Friday, August 31, 2012
The Reform Governors Who Led the Way -
Regardless of your political affiliation, you have to like the results shown here.
This article makes a very good case for the Republican way of thinking...
Kimberley Strassel has the impressive details in the Wall Street Journal:
"Most important, these governors' leadership, and their ability to survive the left's onslaughts, have inspired followers and emboldened the party to continue tackling the tough stuff. 'We like to talk about political capital, and how to spend it wisely," says Mr. Daniels of Indiana. "But it happens that—just like other capital—if it is invested wisely, it returns to you, and you can put into the next effort, and the next, and the next.'
The Republican convention here is headlining no fewer than a dozen of these reform governors, and rightly so. Their ideas and economic successes are proof that free-market reforms work in practice. And they indicate the seriousness that a Romney-Ryan ticket could bring to the White House."
The American Spectator : A Plethora of Platitudes
It's a sad state that those untenable ideas are even still around.
Of course, that's what the schools are teaching, so we shouldn't be surprised...
Lisa Fabrizio writes about the issue at
"You know how this one goes. You try and make a point to liberals at a family gathering; something like, 'Cutting taxes across the board will create jobs because...,' and before you can get the next words out of your mouth, your niece who's home on spring break will shout you down with Democratic talking points. When asked for proof of said points, she will throw you a patronizing look and say, "C'mon Aunt Lisa, everybody knows that!""
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Media - MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage
This is media bias fully exposed...
At, Francesca Chambers tells what MSNBC viewers "missed":
"MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage."
"List of Obama's Lies"
It's probably easy to keep up as there sure is NO shortage of material.
Be careful to tell your brain that they ARE lies, so you don't inadvertently pass them on as accurate...
It's named with this stated goal:
"Exposing The Lies of those Around President Barack Obama"
Brussels Process: The New Sweden, Absurdistan, Country of Silence
Also, the integrity of their news media seems a bit shaky (read politically correct)...
The Right Side News blog recently posted this speech. I think it's worthwhile reading:
"Below is the text of the speech given by Ingrid Carlqvist at the Brussels Conferenceon July 9, 2012. It was originally posted at Tryckfrihetssällskapet, the Swedish Free Press Society. Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ingrid Carlqvist and I was born in Sweden in 1960, when the Social Democrats were gonna rule forever and ever and our country was the nicest and safest and most progressed in the world. Now I live in Absurdistan – a country that has the highest figure of reported rapes in the world, hundreds of so called 'exclusion areas' where people live outside the Swedish society and with newspapers that hide all these horrible facts to the people."
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
British National Archives, the Obamas, and Kenya
UFO's, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Abominable Snowman, etc. are ongoing questionable beliefs.
Now, can we add that Obama was born in Kenya to them?...
Now, can we add that Obama was born in Kenya to them?...
Dr. Eowyn has posted some pretty astonishing stuff at
"British National Archives show a son was born to Obama Sr. in 1961 in Kenya"
Review & Outlook: Negative $4,019 -
This seems to answer the "are you better off?" question very clearly...
The Wall Street Journal is telling this story:
"In January 2009, the month President Obama entered the Oval Office and shortly before he signed his stimulus spending bill, median household income was $54,983. By June 2012, it had tumbled to $50,964, adjusted for inflation. (See the chart nearby.) That's $4,019 in lost real income, a little less than a month's income every year.
Unfair, you say, because Mr. Obama inherited a recession? Well, even if you start the analysis when the recession ended in June 2009, the numbers are dismal. Three years after the economy hit its trough, median household income is down $2,544, or nearly 5%.
Add the authors: 'The overall decline since June 2009 was larger than the 2.6 percent decline that occurred' during the recession from December 2007 to June 2009. For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession."
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
"Hialeah absentee-ballot broker Cabrera arrested"
The Miami Herald website reported on this:
"Deisy Penton de Cabrera, 56, was charged with absentee-ballot fraud, a third-degree felony, and two misdemeanor counts of violating a county ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to possess more than two ballots belonging to other voters. Investigators say Cabrera illegally collected at least 31 absentee ballots for the Aug. 14 primary election."
"Occupy Plans to Take Down Emergency Medical Services at RNC"
If any of this is true, we're in for an interesting convention week...
John Sexton reports on the really ugly scenario at
"Now they had meetings for a long time before and what they ultimately decided to do—and it was folks like Lisa Fithian leading the training, and I know because I was in the training…undercover —but what they did is they mapped out the city, maps with corporate targets, business leaders home addresses, and Republican delegates home addresses, and also where the hotels were the delegates were going to be staying in. And they handed out these maps and then they showed people videos of Molotov cocktails and various other criminal behavior and asked everyone to be creative and feel free to use what they called a diversity of tactics and to make sure the Republican National Convention can’t occur, you know, can’t happen."
