Saturday, October 28, 2006
Boeing Airborne Laser Team
Didn't Ronald Reagan call it "Star Wars"?...
Boeing issued the following press release:
"Boeing is the prime contractor for ABL, which will provide a speed-of-light capability to destroy all classes of ballistic missiles in their boost phase of flight. Boeing provides the modified aircraft and the battle management system and is the overall systems integrator. ABL partners are Northrop Grumman, which supplies the high-energy laser and the beacon illuminator laser, and Lockheed Martin, which provides the nose-mounted turret in addition to the beam control/fire control system." - Stars' septic systems suspect in Pacific pollution
We live in an interesting world...
I found this story by the Associated Press at
"After decades of wrangling, Los Angeles County officials are promising to get tough -- threats of hefty fines by clean water regulators were an important push."
"During the next few months, investigators will begin testing sea water. If DNA tests show the waste is human and not from, say, raccoons or coyote, they will follow the trail up the creeks that traverse neighborhoods in Malibu, where clean water advocates such as Pierce Brosnan and Ted Danson live."
Global Warming - "The real climate change catastrophe"
Here's another article questioning the veracity of the claim that it is human caused...
Paul Driessen writes at
"Studies by National Academy of Sciences, NOAA, Danish and other scientists continue to raise inconvenient truths that question and contradict catastrophic climate change theories, computer models and assertions. The “hockey stick” temperature graph (which claimed 1990-2000 was the hottest decade in 1000 years) was shown to be invalid; the Southern Hemisphere has not warmed in the past 25 years; the US is yet to be hit by a major hurricane in 2006; interior Greenland and Antarctica are gaining ice mass, not losing it; and Gulf Stream circulation has not slowed, as claimed in 2005."
Friday, October 27, 2006
Global Warming - Current & Interesting Facts
This article highlights some recent facts. You be the judge...
At the Hawaii Reporter, Michael R. Fox, Ph.D reports:
"This was another bad week for the global warmers."
Global Warming - Sales Tactics
This is the Bob Carter article that explains the "bill of goods" that we are being sold on a daily basis...
Bob Carter writes:
"For the problem with An Inconvenient Truth is that it is well-made propaganda for the global warming cause rather than well-made climate science. Nowhere does Mr Gore tell his audience that all of the phenomena that he describes fall within the natural range of environmental change on our planet. Nor does he present any evidence that climate during the 20th century departed discernibly from its historical pattern of constant change. This is not surprising, for no such evidence yet exists."
"For example, professional sociologists at the London-based Institute for Policy Research urge that 'the task of climate change agencies is not to persuade by rational argument. ... Instead, we need to work in a more shrewd and contemporary way, using subtle techniques of engagement. ... The 'facts' need to be treated as being so taken-for-granted that they need not be spoken'."
"And the same authors then calmly advise: 'Ultimately, positive climate behaviours need to be approached in the same way as marketeers approach acts of buying and consuming. ... It amounts to treating climate-friendly activity as a brand that can be sold. This is, we believe, the route to mass behaviour change'."
Global Warming - CNN vs Senator Inhofe
Senator Inhofe & CNN Anchor in heated exchange over global warming coverage...
I found this on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works website:
"Bob Carter, a Paleoclimate geologist from James Cook University in Australia has described how the media promotes climate fear:
“Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as ‘if’, ‘might’, ‘could’, ‘probably’, ‘perhaps’, ‘expected’, ‘projected’ or ‘modeled’ - and many involve such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific facts and principles, that they are akin to nonsense,” professor Carter concluded in an op-ed in April of this year."
Peace Movements - by Thomas Sowell
This IS about the Middle East; however, these paragraphs caught my eye...
At, Thomas Sowell discusses peace movements and some history:
"One of the many failings of our educational system is that it sends out into the world people who cannot tell rhetoric from reality. They have learned no systematic way to analyze ideas, derive their implications and test those implications against hard facts."
"The most catastrophic result of "peace" movements was World War II. While Hitler was arming Germany to the teeth, "peace" movements in Britain were advocating that their own country disarm "as an example to others."
"British Labor Party Members of Parliament voted consistently against military spending and British college students publicly pledged never to fight for their country. If "peace" movements brought peace, there would never have been World War II."
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Immigration - About border fences
The success of border fences is discussed here...
At United Press International, Martin Sieff discusses border fence history:
"In the long term, the success of the border fence will be determined by grand strategic developments on both sides of the Rio Grande. Continued stability and improved economic growth in Mexico will be the most important factor in cutting back illegal immigration pressures. And on the northern side, even if the current Bush administration and its deeply divided Republican Party will not crack down on the almost universal employment of illegal immigrants, state governments and future administrations may."
