Friday, May 31, 2013
"Judge warns Kosilek he could pull sex-change surgery order"
Then again, we do live in interesting times, but 64 years old?...
On the Boston Herald website, Laurel J. Sweet writes about this:
"The judge who made the controversial call to grant a convicted wife killer a taxpayer-funded sex-change operation has put the former Robert Kosilek on notice he’s perilously close to jeopardizing the deal, after he disclosed confidential information about the case to a pal and used it to shop for doctors."
Thursday, May 30, 2013
"Barack Obama, World’s Greatest Gun Salesman"
The numbers discussed here are astounding...
At, Bob Owens tells what's been going on:
"Before you ask: we’re not talking about the U.S. military, we’re talking about the firearms owned by the general population. The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) estimates that there are roughly 300 million firearms in the United States — and of those, nearly 40 million new firearms have been sold just since Barack Obama came into office in 2009. This is a staggering jump of more than 15 percent in just over four years, in a nation 237 years old."
The IRS Scandal Started at the Top -
She also notes that there are other ways to accomplish those tasks...
In the Wall Street Journal, Kimberly A. Strassel explains how this is:
"Was the White House involved in the IRS's targeting of conservatives? No investigation needed to answer that one. Of course it was. President Obama and Co. are in full deniability mode, noting that the IRS is an "independent" agency and that they knew nothing about its abuse. The media and Congress are sleuthing for some hint that Mr. Obama picked up the phone and sicced the tax dogs on his enemies. But that's not how things work in post-Watergate Washington. Mr. Obama didn't need to pick up the phone. All he needed to do was exactly what he did do, in full view, for three years: Publicly suggest that conservative political groups were engaged in nefarious deeds; publicly call out by name political opponents whom he'd like to see harassed; and publicly have his party pressure the IRS to take action."
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
"U.S. Military: We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens"
Please warn those around you.
This article could make you scream...
This article could make you scream...
At, Jonathon Moseley has learned how the military COULD have responded during the Benghazi Consulate attacks:
"Sigonella air base is only 475 miles from Benghazi. Fighter jets from Sigonella could have been above Benghazi in 20 minutes from takeoff at the F-16's maximum speed of 1,500 miles per hour. Transports and gunships could have reached the Consulate in 90 minutes from take-off.
F-16s can carry fuel for a flight of 2,000 nautical miles. So the 475-mile flight from Sigonella would have left enough fuel for an hour of operations over the Consulate in Benghazi plus a flight to Andravida Air Base in Greece, only 405 miles away, to land and refuel.
Greece is a NATO partner. Later waves could have refueled first in Andravida, 405 miles away. Meanwhile, the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and its battle group were within range to assist the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was relieved of command and flown back to the States on undisclosed allegations of inappropriate judgment, as reported in the military's Stripes magazine. It is widely believed within the U.S. military that Admiral Gaouette was mobilizing a response to come to the aid of Ambassador Stevens but was ordered to stand down. The allegation of 'inappropriate judgment' was that Admiral Gaoutte insisted on mounting a rescue, leading to sharp words being exchanged."
"Congress Quietly Repeals Insider Trading Ban"
So, do you think they didn't want anyone to know about this?...
I found this posted at
"Both parties and both houses of Congress hated the disclosure portion of the law so much that it was repealed last Friday (4/12/13) without debate—the measure was sent to the President by unanimous consent. The ordeal took about 10 seconds in the Senate and 14 seconds in the House, according to official records. The STOCK Act would have required members of Congress, their aides, and other federal employees making more than $119,554 a year to disclose their financial dealings in an online database. It was supposed to prevent government officials from using insider knowledge about policy-making to profit from stock trades and other investments."
"The Arrogance of the IRS"
Now, an additional description has come their way...
At, Carol Platt Liebau already knows the answer to this, and you do too:
"The second example is the IRS blowing its congressional deadline for producing certain specified emails related to the targeting scandal. Imagine what would happen to you if you decided simply not to comply with demands for documents from the IRS."
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
"‘Youth rioting’ in Sweden? It’s the Muslims, stupid"
Unfortunately, the world's media seems to miss them when it comes to Muslims...
At, Jerome R. Corsi reports on what the media leaves out and also explains how it's come to be that way:
"The nightly rioting in Stockholm that establishment media ascribes merely to 'youths,' is being carried out by Muslim immigrants."
