Thursday, February 28, 2013
"The Feds Want Your Retirement Accounts"
See if these paragraphs get your attention...
At, John White includes these in his posted article:
" On Nov. 20, 2007, Theresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, presented a paper proposing that the feds eliminate the tax deferral for private retirement accounts, confiscate the balance of those accounts, give each worker a $600 annual 'contribution,' assess a mandatory savings tax on every worker and guarantee a 3 percent rate of return on the newly titled "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts," or GRAs.
How would that be accomplished? The Carolina Journal reported Ghilarducci's 2008 testimony to Nancy Pelosi's House.
Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers' personal retirement accounts 'including 401(k)s and IRAs' and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration."
America's Red State Growth Corridors -
Some areas of the country are thriving as they do the opposite of what the Obama administration is pushing.
Time will tell if it amounts to changing anything...
Time will tell if it amounts to changing anything...
In his Wall Street Journal article, Joel Kotkin includes this:
"Between 2001 and 2011, job growth in the Great Plains, the Intermountain West and the Third Coast was between 7% and 8%—nearly 10 times the job growth rate for the rest of the country. Only the Southeastern industrial belt tracked close to the national average.
Historically, these regions were little more than resource colonies or low-wage labor sites for richer, more technically advanced areas. By promoting policies that encourage enterprise and spark economic growth, they're catching up.
Such policies have been pursued not only by Republicans but also by Democrats who don't share their national party's notion that business should serve as a cash cow to fund ever more expensive social-welfare, cultural or environmental programs."
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Government at Work - on Labels for the Salad Bar
I think not.
Those who want to eat healthy will figure it out on their own...
Shannon Bream has the story at
"Supermarkets cry foul as FDA proposes new food labeling rule under ObamaCare"
Barbarians at the Digital Gate -
Governments, corporations, and who knows who else are being targeted.
Foreign interests like China seem to be quite active...
The Wall Street Journal recent wrote about it:
"In an op-ed in these pages last year, Mike McConnell, Michael Chertoff and William Lynn noted that 'The Chinese government has a national policy of economic espionage in cyberspace.' The three former national security officials chalked this up to Beijing's need for rapid economic growth to improve the lot of its people. 'It is much more efficient for the Chinese to steal innovations and intellectual property,' they wrote, 'than to incur the cost and time of creating their own.'"
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Meanwhile - in Kansas City Schools
Keep in mind that it's only a beginning that will likely lead to more.
Should schools really be involved in this?...
Recently, in Kansas City, Missouri, reported this:
"KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CBS St. Louis) — A Kansas City high school will begin collecting hair from students to conduct mandatory drug tests.
KSHB-TV reports that Rockhurst High School will start the random drug testing during the 2013-14 school year."
In Our Schools - "Disney world prank angers parents"
On the website, Doug Schmidt recently reported on this story:
"On Friday, both Grade 8 classes were shepherded into a room, shown a video of their Disney dream vacation and given a PowerPoint presentation showing a palm tree-lined resort. Travel brochures and hotel information were passed around. The flights are super cheap, a teacher said after one student expressed concern over cost. The kids, ecstatic by now in anticipation, were urged by the teachers to yell out where they were going: 'We're going to Disney!' That's when they were told to look at the last slide, which announced their 2013 field trip wasn't to a fabulous Florida funland, but to a Windsor bowling alley."
Monday, February 25, 2013
The Hollywood Tax Story They Won't Tell at the Oscars -
Of course, you already know that real taxpayers get no such break...
In the Wall Street Journal, Glenn Harlan Reynolds writes about it:
"Politicians like to offer this largess because they get photo-ops with celebrities, but the economic payoff is minuscule. George Mason University's Adam Thierer has called this 'a growing cronyism fiasco' and noted that the number of states involved skyrocketed to 45 in 2009 from five in 2002. In its 2012 study 'State Film Studies: Not Much Bang For Too Many Bucks,' the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that film-related jobs tend to go to out-of-staters who jet in, then leave. 'The revenue generated by economic activity induced by film subsidies,' the study notes, 'falls far short of the subsidies' direct costs to the state. To balance its budget, the state must therefore cut spending or raise revenues elsewhere, dampening the subsidies' positive economic impact.'"