"ICE agents sue Napolitano, Morton over immigration policies"
This amounts to selectively enforcing the law.
In my book, that's a big NO-NO!...
Caroline May has this story at
"Ten Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents filed a lawsuit against Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton Thursday, taking on recent Obama administration directives which they say prevent them from upholding the law. The suit, filed in federal court in Dallas, Texas, challenges the administration’s June 15th deferred action directive which instructed ICE agents not to arrest certain illegal immigrants for deportation and facilitate the granting of work permits for some directive beneficiaries."
Monday, August 27, 2012
"Sorry, Stephanie Cutter, the Obama recovery hasn’t created more jobs than the Reagan recovery"
It's pretty obvious that the Obama Campaign is practicing this on a grand scale.
Even when the lies ARE proven, the "in-the-tank" media continues to allow, rather than rebut them...
James Pethokoukis writes about it on the American Enterprise Institute blog:
"Just how do the Obama and Reagan recoveries stack up in terms of jobs?
• From the end of the recession in June 2009 through July 2012 — the first 37 months of the Obama recovery — the U.S. economy has generated 2.7 million net new jobs. From the jobs low point in February 2010, the U.S. economy has generated 4 million net new jobs.
From the end of the 1981-82 recession through the end of of 1985 — the first 37 months of the Reagan recovery — the U.S.created 9.8 million net new jobs. And if you adjust for the larger U.S. population today, the comparable figure is more than 12 million jobs."
Politicians - And Their Political Ads
It's no wonder, Americans have such a low regard for politicians...
At, Jeff Poor informs us about this:
"Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called 'Republican women for Obama' video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.
That ad, posted on the official Barack Obama campaign YouTube page on Friday, claimed to show a group of women that had previously voted Republican but later abandoned the party because they felt it went too far to the right, leaving them no alternative but to vote for President Barack Obama this November.
The problem is, so far two of these women have been shown to be Democrats who had previously supported Obama."
"Team Obama breaks precedent to try to spoil Romney’s convention"
Personnally, I'd like to see more class than this.
Is getting elected now so important that traditions and dignity of off are being put aside?...
Is getting elected now so important that traditions and dignity of off are being put aside?...
At, Mike Lillis has the story about this:
"Bucking protocol, President Obama and the Democrats are planning a full-scale assault on Republicans next week during their convention.
Presidential candidates have traditionally kept a low profile during their opponent's nominating celebration, but Democrats are throwing those rules out the window in an attempt to spoil Mitt Romney’s coronation as the GOP nominee."
Sunday, August 26, 2012
2012-08-26 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 25, 2012
What's in your backyard?
Some families have swing sets in their backyard.
And then there's this
And then there's this
Friday, August 24, 2012
General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again - Forbes
At, Louis Woodhill presents stats and his thoughts about General Motors:
"Right now, the federal government owns 500,000,000 shares of GM, or about 26% of the company. It would need to get about $53.00/share for these to break even on the bailout, but the stock closed at only $20.21/share on Tuesday. This left the government holding $10.1 billion worth of stock, and sitting on an unrealized loss of $16.4 billion. Right now, the government’s GM stock is worth about 39% less than it was on November 17, 2010, when the company went public at $33.00/share. However, during the intervening time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen by almost 20%, so GM shares have lost 49% of their value relative to the Dow."
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Psst! - "An Ardent Marxist Socialist"
And wouldn't an honest, unbiased media try to make sure we do?
Never mind. I already know why THAT won't happen...
John C. Drew does tell us about it at
"The collegiate Obama was an ardent Marxist socialist extremist. I confronted young Obama’s naïve faith in an inevitable Communist revolution when he visited the San Francisco area during his Christmas break from Occidental College in 1980--at the Boss family's home in Portola Valley, CA, a small city outside of suburban Palo Alto, south of San Francisco. I am pleased Maraniss--a Washington Post associate editor, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and the co-author of Tell Newt to Shut Up!--has provided a clear, compelling and independent verification of a key element of my story--namely, Obama's visit to San Francisco with his left-wing friends: 'During the Christmas break that year, Sohale Siddiqi, a friend of Hasan's and Wahid's who lived in New York, came out to visit...Obama had left on a road trip and ended up in San Francisco.' (Maraniss 367)
That verification comes from a liberal author who has otherwise minimized young Obama’s ties to radical ideologues such as Obama’s Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis; Chicago socialist politician Alice Palmer; and our nation’s number one unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers."
EPA Smack-Down Number Six -
No one should be against clean air and water.
hat being said, in trying to achieve those goals, our rules of law must be followed.
The Environmental Protection Agency has been trying differently...
hat being said, in trying to achieve those goals, our rules of law must be followed.
The Environmental Protection Agency has been trying differently...