"Until our leaders admit the true nature of Islamic extremism, we will never defeat it"
Unfortunately, most of those countries seemed to be entrenched in some combination of political correctness, naivety, or willful ignorance...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Melanie Phillips writes what needs to be said:
"In medieval times, moreover, Christianity used its interpretation of the Bible also to kill ‘unbelievers’, because early Christians believed they had a divine duty to make the world conform to their religion at all costs. That stopped when the Reformation ushered the Church into modernity, and today no Christian wants to use violence to convert others to their faith. The problem with the extremist teachings of Islam is that the religion has never had a similar ‘reformation’. Certainly, there are enlightened Muslims in Britain who would dearly love their religion to be reformed. But they have the rug pulled from under their feet by the Government’s flat denial of the religious nature of this terrible problem."
"The Nine Lies of Lois Lerner"
She is likely unaware of the skills and tenacity of the "new media"...
At, Kevin D. Williamson gives us the rundown:
"Lois Lerner’s apology last Friday was a spontaneous reaction to an unexpected question from an unknown audience member. In fact, the question came from tax lawyer and lobbyist Celia Roady. Ms. Roady has some interesting career highlights: She was part of the 1997 ethics investigation of Newt Gingrich, but, more to the point, she was appointed to the IRS’s Advisory Council on Tax-Exempt and Government Entities by IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman. She is a longtime colleague of Lerner, who is director of tax-exempt organizations. Ms. Roady has declined to comment on whether her question was planted, but it obviously was. The IRS had contacted reporters and encouraged them beforehand to attend the otherwise un-newsworthy event, and it had an entire team of press handlers on hand. So what we have is the staged rollout of what turns out to be — given the rest of this list — a disinformation campaign."
Monday, May 27, 2013
2013-05-27 - Memorial Day Observance
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service...
Let's take some time to remember them...
Sunday, May 26, 2013
2013-05-26 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Media - the New York Times
The N.Y. Times clearly has different priorities (biased?) when it comes to reporting on terrorist acts by a certain group of people...
At, Ken Shepherd reports it this way:
"While the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal this morning gave front-page coverage to yesterday's grisly beheading of a British serviceman on a London street in broad daylight, the New York Times placed their 20-paragraph story by London correspondent John F. Burns on page A7."
"Parents must teach children the difference between right and wrong..."
My mistake...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Matt Chorley recently wrote about it:
"In a speech to the RUSI think tank in London, he said: 'Parents and families, as well as schools and other educational institutions, must instil in children a strong appreciation of right and wrong. 'And the reality, instincts and inclinations, motivations and means, to behave as responsible, law-abiding citizens, and not to be drawn into disorder, crime or the circumstances which create.'"
Friday, May 24, 2013
"Reality Check Cincinnati IRS agent Cindy Thomas giving orders?"
At this point, Cincinnati news reporters seem to be posting more information about the IRS trouble ahead of the national media...
At Cincinnati's, Ben Swann reports this in some detail:
"The claim that the ongoing IRS scandal is limited to low level employees is falling apart.
The six Cincinnati workers we have identified, who sent scrutinizing letters to conservative groups with words including 'patriot, liberty, tea party or 9-12' in their names are Mitchel Steele, Carly Young, Joseph Herr, Stephen Seok, Liz Hofacre and a woman identified only as Ms. Richards.
But was all of this done at the hands of a small group of Cincinnati employees working together? During Friday's congressional hearing, that appeared to be the theme. Now, that explanation just became less likely.
Thanks to two FOX19 sources connected to the IRS, we now understand the chain of command for these workers."
"You can't bash a burglar after all: Government's tough rhetoric branded a farce..."
Apparently, elected officials in the U.K. misrepresent (or don't know what's in) their laws either...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Martin Beckford points out the shortcomings:
"New laws giving householders the right to fight back against burglars were condemned as a ‘farce’ last night after it emerged they are riddled with loopholes. The Government had promised to let people use maximum force when confronted by intruders, after an outcry at cases where victims were arrested for defending their homes and businesses. Justice Minister Chris Grayling told last year’s Tory Party conference: ‘Householders who act instinctively and honestly in self-defence are crime victims and should be treated that way.’ Justice Minister Chris Grayling MP had promised to let people use 'maximum force' against burglars at last year's Conservative party conference But today it can be revealed that the new defence of ‘disproportionate force’ – which became law this week – will not apply in many cases."