The Media - the N.Y. Times and the Washington Post
The New York Times published EVERYTHING they learned or even thought they knew about the previous Republican administration.
And they did so regardless of any national security consequences.
Now this...
In the U.K. Guardian, Karen McVeigh writes about this. Don't expect the American state sympathetic media to do the same:
"US newspapers accused of complicity as drone report reopens security debate"
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2013-02-24 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Mexican TV Weather-Girls: Today's Forecast? HAWT!"
How about a "fluff" post for today...
The Reaganite Republican has been following the Mexican weather reports:
No comments are necessary because the pictures and video are all you need
Baroness Ruth Deech
I think the lady has an excellent point here...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Steve Doughty elaborates on this issue:
"‘We live in a world where we are encouraged to take care of our own and our children’s health: we are constantly admonished to take exercise, eat healthily, wear a cycle helmet, study the side of the package, stop smoking, recycle, combat global warming, brush our teeth, control our drinking habits and have health checks.
But when it comes to the one issue that does more harm to the next generation than any of these – the absence of a father in the family – there is a conspiracy of silence.
‘Politicians fear to address it. It is time to place marriage issues up there along with climate change, poverty and peace as a topic pre-eminently relevant to the present and future happiness and health of all people.’"
Friday, February 22, 2013
"Obama, the puppet master" -
Here's an interesting article from a website that usually favors the president...
Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen expnad on this paragraph at
"The results are transformational. With more technology, and fewer resources at many media companies, the balance of power between the White House and press has tipped unmistakably toward the government. This is an arguably dangerous development, and one that the Obama White House — fluent in digital media and no fan of the mainstream press — has exploited cleverly and ruthlessly. And future presidents from both parties will undoubtedly copy and expand on this approach."
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Interesting, and Enlightening Perhaps
Sometimes a short video says it all...
Welfare in the U.K.
Would you agree that governments are dysfunctional...
Hugo Gye and Simon Tomlinson write about this in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"An unemployed mother of 11 who is being given a new house by her local council receives so much benefits money that she can afford to keep a horse, it emerged today.
Heather Frost bought a grey mare called Annie for her teenage daughter last year, and spends around £200 a month on the animal's food, vet bills and paddock fees.
The 37-year-old sparked national outrage yesterday when it was revealed that a house worth around £400,000 was being built for her by Tewkesbury Borough Council because she had complained about not having space in the two houses her family currently occupies."
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Meanwhile - in Sweden
Interestingly, they are changing away from where we appear to be going.
Are America's elected officials completely oblivious to this?...
The recently posted a story about this:
"Sweden has reduced public spending as a proportion of GDP from 67% in 1993 to 49% today. It could soon have a smaller state than Britain. It has also cut the top marginal tax rate by 27 percentage points since 1983, to 57%, and scrapped a mare’s nest of taxes on property, gifts, wealth and inheritance. This year it is cutting the corporate-tax rate from 26.3% to 22%.
Sweden has also donned the golden straitjacket of fiscal orthodoxy with its pledge to produce a fiscal surplus over the economic cycle. Its public debt fell from 70% of GDP in 1993 to 37% in 2010, and its budget moved from an 11% deficit to a surplus of 0.3% over the same period."
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Meanwhile - in the European Union
How do you you see it?...
The U.K. Daily Mail's Steve Nolan and Sean Poulter have this piece of news:
"Ryanair has been told it must look after passengers when flights are grounded by natural catastrophes, strikes and technical faults.
The European Court of Justice ruling yesterday means the airline must cover the cost of meals, hotels and transport.
The case dates back to the disruption caused by the eruption of a volcano in Iceland in 2010."
Monday, February 18, 2013
"There's no chance we're leaving: British benefits give me and my daughter a good life': Migrant enjoys lavish lifestyle raking in more than £1,000 a month in benefits"
I guess this is a sign of the times.