The Wall Street Journal reports on the latest and summarizes a bit:
"According to a scoreboard by the American Action Forum, Tuesday's rebuke from the D.C. Circuit marks the 15th time that a federal court has struck down an Obama regulation, and the sixth smack-down for the Obama EPA. This tally counts legally flawed rules as well as misguided EPA disapprovals of actions by particular states."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
"The Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009"
They can't both be right, you know...
Mark J. Perry recently reported this on his Carpe Diem blog:
"The chart above is based on data in the recently-released CBO report 'Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2008 and 2009,' showing the share of federal income taxes paid by income group in 2009. In 2009, almost all (94.1%) federal income taxes collected were paid by just one-fifth of Americans (top quintile) and the top 1% paid almost 39% of all taxes collected. In contrast, the lowest and second quintiles were net 'tax collectors' because that 40% of Americans received more in refundable tax credits than they paid in income taxes."
"Report: Syria Moves Chemical Weapons to Borders"
This comes from Gabe Kahn. posting at
"Syria's rebels late Monday charged the regime has moved its chemical weapon stockpiles to airports and airbases on its borders with neighboring countries. 'We in the joint command of the Free Syrian Army inside the country know very well the locations and positions of these weapons,' Syria's largest rebel group said in a statement. 'We also reveal that Assad has transferred some of these weapons and equipment for mixing chemical components to airports on the border,' it added."
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ryan Streeter: The real job growth problem
I didn't until now. Isn't it a bit disconcerting that with all the media and political attention to job creation, it's possible that either no knows this, or it's just not reported...
Ryan Streeter enlightens us at
"The first fact concerns the nature of job creation, which politicians love to talk about even when they don't understand it. They typically believe that job creation happens when existing businesses, big and small, hire more people. That seems reasonable, but it's not quite right. The reality is that almost all new jobs five years from now will be created by companies that don't exist today. Job growth in America is driven almost entirely by new companies, or what we typically call "startups." According to Hudson Institute economist Tim Kane, new companies created 3.5 million jobs in 2005, while 10-year-old companies the same year created 355,000 jobs but lost 422,000."
"Detroit: The Triumph of Progressive Public Policy"
Sadly, Detroit has embraced all the policies that a certain political party would like to see nationwide...
At, Jarrett Skorup answers this questions about Detroit:
"How did this great city fall so far?"
Review & Outlook: Staples vs. Solyndra -
A recent Wall Street Journal opinion column wondered this:
"Can a President seeking re-election with a stagnant economy and high unemployment really be winning the jobs argument against a man who backed hundreds of thriving businesses? Can a President who sank taxpayer dollars into green-energy failures now succeed by attacking an opponent who funded winning start-ups with his own money?"
Monday, August 20, 2012
"Potentially Devastating News on the Obama Economy"
Of course, as the author notes, remember who publishes the data...
William Tate has the story at He begins:
"The Gallup Organization had some bad news for Barack Obama on Friday. It's not that Obama fell behind Mitt Romney by two points in Gallup's daily tracking poll, although that couldn't have helped the the O-Team's spirits heading into the weekend. Between now and the election, polls are likely to be less stable than Joe Biden's thought process. The really bad news for the Chicago mob is that Gallup's unemployment survey shows the Obama economy is getting even worse. Gallup reported an uptick in joblessness in their latest survey of 30,000 households."
"They Come to America"
It will likely meet even more because "certain people" don't want Americans to know the truth about our border security...
At, Robert Small writes about a documentary about immigration:
"Dennis Lynch told me there were many revelations during the fourteen months he spent making They Come to America, his riveting documentary about illegal immigration. 'I was shocked about how many Americans are furious but too afraid to speak on camera,' he said in July when I interviewed him by phone. 'I was surprised to learn people can't land jobs [in Miami] because they don't speak Spanish.' The list of revelations is long, but the biggest: 'At any given moment, we could have another 9/11.'
In the film, Arizona ranchers tell Lynch about the exhausted foreigners crossing over from Mexico they've rescued from hunger, heat, and thirst along the scarcely patrolled border. And about finding the occasional prayer rug or Quran dropped by what Homeland Security classifies as OTMs, 'other than Mexicans,' whose fates are unknown. "
Sunday, August 19, 2012
2012-08-19 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Government at Work -"‘Balancing Ponies,’ Wheelchair Access Ramps But No Sidewalks"
It's just not possible to have a rule, or a law, or whatever, that will protect everyone from everything.
The two pictures in this article might interest or amuse you...
Elizabeth Harrington wrote about it at
"Congressmen Question Dubious Regs: ‘Balancing Ponies,’ Wheelchair Access Ramps But No Sidewalks"
Friday, August 17, 2012
"Having seen the evidence, I don't touch fizzy drinks any more. Frankly they're evil"
This is really about sugary carbonated drinks and I suspect health conscious people already know much of this.
Unfortunately, as noted, addictions override what we know...