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Government at Work - Managing Prisoners
At, Penny Starr reports on it:
"Sensenbrenner then asked Lofthus about the Federal Correction Institution (FCI) Aliceville (Alabama), FCI Berlin (New Hampshire), FCI Hazelton (West Virginia), and FCI Yazoo City (Mississippi) prisons’ statuses. 'Well, we’ve got four other prisons that are sitting empty that apparently aren’t as high priority to this day,' Sensenbrenner said, asking if there were plans to sell the facilities. Lofthus said DOJ did not plan to sell them because the prisons in New Hampshire and Alabama already had inmates. But when asked the percentage of capacity, Lofthus said “off the top of my head” it was 'approximately 10 percent.'"
"EXPOSED: ICE Documents Reveal Agency Released Hundreds of Illegal Alien Criminals"
Meanwhile, the national media ignores the dishonesty of elected officials...
John Hill reports some truth on the StandWithArizona website:
"And yesterday, Crane was proven correct when ICE was compelled – under threat of Congressional subpoena - to reveal the details of those released, which they had previously refused to reveal. And the data is shocking: 622 of the aliens released – nearly 30% – were convicted criminals, with 32 having multiple violent felony convictions. During two congressional hearings in March, ICE Director John Morton insisted that only detainees who did not pose a threat to public safety were released and that all remained under supervision."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
New DHS, DOJ Policy Helps Insane Illegals Escape Deportation, Detention
It creates a situation of coming across the border illegally, and being blocked from going back legally...
At, Craig Bannister reported this:
""For the first time, a group of detainees accused of immigration violations will be given the right to legal counsel. 'A federal judge in Los Angeles ruled that authorities must provide detainees facing deportation with an attorney if they're found incapable of representing themselves due to mental illness.'"
British Village Bans St. George’s Flag Fearing It Would Upset Muslims
I found some surprisingly refreshing commentary in this well written account...
On the International Business Times website, Palash Ghosh gives details on this story:
"The city council of a tiny rural hamlet in Somerset, England, has vetoed a plan to fly the flag of St. George because its links to the Christian Crusades in the Middle Ages may offend the town's Muslim residents."
"Here are 173 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, government waste, and other misdeeds"
That being said, it's still not right, and hopefully, come election time, elected officials who do not perform for American's interests get voted out...
DanFromSquirrelHill has this list on his blogsite:
"Some of the things on this list are major events that should scare the daylights out of any true liberal who cares about civil liberties. Other things on this list are medium things that some Obama supporters may dislike, but would be willing to overlook in light of the things that Obama has done which they like. And some of the things on this list may seem trivial, but I still think they are an interesting reflection of the kinds of policies that Obama supports."
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
"Animal-rights activists wreak havoc in Milan laboratory"
See what you think of this...
On the website, Alison Abbott recently reported about it:
"Activists occupied an animal facility at the University of Milan, Italy, at the weekend, releasing mice and rabbits and mixing up cage labels to confuse experimental protocols. Researchers at the university say that it will take years to recover their work. Many of the animals at the facility are genetic models for psychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia."
"IRS wasn't only agency hassling True the Vote"
On the website, Jon Cassidy writes about this:
"HOUSTON — Since filing for tax exemption at a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2010, the founders of True the Vote, a Houston-based group that tries to prevent elections fraud, have been overwhelmed with scrutiny from a host of government agencies, in particular, by the Internal Revenue Service. Catherine and Bryan Englebrecht have suffered through 18 separate encounters with five government agencies, from surprise audits to FBI visits to never-ending demands for paperwork."
"Kutztown University allows guns on part of campus"
Here's a well written article on the subject of guns on campus...
In the Allentown Morning Call, Robert Fallstich presents a reasonable philosophy along with accurate facts:
"Unfortunately Pennsylvania does not keep records of how much crime is perpetrated by licensed carriers, but two states do: Kansas and Texas. In 2011, Texas saw 63,679 criminal convictions, of which only 120 involved concealed handgun license holders — only 0.188 percent. Kansas records show that from 2007-11, only 44 people convicted of committing any crime were concealed license holders. The people who are willing to be licensed and abide by the laws are, for the most part, not the people who commit crimes.
In fact the fallacious argument that lawful firearms carriers are deranged killers is not new. Since 1987, when the trend began of states changing their "may issue" carry laws to "shall issue" regarding licensing of concealed weapons, the proverbial Chicken Littles have been clamoring that blood will flow in the streets and gunfights will erupt over parking spaces and fuel pumps. Yet, with all of that cataclysmic prophecy, the U.S. Justice Department recently reported violent crime and gun crime to be on the decline, and now both are at their lowest numbers in about 20 years."