And I'm sure it happens here in America, too!...
And I'm sure it happens here in America, too!...
The U.K. Daily Mail recently posted the details of this story:
"A single mother from Lithuania who lives a life of luxury at the expense of Britain's taxpayers takes home more than £1,000 a month in handouts which funds her love of designer clothes and holidays. Natalija Belova, 33, said she was shocked at how much she would be entitled to from the State after she moved here four years ago and fell pregnant."
Sunday, February 17, 2013
2013-02-17 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 16, 2013
"The 20 most fascinating accidental inventions"
Here's something for a change of pace...
The Chris Gaylord and Pamela Cyran website have them on the Christian Science Monitor website:
"Most inventors strive for weeks, months, or years to perfect their products. (Thomas Edison tried thousands of different light bulb filaments before arriving at the ideal mixture of tungsten.) But sometimes, brilliance strikes by accident. Here's a salute to the scientists, chefs, and everyday folk who stumbled upon greatness – and, more important, shared their mistakes with the world. Let's roll through the 15 best accidental inventions."
Friday, February 15, 2013
"Scale of the horse meat scandal is 'breathtaking'..."
There are no warm fuzzies about the food industry after reading this...
Steven Swinford, Gordon Rayner and Christopher Hope are reporting this huge U.K. issue in the Daily Telegraph:
"Anne McIntosh, the committee chairman, said: 'The scale of contamination in the meat supply chain is breathtaking. More revelations will doubtless come to light in the UK and across the EU.' 'There is every indication that horse meat has been intentionally substituted for beef by criminals with access to the food industry. Elements within the food industry have duped consumers in the UK and across Europe in pursuit of profit.'"
"EXCLUSIVE: Welfare recipients using EBT cards to get cash at strip clubs, X-rated video stores and bars"
And our elected officials are raising taxes!!!...
In the New York Post, Kate Briquelet blows the whistle on how welfare type benefits are being used:
"A database of 200 million Electronic Benefit Transfer records from January 2011 to July 2012, obtained by The Post through a Freedom of Information request, showed welfare recipients using their EBT cards to make dozens of cash withdrawals at ATMs inside Hank’s Saloon in Brooklyn; the Blue Door Video porn shop in the East Village; The Anchor, a sleek SoHo lounge; the Patriot Saloon in TriBeCa; and Drinks Galore, a liquor distributor in The Bronx.
The state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), which oversees the “cash assistance program,” even lists some of these welfare-ready ATMs on its Web site."
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Real Cures for Gun Violence -
William Bratton is a former police commissioner of New York City.
It seems he might know something as he presided during a time when gun violence was reduced in that city...
It seems he might know something as he presided during a time when gun violence was reduced in that city...
The following is from a David Feith interview posted on the Wall Street Journal website:
"'People are out on the streets who should be in jail. Jail is appropriate for anyone who uses a gun in the commission of an act of violence. Some cities have a deplorable lack of attention to this issue,' he says, citing Philadelphia.
In Chicago, where the murder rate rose 16% last year, 'to try to put someone in jail for gun-related activity you really have to go the extra mile,' he says. "If there's one crime for which there has to be a certainty of punishment, it is gun violence." He ticks off other places where help is needed: 'Oakland, Chicago, D.C., Baltimore—all have gangs whose members have no capacity for caring about life and respect for life. Someone like that? Put 'em in jail. Get 'em off the streets. Keep people safe.'"
"Americans Downbeat on State of U.S., Prospects for Future"
Frank Newport reports this on the Gallup Poll website:
"PRINCETON, NJ -- U.S. President Barack Obama begins his second term at a time when Americans are as negative about the state of the country and its prospects going forward as they have been in more than three decades. Fewer than four in 10 Americans (39%) rate the current status of the U.S. at the positive end of a zero to 10 scale. This is about the same as in 2010, but it is fewer than have said so at any point since 1979. As they usually are, Americans are more upbeat in their predictions of where the U.S. will be in five years (48% positive), but this is also lower than at any time since 1979. Fifty-five percent of Americans say the state of the nation five years ago was positive."
