three pages of Google when you do a search for 'masculinity.'"
India Is Opening A New Coal Mine Every Month | The Daily Caller
In 2014, the populations of India (1.3B) and China (1.3B) far exceeded the United States (0.32B).
Just saying...
Just saying...
Michael Bastasch has this posted at
"The Obama administration may be pulling the U.S. away from coal power to fight global warming, but Indian leaders are ramping up the country’s coal production by opening a new mine every month.
India’s leaders have a goal of doubling coal production by 2020, overtaking the U.S. as the world’s second-largest coal producer. While the Obama administration wants the world to rally behind a global warming treaty that requires deep cuts to fossil fuel use, India has decided that raising standards of living is a much more important goal."
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
"Israel’s Security Fence Saves Lives, Builder Says"
At, Ken Klukowski has a story and a picture:
"The numbers bear out the effectiveness of the security fence. According to Tirza, between 2000 and 2006, there were 4,000 terrorist attacks in Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,639 Israelis. In stark contrast to those statistics, from 2007 through the present in 2015, there have only been 32 suicide-bomb attacks, and only 20 Israelis have died."
"Despite Criticism, NRA Still Enjoys Majority Support in U.S."
Art Swift shared this in his article at
"Yet in a Gallup poll from Oct. 7-11, a solid majority of Americans (58%) say they have an overall favorable impression of the NRA. This includes the highest recording of 'very favorable' opinions (26%) since Gallup began asking this question in 1989. In December 2012, soon after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, 54% of Americans had a favorable impression of the NRA. The highest percentage in Gallup's 26-year trend was in 2005, when 60% of Americans viewed the organization favorably.
The lowest favorability rating was in June 1995, when 42% viewed the NRA favorably..."
Monday, November 02, 2015
"Not News: Obama-Clinton Emails Render His Related Kroft Interview Statements False"
The president told one, and the liberal, biased main stream media is exposed again...
At, Tom Blumer has written about it:
"The President has been caught in a obvious falsehood, and has also been caught making an assessment of the presence or absence of a 'national security problem' without have the requisite knowledge to make that assessment.
This would be a screaming-headlines story in a Republican or conservative presidential administration, but it has barely been noticed elsewhere in the establishment press. For example, the Associated Press has no related story; in fact, it has no story whatsoever on the latest Clinton email release.
A Twitter-curating blog does a better job of delivering meaningful news than the entire establishment press, which should be ashamed of itself, but is instead serving as the palace guard.blockquote>
"CNBC's S***show of Epic Proportions: The Full Moderator Breakdown"
This is for political junkies with a lot of time to read.
That being said, Mr. Shapiro has written a devastating article that includes "everything"...
That being said, Mr. Shapiro has written a devastating article that includes "everything"...
On the website, Ben Shapiro takes CNBC's debate moderators apart. Here's his opening:
"Wednesday night’s epic s*itshow of a debate highlighted one fact beyond all others: if Republicans are to win the presidency in 2016, their main opponent will not be Hillary Clinton, but the established media.
CNBC’s panel of questioners, apparently drawn directly from a focus group for the Democratic National Committee, revealed their Hillary Clinton butterfly tramp-stamps long enough to unleash a stream of hit jobs on the candidates. The good news: Republicans must know that they will not be running against Hillary. They will be running against the media. Last night was an acid test. Only three candidates passed it: Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
The moderators, by being good little leftists, clarified the Republican field. That doesn’t mean they weren’t goats screwing basketballs. Here’s a rundown, by moderator."
CNBC Moderators Spoke At 5th Grade Level | The Daily Caller
Couldn't they have seen this coming?...
The Daily Caller's Eric Owens has some fun:
"CNBC has breathlessly reported that the Republican candidates who have participated in this year’s three GOP presidential debates have spoken at the ninth-grade level or below according to the Flesch-Kincaid readability test. The cable network announced its findings on Thursday, the day it was widely criticized for bungling this week’s debate. CNBC does not appear to have subjected its own moderators to the Flesch-Kincaid readability test. However, The Daily Caller did."