Wednesday, December 31, 2014
"Cyber Firm Identifies Six In Sony Hack, One Company Insider"
So, who should we believe?...
The Daily Caller's tech editor, Giuseppe Macri is reporting this:
"Norse, the cybersecurity firm that first identified a potential insider in the massive November hack of Sony Pictures, believes it’s uncovered evidence on six individuals primarily involved in the attack, including one former Sony employee with 'extensive knowledge of the company’s network and operations.' Senior vice president at Norse Kurt Stammberger told the Security Ledger late Sunday the company has identified six people 'with direct involvement in the hack,' two of whom are based in the U.S. along with one in Canada, Singapore and Thailand."
"The great Ebola lie — Outbreak hyped for funding & media attention"
I'm sure it enhances their viewership, clicks, and other things; however, it does NOT serve us well...
In the New York Post, Michael Fumento has this story:
"The current Ebola outbreak is 'the most severe, acute health emergency seen in modern times,' Ian Smith, the World Health Organization’s executive director, announced at a mid-October press conference. Huh? Worse than the 'Spanish flu' of 1918-19? Extrapolated to today’s world population, that would mean 60 million to 150 million deaths. Worse than AIDS, with its 35 million deaths? But the media weren’t asking skeptical questions. The next day, reporting on a separate WHO conference, a New York Times headline blared: 'New Ebola Cases May Soon Reach 10,000 a Week, Officials Predict.' The “soon” in that warning from the WHO’s Bruce Aylward was “by the first week in December.” Well, the WHO has now reported cases for that period. Total: 529. It was no fluke; the average over the last three weeks was 440. You’ve been lied to, folks. For months."
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
How your in-store shopping affects the ads you see on Facebook | PCWorld
Any bit of your personal information, that you have given someone, is being used to link your personal data.
Once it is shared, stolen, misused, or hacked, it can be used to determine your spending habits.
Even amateur data mining, can find your shoe size, brand of toothpaste, and the usual time you shop at various places, and whatever else you can imagine...
Once it is shared, stolen, misused, or hacked, it can be used to determine your spending habits.
Even amateur data mining, can find your shoe size, brand of toothpaste, and the usual time you shop at various places, and whatever else you can imagine...
Zach Miners tells us all about Facebook and our purchasing "privacy" on the PCWorld website:
"Custom Audiences is one such targeting tool, allowing retailers to match shoppers in their stores with their accounts on Facebook. It’s often done through an email address, phone number or name. Facebook uses a process it calls 'hashing' to scramble the data, which means users’ identities are not revealed in the process, Facebook says."
'Do not track'? Oh what the heck, go ahead | InfoWorld
That being said, you generally know who is not honoring "Do Not Call"; however, that's not so for "Do Not Track"...
On the InfoWorld website, Zach Miners has an informative article on the subject. He begins:
"Chalk up another victory for corporate surveillance: Five years after advocates came up with an easy way to let you browse the Web with just a little privacy, the Do Not Track system is in tatters and that pair of boots you looked at online last month is still stalking you from website to website."
Monday, December 29, 2014
FDNY Drops Physical Fitness Test Requirement to Boost Female Hire Rate - Christine Rousselle
Will we soon consider hiring lifeguards who can't swim well?...
Christine Rousselle offers her opinion at
"This, frankly, scares me. If I were trapped in a burning building, I wouldn't care if the person tasked with saving me were a man, a woman, or a genderless robot--my main concern would be their ability to carry me to safety. It's also highly unlikely that physical fitness tests are the only reason for the disparity of the sex ratio in firefighters. Call me crazy, but if I were a mother with children, I personally wouldn't seek out a job that required me to regularly risk my life and run into a burning building."
