Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Ryan's Charge Up Entitlement Hill - WSJ.com
As I've indicated near the top of this page, unsustainable entitlements are the major problem that isn't getting resolved.
When Paul Ryan presented a plan to begin a fix, he was demonized and his plan was misrepresented on a grand scale by political attack ads and the biased compliant media...
When Paul Ryan presented a plan to begin a fix, he was demonized and his plan was misrepresented on a grand scale by political attack ads and the biased compliant media...
Paul Gigot interviewed now V.P. candidate Paul Ryan a while back. The Wall Street Journal decided it was timely to reprint it:
"Note: This interview originally appeared in the Journal on February 19, 2011.
Paul Ryan doesn't look like the menacing sort. He's amiable in a familiar Midwestern way, his disposition varies between cheerfully earnest and wry, and he uses words like 'gosh.' Yet to hear Democrats tell it, the 41-year-old Republican congressman is the evil genius, the cruel and mad budget cutter who threatens grandma's health care, grandad's retirement, and the entitlement state as we know it."