Thursday, August 30, 2012
Brussels Process: The New Sweden, Absurdistan, Country of Silence
Also, the integrity of their news media seems a bit shaky (read politically correct)...
The Right Side News blog recently posted this speech. I think it's worthwhile reading:
"Below is the text of the speech given by Ingrid Carlqvist at the Brussels Conferenceon July 9, 2012. It was originally posted at Tryckfrihetssällskapet, the Swedish Free Press Society. Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ingrid Carlqvist and I was born in Sweden in 1960, when the Social Democrats were gonna rule forever and ever and our country was the nicest and safest and most progressed in the world. Now I live in Absurdistan – a country that has the highest figure of reported rapes in the world, hundreds of so called 'exclusion areas' where people live outside the Swedish society and with newspapers that hide all these horrible facts to the people."