Monday, May 21, 2018
The Deep State Is Real, And Much Bigger Than You Know
It will take a lot of resolve and resources to overcome what has been going on.
I would like to think that massive effort is now underway...
At, Derek Hunter knows about and reports on the "Deep State" and it's activities:
"The infrastructure they used to spy on the Trump campaign was something inherently governmental, simply planting a mole in the campaign couldn’t tap phones or access emails. But the ability to cover up that fact requires a level of media complicity that takes time to create.
Getting the desired message out is only part of the battle, it has to be believed by a significant percentage of the public for it to really matter. Conditioning the public to be receptive to that message, without questioning how it came about or why they should care required subtle indoctrination over a lifetime.
As it stands, liberals have that infrastructure in place, they had that support system ready to go. And, not to get all Scooby-Doo on you, they would’ve gotten away with it were it not for the existence of conservative media."