Unfortunately, as noted, addictions override what we know...
John Naish reports on the issue in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"‘There is a huge overlap between what is addictive behaviour with drugs and the use of sweet food,’ he adds. ‘In lab experiments, even rats who have been made addicted to cocaine will prefer to have a sugary drink instead of cocaine.’ He says sugary drink habits aren’t necessarily an addiction ‘because not all of us suffer withdrawal symptoms when we cut out sugary drinks’. The story may be different with children, however. ‘With children, there is more evidence of addictive behaviour,’ Dr Kubis says. ‘You get tantrums, restlessness and distress if you stop their soft-drink consumption.’"
Thursday, August 16, 2012
"Poll: concerns about voter fraud spur broad support for Voter ID laws"
The use of "broad support" in the headline and "almost three-quarters" in the body are clever ways to avoid the true number which is 74%, which, is NEVER mentioned.
The use of 74% in favor means ONLY 26% oppose; a virtual wipeout if applied to a sports, or any other, competition.
The "wipeout" idea is what their bias intentionally denies you.
I rest my case...
Michael Brandon and Jon Cohen led their Washington Post story with this:
"Almost three-quarters of all Americans support the idea that people should have to show photo identification to vote, even though they are nearly as concerned about voter suppression as they are about fraud in presidential elections, according to a new Washington Post poll."
"Yes, Ron Wyden built that Medicare plan with Paul Ryan"
Facts are stubborn things, and published documents with your name on them are pretty solid facts...
William A. Jacobson calls attention to some facts at
"Ron Wyden has rolled out a Cory Booker-like hostage statement rejecting the notion that he and Paul Ryan cooperated in developing a solution to the looming Medicare collapse. Via Roll Call, Ron Wyden Takes Issue With Mitt Romney Linking Him to Paul Ryan:"
Obama's Enemies List—Part II -
It is said there are no coincidences in politics...
Kimberly A. Strassel writes about it in the Wall Street Journal:
"First an Obama campaign website called out Romney donor Frank Vandersloot. Next the IRS moved to audit him—and so did the Labor Department." "If this isn't a chilling glimpse of a society Americans reject, it is hard to know what is."
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
"Video: Gingrich wonders whether Piers Morgan belongs to the Mantra Club"
I say "Bravo!"...
Ed Morrissey posts both text and video at
"Even those of us who couldn’t quite bring ourselves to back Newt Gingrich in the primaries hoped that he would play a big role in the general election as a surrogate. This video demonstrates why."
"Maraniss Gets Testy as New Obama Bio Tanks"
This writer is relentless in his pursuit of the truth about Barack Obama's background and roots.
In this article he points out what he considers glaring omissions from a recently published book "Barack Obama: The Story".
I think it's well written and effective in making his points...
In this article he points out what he considers glaring omissions from a recently published book "Barack Obama: The Story".
I think it's well written and effective in making his points...
Jack Cashill's recent post at begins with:
"David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Barack Obama: The Story, is getting testy. And it is not hard to understand why. The Washington Post diva spent the last four years on his career book, released it in the heart of a heated re-election season, got the kind of exposure a Kardashian would envy, and now finds the book heading for the remainder racks weeks after its release. Oy vey!
As of this writing, the book ranks 1,696 on Amazon's bestseller list. By contrast, Edward Klein's unfriendly Obama tome, The Amateur, has outsold just every book this summer not centered on female bondage, spent weeks on top of New York Times top-ten list, and now ranks 55 on Amazon despite being out a month longer than The Story.
Rather than assess why his book tanked -- it is too honest for the left and too dishonest for the right -- Maraniss has turned his wrath on the people he seems to hold responsible for the book's failure -- namely, 'obsessed conspiratorialists' like me. His pique has found its outlet in a mean-spirited Washington Post op-ed, a minor classic of journalistic myopia. Allow me to address its concerns."
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Ryan's Charge Up Entitlement Hill -
As I've indicated near the top of this page, unsustainable entitlements are the major problem that isn't getting resolved.
When Paul Ryan presented a plan to begin a fix, he was demonized and his plan was misrepresented on a grand scale by political attack ads and the biased compliant media...
When Paul Ryan presented a plan to begin a fix, he was demonized and his plan was misrepresented on a grand scale by political attack ads and the biased compliant media...
Paul Gigot interviewed now V.P. candidate Paul Ryan a while back. The Wall Street Journal decided it was timely to reprint it:
"Note: This interview originally appeared in the Journal on February 19, 2011.
Paul Ryan doesn't look like the menacing sort. He's amiable in a familiar Midwestern way, his disposition varies between cheerfully earnest and wry, and he uses words like 'gosh.' Yet to hear Democrats tell it, the 41-year-old Republican congressman is the evil genius, the cruel and mad budget cutter who threatens grandma's health care, grandad's retirement, and the entitlement state as we know it."