Monday, May 20, 2013
"A generation of unruly toddlers: Childcare Minister Elizabeth Truss under-fire for 'ill-judged' claims that nursery children aren't taught manners"
Of course, saying stuff (truth) like this shatters certain eardrums because it's not politically correct...
James Chapman and Matt Chorley write about it on the U.K. Daily Mail website:
"Education minister Elizabeth Truss has been criticisied for 'ill-judged' criticism of nurseries after she declared they were producing a generation of toddlers with no manners. Ms Truss condemned ‘chaotic’ pre-schools that allow children to do what they want all day long, leaving them unable to sit still and listen by the time they get to primary school."
"Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge"
As often happens, the sentiment expressed in the comments are very interesting...
I found this all posted on the Guns Save Lives blog, including two telling videos:
"There was some question that when Second Amendment activist, James Kaleda, was removed from the hearing if the audience was clapping for him or for his removal. I think this video, which took place immediately following that, should clear things up. After a Second Amendment activist was forcefully removed from a hearing on upcoming gun legislation in NJ, the audience wasn’t too happy."
"California Democrats Move to Allow Non-Citizens on Jury"
I found this on the USBC News blog:
"USBC News Wire. Sacramento, California- A California Democratic Party politician, Bob Wieckowski, is pushing a controversial bill which would allow non-citizens to judge American citizens by serving on juries in California."
Sunday, May 19, 2013
2013-05-19 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, May 18, 2013
"Why Is America Facing Economic and Societal Turmoil?"
Recently, at, Steve McCann tried to tell us to learn from history as America's founders once did:
"The history of mankind is replete with the rise and fall of major civilizations. The downfall of these societies inevitably stemmed from a prolonged period without adversity, during which time internal strife developed out of political intrigue and avarice on the part of the ruling classes. In due course these empires were easily conquered or dominated by others. This history was well known to the founders of the United States. The overall concept of government being answerable to an informed and involved citizenry was their effort to avoid such an outcome. Unfortunately, today's destructive political/economic philosophies such as Marxism and socialism, manipulated by the self-absorbed to achieve political power and an uninvolved and ill-educated citizenry, were factors the founding fathers could not have foreseen."
Friday, May 17, 2013
"Bird of Prey"
Sgt. Matthew Bates includes this in his story on the Airman Magazine website:
“The F-22 is definitely a dual-role airplane,' Robbins said. “'Nothing can match it in the air, and nothing can see it from the ground, which makes it very good at destroying ground targets and weapon systems.' "Weapons and engines aside, the feature many pilots identify as the F-22’s most amazing is its maneuverability. Its design, advanced flight controls, integrated avionics and thrust-vectoring capability combine to give the Raptor the ability to perform once impossible aerial maneuvers. It can climb, spin, roll, fall and loop faster, tighter and more smoothly than any other fighter in the world."
"Opinion: Treat Chicago gangs as terrorists"
It's interesting to note how our attention gets focused on some things, while basically ignoring other things...
LZ Granderson recently discussed that issue in a CNN opinion column:
"What's responsible for the bloodshed? Gang violence, as usual. Police estimate that of the 532 murders in 2012 -- nearly 1.5 a day -- about 80 percent were gang related. And yet, despite that rather staggering statistic, the national outcry is muted at best -- nothing, to say the least, like the kind we saw last week in Boston. What is it about the word 'gang' that brings out the apathy in us? Would we view Chicago differently if we called the perpetrators something else?"
Thursday, May 16, 2013
"Immigration Gambles: Part II"
Thomas Sowell poses this question in his recent Townhall column:
"Whose interests are immigration laws supposed to serve -- and whose interests do current immigration reform proposals actually serve?"
Government at Work - on “Super” Bus Stops
On the website, Tiffany Kaiser informs us of this:
"The 'super stop' in Arlington, Virginia is unlike any other bus stop. It has a custom designed roof made of glass and steel; a wall of etched glass; heaters in the floor; gorgeous landscaping, and concrete/stainless steel benches. The bus stop has 10-inch high curbs, 90 feet of concrete and can shelter 15 people at a time while waiting for buses to arrive – all at a cost of $1 million."
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
"Lois Lerner approved exemption for Obama brother's 'charity'"
Charles C. Johnson reports on this at
"According to the organization’s filings, Lerner approved the Foundation’s tax status within a month of filing, an unprecedented timeline that stands in stark contrast to conservative organizations that have been waiting for more than three years, in some cases, for approval. Lerner also appears to have broken with the norms of tax-exemption approval by granting retroactive tax-exempt status to Malik Obama’s organization."
