Monday, July 30, 2018
The Zombie Media
In this American Thinker post, E. M. Cadwaladr takes some healthy shots at the media. Here's one:
"The playbook of the leftist media isn't a particularly thick volume, but it's all they know.
In the absence of any success, except among the bitter brainwashed progeny of what passes for universities, they have little choice but to carry out the instruction on their playbook's last page: when all else fails – repeat, repeat, repeat! While it is true that repetition has a certain power to convince, it does have limits.
You can sway a few weak minds by publicizing and politicizing every single cop-shoots-black-man incident in the country, but the Trump-is-Putin's-puppet narrative gets a little old when the best you can come up with are campaign people speaking to miscellaneous Russians about nothing much. Sooner or later, 'unnamed sources' need to be named. At this stage, substituting 'unnamed government officials' doesn't really help. They might as well say 'unnamed Hillary Clinton supporters.' Or, just as likely 'the reporter sitting next to me.' Sooner or later, even inattentive people notice the sickening smell of the elitist media's contempt for anyone not of their class, for the franchise, and for the truth."