"McClatchy's Washington Bureau establishes no-alter quote policy"
What has the media come to, when they have to make a statement like this?...
McClatchy Newspapers has this posted on their website:
"To our staff and to our readers: As you are aware, reporters from The New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg and others are agreeing to give government sources the right to clear and alter quotes as a prerequisite to granting an interview. To be clear, it is the bureau’s policy that we do not alter accurate quotes from any source. And to the fullest extent possible, we do not make deals that we will clear quotes as a condition of interviews."
Monday, August 13, 2012
"A Firing Squad with No Black Hood"
In the immediate aftermath of a situation where are innocent people have been killed, it's difficult to make this point.
That being said, it is a point that MUST be made...
That being said, it is a point that MUST be made...
Mark Baisley argues his point at
"Of course I realize that maintaining due respect for the people’s right to bear arms does not directly address the horror of some lunatic shooting people in a movie theater, or students at Virginia Tech, or a Congresswoman at a shopping center. Nor does it speak to criminal acts of selfishness and desperation. Those crimes are appropriately addressed with self-protecting citizens, backed by well-trained and well-equipped law enforcement.
And we need to put a stop to the self-destructive practice of releasing bad actors to repeat their crimes on even more innocent victims. Regardless of whether he is found to be insane, James Holmes should face a firing squad with no black hood.
The appropriate response to the gun-control advocate who cites death statistics where gun ownership is allowed is to cite death statistics where gun ownership has been denied. With Second Amendment rights in the United States, there were 11,000 homicides using firearms in 2010. With no such rights in the former Soviet Union, the state murdered over 6,000,000 citizens annually. China topped out at 3,500,000 each year. And Germany exceeded 2,000,000 in annual murders during their Nazi era.
Individual firearms control is the sign of a misplaced fear."
"Sacramento grapples with more drivers parking free with disabled placards"
The subject is parking placards for the disabled.
I guess elected officials didn't see this coming.
Why am I not surprised?...
I guess elected officials didn't see this coming.
Why am I not surprised?...
Tony Bizjak reportd on it at
"A recent city survey on several blocks of N Street near the Capitol found 73 percent of parking spots occupied by cars with blue placards. Many were parked most of the day, suggesting they belonged to downtown workers.
A Bee survey this week found 45 percent of vehicles parked on L and N streets at the Capitol had placards."
Sunday, August 12, 2012
2012-08-12 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 11, 2012
From Truman to McGovern to Obama -
"Martin Peretz helped return the Democratic Party from its anti-Vietnam excesses to the foreign-policy center. Now he laments that the president he supported in 2008 gets the U.N., the Arab world and Israel all wrong."
Interesting reading...
Interesting reading...
Sohrab Ahmari and Martin Peretz:
"The 1972 election and the domestic drama surrounding the Vietnam War caused a major schism between Democrats. On one side were supporters of Mr. McGovern, the U.S. senator and presidential candidate who preached engagement and accommodation with communism. On the other were those who thought the rise of the McGovernites spelled disaster for Democrats and the nation, and who were determined to return the party to a responsible center on foreign policy."
"Odyssey Marine learns that finders aren't keepers"
For some reason, I'm conflicted on this.
I do know it's right to return found things to their rightful owner.
On the other hand, there are statutes of limitations on so many things.
Treasure hunters basically assume all of the expense and risks, while current governments can share in the findings?...
I do know it's right to return found things to their rightful owner.
On the other hand, there are statutes of limitations on so many things.
Treasure hunters basically assume all of the expense and risks, while current governments can share in the findings?...
J. Keith Johnson writes a bit about it at
"Spain used to take all sorts of precious metals from Peru, using the nationals there as laborers for their efforts. During the 1800s an incredible amount of wealth transferred across the Atlantic as Spanish taskmasters plundered the Peruvians. You’d think they thought the gold was theirs to take.
The Mercedes was a Spanish Royal Naval frigate sunk by Britain in combat in 1804. Its cargo consisted of 900,000 silver pesos and 5,809 golden pesos, as well as some copper and tin. Odyssey, two centuries later, discovered the wreck about 100 miles off the Straits of Gibraltar. Upon bringing up almost 600,000 coins, the Odyssey salvage ship was confronted by Spanish naval ships and told that they were holding Spanish sovereign property."
Friday, August 10, 2012
"Olympic Political Correctness"
Society has become thin-skinned and overly sensitive.
What ever happened to the "sticks and stones can break my bones, BUT, names can never hurt me?
Perhaps you disagree...
What ever happened to the "sticks and stones can break my bones, BUT, names can never hurt me?
Perhaps you disagree...
John Fund recently wrote about it on the National Review website. He begins:
"The London Olympics features 302 events. But this year there clearly is a new category: racial sensitivity. These Olympic Games are rife with examples of people taking offense, and it’s time to discuss some guardrails and guidelines before political correctness takes over completely."