"Either way, the current legislation does not appear to be designed to solve current problems so much as to alleviate them. It appears to be a measure designed to buy time. But time is often the most precious commodity any political measure can buy."
Politicians - Congressional
"This website's name says it all...
On the opening page of Congressional Bad Boys is this quote:
"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress" -- Mark Twain, 1894 "
Illegal Immigration - Tied in to Crocodiles
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last!"
Winston Churchill...
Winston Churchill...
On her own blog, Carol posts:
"American is becoming the world’s biggest appeaser. Heaven forbid that we do or say anything that might possibly make anyone feel uncomfortable or offended. In our striving to make everyone happy, we aren’t making anyone happy - even ourselves."
"It makes me sad - and scared - to see and hear people claiming that anyone who believes that people should follow estabished laws for entering our country are racist, bigoted, and anti-immigration. Placing negative labels on people is the best way to get attention away from the real issues. No one wants to be considered racist and bigoted and against the very thing upon which our country was built. "
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Politicians - What you don't want to know!
This report probably explains many, many things.
And I'd like to see the same report on their relatives...
And I'd like to see the same report on their relatives...
At OpenSecrets.Org are the 2005 financial disclosures of our congressional decision makers; and this foggy caveat:
"It is difficult to gauge what a lawmaker is worth based on what they file, however, because the disclosure forms do not require exact values. Instead, the lawmaker reports the range of value into which an asset, for example, falls. As the values increase, the ranges get broader. To calculate net worth, shown here, CRP added together the lawmaker's range of assets and then subtracted their range of liabilities. Valuation of very large assets is limited by the top range being "over $50 million." When further research definitively revealed a more accurate figure, it was used in place of the range."
Politicians - Honest to a Fault?
Double standard, or how about my crook is better than your crook?...
From an editorial in Investor's Business Daily:
"There's a big difference in how the parties handle misconduct within their ranks: Republicans accept blame and oust wrongdoers; Democrats wait until the public forgets, then call the culprit a hero."
The Media - Not quite telling the whole story
Death statistics are ugly, no matter who or what is the cause; however, before making the easy judgement, all sides of the story need to be heard...
At the National Review Online, Mark Goldblatt discusses lives saved vs lives lost, and the reporting in detail:
"According to U.N. studies using similar methodologies to those utilized by JHBSPH, roughly 150,000 civilians, more than half of them children, were dying every year as a direct result of U.N. sanctions. Since the sanctions ended in May 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, that means that in the 3.5 years since then, roughly 525,000 lives were spared. If we compare that number with the JHBSPH’s estimate of 600,000 lives lost as a result of the conflict, we’re led to conclude that George W. Bush’s decision to oust Saddam has cost roughly 75,000 Iraqi civilian lives. But the JHBSPH researchers acknowledge a huge margin for error; their low end estimate is 426,369. That means Bush’s decision to invade may actually have saved almost 100,000 lives."
The Media - Not being honest about the Good Economy
Really!. Who would have guessed?...
Randy Hall discusses a report by The Business and Media Institute:
"But the truth of the economy is far different. The United States continues to enjoy solid job growth," the BMI director noted. "In the last year, 1.7 million new jobs were added, and nearly 6 million have been created since August 2003 -- a streak of more than three years of positive growth."
So, how are things?
Some things to think about...
From and article by Quin Hillyer in the American Spectator:
"Fellow Americans, forget the over-hyped newscasts. Take a second look around your hometown. Life may be better than you realize."
"Of those in the job market, more than 95 percent of you are working."
"If you have a pension or investment plan, you're doing well: The stock market is at an all-time high."
"If you're a homeowner, you're in good shape: Home values are strong and steady."
"Wages have been rising for months. But gas prices are falling rapidly, helping out your family budgets."
"In most places in America, crime is down a lot in the past five years. And our homeland hasn't suffered new terrorist assaults since 9/11."
"Under Republican leadership, American life is pretty good. And why shouldn't it be: We Americans are good and hearty and sensible people."
Politicians - Jim Webb of Virginia
How in the world do we really know who to believe?...
In the Washington Times, Milton R. Copulos writes:
"There's a lot to admire about Jim Webb. He's a bonafide war hero who parlayed his wartime experiences into a successful career as a novelist and movie producer that made him millions. He even managed to wrangle a load of Republican political appointments to enhance his stature."
"On paper he looks good. Among the accomplishments his campaign bio trumpets was that: "In 1982 he first proposed, then led the fight for, including an African American soldier in the memorial statue that now graces the Vietnam Veterans memorial on the National Mall."
"Impressive, if true, but it isn't. I know, because I was there."
Politicians - Barack Obama has sponsored these bills
And he's "considering" running for President...
