Friday, October 19, 2018
Analysis: Elizabeth Warren's Latest 'Native American' Defense is a Cringe-worthy Embarrassment
If so, you can be sure her opponent(s) will make of big deal of her questionable heritage claims...
At, Guy Benson has a lot of historical in-depth commentary:
"Warren can trot out as many supportive colleagues from her various law schools as she likes (misleadingly, a number of those featured in the video were from universities where she taught before she decided to classify herself as a minority), but this simple fact pattern remains: Several Ivy League schools were beset with faculty diversity crises in the 1980's and 1990's. Warren started checking the minority box just prior to getting hired into the Ivy League, then ceased checking the box just after she got tenure at Harvard, nine years later. Her explanation for this timeline is patently absurd. And the publication in which she self-identified as a minority was known to be a "tip sheet" for administrators looking to hire minority professors. It very much looks like her little gambit worked."