"Obama Averages 49% Approval in First Term"
At, Jeffrey M. Jones has the chart that shows this:
"PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama averaged 49.1% job approval during his first term in office, among the lowest for post-World War II presidents. Only Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford had lower job approval averages. Obama's first-term average is most similar to Bill Clinton's. Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, and Dwight Eisenhower were the most popular first-term presidents"
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"Parents gain access to secret school curriculum"
What in the world is going on here?...
At, John Griffing has this story:
"Parents of school children across Texas now are gaining access to a previously secret public school curriculum, according to an announcement from a state lawmaker.
The CSCOPE program, an online offering that until now has prohibited, under penalty of law, teachers from sharing the lessons with parents, stirred up controversy because of its various lessons – some that were taken offline after the questions arose.
Among those issues were that the curriculum at one point taught the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism and Christians were cannibals, and forced students to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country."
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
There is a never ending supply of stories like this, as well as a never ending attempt to discredit those who report them...
At, Greg Campbell reports on this:
"The investigation centers around horse buyer Tom Davis, who told a ProPublica reporter last year that he lives near Salazar’s San Luis Valley home and does some trucking business with the interior secretary’s family. Salazar later said he doesn’t know Davis, who’d been buying horses from the BLM for as little as $10 each since 2008, and insisted he has never done business with him. BLM oversees the federal Wild Horse and Burro Program, which protects the animals from capture or slaughter."
"Fort Hood Hero Says Obama 'Betrayed' Her, Other Victims"
This does seem like a case of being used for political purposes.
It is not a pretty story...
On the ABCnews website, Ned Berkowitz and Brian Ross begin their story with this:
"Three years after the White House arranged a hero's welcome at the State of the Union address for the Fort Hood police sergeant and her partner who stopped the deadly shooting there, Kimberly Munley says President Obama broke the promise he made to her that the victims would be well taken care of.
'Betrayed is a good word,' former Sgt. Munley told ABC News in a tearful interview to be broadcast tonight on 'World News with Diane Sawyer' and 'Nightline.'
'Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of,' she said. 'In fact they've been neglected.'"
"Unemployment Rises for Women, African-Americans in December"
When employment improves, I would think it would improve for everyone...
At, Matt Cover begins his reporting with this:
"Government unemployment numbers for December showed that while the general unemployment rate remained flat at 7.8 percent, unemployment for women and African-Americans rose despite an economy that created 155,000 jobs. Unemployment for women rose to 7.3 percent in December from 7.0 percent while the rate for African-Americans rose sharply to 14.0 percent from 13.2 percent in November."
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
"Panetta's Testimony Calls Obama's Benghazi Explanations into Question"
I think this stuff matters.
After all, the Defense Secretary was under oath.
I also think I'm in the minority...
After all, the Defense Secretary was under oath.
I also think I'm in the minority...
AWR Hawkins writes at
"If Panetta is telling the truth, this means Obama has spent months telling the American people a blatant falsehood."
"How a Federal Menu-Labeling Law Will Harm American Pizza"
See what you think after reading the details on this...
At, Baylen Linnekin includes this in a revealing article:
"In an op-ed published last year in The Hill, the CEO of Domino’s, J. Patrick Doyle, criticized the proposed rule as “a one-size-fits-all set of rules for menu labeling that will result in wide calorie ranges for entire pizzas on menus consumers will not even see, but will cost small business owners thousands of dollars a year.”
Those costs can range upwards of $5,000 per franchise location. The cost to grocers—a cost that, as with pizza, would no doubt be passed on to consumers in the form of higher food costs—would be even greater. Why so costly?
'With 34 million ways to make a pizza, it makes no common sense to require this industry—which already discloses calories voluntarily, for the most part—to attempt to cram this information on menu boards in small storefronts,' says Lynn Liddle, who chairs the American Pizza Community, a coalition representing much of the American pizza industry, in an email to me.