The Media - the New York Times
Maybe the Times will catch up with this.
Somehow, I doubt it.
If you're still believing the media about the candidates, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to offer you...
And here's the YouTube video of CNN's Wolf Blitzer really hammering the inaccuracy.
If you don't do anything else, watching this will really show you how political campaigns think, and, and distort...
Somehow, I doubt it.
If you're still believing the media about the candidates, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to offer you...
Joel B. Pollak has the story at
"Today, however, when Obama’s own Priorities USA super PAC is running an outrageous advertisement--to the tune of $20 million across at least five swing states--accusing Mitt Romney, effectively, of killing the wife of a worker laid off from a steel company Romney tried to save, the Times is silent and the media is largely letting Obama off the hook."Here's the story that the Times isn't reporting...
This is from Guy Benson at
"Busted: Team Obama Caught in Blatant Lie About 'Cancer' Ad "
And here's the YouTube video of CNN's Wolf Blitzer really hammering the inaccuracy.
If you don't do anything else, watching this will really show you how political campaigns think, and, and distort...
"Busted: Team Obama Caught in Blatant Lie About 'Cancer' Ad "
Thursday, August 09, 2012
"Pro-Obama online merchandise sales plummet, compared to '08"
Caroline May wrote about it at There's a Romney piece also:
"In a dramatic shift from then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 election effort to this election cycle, anti-Obama CafePress merchandise sales are outpacing pro-Obama sales. During the first six months of 2008, 86 percent of Obama-related sales at CafePress were pro-Obama — just 14 percent were anti-Obama. Over the first six months of 2012, 45 percent of Obama merchandise sales have been pro-Obama, 55 percent have been anti-Obama, according to CafePress totals."
"What Role Will White Guilt Play in the 2012 Election?"
When I have trouble deciding which paragraphs to quote, I know the whole article is worth reading...
Lee Cary does write about it at
"Good intentions can lead to unintended consequences that are not so good. Such is the legacy of the white guilt vote for Obama in '08.
A booming economy has been likened to a rising tide that lifts all boats. In short, growing prosperity benefits all economic classes.
A falling tide, though, has the most immediate and greatest impact on those boats left stranded high and dry in the shallowest of water. Translation: recessions hit the poorest first, hardest, and longest.
Every week's news brings a new report detailing the climb in the national poverty level, an increased reliance on food stamps, and growing unemployment statistics particularly among urban blacks, as the recession's negative impact on them mounts -- with no end in sight."
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
"California parks director resigns amid scandal"
In this case, they WON'T spend money they DO have.
Go figure!...
Matt Weiser writes about it on the Sac website:
"State Parks Director Ruth Coleman resigned this morning and her second in command has been fired after officials learned the department has been sitting on nearly $54 million in surplus money for as long as 12 years."
Government at Work - Storing fireworks?
I'm not up on these things.
Maybe this is a bargain...
Maybe this is a bargain...
Kentucky's recently posted this story:
"Federal officials have spent more than $8 million storing about $1 million worth of fireworks seized from a northern Kentucky dealer.
The storage costs continue to rise more than three years after a federal judge ordered the return of nearly half the fireworks.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is paying nearly $102,000 monthly to store 44 tractor loads of fireworks at the former Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant in Nebraska. Some of the fireworks may now be dangerously unstable because they have not been stored properly for five years, the newspaper reports."
"Was Obama’s Communist Mentor His Father?"
This includes an interesting picture...
Cliff Kincaid elaborates on this at
"The reason for the cover-up in Obama’s case, contends filmmaker Joel Gilbert, is that his real father was , Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist under FBI surveillance who was Obama’s mentor while he was growing up in Hawaii. The Gilbert film, 'Dreams from My Real Father,' makes this case, based on a series of striking photo comparisons between Obama and Davis, and informed speculation that Davis, a sex 'swinger' and pornographer, had an intimate affair with Obama’s mother. The film includes nude photos that Davis took of her in Davis’s home."
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Ethanol: hitting us right in the breadbasket?
Well, it's sure playing out that way.
Using food for fuel doesn't seem so smart right now; maybe, it never was...
Using food for fuel doesn't seem so smart right now; maybe, it never was...
Ricardo Lopez recently wrote about it in the LA times:
"A persistent drought compounds a problem already besetting farmers, they and agriculture economists said. About a third of the country's corn is diverted to produce ethanol under federal renewable energy standards. Ethanol production already had driven up the price of corn in recent years.
'The ethanol policy is a bad idea because the impacts of a drought are much more severe than it used to be,' said Colin Carter, a UC Davis agriculture economist.
Livestock producers have lobbied for changes to the ethanol policy, but to no avail. The ethanol issue underscores the severity of the problems in the animal industry, said Bill Mattos, president of the California Poultry Federation.