"Congress votes to shield top officials' financial disclosures"
At every election opportunity we should just vote the bums out...
On the Washington Times website, Stephen Dinan reports on the details of this:
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, introduced the bill on Thursday and had the chamber vote on it late that evening. The House took the bill up on Friday afternoon and passed it by unanimous consent, with no members objecting."
"Paedophile with HIV jailed for having unprotected sex with young boy WINS legal battle to work around children"
The U.K. Daily Mail's Sam Webb has this story:
"Stelios Kimpriktis allowed jobs where he comes into contact with children.
He was jailed after abusing boy and concealing his HIV.
Judge says 'He has served his punishment'"
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
"The Most Effective, Logical Solution: Arming School Staff"
Logically, it may be the only one that would work.
Of course, in a perfect world, this choice wouldn't even be necessary..
After discussing some options at, Mike McDaniel concludes:
"Even if the Newtown police had arrived within five minutes, they still would have had no role in stopping the killer. If there is no one present to immediately engage and stop a school shooter, the only factors determining the eventual body count will be the killer’s lack of marksmanship and dumb luck. Depending on the mercy of a madman, or luck, for the lives of innocents is quite insane. Even an armed teacher running from one hallway to the next to engage a shooter is far preferable than waiting for police that will virtually never arrive in time, and will be summoned only after some children and teachers are already wounded or dead. One may conjure any number of objections to allowing armed teachers and school staff, but every possible objection can be addressed with proper — and inexpensive — procedures and training. The undeniably positive benefits of armed teachers, people always present and always ready and able to stop armed killers, greatly outweigh any potential objection. Which possible negative consequence outweighs the preservation of innocent lives?"
"Condolence Payments in the Drone Strike Age"
On the website, Cora Currier gives us this to think about:
"The U.S. drone war remains cloaked in secrecy, and as a result, questions swirl around it. Who exactly can be targeted? When can a U.S. citizen be killed?
Another, perhaps less frequently asked question: What happens when innocent civilians are killed in drone strikes?
In February, during his confirmation process, CIA director John Brennan offered an unusually straightforward explanation: 'Where possible, we also work with local governments to gather facts, and, if appropriate, provide condolence payments to families of those killed.'"
"IRS Claims It Can Read Your Emails" and the Media is silent
When a government agency says it can do some illegal it should be news...
On his blog, Patterico calls attention to both items:
" I searched national news publications for stories containing the terms IRS and email and warrant for the past year. The Los Angeles Times search revealed nothing. The New York Times revealed nothing. The Washington Post had nothing about the most recent IRS story — although to its credit, it did have a few stories and other pieces about government’s ability to do this generally. A Google News search of the terms 'IRS email warrant' reveals stories at publications like Fox News, or the Blaze, or Human Events, or the Washington Times. You get the idea."
Monday, May 13, 2013
"Feds: UMass can withhold information"
That doesn't match up well with constant claims of "transparency"...
On the Boston Herald website, Erin Smith and Richard Weir report on the refusal of UMass Dartmouth to provide information:
"While state community colleges have already released financial aid information on bombing mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev, UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman has repeatedly refused and, under pressure, finally wrote to the federal government seeking an exemption to privacy rules for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. 'It’s just absolutely outrageous that the average person in this country has very little privacy remaining yet the taxpayers have no right to know whether someone is receiving taxpayer money to attend a public college. It just doesn’t make sense,' said state Sen. Robert Hedlund (R-Weymouth). 'It is my understanding that UMass folks are taking a very conservative view of the law and a very strict interpretation of the law to avoid disclosing information that is going to greatly anger taxpayers in Massachusetts.'"
Now He's After Your 401(k) -
Of course, it may be bluster, a deceptive way to make the budget seem palatable, or even a (look here, not there) distraction.
Whichever, even the thought of government deciding how much of our saved money should be ours is just plain wrong...
The Wall Street Journal recently identified who the President's budget is talking about:
"We're talking about people who work for decades and abstain from buying the bigger house or the new car so they can contribute the maximum to their 401(k)s or IRAs. The people who defer gratification and build a nest egg to avoid becoming a burden on their kids or their fellow taxpayers. The people whose savings finance productive enterprise. You know, the bad guys. Best-selling books used to celebrate these 'millionaires next door' who worked and saved their way to financial independence. But now Mr. Obama wants to treat them as if they all got rich by sheltering investments in the Cayman Islands or extracting bonuses from bailed-out banks or scooping up sweetheart mortgage deals from allegedly nonprofit universities."