I found this post by PghBaldy. He does offer a reference to The Library of Congress:
"Bills Sponsored by Barack Obama
Thomas (Lib of Congress) ^ | October 23 | Me
Posted on 10/23/2006 1:23:18 PM EDT by PghBaldy
1. S.CON.RES.42 : A concurrent resolution recognizing the historical significance of the Juneteenth Independence Day, and expressing the sense of Congress that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future.
2. S.CON.RES.53 : A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that any effort to impose photo identification requirements for voting should be rejected.
3. S.RES.291 : A resolution to congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
4. S.RES.516 : A resolution recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future.
5. S.RES.529 : A resolution designating July 13, 2006, as 'National Summer Learning Day'."
Monday, October 23, 2006
Our Government vs Our Safety
This is about the U.S. Senate and the handling of terrorist interrogations.
It has some scary parts...
It has some scary parts...
In the Jewish World Review, Jack Kelly ends his article with this:
"Adnan El Shukrijumah was last seen in Mexico in November, 2004, where he allegedly stole a crop duster near Mexicali. He's plotting to kill as many of us as he can. If he succeeds, give much of the credit to those in the Senate who want to cripple our ability to listen in on terrorist communications; to track terror financing, and to interrogate terror suspects."
Ted Kennedy - and the KGB?
So, what do you think? Could this be true?...
At, Kevin Mooney discusses a part of Paul Kengor's book:
"In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts. The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union's Communist Party."
The Media - "Somebody's Got It Wrong About What General Jones Said"
Here are two diametrically opposed stories about the same item.
Kind of makes me wonder about those million or so other stories...
Kind of makes me wonder about those million or so other stories...
At, Mark Finkelstein writes:
"In State of Denial, Bob Woodward claims Marine Gen. James L. Jones, the U.S. commander for Europe, said that the Iraq war is a "debacle" and that "the Joint Chiefs have been systematically emasculated by Rumsfeld."
"Two reporters from two publications followed up on the story. They couldn't have reached more diametrically opposed conclusions as to whether Woodward quoted Jones accurately. How's this for dueling headlines?:
U.S. European Commander Confirms Quotes in Book
NATO Chief Denies Quotes in Woodward Book
"When it comes to contradictions, it doesn't get more stark and point-blank than that. The first headline, claiming Jones did indeed making the critical comments, is from a Washington Post article written by Thomas Ricks. The second headline is from a US News & World Report story by Linda Robinson."
The Media - BBC admits: We are biased on religion and politics
I'm not surprised. Are you?.
Maybe they're the exception, not the rule.
(And I have a bridge to sell you, too.)...
Maybe they're the exception, not the rule.
(And I have a bridge to sell you, too.)...
At YnetNews, Hagit Klaiman reports:
"An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment."
"Most executives admitted that the corporation’s representation of homosexuals and ethnic minorities was unbalanced and disproportionate, and that it leaned too strongly towards political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism, anti-Americanism and discrimination against the countryside."
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Media - Stage-Managed Muslim Anti-Pope Hatred
Apparently, it's OK to "create" issues to "get" stories.
Here's an interesting article on the recent furor over the pope's words...
Here's an interesting article on the recent furor over the pope's words...
After doing some investigating, Hilary White concludes:
"BBC, NY Times and Guardian Appear to Have Stage-Managed Muslim Anti-Pope Hatred"
The Media - "CBS Motivates Terrorists"
Well, here's one non-fan of Katie Couric...
Grant Holcomb writes an open letter:
He begins...
"As a combat veteran I was devastated to hear such an intentional misrepresentation of the Iraq war. Because of what I heard, I was ashamed to be an American for the first time in my life."
"What I heard so closely mirrored the statements and sentiments of the world's leading terrorists, I felt that they had entered my very home and everything my fellow Marines have fought for was lost. I felt that the enemy was winning, even though I know for a fact that it is impossible for our enemies to beat us militarily."
"Free speech is a privilege we must protect at all cost. However, what was presented this evening was not free speech."
The Media - Michelle Malkin vs the AP
Michelle Malkin tenaciously follows the media's biased reporting...
Michelle Malkin has been following the AP's complaint about the incarceration of one of their "photographers". She shares some of the interactions:
"Wednesday night, I received a call from my column syndicate, Creators Syndicate. The Associated Press had phoned my editor to inform her that it would be sending a response to my column about detained AP photographer Bilal Hussein. (Funny how quickly they respond now. Where have they been the past five months? Oh, right: Busy covering up the news about Hussein's April 12 capture by the military at a Ramadi apartment with an alleged al Qaeda leader and a weapons cache.) The AP asked my editor to supply its corporate communications office with my newspaper client list so it could disseminate its response."
