Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So, how are things?
Some things to think about...
From and article by Quin Hillyer in the American Spectator:
"Fellow Americans, forget the over-hyped newscasts. Take a second look around your hometown. Life may be better than you realize."
"Of those in the job market, more than 95 percent of you are working."
"If you have a pension or investment plan, you're doing well: The stock market is at an all-time high."
"If you're a homeowner, you're in good shape: Home values are strong and steady."
"Wages have been rising for months. But gas prices are falling rapidly, helping out your family budgets."
"In most places in America, crime is down a lot in the past five years. And our homeland hasn't suffered new terrorist assaults since 9/11."
"Under Republican leadership, American life is pretty good. And why shouldn't it be: We Americans are good and hearty and sensible people."