Friday, May 24, 2013
"You can't bash a burglar after all: Government's tough rhetoric branded a farce..."
Apparently, elected officials in the U.K. misrepresent (or don't know what's in) their laws either...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Martin Beckford points out the shortcomings:
"New laws giving householders the right to fight back against burglars were condemned as a ‘farce’ last night after it emerged they are riddled with loopholes. The Government had promised to let people use maximum force when confronted by intruders, after an outcry at cases where victims were arrested for defending their homes and businesses. Justice Minister Chris Grayling told last year’s Tory Party conference: ‘Householders who act instinctively and honestly in self-defence are crime victims and should be treated that way.’ Justice Minister Chris Grayling MP had promised to let people use 'maximum force' against burglars at last year's Conservative party conference But today it can be revealed that the new defence of ‘disproportionate force’ – which became law this week – will not apply in many cases."