Tuesday, May 14, 2013
"The Most Effective, Logical Solution: Arming School Staff"
Logically, it may be the only one that would work.
Of course, in a perfect world, this choice wouldn't even be necessary..
After discussing some options at Townhall.com, Mike McDaniel concludes:
"Even if the Newtown police had arrived within five minutes, they still would have had no role in stopping the killer. If there is no one present to immediately engage and stop a school shooter, the only factors determining the eventual body count will be the killer’s lack of marksmanship and dumb luck. Depending on the mercy of a madman, or luck, for the lives of innocents is quite insane. Even an armed teacher running from one hallway to the next to engage a shooter is far preferable than waiting for police that will virtually never arrive in time, and will be summoned only after some children and teachers are already wounded or dead. One may conjure any number of objections to allowing armed teachers and school staff, but every possible objection can be addressed with proper — and inexpensive — procedures and training. The undeniably positive benefits of armed teachers, people always present and always ready and able to stop armed killers, greatly outweigh any potential objection. Which possible negative consequence outweighs the preservation of innocent lives?"