'When you have the drought adding to the uncertainty of prices, plus ethanol production,' he said. 'You have the perfect storm to devastate the livestock industry.'"
Teachers Unions Go to Bat for Sexual Predators -
In the Wall Steet Journal, Campbell Brown highlights the problem of union's defending sexual predator teachers:
"By resisting almost any change aimed at improving our public schools, teachers unions have become a ripe target for reformers across the ideological spectrum. Even Hollywood, famously sympathetic to organized labor, has turned on unions with the documentary 'Waiting for Superman' (2010) and a feature film, 'Won't Back Down,' to be released later this year. But perhaps most damaging to the unions' credibility is their position on sexual misconduct involving teachers and students in New York schools, which is even causing union members to begin to lose faith. In the last five years in New York City, 97 tenured teachers or school employees have been charged by the Department of Education with sexual misconduct."
"NAACP Voter Registrations Part of Voter Fraud..."
And the Justice Department files lawsuits against those who would correct it. Ugh!...
"PolitJim" posts quite a bit about this at
"Twenty Six percent (26%) of the sampled registrations submitted by these groups were suspicious leading Johnson to believe it was a much larger attempt to effect the November elections. They tabulated the breakdown of flagged registrations by group as: Voter Participation Center – 28% LCV Ed Fund – 17% NAACP – 47%"
Monday, August 06, 2012
"London Olympics Branded A 'Disaster' For Local Businesses"
The "hucksters" that predict huge financial gains are doing nothing more than overselling the hype.
I'm sure some well-connected special interests ARE making a bundle, but clearly the locals are not...
Ashley Lutz has the story at
"So far, the Olympics haven't been the stimulus that Londoners had hoped for."
Attack of the Cookie Monsters | Washington Free Beacon
My distaste for the American media's integrity causes me to really enjoy articles like this...
At, Matthew Continetti discusses the media's childish treatment of Mitt Romney, and more:
"As Dan Quayle, John Ashcroft, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Charles and David Koch know all too well, once the Democrats and their allies in the media have determined the story they are going to tell about a conservative political figure, nothing can change the emphasis or tone of their coverage. The media portrayed Quayle and Palin as airheads, and that was that. They called Ashcroft a religious fundamentalist, and he was berated and dismissed from polite society. They said Limbaugh was a racist and a sexist, and entire public relations campaigns were launched to deprive him of sponsors. They 'reported' that the Koch brothers’ political giving was entirely self-interested, and hardly anyone who edits our major newspapers or produces our network news gave these philanthropists the benefit of context—let alone the benefit of the doubt.
With Romney the storyline had proven more elusive. Before settling on 'gaffe-prone' the media had difficulty choosing between extremes. They shoot at Romney coming and going. One day he is a bully, the next day he is a wimp. One day he has 'no core,' the next day he is a radical. One day he is out of touch, the next day he is pandering to his base. In the morning they say Romney is too vague, in the evening they say his specific policies will be ruinous. Romney is too secretive, but what we know about him is scary. The whiplash from attack to attack provokes nausea. Some, like Harry Reid, have taken simply to making things up."
"GM Stock Hits New Lows, Company in Turmoil"
Perhaps you are surprised by this. I am not.
General Motors should have filed bankruptcy without government intervention, shared the consequences with their unions, and moved on, without jeopardizing taxpayer money...
General Motors should have filed bankruptcy without government intervention, shared the consequences with their unions, and moved on, without jeopardizing taxpayer money...
Ben Shapiro has some details at
"In June 2009, GM filed for Obama-managed bankruptcy, costing the taxpayer some $50 billion. The vast majority of that cash was never paid back by GM. In November 2010, GM issued a new initial public offering at a price of $33 per share. Today, GM stock is trading at approximately $19.36, down about 40% from its initial price. And the executive turmoil in the company is reaching fever pitch."
Sunday, August 05, 2012
2012-08-05 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Drone hijacking - a new hobby?
I don't recall seeing it...
Snejana Farberov reported on the U.K. Daily Mail website:
"One thousand dollars may not seem like a lot of money, but it was enough for a team of researchers from a Texas college to hack into and hijack a drone on a dare from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The scientists led by Professor Todd Humphreys from the University of Texas at Austin Radionavigation Laboratory managed to take control of a small but powerful drone in midair through a technique called spoofing, where a signal from hackers imitates the one sent to the drone’s on-board GPS."
