Friday, December 26, 2014
"What Is DOJ Hiding About Its Targeting of Sharyl Attkisson?"
There are clearly many questionable issues surrounding the government and the current administration.
In fact, we may have reached the point where the news cycle hasn't time for all of them.
The one discussed here isn't getting much attention...
In fact, we may have reached the point where the news cycle hasn't time for all of them.
The one discussed here isn't getting much attention...
On the PowerLine blog, one of John Hinderaker's readers caused John to write this:
"Bingo. I think he is right. Someone at DOJ systematically searched for references to Sharyl Attkisson and pulled out all emails where DOJ and White House personnel were talking about her and, as we now know, how to block her Fast and Furious investigation. A single email, which gave away the game, slipped through because her name was mis-spelled."