"In LA, CBS Station Pretends There Was a Real Kwanzaa Parade Yesterday"
At, Tom Blumer tells us about this example:
"A Kwanzaa "parade" was held in Los Angeles yesterday. In reporting on the event, CBS Los Angeles published a work of fiction which absolutely belongs on any 2014 list of most embarrassing moments in journalism"
Sunday, December 28, 2014
2014-12-28 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 27, 2014
CBS2 Exclusive: Jean Mamakos Sues United After Arrest On Flight
If there is nothing else to this story, it is surely one that got way out of hand...
CBS New York had this story on their website:
"A Long Island woman claims she was treated like a criminal and pulled off of a flight just because she wanted to change seats.
As CBS2’s Jennifer McLogan reported exclusively, the in-flight fight turned into a three-day stay in jail for the woman.
'They did handcuff me, there were three policemen that dragged me out of the plane,' said Jean Mamakos. (And did they tell you what they were charging you with?) 'They said trespassing.'"
Friday, December 26, 2014
"What Is DOJ Hiding About Its Targeting of Sharyl Attkisson?"
There are clearly many questionable issues surrounding the government and the current administration.
In fact, we may have reached the point where the news cycle hasn't time for all of them.
The one discussed here isn't getting much attention...
In fact, we may have reached the point where the news cycle hasn't time for all of them.
The one discussed here isn't getting much attention...
On the PowerLine blog, one of John Hinderaker's readers caused John to write this:
"Bingo. I think he is right. Someone at DOJ systematically searched for references to Sharyl Attkisson and pulled out all emails where DOJ and White House personnel were talking about her and, as we now know, how to block her Fast and Furious investigation. A single email, which gave away the game, slipped through because her name was mis-spelled."
Thursday, December 25, 2014
2014-12-25 - Christmas Day
- Merry Christmas to ALL - ...
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Revolutionary lens restores complete vision to ageing eyes - Telegraph
Absolutely amazing!...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Sarah Knapton is reporting this:
"For many people getting older brings a catalogue of vision problems which make everyday tasks like reading and driving a major challenge.
But a new lens implant which mimics the working of a youthful eye is giving sight back to people struggling with cataracts, astigmatism, or long and short-sightedness.
It is the first lens that corrects for all types of vision problems at once and can be inserted in just a simple operation. It works at any distance and in any light condition, acting more like a camera zoom than other multi-focal lenses which have three distinct points of focus."
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
"GOP report: Top IRS official considered admitting targeting before 2012 election -- but didn’t" has reported this:
"A top IRS official considered going public with the agency’s targeting of conservative groups at a hearing just months before the 2012 presidential election but ultimately decided against revealing the bombshell news, according to a new report from a GOP-led House committee.
Then-Deputy Commissioner Steven Miller wrote in an email in June 2012, about a month before a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing, that he was weighing whether to testify to 'put a stake' in the 'c4' issue -- apparently a reference to allegations about politics playing a role in the agency’s denial of tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) status to conservative-leaning groups."
"Yes, Michelle, It's Because You're Black"
At, John Ransom takes issue with the Obama couple:
"Michelle Obama wants you to feel bad for her, and for Barack, because they are black.
'I think people forget that we’ve lived in the White House for six years,' Michelle says in People Magazine. “Before that, Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs.”
Oh, the horror."
Monday, December 22, 2014
Kenyan Bishops Accuse WHO and UNICEF of Implementing a 'Population Control' Program"
We have to wonder what's really going on here...
In a recent post at, Christine Rousselle described this:
"Some potentially disturbing news out of Kenya: A statement signed by the 27 bishops of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops alleges that the World Health Organization and UNICEF are injecting Kenyan women with a tetanus vaccine that has been laced with a hormone that causes miscarriages and renders some women sterile."
Tom Coburn rankles Harry Reid in farewell Senate disputes - Washington Times
Based on his reputation as noted in this article, we will miss his Senate antics.
However, on another issue "proud we elected Obama", no respect from me...
