Saturday, September 08, 2018
We Must Call Them Regressives, Not Progressives
I have long observed how "things" get named is very important.
Advertisers and marketeers have spent countless sums determining the most effective labeling for what they are selling.
Politicians are no different...
Here, at, Joy Overbeck asks to call some things more correctly:
"How stunning that many brilliant conservatives are still calling totalitarian leftists “progressives.” Their dusty, decrepit, freedom-crushing ideas have failed for over 100 years and caused somewhere between 100 million and 120 million deaths – of their own people. This is progress? It’s time the pundits of the right stop going meekly along with the rebranding of the deadly Marxist ideology that even today has starving Venezuelans fighting in the street for bread and toilet paper.
Today’s lofty-sounding 'progressivism,' socialism and 'social justice' has a predictable way of morphing into the repressive, liberty-killing tyranny of enforced groupthink we are seeing in America today and ultimately into a society destroyed."