To put that number of pizza choices in perspective, consider that nearly every single person living in Canada today could order an entirely different pizza from Domino’s—where the chain is also popular."
"Labor Sec Solis: All of these unemployment benefits have saved millions of jobs, you know"
Even so, this kind of thinking makes you wonder about the intelligence behind such thoughts...
At, Erika Johnsen also wonders and poses this thought:
"This is the same type of thinking we’ve endured from the likes of Agriculture Secretary Vilsack time and again: Not so long ago, he argued that food stamps actually function as a sort of stimulus that can actively create jobs. But hey, if that’s the really the case, why don’t we provide food stamps and extended emergency unemployment benefits for everyone — that will kickstart our economy like crazy, right?"
"A problem: nearly one third of CO2 emissions occured since 1998, and it hasn’t warmed"
Global warming and climate change are in the news again.
Attempts to scare us are opposed by articles like this.
Unfortunately, only one side of this story gets told by the media...
Attempts to scare us are opposed by articles like this.
Unfortunately, only one side of this story gets told by the media...
On the "What's Up With That" blog, Tom Fuller provides a lot of support for what is stated in the title:
"But one-third of all human emissions of CO2 have occurred since 1998. And temperatures haven’t budged as a result.
This does not ‘disprove’ global warming–at all. I still believe that temperatures will climb this century, mostly as a result of the brute force effect of the 3,000 quads of energy we will burn every year starting in 2075–the reason I started this weblog.
However it makes it exceedingly difficult to use the past 15 years as evidence of a very high sensitivity of the atmosphere to CO2 concentrations."
Monday, February 11, 2013
Ben Carson for President -
We can only hope that someone with ideas like his, the courage to express them, and the desire to go for it, would overturn the political class.
Could Ben Carson be the one?
The video they'd like you to watch is a bit long but I think it's worth it.
The link takes you to YouTube......
Could Ben Carson be the one?
The video they'd like you to watch is a bit long but I think it's worth it.
The link takes you to YouTube......
Last week, the Wall Street Journal discovered Ben Carson:
"Seated in view to his right are Senator Jeff Sessions and President Obama. One doesn't look happy. You know something's coming when Dr. Carson says, 'It's not my intention to offend anyone. But it's hard not to. The PC police are out in force everywhere.'
Dr. Carson tossed over the PC police years ago. Raised by a single mother in inner-city Detroit, he was as he tells it 'a horrible student with a horrible temper.' Today he's director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins and probably the most renowned specialist in his field.
Late in his talk he dropped two very un-PC ideas. The first is an unusual case for a flat tax: "What we need to do is come up with something simple. And when I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the universe, God, and he's given us a system. It's called a tithe.
'We don't necessarily have to do 10% but it's the principle'"
The Media - NBC News President Steve Capus
Would anyone be surprised if the Obama administration offered him a job?...
John Nolte highlights some things that happened during Mr. Capus' tenure:
"During his tenure, no fewer than the equivalent of five RatherGates happened; and after two, three and four of these incidents, it became glaringly apparent that Capus was the problem. Today, action was finally taken. Capus is no longer with NBC News."
Sunday, February 10, 2013
2013-02-10 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 09, 2013
Meanwhile - in Illinois - Cook County Judge Cynthia Brim
William A. Jacobson recently posted this on the Legal Insurrection blog:
"Last fall Judge Cynthia Brim [received] barely the necessary 'Yes' votes to keep the job that she has been suspended from–with pay–for months.
This week Brim heads to court–not a a judge–but as a defendant. And the Chicago Sun-Times says she plans to plead insanity to a misdemeanor battery charge.
Once judges in Illinois are elected–they only have to face a retention vote every six years."
The Cook County judge was found not guilty by reason of insanity in connection with a shoving incident a involving a sheriff's deputy... ...
BARBECAN - LRD Robotic Security Portals
Here's an example of what I call human ingenuity.
What do you think?...
What do you think?...