In the Washington Times, Stephen Dinan and S.A. Miller recently wrote about him:
"The Oklahoma Republican also held up an energy conservation bill, released a road map for reforming the Social Security disability system, tried to undo one of Mr. Reid’s nuclear option-fueled rules changes and battled with Mr. Reid to try to pass a legacy-building transparency bill that would have forced the executive branch to produce a list of all its programs — all part of one of the busiest weeks any departing senator has ever had.
He cast his final vote as a senator Tuesday night, and was the first to flee the chamber floor, returning to the citizen part of 'citizen legislator.' By Wednesday afternoon he was back in Oklahoma, driving to his home in Muskogee."
Sunday, December 21, 2014
2014-12-21 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 20, 2014
A French Soldier's View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - Warrior Lodge
At, Wes O'Donnell began his recent post with this:
"What follows is an account from a French ISAF soldier that was stationed with American Warfighters in Afghanistan sometime in the past 4 years. This was copied and translated from an editorial French newspaper."
Friday, December 19, 2014
"Progressive Mythography"
Andrew C. McCarthy is novice on the subject of law. In his National Review article about Fergusen he concludes:
"All very reasonable, but let’s not pretend reason has anything to do with what happened in Ferguson this week. In Liberal Fascism’s focus on myth, Jonah recalls Mussolini’s assertion, 'It is faith that moves mountains, not reason. Reason is a tool, but it can never be the motive force of the crowd.' The crowd in Ferguson was moved to riot on the article of a false faith that condemns America and its police forces as incorrigibly racist. It is from this condemnation that all purported 'reasoning' proceeds.
Such reasoning dictates that our constitutional right not to be indicted in the absence of just cause should be subordinated to the mob’s demand for a public trial. Succeeding in that legerdemain, it next dictates that our constitutional right not to be convicted in the absence of proof beyond a reasonable doubt be subordinated to the mob’s demand for a guilty verdict.
Such a verdict that would have had only the most tangential connection to the tragedy of an 18-year-old’s death or a police officer’s well-founded fear for his life. But it would have fed the myth."
"Obama opens fraud-ridden benefits programs to illegal immigrants"
In the Washington Examiner, Byron York fills us in on some details:
"Supported by both political parties over the years, the programs were intended to encourage work and strengthen families. Their growth has been extraordinary in recent years — payments increased 40 percent from 2007 to 2012 alone. And now both are beset by staggering levels of fraud.
According to the inspector general, the IRS paid out $63 billion in EITC benefits in 2013. Of that, 24 percent, or about $15 billion, was given improperly to people not qualified to receive it. That improper payment rate has been enough to qualify the EITC as a 'high risk' program for years."
Thursday, December 18, 2014
"Four Reasons the Supreme Court Is Likely to Rule Against the Obama Administration in Burwell"
From the get go, the political powers in the U.S. have done a disservice to ALL citizens.
While noble in intent, ObamaCare was poorly conceived, poorly implemented, and clearly the product of political expedience, if not incompetence.
The Supreme Court decision (due by June 2015) will be interesting, to say the least...
While noble in intent, ObamaCare was poorly conceived, poorly implemented, and clearly the product of political expedience, if not incompetence.
The Supreme Court decision (due by June 2015) will be interesting, to say the least...
In a recent National Review post, John Yoo offers his take:
"The Supreme Court followed up the landslide election on Tuesday with its own shocker: it announced that it will hear the Burwell case, which challenges the Obama administration’s extension of insurance subsidies in states that do not have health-care exchanges. I think the chances are high that the administration will lose. Because:"
"Herman van Rompuy has won the Euro jackpot, but we're paying"
Elected officials are no longer "public servants".
All over the world, they have evolved into a group that see public service as a way to get rich using other people's money...
All over the world, they have evolved into a group that see public service as a way to get rich using other people's money...