"Obama: 'The Truth Is, Our Deficits Are Already Shrinking'"
In a country with honest media, it would soon be exposed for what it is...
According to the Weekly STandard's Daniel Halper:
"The truth is, our debt continues to grow. When Obama became president, on January 20, 2009, the debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08. The total outstanding public debt is now, according to the federal government, $16,798,051,589,934.68. Since taking Obama became president, debt has increased by more than $6 trillion."
Sunday, May 12, 2013
2013-05-12 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, May 11, 2013
"Electric car drivers could overload power grid, admits French energy chief"
I'm sure this is only a temporary growing pain.
On the other hand, it does demonstrate how unprepared the electric grid is for a significant increase in electric vehicles.
It will be interesting to see how the environmental ethusiasts handle the need for increased elictrical generating capacity and more power lines...
On the other hand, it does demonstrate how unprepared the electric grid is for a significant increase in electric vehicles.
It will be interesting to see how the environmental ethusiasts handle the need for increased elictrical generating capacity and more power lines...
On the U.K. Daily Mail website, Leon Watson reports the situation in France:
"The heavy reliance on electrical heating in France was instigated by successive governments to absorb surplus nuclear power. Its 19 nuclear power plants make France Europe's biggest electricity exporter and ensure generally steady power supplies.
However, it lacks flexible capacity - usually generated by gas, coal or oil-fired plants - to meet peak evening demand during cold snaps."
"The fastest robot of the world from Stäubli High Speed "
I like techie stuff and I find this pretty impressive...
Friday, May 10, 2013
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - "Health Tourists"
When those loopholes get discovered, the race is on...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Sue Reid writes about the U.K.'s National Health Service and how thousands of foreigners are getting fraudulent (free) treatment:
"One telling response to Professor Thomas’s concerns came from an unnamed NHS ‘Doctor E’ who said he works at a hospital near Heathrow airport.
‘If you ask anybody who works in the NHS they will tell you the same thing,’ he wrote. ‘Every single week I see people who have been flown in from all over the world with a great variety of extremely serious health problems. Many of these people had to be wheel-chaired on to the plane because they were too unwell to walk on board.’
He said he had recently admitted two foreign patients to intensive care who were both reported to be ‘semi-conscious’ at the overseas airport when they boarded the plane for Britain.
‘We often have our intensive care unit full of patients without NHS numbers who are there for weeks or months at a time with no means or intention to pay. These people do not have credit cards or health insurance,’ he added."
"Mayor Against Illegal Guns’ Arrested In Gun-Related Incident"
Politician being a politician?
Do as I say, not as I do?
All of the above?...
Robert Jonathan has this story about Mayor Schiliro at
"Schiliro, 38, allegedly ordered a local police officer to bring a 20-year-old male friend to his home, where the mayor plied him with alcohol, and made sexual advances which the man refused. Schiliro allegedly brandished several handguns and fired one of them into the floor in an apparent attempt to intimidate the young man, who reportedly was in fear of his life.
The mayor was freed on $50,000 bail and told to stay away from the alleged victim and give up his stash of firearms."
Thursday, May 09, 2013
"Hillary Clinton's Big Benghazi Lie"
For this writer, there's no doubt about it...
At, Katie Pavlich offers here unequivocal opinion with much o support it:
"Hillary Clinton lied, Rice lied, Barack Obama lied, Jay Carney lied, the Obama administration lied. The men in Libya were left to die as military forces were told to stand down."
46,455 Background Checks For Gun Purchases Each Day Under Obama
At, Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr. is reporting this:
"There have been 72,005,482 background checks for gun purchases since President Obama took office, according to data released by the FBI."
Making Work Not Pay -
This is from from a recent Wall Street Journal article:
"The unemployment rate fell to a new four-year low of 7.6%, from 7.7% in February. Good news, except the main reason for the decline was that nearly half a million Americans (496,000) left the civilian labor force. They retired, quit working, went back to school or gave up looking for work. The economy created a net 88,000 new jobs, 95,000 in private business. This means that for every unemployed American who found a job in March, about five left the labor force."
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Two hand-held maps - Two different treatments
They are costly and confusing, and "upon further review" some deserve a second look...
