Tuesday, February 12, 2013
"How a Federal Menu-Labeling Law Will Harm American Pizza"
See what you think after reading the details on this...
At Reason.com, Baylen Linnekin includes this in a revealing article:
"In an op-ed published last year in The Hill, the CEO of Domino’s, J. Patrick Doyle, criticized the proposed rule as “a one-size-fits-all set of rules for menu labeling that will result in wide calorie ranges for entire pizzas on menus consumers will not even see, but will cost small business owners thousands of dollars a year.”
Those costs can range upwards of $5,000 per franchise location. The cost to grocers—a cost that, as with pizza, would no doubt be passed on to consumers in the form of higher food costs—would be even greater. Why so costly?
'With 34 million ways to make a pizza, it makes no common sense to require this industry—which already discloses calories voluntarily, for the most part—to attempt to cram this information on menu boards in small storefronts,' says Lynn Liddle, who chairs the American Pizza Community, a coalition representing much of the American pizza industry, in an email to me.
To put that number of pizza choices in perspective, consider that nearly every single person living in Canada today could order an entirely different pizza from Domino’s—where the chain is also popular."