The U.K. Telegraph recently editorialized on the European Union's outgoing president:
"In 2009, Mr van Rompuy, 67, became the first occupant of this Brussels sinecure for which he was paid a salary approaching £250,000 a year, plus allowances. But it is in retirement that he has really hit the jackpot. In order to ease his passage back into the cold world beyond the gilded walls, he is to receive £133,723 a year – 55 per cent of his basic salary – until December 2017. On top of that, he will be given a one-off payment of £21,000 for reasons that are not immediately obvious; and he can also draw a lifetime EU pension worth £52,000 a year. His earnings over the next three years will be £578,000 – and he won’t have to leave home to earn it."
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
"Senate Democrats Face Long Minority"
That being said, I can only hope this writer has it right...
At, Bruce Walker recently posted the basis for his predictive comments:
"In 2016, Republicans defend only eight seats, seven of those in red states – Arizona, Mississippi, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming – and the other seat in Nevada, a purple state. Democrats, in contrast, will be defending 23 seats, including four races they should not have won in 2012 – Indiana, Missouri, Montana, and North Dakota – and four other races they could easily lose – Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
The fundamental problem that Democrats face is not which senators are up for re-election in a particular Senate class, but that a majority of the states are red and that several other states are purple."
"Why do we wildly over-estimate the proportion of homosexuals?"
On the LifeSiteNews website, Michael Cook provides some insight along with some statistics:
"What does it mean if people think that the proportion of homosexuals is about 1-in-4, when the figure is really 1-in-100? That the public is so fearful of gays and lesbians that it thinks they are everywhere? That the public has become so sympathetic that it thinks they are everywhere? It’s impossible to say. But one thing is sure. Good public policy is based on facts, not ideology. If politicians, journalists and judges are working with wildly over-estimated figures, we are bound to get the worst possible policies."
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
"Obama’s Cruel and Costly Climate Hoax"
Fortunately, some (but not enough) know that, and are outspoken about it...
In the Canada Free Press, Alan Caruba calls it as he sees it:
"We are colder these days because the Earth has been in a cooling cycle for 19 years and that cycle is based entirely on the Sun which has been radiating less heat for the same period of time.
Describing the role of the Sun, Australian geologist, Ian Plimer, said, 'There is a big thermonuclear reactor in the sky that emits huge amounts of energy to the Earth…The Sun provides the energy for photosynthesis. The Sun is the bringer of life to Earth. If the Sun were more energetic the oceans would boil. If the Sun were less energetic the oceans would freeze and all life on Earth would be destroyed.'
We don’t control the Sun. Or the climate. It controls us."
Lower Oil Prices Are a Free-Market Victory | RealClearPolitics
On the RealClearPolitics website, Larry Kudlow explains what's been happening:
"Seldom has so much good news been portrayed so negatively. Oil prices continue to fall in the U.S. and around the world, but near everyone in the media is grumpy about it. The headlines today are among the silliest I’ve seen: Energy-company stocks are declining, oil deflation is an economic threat, the Fed might raise rates much later than expected, OPEC is dissolving, shale companies are going bankrupt, Russia is going bankrupt(!), and on and on.
Well, most of this is just humbug. Lower oil prices are unambiguously positive.
First, U.S. oil production has nearly doubled in recent years to 9 million barrels a day, and the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) expects U.S. supply to rise by more than 1 million barrels a day next year. And it is this supply increase that is driving down prices. Saudi Arabia and OPEC have essentially thrown in the towel, surrendering to the inevitability of lower prices from exploding U.S. energy production.
This is not only a triumph of U.S. energy independence, it is a victory for the workings of the free market. Greater supply, not government cartels, is driving down prices"
Monday, December 15, 2014
CIA chief John Brennan deserves thanks (Opinion) -
In the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, government officials reacted and acted as they thought best.
Now, after many years, they are being condemned for what they did in the interest of protecting the country...
Now, after many years, they are being condemned for what they did in the interest of protecting the country...
At, David Gergen presents a pretty realistic opinion on the issue:
"For starters, he placed the interrogation program into a context that too many are forgetting. As Brennan pointed out, the attacks that morning of 9/11 terrified the country and we quickly looked to the CIA to track down those responsible and ensure they never attacked us again.
