Thursday, November 05, 2015
"Pew: Firearm-Related Homicides Down Nearly 50% from 20 Years Ago"
The statistics presented here are exactly opposite of what some would have us believe...
AWR Hawkins includes these paragraphs in his posting at
"On October 21, Pew Research Center released findings that show the annual rate of firearm-related homicides in America declined by nearly 50 percent between 1993 and 2013. That’s the same time period in which The Washington Post (WaPo) reported that firearm ownership doubled in the United States.
The WaPo did not put a figure on the number of privately owned guns in America. Rather, they estimated that that average gun owner went from owning 4.1 guns in 1994 to owning 8.1 in 2013. Breitbart News used Congressional Research Numbers to show that this means the 192 million guns owned privately in 1994 grew to 310 million or more in 2009 and to an estimated 350 million in 2013.
And PEW Research shows that this surge in privately owned guns did not correlate with an increase in firearm-related homicides but with a plunge in the annual firearm-related homicide rate, which fell from 7 per 1oo,ooo Americans in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2013. Complimenting this 20-year doubling of the number of guns owned by Americans is the fact that concealed carry permit holders nearly tripled between 2007 and now."