Tuesday, February 12, 2013
"A problem: nearly one third of CO2 emissions occured since 1998, and it hasn’t warmed"
Global warming and climate change are in the news again.
Attempts to scare us are opposed by articles like this.
Unfortunately, only one side of this story gets told by the media...
Attempts to scare us are opposed by articles like this.
Unfortunately, only one side of this story gets told by the media...
On the "What's Up With That" blog, Tom Fuller provides a lot of support for what is stated in the title:
"But one-third of all human emissions of CO2 have occurred since 1998. And temperatures haven’t budged as a result.
This does not ‘disprove’ global warming–at all. I still believe that temperatures will climb this century, mostly as a result of the brute force effect of the 3,000 quads of energy we will burn every year starting in 2075–the reason I started this weblog.
However it makes it exceedingly difficult to use the past 15 years as evidence of a very high sensitivity of the atmosphere to CO2 concentrations."