We didn't want those agents -- as the phrase goes -- to bring a baguette to a knife fight; both the White House and Congress wanted them to do whatever it took. Brennan also made clear that the CIA (he served as deputy director under President George W. Bush) was not prepared to run a detention and interrogation program -- who would have thought they needed one?
They put it together quickly, but -- as Brennan readily conceded -- some agents then went far beyond the rules, employing brutal interrogation techniques."
What the Grand Jury Knew--and We Didn't--in the Eric Garner Case - Jack Kerwick
I'm sure you heard this information in the American media [sarcasm].
Of course, that wouldn't serve the racism meme very well...
At, Jack Kerwick has found this out:
"For months, twenty-three strangers, black, white, and Hispanic, poured over 60 items of evidence. These included four videos—i.e. significantly more footage than that on which the pontificators in the media and elsewhere have been feeding; medical records; autopsy photographs; photos from the scene of the alleged crime; and information on NYPD policies, procedures, and officer training.
Also among the evidence was testimony on the part of 50 witnesses. No fewer than 22 of these witnesses were civilians. The remainder consists of police officers, EMTs, and doctors.
The grand jury also received instruction in the 'relevant principles of law' concerning an officer’s right to use force."
Sunday, December 14, 2014
2014-12-14 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Watchdogs, Lapdogs and Attack Dogs | Washington Examiner
There was a time when Inspector Generals were revered and feared.
Apparently, these days, not so much...
Apparently, these days, not so much...
At, Mark Flatten recently wrote all about their current state in a four part series:
"Part One: IGs form front line of war on waste and fraud, but weak links remain:
Whistleblowers routinely say inspectors general failed to investigate their charges of wrongdoing.
Part Two: Temporary IGs subject to agency manipulators covering up waste
Interim IGs have been accused of softening investigative reports under pressure from agency administrators
Part Three: Bad things happen to whistleblowers when watchdogs become attack dogs
A whistleblower tried to report wrongdoing to the Veterans Affairs IG — and faced retaliation from administrators.
Part Four: Few fixes available for problem IGs
Retaliation complaints have followed Todd Zinser throughout much of his career."
Friday, December 12, 2014
"Dear Northeast, How’s that solar working out for ya?"
Without subsidies, they are prohibitively expensive, and under certain conditions they have no value at all...
Recently, Marta Noon provided some answers in the Canada Free Press:
"These stories reveal the snow job that has been perpetuated on the general public regarding renewable energy. They don’t understand the need for power or how it works. They seem to believe that when a rule passes a magic wand waves replacing older, but still fully functional, power plants with wind or solar—that doesn’t produce electricity 24/7/365 as do the decommissioned coal or nuclear plants and which requires far more land to produce the same amount of, albeit intermittent, electricity.
An iced up wind turbine or a solar panel covered in seven feet of snow—even if some of it slides off—doesn’t generate electricity. And the cold days of a Northeast winter create one of the times when energy demand peaks."
The Classical Roots of ‘The Hunger Games’ - WSJ
In the Wall Street Journal, Barry Strauss dug into the roots of this popular movies series:
"But we shouldn’t ignore the deeper themes of the tale, which are not only classic but classical, reaching back to Greece and Rome and the very foundations of Western culture. At the heart of the story are three beautiful, heroic young people: Katniss Everdeen and her male romantic interests, Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne. They form a love triangle, but they also represent, from the point of view of the ancients, an aroused citizenry banding together and fighting for freedom against an evil empire."
Thursday, December 11, 2014
After Secretary Hagel - The New York Sun
When observed cumulatively, America's foreign policy has a common thread...