The company is Barbecan Security Systems. They're developing this product:
"Only one High-Traffic Portal will stop a determined Gunman or Suicide Bomber. The Robotic LRD Portal"
Friday, February 08, 2013
Meanwhile - in Montreal - One of those stories
Perhaps there's a "zero-tolerance" policy involved, however, unless there's more to this, it does seem unjust...
On Canada's National Post website, Eathan Cox has the story:
"Pupil expelled from Montreal college after finding ‘sloppy coding’ that compromised security of 250,000 students personal data."
Thursday, February 07, 2013
"Conference to study father figures in television"
I'm all for this; although. I doubt it will change anything.
Sitcoms, reality shows, movies, and other media venues, constantly depict adult males and fathers in a demeaning manner that sends a very inappropriate message...
Sitcoms, reality shows, movies, and other media venues, constantly depict adult males and fathers in a demeaning manner that sends a very inappropriate message...
On the Catholic News Agency website, Estefania Aguirre has this as part of her posted article:
" Many television series “portray the father as being the family's problem,” observed Professor Enrique Fuster, one of the organizers of the conference scheduled for April 22-23, 2013 at the Roman university. Fuster, who teaches cinema history at Holy Cross, noted that screen writers often depict schizophrenic and dysfunctional families and their solution for these situations is usually 'a family rupture.' The official title for the conference will be “The Figure of the Father in Television Series,” and it will feature speakers comparing how British and American series portray the role of the father."
Politicians - Former Congressman Ron Paul
It's my opinion that some things are better left unsaid.
Of course, some politicians just have to comment on just about everything.
I wonder how much Congressman Paul really knew about this before his comment...
Of course, some politicians just have to comment on just about everything.
I wonder how much Congressman Paul really knew about this before his comment...
At, Katie Pavlich provides some of those details he may have missed:
"Former Rep. Ron Paul apparently isn't quite ready to leave the spotlight. Today on his Twitter feed, the failed presidential candidate decided to opine on the recent murder of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, who was helping a fellow soldier recover from PTSD at the time he was killed."
"Why Are Some People Prone to Obey?"
This article seems to fit that idea quite nicely...
At, Eileen F. Toplansky recently wrote about this:
"It is truly puzzling to see people hurt their own interests and reject the evidence. It is surely an extreme example of 'The Emperor's New Clothes' syndrome. What makes people act this way?"
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
True motives behind Obama's gun 'control' stance - English
The view presented here is NOT influenced by the cheerleading American media.
That makes it more interesting to me, and possibly very valid.
See what you think...
That makes it more interesting to me, and possibly very valid.
See what you think...
On Pravda's English version website, George Green surveys what might be happening and offers a warning for us:
"Americans should be taking heed that the administration has a very different plan for America than it says it has abroad. Continually America has been funding revolutions, armed and political, abroad, and arming rebels in many instances. Meanwhile at home the humorously undemocratic two party system is making sure such a revolution cannot take place in America regardless of the will of the people. With the American military already conducting training to put down an uprising within America, and the administration targeting the Second Amendment, the reason is clear; America's elite career politicians are worried. They're not doing the will of the people, the people are catching on, and they're doing all they can to hang onto power rather than do the will of the people. The new gun control laws have nothing to do with schools, and everything to do with propping up a failing state."
Immigration - Coming soon to the U.K.
Now, as a result of the European Union and their soon to be implemented "open border" policies, people will be able to move freely to the country of choice.
That likely means the country with the most freebies...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Sue Reid recently called attention to this:
"We're on our way to Britain: In a year up to 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians will have the right to settle in Britain and claim benefits. And many from the gipsy community can hardly wait to get here"
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
The Media - Giving legitimacy
Giving legitimacy to suit their agenda?
Is this news agency incompetent?...
On the BuckEye website, Chad D. Baus informs us of this media outlet's judgement:
"As can be seen in the WHIO-TV video, Anti-Gun-Protestor Jerome McCorry is wearing a jacket and identified in the on-screen graphic as the President of The Adam Project. The Adam Project's website lists its address as 1426 Home Ave., Dayton - the same address as Rapist-and-Convicted-Felon Jerome McCorry.
