Thursday, November 12, 2015
"Muslim migration and our incurious press"
They are just failing their calling the world over...
AT, Greg Richards is on the same page with this posting about Muslim migration coverage:
"Fences are going up all over Eastern Europe. This is ironic, since we in America know that fences don’t work. That is agreed to by both the Democrats and Republicans, with the exception of Donald Trump. As with all rules, there is an exception. For us it is the White House. There, unwanted people are kept out by a fence and those who get over it are ejected. But we are to draw no conclusions from that.
The Europeans are being contrary, and in their ignorance, they are putting up fences to keep unwanted people out. But who are these unwanted people? There are so many of them that nobody seems able to identify exactly who they are. Allegedly, they are refugees from the war in Syria, but non-Syrians have been identified among them.
Where did these hordes come from and how did they get to Europe? Isn’t it amazing that in this interconnected world, where everybody with a smartphone can take not only pictures but videos and upload them instantaneously to the Web, that the provenance of the migrants is an unexplored mystery?"