The New York Sun recently editorialized about Mr. Obama and America's foreign policy:
"It was the president who ran for office opposing the war to liberate Iraq and who yanked our troops out of there more than a half century before the topic should have arisen. It was the president who whistled Dixie as the dollar collapsed. It was the president who campaigned on the theory that Afghanistan was the right war and then plotted a retreat in that same land, whence Osama Bin Laden plotted his attack on America. It was the president who launched a reset of relations with Russia that resulted in their collapse. It was the president who concocted a pivot to Asia that turned out to be a pivot to nowhere."
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
15 Myths Millennials Accept as Fact - Taki's Magazine
At Taki's Magazine, Gavin McInnes expands on this:
"So let’s take a step back and explain to children and the president of the United States that most of the truths they take for granted are completely false. For example …"
"Emails show White House “requested” IG to change VA scandal report"
That being said, the sheer number of unethical and scandalous activities of the Obama administration actually works to their advantage.
Significant items are "bumped off" the news cycle by new significant items; which, basically means they get forgotten...
Ed Morrissey posted this story at back in early November:
"Almost two months ago, a whistleblower from inside the Department of Veteran Affairs claimed that the Inspector General watered down the final report in the VA’s wait-list scandal to minimize the political damage. IG Richard Griffin denied that he had been pressured to adjust his findings, which the Arizona Republic found used a nearly impossible standard for responsibility to get the VA off the hook for hundreds of fraud-related deaths.
On Friday, though, the House Committee on Veteran Affairs published e-mails that clearly show the White House demanding those changes to the final report:"
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
"Obama ENDS program that deported 283,000 criminal aliens"
How can anyone (except the bad guys) believe this is a good idea?...
This story and more was posted by David Martosko on the U.K. Daily Mail website. It's sad that it's not a headline in American media outlets:
"Along with his more sensationalized executive order granting some illegal immigrants a chance to stay in the U.S. without fear of deportation, President Barack Obama quietly ended a controversial program on Thursday that had deported 283,000 of them after they were arrested for crimes other than border-crossing.
The Secure Communities program has been in place in limited form since 2006, and expanded nationwide in 2008. It allowed local law enforcement to hold arrestees and convicts 48 hours after they were officially bailed or released, if they were in the county illegally, so federal agents could pick them up and start immigration proceedings.
Instead, the administration has replaced it with a much narrower program that limits the list of qualifying offenses and only lets the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency intervene after an illegal immigrant is convicted.
Many make bail and never return to court to face their charges, however."
Not a parody | Power Line
I think encouraging performance and perseverance during difficult (?) times would serve students better...
Paul Mirengoff posted this on the PowerLine blog:
"Columbia Law School is permitting students claiming to be impaired due to the emotional impact of recent non-indictments in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner matters to postpone taking their final exams. Here is the text of a message from interim dean Robert Scott to the law school community:"
Monday, December 08, 2014
'Hold on: Jobs report wasn't so great after all'
Keeping in mind the population is always increasing, how can anything be classified as "good" if the number of Americans working is at a 36 year low...
Jeff Cox expresses a more realistic view:
"A few figures to consider: That big headline number translated into just 4,000 more working Americans. There were, at the same time, another 115,000 on the unemployment line. That disparity can be explained through an expanding labor force, which grew 119,000, though the participation rate among that group remained at 62.8 percent, which is just off the year's worst level and around a 36-year low.
But wait, there's more: The jobs that were created skewed heavily toward lower quality. Full-time jobs declined by 150,000, while part-time positions increased by 77,000. Analysts, though, mostly gushed over the report."
"5 Reasons Big Government Can Never Work The Way Liberals Claim It Does"
In a recent article, John Hawkins shares some very valid thoughts about government:
"Relying on big government to help you out would be like relying on the Girl Scouts to spearhead an invasion of Iran. It's the wrong people, in the wrong place, doing the wrong job. Whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge, our government is barely functional. That's certainly not a shocker. Anyone who has had dealings with the federal government can tell you that it's slow, stupid, expensive, belligerent and incompetent. But, here's the $64,000 question: WHY is the federal government so slow, stupid, expensive, belligerent and incompetent? It's not a mystery."