Paul Elias of the Associated Press has the details:
"A court commissioner and then a three-judge appellate panel of the Superior Court found Spriggs guilty of violating a California law that bans motorists from texting or conducting phone conversations with hand-held devices. The judges rejected Spriggs' argument that they were expanding the law by refusing to toss out the ticket he got in January 2012. Spriggs, who graduated from law school but is not a practicing attorney, represented himself before the commissioner and then the appeals panel. He initially brought a paper map to court to argue that it was legal to hold it while driving. Not persuaded, the traffic court commissioner found him guilty."
"Judge Pirro to Tsarnaev mother: 'We should not be required to breathe the same air as you'"
On the Washington Times, website Jessica Chasmar reports Judge Pirro's comments. This is only the beginning:
"'We should not be required to breathe the same air as you, we should not be required to share the indignity of your presence,' Judge Pirro said in a direct statement to the woman now being dubbed as 'Jihad Mom.' 'We opened our arms to them,' Judge Pirro said about the Tsarnaev family. 'Showered them with food, and money, and housing, and education and all the freedoms of American citizens. And look at how they were paid.'"
"Oregon prepares to foreclose on SoloPower as solar startup misses loan payment "
Political zeal to "save the environment" has lost a lot of taxpayer money.
It's clearly time to step back, find out what really works, and implement slowly to see what holds up over time...
Richard Read writes about this loser at
"Oregon officials are preparing to foreclose on SoloPower Inc. after the government-backed startup missed a loan payment this week in the latest setback for the state's reeling green-energy sector. SoloPower, which is still scrambling to revive its struggling North Portland plant, missed a $50,800 payment Wednesday on a $10 million loan from the Oregon Energy Department, an agency spokeswoman said Friday. If the San Jose, Calif...., company defaults, Portland taxpayers could be out $5 million, because the city guaranteed half the loan last year in wooing the plant away from Wilsonville. Already the state of Oregon is out $20 million in state tax credits issued to SoloPower"
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
The Coming ObamaCare Shock -
I know we'll have to wait and see; but, predictions like this don't give good feelings at all...
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Kessler includes this paragraph in his discussion of ObamaCare:
"In total, it appears that there will be 30 million to 40 million people damaged in some fashion by the Affordable Care Act—more than one in 10 Americans. When that reality becomes clearer, the law is going to start losing its friends in the media, who are inclined to support the president and his initiatives. We'll hear about innocent victims who saw their premiums skyrocket, who were barred from seeing their usual doctor, who had their hours cut or lost their insurance entirely—all thanks to the faceless bureaucracy administering a federal law."
Monday, May 06, 2013
"The Great DHS Ammunition Stockpile Myth"
AND appreciated, I might add...
Tom Stilson takes the time to inform us correctly in his post at
"There are dozens of articles hyping government purchases of ammunition over the last nine months. After spending weeks researching this topic, this is a collection of commonly held myths that are based more on panic than fact.
With the recent release of a letter from the Department of Homeland Security to Senator Coburn, the numbers we calculated independently seem to corroborate the narrative coming from DHS. The concerns surrounding DHS stockpiling ammunition are nothing but more fear-mongering and largely unwarranted. For once, here are the facts to set the record straight:"
The Political War on the NYPD -
May I have permission to blast the media for this?
Politicians are (purposefully) ignoring a great story while trying to use the NYPD for political gain...
In the Wall Street Journal, James Freeman wants us to know what's really going on:
"Another story that doesn't get out is the astonishing transformation of New York City over the past two decades. In 1990, there were 2,245 murders, a record. There was a sense of menace in every borough and on the subways. A 10-year-old girl was strangled to death. A 22-year-old tourist was killed defending his mother against a gang of muggers. Dozens of New Yorkers were killed by stray bullets. Since that terrible year, the annual number of murders has fallen more than 80%, to 419 in 2012."
Sunday, May 05, 2013
2013-05-05 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, May 04, 2013
"The Argument Against Banning ‘High’ Capacity Magazines"
Personal involvement often disallows one from seeing both sides clearly.
In a guns vs. guns situation, both attacker and defender are subject to the facts...
At, S. H. Blannelberry gives a fair and thorough assessment of this "high capacity" issue:
"But as every gun owner knows, there’s another side to this equation. That is to say, by the same logic one employs to argue for a ban, one can use to argue against the ban — with equal, if not greater, efficacy.
Again, it’s a matter of timing. For example, the longer it takes for a single mother of two to fire off rounds at several home intruders, the worse it is for that mother.
Let’s think about this for a moment. It’s late at night. It’s dark. Three career criminals are breaking into the home of a single mother."
The Affordable Care Act
Their need for an accomplishment clearly outweighed getting this done right.