"The Mysterious Death of Vincent Foster"
Matthew MacAdam covers the story has a multi-page post at He begins:
"Traffic was snarled along the George Washington Memorial Parkway for miles in the sweltering 96 degree heat, and Dale Kyle really had to go. At 5:30 p.m. on July 20, 1993, the construction worker from Midland, Va., pulled his white Chevy van off the highway into Fort Marcy Park, a rolling collection of hills and earthworks originally built as part of a chain of Civil War fortifications around the nation's capital. Kyle, who was familiar with the park's layout, pulled into the parking lot, hung his perspiration-soaked shirt on the side mirror to dry and ventured into the park's woods to relieve himself. To get away from the other park visitors Kyle ventured some two hundred yards into the brush. As he relieved himself he spotted what looked like a mound of trash off to his right. Fort Marcy was one of his favorite parks; he often stopped here on his way back from viewing art at the Smithsonian Institute, and it bothered him when people littered. He neared one of the park's Civil War-era cannons, and the surroundings lay utterly still as he looked down from atop a berm. Instead of a pile of cheeseburger wrappers, though, the shirtless construction worker found a dead body."
Friday, August 03, 2012
"Newly Discovered Water Under Namibia Could Last Centuries"
Water in the Sahara is probably like oil is elsewhere...
Michael Kelley recently reported at
"A newly discovered water source could supply half of Africa's driest sub-Saharan country with 400 years of water, reports Matt McGrath of BBC."
"Only cameras can see through Black-Ops Plastic"
Now, suspicious me, thinks they probably have other colors, too...
Matthew Humphries recently wrote about it at
"What this means is you can hide a camera inside an object made of this special plastic and no one will know it is there. But the camera is free to record without having its view blocked. As you can see from the images above, Black-Ops Plastic can be shaped into many different objects. Qwonn claim they can produce virtually any shape required for your spying needs."
Thursday, August 02, 2012
"Dreams from My Real Father"
If you care about America, please spend 12 minutes and 48 seconds to watch this video...
"Unemployment Rate Dropped In Every State That Elected A Republican Gov. In 2010"
There's a story here, but I'm betting the Democrats and the media won't be telling anyone about it...
Tony Lee has the states and the stats at
"In 2010, influenced by the Tea Party and its focus on fiscal issues, 17 states elected Republican governors. And, according to an analysis, every one of those states saw a drop in their unemployment rates since January of 2011."
ISLAM & DECEIT :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes
The Qur'an likely tells us what we need to know about Islam.
It's NOT about peace.
This blog commenter shares a few parts that are especially relevant...
It's NOT about peace.
This blog commenter shares a few parts that are especially relevant...
Jennifer King posted this on Daniel Pipes' blog:
"The Qur'an says that Allah is the best deceiver, the Lord of Deceit.
In Arabic: Wa Makaru wa makara Allah wa Allah Amkaru al Makireen.
These verses say that Allah "makara." The phrase of ‘Allah being the best deceiver' kheir al makarein is used. The Arabic word makara always means to deceive, scheme, or plot and defeating a victim by deceit. The person who is a Makir (Same form as the word Kafir) is sly, cunning, wily, a person who would outwit someone else to cause them harm. It means to trick, outwit and deceive for the purpose of overpowering and conquering the victim and it is always used in a negative sense. The word for scheming (makr) always means an act of deception for causing evil to another."
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
"Dueling Headlines, ‘WaPo, Your Bias is Showing’ Edition"
For those they align with, everything is presented (even embellished) as positive and correct.
For the others, everything they say, do, or even wear is criticized to the hilt.
The state of the American media has become really disgraceful...
On his "Powers That Be" blog, Doug Powers shares screen shots of the bias as evidence:
"Today’s contestants are couple of headlines regarding wardrobe cost for Michelle Obama and Ann Romney. Both headlines are from the Washington Post website."
"Biographer admits: There was no Obama family"
Every bit of biographical information about Barack Obama is foggy at best...
Jack Cashill recently told about this at
"In all the talk about David Maraniss’ new book, 'Barack Obama: The Story,' the chattering classes seem to have overlooked the most significant of Maraniss’ revelations, namely that the story on which Obama based his 2008 candidacy is 'received myth, not the truth.'"
"Linguistic analysis: Phony names on White House petition"
Photos are regularly "doctored", videos aren't necessarily as they seem to me, quotes are frequently taken out of context, and here, the names on petitions are fudged.
It's probably always been that way; however, today's technology and ingenuity have taken it to another level...
At, Betsi Fores brings this to our attention:
"Linguistic analysis of a White House petition against increased coal-ash regulations — submitted by coal industry front group “Citizens for Recycling First” in late 2011 – revealed that hundreds of Chinese signatures from Colorado on the petition that are less than authentic."
"Stupid Things We Do In Sacramento"
Unfortunately that doesn't undue the massive damage that one has participated in.
And then, why would we trust an elected official's confession anyway?...
At, Michael Genest tells how California got where it is:
"When guilt is demonstrable, confession is the best bet. So allow me to confess: as the California’s Director of Finance for four years, I did some stupid things. Let’s take a few examples and see if they help the casual observer to better understand how government, or at least how the Golden State’s’ budget process works – or fails to work."