Sunday, December 07, 2014
2014-12-07 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, December 06, 2014
"INVESTIGATION: Lena Dunham ‘Raped by a Republican’ Story in Bestseller Collapses Under Scrutiny"
This item certainly is NOT earth changing; however, the Breitbart group's effort has clearly uncovered that to some, truth is secondary when it gets in the way.
Even though rape is a very powerful accusation, the prevailing liberal view seems to be OK with stretching to truth to achieve an agenda, as well as blocking efforts to obtain real facts...
Even though rape is a very powerful accusation, the prevailing liberal view seems to be OK with stretching to truth to achieve an agenda, as well as blocking efforts to obtain real facts...
On the Breitbart website, John Nolte digs into the questionable accusation:
"To be sure we get the point, on three occasions Dunham tells her readers that her attacker is a Republican or a conservative, and a prominent one at that -- no less than the 'campus's resident conservative.'
For weeks, and to no avail, using phone and email and online searches, Breitbart News was able to verify just one of these details. Like everyone else interested, we immediately found that there indeed was a prominent Republican named Barry who attended Oberlin at the time in question.
Whatever her motives, Dunham is pointing her powerful finger at this man. But as you will read in the details below, the facts do not point back at him. Not even close. This man is by all accounts (including his own) innocent.
Nonetheless, even though she is aware of the suspicion she placed this man under, to our knowledge, Dunham has yet to clear his name."
Friday, December 05, 2014
Ben Shapiro: Katy Perry, Cher and Macklemore All Lie About Ferguson | FrontPage Magazine
Even more sadly, the American media is allowing it to happen...
Ben Shapiro wrote about the Ferguson Grand Jury witnesses and more on the FrontPageMag website:
"At least 12 witnesses claimed that Brown was shot from behind, which was factually false. At least 16 witnesses said Brown’s hands were up when he was shot, which was factually false. One witness said Wilson used a Taser, then a gun: false. Another said she witnessed the events, but admitted she was blocks away when the events occurred. Still another witness said there were two officers involved in the shooting, and admitted she couldn’t tell what she’d seen and what she’d read about the case. One witness admitted in testimony to changing his story to 'coincide with what really happened' Another witness said that he was friends with Brown, and that Brown was shot while on his knees. When informed that such a story contradicted all physical evidence, the man admitted that he had not seen the shooting and then asked if he could leave because he was 'uncomfortable.'
This is evil. An entire community conspiring to put an innocent man in prison for the rest of his life based on his race is evil."
"Assembly Complete for NASA’s Maiden Orion Spacecraft Launching in December 2014"
Whenever it launches, it still appears to be the hope and future of America's NASA space program...
At, Ken Kremer has the story:
"Upon finishing the panel assembly work inside the Launch Abort System Facility (LASF) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, the teams cleared the last major hurdle before the Orion stack is rolled out to launch pad 37 in mid-November and hoisted to the top of the Delta IV Heavy rocket.
The Orion stack is comprised of the LAS, crew module (CM) and service module (SM).
The maiden blastoff of the state-of-the-art Orion spacecraft on the EFT-1 mission is slated for December 4, 2014, from Space Launch Complex 37 (SLC-37) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida atop the triple barreled United Launch Alliance (ULA)"
Thursday, December 04, 2014
"Minnesota Plans To Eliminate Gender Distinctions In High School Sports"
Oh My!
Try to wrap your brain around this...
Try to wrap your brain around this...
Stella Morabito has the whole story at She begins:
"Minnesotans are currently facing a fast and furious onslaught by the transgender lobby, which seems to be dictating policy to the Minnesota State High School League. The MSHSL decides policy for all extracurricular activities in public, private, religious, and home schools. It’s currently in the process of outlawing all sex distinctions in high-school sports. On December 4, it plans to install an athletic policy granting transgender students the choice to play on either boys’ or girls’ teams.