In short, 'Anti-Gun-Protestor Jerome McCorry' and 'Rapist-and-Convicted-Felon Jerome McCorry' are one and the same person, and WHIO-TV and The Dayton Daily News have been treating this man as a legitimate voice of reason that should be considered in the debate over whether or not rape and other crime victims should be able to buy firearms in order to protect themselves from attack."
Monday, February 04, 2013
"More than 1,000 New Coal Plants Planned Worldwide"
It seems a bit of a folly that America is trying to do away with coal plants while the rest of the world is moving full speed ahead.
That means Americans will be burdened with higher cost alternatives as other countries burn cheaper coal for their energy... is calling attention to Damian Carrington's posted article at the U.K. Guardian"s website:
"The huge planned expansion comes despite warnings from politicians, scientists, and campaigners that the planet's fast-rising carbon emissions must peak within a few years if runaway climate change is to be avoided and that fossil fuel assets risk becoming worthless if international action on global warming moves forward."
Government at Work - the ATF in Milwaukee, WI
Update: I read that there is an internal investigation in progress...
John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge of the Journal Sentinel have posted all of this story:
"A store calling itself Fearless Distributing opened early last year on an out-of-the-way street in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood, offering designer clothes, athletic shoes, jewelry and drug paraphernalia.
Those working behind the counter, however, weren't interested in selling anything.
They were undercover agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives running a storefront sting aimed at busting criminal operations in the city by purchasing drugs and guns from felons.
But the effort to date has not snared any major dealers or taken down a gang. Instead, it resulted in a string of mistakes and failures, including an ATF military-style machine gun landing on the streets of Milwaukee and the agency having $35,000 in merchandise stolen from its store, a Journal Sentinel investigation has found."
Sunday, February 03, 2013
2013-02-03 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 02, 2013
"Robots cook dumplings, noodles and wait tables at restaurant in China"
Alex Ward recently reported this in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Service with a smile has turned sci-fi at this restaurant as diners are waited on and cooked for by robots.
At Robot Restaurant 20 robots deliver food to the table, cook dumplings and noodles, usher diners and entertain them in Harbin, Heilongjiang province in China.
When a diner walks in, an usher robot extends their mechanic arm to the side and says 'Earth person hello. Welcome to the Robot Restaurant.'"
Friday, February 01, 2013
Talking Heads - CNN's Piers Morgan
A former tabloid editor from the U.K. who was fired for faking news and a wholesale hypocrite besides.
CNN probably thinks this guy has it all...
However, on the Daily Caller website, Charles C. Johnson shares some of Mr. Morgan's past:
"CNN host and outspoken gun-control advocate Piers Morgan once joked about shooting professional enemies and separately wrote that he was a 'rabid fascist' who wanted burglars tortured after a 'decent period of cattle-prodding, testicle electrode treatment, and slow gentle skewering over hot coals.' Morgan’s comments came in an interview with England’s Daily Mail newspaper. They concerned his dismissal as editor of the Daily Mirror, a rival British tabloid, after he was fired for publishing fake photos supposedly showing British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. Morgan, wrote Daily Mail reporter Frances Hardy, 'ruminate[d] merrily' about things he imagined doing to his professional enemies, including Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson, writer A.A. Gill and editor Ian Hislop. 'So the real question is, if I had a gun with just two bullets, who would I shoot?' Morgan said during the May 2006 interview."
The Media - MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell
At, Mark Finkelstein has this recent example:
"When it came to the President's statement during the interview that at Camp David 'we do skeet shooting all the time,' Mitchell claimed 'he didn't say that he was skeet shooting, but he does say that it's one of the practices at Camp David by his guests.' Responding, Hughes effectively contradicted her: "Frank Foer, the editor of New Republic, actually asked him point blank 'have you ever fired a gun?' And in response he said 'yeah, we go skeet shooting all the time up at Camp David. He and his guests. Which is news to us and news to a lot of people.' The transcript of the interview makes clear that, contrary to Mitchell's claim, Obama answered in the personal and affirmative."