The issue discussed here was mentioned back then but haste was apparently more important.
Now, we'll see what happens...
On the website, Paul J. Beard II and Timothy Sandefur
are involved in this:
"Pacific Legal Foundation has launched a new constitutional cause of action against the federal Affordable Care Act. The ACA imposes a charge on Americans who fail to buy health insurance — a charge that the U.S. Supreme Court recently characterized as a federal tax. PLF’s amended complaint alleges that this purported tax is illegal because it was introduced in the Senate rather than the House, as required by the Constitution’s Origination Clause for new revenue-raising bills (Article I, Section 7)."
Friday, May 03, 2013
Colion Noir for NRA News: Episode 3
He tells it like it is...
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - Windfarms vs. Birds
The U.K. Daily Mail's James Dellingpole recently called attention to some statistics like this:
"BUT according to research by the ornithological society SEO/Birdlife, each wind turbine kills between 110 and 330 birds a year.
This means that worldwide, wind turbines kill at least 22 million birds a year."
Thursday, May 02, 2013
"Turning Gun Owners into Felons"
Consider the generic overall history of elected officials.
Consider their recent history that produced "ObamaCare".
And now, consider that they are considering gun legislation.
Scary stuff!...
Consider their recent history that produced "ObamaCare".
And now, consider that they are considering gun legislation.
Scary stuff!...
At, Dave Kopel digs into what the wording may lead to:
"While President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg talk about “gun sales,” the actual legislation moving through Congress aims to regulate far more than sales. It would turn almost every gun owner into a felon. The trick is that the language under consideration applies not only to sales but also to 'transfers,' which are defined to include innocent activities such as letting your spouse borrow your gun for a few hours.
Consider, for example, Senate bill S.649, which the Senate will soon take up for debate. The background-check portion of the bill, Charles Schumer’s 'Fix Gun Checks Act,' is based on model language that the Bloomberg gun-control lobby is pushing all over the country.
To see how the Bloomberg bill makes felons of people who do not sell guns, consider a woman who buys a rifle when she is 25 years old..."
"Officials found guilty in Obama, Clinton ballot petition fraud"
And then, there's this...
Eric Shawn has the story at
"The scheme was hatched in January of 2008, according to affidavits from investigators who cite former Board of Registration worker Lucas Burkett, who told them he was in on the plan at first, but then became uneasy and quit. He waited three years before telling authorities about it, but if revelations about any forgeries were raised during the election, the petitions could have been challenged during the contest. A candidate who did not qualify with enough legitimate signatures at the time, could have been bounced from the ballot. The case raise questions about whether in 2008, then candidate Obama actually submitted enough legitimate signatures to have legally qualified for the primary ballot. 'I think had they been challenged successfully, he probably would not have been on the ballot,' Levco told Fox News."
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Obama's hubris problem -
Seems to me this writer's point is correct...
Keith Koffler includes this to begin his prognosis at
"Tuesday morning, a peculiar announcement trickled out of the White House press office: President Barack Obama would be holding a moment of silence for the victims of the Boston bombings. At the White House. By himself. No press or other intruders allowed.
Except the White House photographer.
That Obama assumed Americans would want an iconic photo of him privately mourning the victims of the bombings was emblematic of a kind of hubris that has enveloped the president and his White House as the president commences his second term."
"14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies"
Oh, never mind, as taxpayers, we already did!...
Bob Adelamnn has the disconcerting story at
"Those 14,000 wind turbines lying idle in California’s Altamont Pass, Tehachapin, and San Gorgonio areas and elsewhere around the world are testimony to the continuing and accelerating failure of hope over experience, funded with taxpayer monies. And these areas were selected as being 'in the best wind spots on earth,' which are now, according to Natural News writer Jonathan Benson, just 'spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills.' Once those taxpayer funds are withdrawn, the real economics of maintaining these expensive monstrosities are so overpoweringly negative that they are left to rot — skeletons proving the fraud and deceit of the whole global warming meme."
Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad -
No amount of political speech or correctness can deny that fact...
Former U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey wants us to understand what's going on:
"The ideology has regarded the United States as its principal adversary since the late 1940s, when a Brotherhood principal, Sayid Qutb, visited this country and was aghast at what he saw as its decadence. The first World Trade Center bombing, in 1993, al Qaeda attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, on the USS Cole in 2000, the 9/11 attacks, and those in the dozen years since—all were fueled by Islamist hatred for the U.S. and its values."