In this scheme, there would be no accounting for sex differences in high school sports on the field or in locker rooms, bathrooms, and hotel rooms. It forbids any camaraderie rooted in the biological reality of one’s sex, or any consideration of the reality of the opposite sex. In fact, to affirm that reality would basically be a crime. So the policy would ultimately abolish girls’ and boys’ sports alike."
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
"Beware of False Prophets" -
When I see articles like this, my first thought is "greatly informative".
Then, the reality that very few will even see (or understand?) this kicks in.
That's exactly why the bad guys can win...
Then, the reality that very few will even see (or understand?) this kicks in.
That's exactly why the bad guys can win...
Not too long ago, Charles Battig posted a warning (see the title) about the political distortion of science and the damage being done:
"Political wordsmiths have coined the term 'carbon pollution.' By stringing together two scientifically unrelated words, they have crafted an emotionally charged term to fit the needs of government and propagandists. We are categorized as 'carbon-based life forms.' Carbon dioxide is an inherent and necessary chemical component of all such life. Photosynthesis and the role of carbon dioxide describe the dance of nature by which the carbon dioxide produced by our bodies is part of the atmospheric carbon dioxide that feeds the plants, which in turn produce the oxygen we need to live.
The negative connotation of pollution has been grafted onto carbon in a version of Gresham’s Law – the bad driving out the good. This is not science, but propaganda."
"Wisconsin chief accused of harassing tea party activist leaves job"
In Wisconsin, the Associated Press reported on this at
"Kelemen admitted to using the activist's personal e-mail address to sign him up for online dating services, and even pornographic websites. The chief said it was in response to abusive phone calls and emails in a disagreement over local demonstrations."
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
"Black Activists Speak Out against Obama Amnesty Agenda"
David W. Almasi posted some commentary on Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog. :
"As the potential harm of the President Obama’s amnesty bid for possibly more than 5 million illegal aliens residing in the United States becomes clearer, members of the Project 21 black leadership network are continuing to speak out against his unilateral action to try to remake America."
'Food Network's Hunger Games'
I certainly haven't seen them.
Have you?...
At, Rosslyn Smith discusses the (non?) issue:
"In their holiday promotion their spokespeople cite the much-debunked statistic that one in five children in America goes hungry on a regular basis.
Something is truly out of whack here. If one in five American children are going hungry how can there also be an epidemic of obesity that requires the downsizing the heavily subsidized public school lunch program to help correct? Basic observation indicates the children of the affluent are neither overweight nor emaciated.
If anything, many middle class children tend to look a little pudgy, while a great many of the children of the welfare class and the working poor are noticeably obese.
So who and where are those twenty percent of American children who go hungry?"
Monday, December 01, 2014
The Ferguson Fraud | RealClearPolitics
On the RealClearPolitics website, Rich Lowry gives this perspective and much more:
"This is a terrible tragedy. It isn't a metaphor for police brutality or race repression or anything else, and never was. Aided and abetted by a compliant national media, the Ferguson protestors spun a dishonest or misinformed version of what happened—Michael Brown murdered in cold blood while trying to give up—into a chant ("hands up, don't shoot") and then a mini-movement. When the facts didn't back their narrative, they dismissed the facts and retreated into paranoid suspicion of the legal system."
"CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were ‘peaceful’"
If you're getting your news from CNN, you may be missing the truth...
In her New York Post article, Naomi Schaefer Riley offers this and more:
"Here’s a quiz for you folks in the media: What happens if you’re out doing 'man on the street' interviews but none of the men on the street fit your 'narrative'? If you’re CNN, you stop interviewing them.
It has been remarkable to watch the last few days as America’s self-styled 'most trusted news network' has sent out teams of reporters to various areas of Ferguson, Mo., ostensibly to cover the protests there. While their cameramen are watching cars on fire and stores being looted, the reporters ramble on about how 'most people here' are 'peaceful protesters.'"