"Well, I am happy to help out the AP by sending it out as a bonus column to all my syndicate clients (I've also posted the statement on my blog). The AP's non-response response is a very instructive, valuable and revealing document that I'd like all of you to see. It is as damning for what it says as for what it doesn't say. As you'll see, AP's statement abandons any attempt to address the key issues bloggers and my column have raised -- its questionable journalistic judgment in suppressing news of Hussein's detention for five months, its compromised neutrality, and its dangerous dependence on dubious local stringers embedded with the Iraqi insurgency (see here; here; here; and here). Instead, AP has written a little policy brief that calls into question the news organization's ability to be fair and impartial in its reporting on the capture, detention and interrogation of security detainees in Iraq and other fronts in the war on terror:"
The Media - Steve Emerson criticizes CNN
Another example of what seems to be a recurring theme...
Steven Emerson writes in the New York Post:
"Last week's CNN report was one of the most dishonest pieces of reporting I have ever observed in my entire 27-year career. In attacking King, CNN reporter Jason Carroll claimed the congressman had said the members of the Long Island mosque were 'part of an Islamic threat that could cause another 9/11.'"
"King has said no such thing; the red herring simply distracts from the real issue - the center's history of employing extremists and defending terrorists."
The Media - Indict the New York Times?
There seem to be many valid points in this article...
Writing in Front Page Magazine, Henry Mark Holzer makes a case for indicting the New York Times:
"It is an article of faith on the Left and among its fellow travelers that the Bush administration stole two elections, made war on Iraq for venal reasons, tortured hapless foreigners, and conducted illegal surveillance of innocent Americans. A corollary of this mindset is that the press, primarily the Washington Post and The New York Times, has a right, indeed a duty, to print whatever they want about the administration—even if the information compromises national security."
"Not true. The press is not exempt from laws that apply to everyone else. The press is not exempt from laws protecting our national security. The New York Times is not exempt from the Espionage Act, as we shall see in a moment."
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Politicians - John Murtha
It's "funny" (not) how the relatives of politicians seem to be in the right businesses for government money (wink)...
It's reported in Hazleton, by L. A. Tarone at
"Times story ties Kanjorski to ‘political trading post’."
"In the story, Kanjorski is quoted as saying he got Murtha’s help on “eight to 10 projects.” One of them was a $9.5 million research grant for Cornerstone, a firm that was doing research on waterjet technology.
At the time, that grant was controversial locally because Kanjorski’s nephews ran the firm."
Unemployment is Low
And this data makes the job market much better than is being reported...
It's reported here at
"The report also showed job growth during the 12 months ended in March may have been about 45 percent higher than previously reported. In a preliminary estimate, the Labor Department said payrolls for the 12 months ended in March 2006 will be revised higher by 810,000, the biggest revision since the Labor Department started benchmarking numbers in 1991."
"Currently, figures show 1.8 million jobs were added during that time. The final estimate will be issued in February."
And here in the... Washington Post:
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Immigration - US to build 1,800 towers to guard borders
Just in case your favorite media outlet didn't publicize this...
The U.K. Daily Telegraph reported:
"The towers will form the centrepiece of a network to be constructed by the aerospace company Boeing along the 5,000 miles of border with Mexico and Canada."
"Each watchtower will be equipped with an array of equipment, including cameras, which can zoom in on suspicious movements then transmit live video to border agents with handheld computers."
Global Warming - Senator Inhofe speaks
Senator Inhofe seems to have some opinions on how global warming is being covered by our media...
Senator Inhofe writes:
"This past Monday, I took to this floor for the eighth time to discuss global warming. My speech focused on the myths surrounding global warming and how our national news media has embarrassed itself with a 100-year documented legacy of coverage on what turned out to be trendy climate science theories."More...
"Over the last century, the media has flip-flopped between global cooling and warming scares. At the turn of the 20th century, the media peddled an upcoming ice age -- and they said the world was coming to an end. Then in the 1930s, the alarm was raised about disaster from global warming -- and they said the world was coming to an end. Then in the 70’s, an alarm for another ice age was raised -- and they said the world was coming to an end. And now, today we are back to fears of catastrophic global warming -- and again they are saying the world is coming to an end."
"Today I would like to share the fascinating events that have unfolded since my floor speech on Monday."
The Senator's original speech can be found here.
Media - Should we believe the Assocated Press?
This column is titled "Does AP stand for Al-Qaeda Propaganda?"...
Jules Crittenden, Boston Herald City Editor, criticizes the Associated Press:
"The Associated Press, the reliable just-the-facts news agency you and I once knew, no longer exists. Amoral propagandists have taken over."