Saturday, September 01, 2018
K-12: An Insidious Inside Job
The author is Bruce Deitrick Price. The article is posted at
"Rogers does not see accident or fad. She sees active betrayal. Education in the U.S. is a multi-billion-dollar industry. Just as stockbrokers can churn an account to create money out of nothing, our Education Establishment seems to specialize in doing everything two or three times. First, do it badly. The following year, do it a different way. The year after that, move the struggling students to remediation, more assessments, and different kinds of drugs. If a subject is taught correctly the first time, you would not generate such vast waste, or profit, depending on where the money ends up.
Clearly, teaching subjects incorrectly and expensively year after year requires a lot of stealth and betrayal. The society becomes dumber; those responsible become richer. Everything that has happened in K-12 is wonderfully captured in the single word 'insidious,' which comes from Latin insidere (to lie in wait for).
Here are some common definitions of 'insidious': intended to entrap or beguile – e.g., an insidious plan; stealthily treacherous or deceitful – e.g., an insidious enemy; operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect – e.g., an insidious disease."